SHF High-school Fanfic

Sep 8, 2022
Bose-Einstein condensate
Tell me about it.
The Higgs boson
In Soviet Russia, you don't feed the Ducks bread, the bread feeds you to the Ducks!
Soviet Magical Ducks are one of the few things that scare our bears. It's their natural Predator, if you want to give them a description.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
*contains blood and gore as well as (red section only) extremely degrading comments
**if you are Nahrenne, you can read the first 2 paragraphs. They are safe.

At your command mother I have written a wall of text for my 20k submission.

Danny, my beloved Daikat and daikon, but not the All Mother, you are the cutest daikat in existence. Your green hair is delectable to munch on, with a refreshing, cool taste. In addition, your ears and tail are so very fluffy. Your ears in particular, are very attractive. Their green color reminiscent of a forest glade bring harmony to all who gaze upon them. The way they twitch with your happiness is most adorable, betraying your emotions along with your face and tail. Their feeling, that which takes one to another world, simply by touching them. Oh how wondrous their fluff is! It relaxes me to no end and brings me great joy to touch. Upon rubbing them, the way you melt is oh so adorable, watching your face turn to pure bliss. That fuzz rubs against my hands and brings unto me equal joy. And biting them is quite enjoyable as well—watching your reactions is the absolute cutest~ They taste just as great as your hair~ And then there’s the tail~ The way it swishes back and forth is extraordinarily cute. In addition, it‘s very fuzzy and is very fun to grab and rub~ Biting the tail is also a good way to deliver punishment~

And that’s just the hair~ Your face is also the cutest~ Your green eyes are like leaves from the most ancient sequoias, enchanting and magical like the Aurora Borealis. They captivate all who look at them, myself included. The slight blush the forms on your cheeks when I call you delicious, or the much more prominent ones when I tease you are also adorable~ Whether I bite your ears, lick your cheeks, kiss your forehead, or anything else, the blush you have only makes you cuter~ Your nose is very boopable, your cheeks very kissable, and your forehead very pokable. Your face is perfect in every way~

Your skin is soft and silky~ It is quite pleasurable to touch~ The feeling of my hand running along your arms, back, or face relaxes me. The silky texture of your skin is immaculate and a testament to your effort to take care of it. When hugging you, it makes gives me a feeling of safety. It lulls me to sleep when I rest. When you stroke my hair, it contributes greatly to the enjoyment. When I bite through it to draw your blood, it breaks easily, and always heals perfectly. And your blood, it is delicious~ No blood in this world can compare. It makes me want to suck you dry. But, I never will, because a daikon raisin would bad~

Then, there’s your organs~ It’s extremely fun to cut you open and rip them out~ Your heart in particular, it always tastes the best~ How it writhes in my hands, how it beats excitedly, and how blood springs forth from it~ The way Scarlet Apple glides through your body brings a sense of extreme euphoria, your screams only adding to the effect~ Your body puts up no resistance, allowing me to to as I please. You watch me, excited for every move~ I can tie you, gag you, and bend you to my every whim. You enjoy all of it, with your cute reactions only fueling me further. You are mine, and mine alone. You belong to me, and you know it, and enjoy it~

In addition, no matter how many times I kill you, you always come back~ I can tear you to pieces, slice you to bits, rip out your entrails and eat them, or bring your existence to the brink of extinction, yet you always return. You enjoy every time I brutally murder you, though I spoil you plenty. I’ll draw out your death, simply for enjoyment—both mine and yours. You writhe and scream and beg for mercy, and gain none. Not that you would have wanted any. You’re a perfect plaything, my perfect partner that no-one can replace.

*Azure’s hair catches fire, turning it black*
*her hair still blazes as her skin begins to crack, revealing molten orange lines beneath the skin*
*her eyes lose all life as they fade to an all consuming black*
*the same black fills her mouth; simply gazing upon it strikes fear into your very core*
*twin scarlet horns pierce out of her skull*
*her usual black dress burns away revealing heavy, black plated armor, trimmed in blood*
*Scarlet Apple’s usual appearance of a sleek, red dagger changes too*
*It’s red blade becomes vermillion, elongating, and becoming jagged*
*it stabs easily, but removing it requires ripping out massive chunks of flesh*

Danny. I, Scarlet Kasai, give you one offer—One you can’t refuse. No reason to choose otherwise—and, no other choice.
*stabs with Vermillion Apple*
*lifts you into the air, causing Vermillion Apple to stab further in you*
You will stay by my side for all eternity. You are mine. I own you, daikon. Bow before your glorious master. You, among all the insignificant ants in this world, are ever so slightly special to Azure. As a result, you alone may survive the purge of the multiverse.
*your blood begins to drip down the blade*
Your life holds no meaning to me. Your mere existence will only be allowed to exist as a way to keep Azure in check. Dance, for me, daikon. It is your only reason to exist. If you fail, I will discard you like the unnecessary piece of trash you are.
*slashes with Vermillion Apple*
*you get split in half and thrown off the blade*
*10^27 multiverses cease existing as collateral damage*
Remember, daikon. The day you see me again, it will only be for one reason—You. Fucked. Up.

*transformation fades away*
*Azure collapses, unconscious*
This is one of the better romantic story I've seen in my life time, well done. Peak non-fiction


Garlick slayer || Bread lover || Master Roller
Dec 29, 2023
@MatchaChocolate69 I am going to sleep with @SsemouyOnan