SHF High-school Fanfic


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Also I must share this smol Heroine Ssemouy that I got while generating stuff for the family photo :blob_evil:



More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
I chose the wrong word, it's not holidays, but more... Well, I'll give you an example. My grandfather's 70 birthday.

There were at least a 100 people attending, and that was a half of my family.

In the Caucasus, such holidays can gather up to a thousand people. I'm just happy I'm not there.
Basically my family gatherings during my childhood. Nowadays we kind of cut ties and don't interact with the other much, but I still go to reunions and weddings on my dad's side(not as large, like 50 people at best). Never really liked them anyways, I have to talk to a bunch of people I don't know and pretend I'm close with them because we're related >_> (The best part was coming home with like 5 envelopes with money in it)


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Oh right~ She’s afraid of the other one~
Yet again I feel urge to compile Danny/Mother profile :sweating_profusely:
*cuddle cuddle* :blob_reach: :blob_melt:
I~ Re~fuse~
Nyo~ You don't get to refuse~ :blob_evil:
*kisses nose*
nya~ cute :blob_evil:
That doesn’t fix the problem?

Problem fixed :blob_pout: Stop biting nails nya! Danny will be angy otherwise :blob_pout:
*bites Danny*
Still fun though~
ehehehe~ :blob_melt:


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Wine materializes before him, accompanied by silver goblets.
The silver is so reflective he can see his pitiful image in it.

On the brink of despair, ready to cry, yet he wouldn't allow himself such vulnerability in her presence.
It's not pride or arrogance, but rather the very purpose of his existence: to be strong for her.

Gathering his resolve, he carefully pours the wine into both goblets.
He offers one to the splendid woman with pink hair and mesmerizing eyes, into which he feels himself sinking.

Ah, Seymour, my enigmatic muse, the woman of destiny, the woman of impossible challenges, the villainess tyrannizing over my chocolate heart, your words cut deep, break my heart, but fuel my resolve. Your statement, a challenge laid bare, not to improve the taste of cranberry, but to elevate my craft beyond mere flavors. To interweave experience with essence, to create memories, not just sweets.

Indeed, you've declared no taste surpasses that of the cranberry, its purity marred by the touch of my chocolate.
An impossible challenge, some might say, to satisfy such a discerning palate.
Yet, here I stand, not in despair but with laughter.
For I am Lord Matcha, the eternal rebel, defying what fate seems to have written.

Your acceptance of my tribute, though devoid of gratitude, is a reward in itself. A token of our intertwined destinies, I am sure.
Your truth, that chocolate will never reign supreme in your heart, does not dishearten me.
Instead, it ignites a fervor to explore, to blend experience with flavor.
I will fail, fail, fail, and fail again. But I won't give up. Because for you, any sacrifice is worth it.

Your affinity for cranberry, a preference veiled in the mists of eternity, speaks to a connection deeper than taste. It's the experiences, the moments that bind us, that render a flavor truly delectable. And so, as you savor the cover of this chocolate book, tracing your tongue with a critique laced in affection, I see not a dismissal but an invitation.

An invitation to delve deeper, to merge the sensory with the sentimental. You speak of devouring with both mind and body, a symbiosis of experience and taste. Thus, I realize, my quest is not to surpass cranberry but to create an experience so profound, so intertwined with our bond, that it becomes unparalleled.

And as you grant me the privilege to pour wine, to share in this moment of calmness and chocolate, I understand. This is not about the superiority of flavors, but about crafting moments that transcend them. Moments that are, in essence, irreplaceable.

So, I shall sit close, embracing your challenge, not as a directive to conquer but as an opportunity to deepen our connection.
For what is a flavor, if not a vessel for experience? And what is an experience, if not shared with one's eternal muse?

While you say you would rather devour me, I see the truth in your eyes.
It's not the cranberry you crave, nor the chocolate, but the unspoken bond between us.
And that, my beloved Seymour, is a flavor I am determined to perfect.

He raises his silver globet, making a toast.

To you, my one true love, tyrant of my heart, she who will break the chains of fate and in my servitude set me free!
Tututut~ let me tell you, to me, they are one and the same. Now, be silent, and surrender yourself to me completely. This night I shall enjoy by myself, there needn't be an audience nor a tune to dance along to but mine.


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
*cuddle cuddle* :blob_reach: :blob_melt:
*teleports away*
Im sick with Eldritch flu~ You should keep some distance~
Nyo~ You don't get to refuse~ :blob_evil:
*kisses nose*
nya~ cute :blob_evil:
I-I’m not…

Problem fixed :blob_pout: Stop biting nails nya! Danny will be angy otherwise :blob_pout:
But teeth are so much more efficient~ Besides, angy Danny is kinda cute~
Yep. Talking about you! :blob_uwu:
I’m not!!!
It's not a Vegetable, but the Root Mother blessed us anyway.
*Pulls out cilantro*

Oh? So that’s how you’re playing?
*stabs cilantro*
*stabs you*
*destroys the current multiverse*
Sep 8, 2022
I’m not!!!
Sadly for you, you are. Danny can agree with me.

Oh? So that’s how you’re playing?
*stabs cilantro*
*stabs you*
*destroys the current multiverse*
*dodges twice*
*eats the remains of the destroyed multiverse*
*pulls out more cilantro*
NOW STOP BITING YOUR NAILS! I didn't approve my daughter's symbiosis with a nail-biter!