SHF High-school Fanfic


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
...Guys, I think Shizuki is turning into an SCP :blob_blank:
Wdym I turning into an SCP??? I have a work contract with them.
She'll be fineeee ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ A little SCP activity never killed anyone ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
And I have clones
Can't you steal someone to be your lab rat? Why are you doing this to yourself?
I will not using someone for my research, and also it's a clones so it's replenishable
She wouldn't be a hero without a bit of selflessness and mild, unregulated expirements upon oneself.

Remember, there's only one difference between a good mad scientist and a bad mad scientist. A bad mad scientist turns others into unspeakable horrors, a good scientist turns themself into an unspeakable horror :blob_uwu: (and others too after making sure it works)
But I'm not a mad scientist...
:blob_neutral: :blob_neutral: :blob_neutral:
Shizuki should really think about turning to the dark side.
Nope, thought about it a bit but still no.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
Sep 8, 2022
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I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
I still have lot left, also so it that yours doing! Termo Nuclear Strike!
:blob_neutral: Well... shit....
Nope still normal height, and for reminder my normal height is 155cm.
Ehehehe... Smol :blob_evil:
I had more resources to make it again~
So no Thermonuclear Strike? :blob_hide:

*Jealous about frogs Daikon noises*


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
You eat to much, so you get it. It will arrived in 3 second.
I shall die in bliss while enjoying the pictures mama sent :blobreading:

*cue Tech Noir by Gunship*

I'm recording this, because this could be the last thing I'll ever say
The city I once knew as home is teetering on the edge of radioactive oblivion
A three-hundred thousand degree baptism by nuclear fire
I'm not sorry, we had it coming
A surge of white-hot atonement will be our wake-up call
Hope for our future is now a stillborn dream
The bombs begin to fall and I'm rushing to meet my love
Please, remember me
There is no more


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Are you sure you want to quote GRRM of all people? You might be waiting for the chapter in a retirement home :sweating_profusely:
Well, I guess you weren't joking when you said we would watch the stars go out together. We have all the time in the universe.
With how the Heroine works, it would probably add up no matter what happens. Heck, she can be the reason why Watcha is trapped in the Cursed Timeline
Isn't it wonderful to be married to a living deus ex machina plot device? It's every writer's dream.
Funny enough... There's actually one author on ScribbleHub who quite literally made an instruction manual for one of the organizations in his story. Yes, it's Syringe.
I haven't read their stories, but from their posts, I've noticed that they are extremely detailed in their worldbuilding. Almost to the point of being obsessive. In a way, I admire them.
Worry not, we can add her to the abduction evacuation list :blob_evil:

감사합니다 🙇‍♂️
Sure, I don't mind. I know some spoiler free guides too if you need clarification on game mechanics. My knowledge is all endgame since I'm a day 1 player. The endgame knowledge in question is: When in doubt, use a Charge team and press win rate.

I can't be relied on for low budget strategies :blob_happy:
An idiot-proof guide to the combat system would actually be appreciated. I'm afraid I don't have enough intelligence to fully grasp it. Or rather, I've more or less understood how it works, but it seems excessively complex in its fundamental simplicity.

Let's just say that for now, also because the difficulty level is still easy, I use the strategy that seems to work best: press win rate. :blobrofl:
Except for the bosses, who require more thought due to their events.
Oof, Limbus can be grindy if you have FOMO. Especially since pity is not very generous, so you're encouraged to grind for IDs instead. I actually loathe the gacha even if the rates for 000s are good.

It's perfectly playable even without grinding though, a lot of streamers only log in for story content and can still clear it. Just don't expect to beat Mirror Dungeon Ritornello and Railway anytime soon.

But if you ever want to use an ID, just ask me. I have every single one leveled and uptied to at least 3.
I'll take it slow, enjoying the story and learning to make the most of the resources I have available as a free-to-play. This is the strategy I use for gacha games that deserve it.
I'm not in a hurry to reach the end-game.
I'm glad to hear that it can be played without necessarily paying or excessive grinding. That's a plus.
Maybe if I'm satisfied, I'll invest a reasonable amount of money to support the developers.
Don's voice actress is the embodiment of energy... I have Middle Don and she just screams IIIIIICEEEEEEE CREEAAAAAAM at me whenever I enter the game.
Adorable :blob_melt:
You just have to merge them. Pretty sure it's just a matter of entering the UID of other account on the one you want to keep. I did it myself, though that was way back on release so I'm not sure if they changed it.
Yes, I'll give it a try. But I need to figure out which account to keep.
Uhh I don't know how to tell you this, but He's one of the weakest 000 IDs even on launch. He competes with base Sinclair for DPS, that's how bad it is. On-release Poise IDs are notorius for needing support to function. His only strong point is his S3, which is 1/3 of his skills... And you don't even have access to it until Uptie III.
:blobrofl: Hahaha! Gacha games and I don't get along. I'm definitely luckier in love than in gaming, and honestly, I'm fine with that. Jokes aside, I'm not disappointed that it's the weakest 000. I didn't have high expectations to begin with. Anyway, being him so weak could be a reason to sacrifice the account.
Butler Faust! I'm slightly disappointed she didn't get the actual maid outfit. But it's a fair exchange for having Ishmael wear it instead.
I think the butler outfit suits her well, and I like how she kicks enemies. :blob_melt:
Which EGO? And a lot of 00 identities are actually pretty strong, don't underestimate them. Well, her most important EGO is BP exclusive anyways...
EGO Ishmael Ardor Blossom Star

Ishmael 00 Shi Assoc. South Section 5
Meursault 00 The Middle Little Brother
Hong Lu 00 Hook Office Fixer
Sinclair 00 Zwei Assoc. South Section 6
Gregor 00 Liu Assoc. South Section 6

BTW I'm starting to appreciate Gregor as a character. I think I'm doing his story in the dungeon, and he has some cool lines. I like characters who smoke.

This is an injustice! Having me on your friends list should bless your pulls with Don! Or maybe I took them all away...
Yeah, you took all of them! Greedy Ssemouy!
I accepted it even before you sent this, immediately knew it was you lol
Wow, how did you know? Maybe because of the cringe ID I set as my main background, the one of the weakest Sinclair of all?
Yes, I'm already on track considering Ran just Dark Souls'd me. :blob_evil:(nevermind that she did it to you too)
I hadn't noticed that the chapter was out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. A fun chapter, I didn't expect that from Ran. I'll comment on it later.

Can you compile all her logs so I can read them in one sitting? Thanks :blob_uwu:
I'll ask @WatchaKhoko to do it later; he's an expert at this.🕵️‍♂️
Better than me who only slept 1 hour and 30... I just consumed 500 mL of coffee so I can function like a basic human being.

The end is in sight though... I just need to survive until Wednesday and I'm relatively free again :blob_blank:
*prepares much more coffee for Ssemouy* :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

Have you already reached the state of lucid madness? If it weren't for the fact that your whole body screams in pain and every movement requires enormous effort, it would be a very cathartic moment.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
yay! I'm proud of you Matcha-kun! :blob_reach: Intense workout shouldn't happen too often, so it's better to have some time to recover :blob_uwu: Ane-san is very proud of you :blob_uwu: ❤️ :blob_uwu:

Ane-san is proud of me! 🤩 My day just got a lot better! :blob_uwu:
*Hug storm*

I should workout too, but unfortunately my gf passed a cold on me, so now I'm dying too much to work out :blob_no:
That's not good. :blob_pat_sad:This unpredictable weather doesn't help; temperature changes can be devastating. Bundle up and take plenty of vitamin C!

*prepares a warm tea*

Here, Ane-san! 🍵

It was great humu humu :blob_uwu: Did you reach Xianzhou yet? The bossfight there is really good too, actually all of the bossfights are so good in this game :blob_aww:
Not yet, I'm farming resources and trying to clear all the side quests, but the more I complete, the more appear. I hate having notifications; I have to clean up my quest log.


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Ane-san is proud of me! 🤩 My day just got a lot better! :blob_uwu:
*Hug storm*
Wooooahh :blob_aww: so many hugs! :blob_melt: ehehe~ Ara~ Ara~ Matcha-kun of course Ane-san is proud of such an amazing brother :blob_uwu:
That's not good. :blob_pat_sad:This unpredictable weather doesn't help; temperature changes can be devastating. Bundle up and take plenty of vitamin C!

*prepares a warm tea*

Here, Ane-san!🍵
🍵 :blob_reach: :blob_sir: perfect tea as always Matcha-kun :blob_melt: with such care I'm gonna be good again in no time :blob_uwu:
Not yet, I'm farming resources and trying to clear all the side quests, but the more I complete, the more appear. I hate having notifications; I have to clean up my quest log.
Take your time :blob_uwu: I'm always bothered by those exclamation marks too, so I'm going out of my way to click through them on every device :sweating_profusely:


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
*eats chicken soup*
*gets immuninty to common cold*
It's not magic. It really works.
Woops. We accidentally started writing a reply, and before we knew it, it turned into over 2k words. it's actually advancing some plot, and we found a way to tie a LOT of storylines together for a bit of a climax before we get into the long promised "kill the mary sue-a-thon" and the death games. We've moved it into a separate document for safety's sake, and are well underway with it.
Reply to whom?

I'm very curious, especially since I'm trying to integrate your chapter into my final chapter of the W Saga.
Can't wait 🤩