SHF High-school Fanfic


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
another rune is found, named 2R as the second rune. Qqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq {file corrupt}
another rune is found, named 2R as the second rune. When close to 1R it's glowing rapidly, and emit a dark energy, for now it's contained at different spaceship to be research further.


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
Are you missing anyone important from the list?
Guinafeng, Pitch Dark Hook the Great needs her in the Moles so she can warm the entirety of Belobog with that burn application.

It's a pity, but I'll come to terms with it. Take all the time you need.
I'll patiently wait for your chapter, as little George says, "it will be ready when it's ready."
Are you sure you want to quote GRRM of all people? You might be waiting for the chapter in a retirement home :sweating_profusely:
A retrospective wouldn't be bad, or even an additional alternative timeline. We can always find a way to make it all add up.
With how the Heroine works, it would probably add up no matter what happens. Heck, she can be the reason why Watcha is trapped in the Cursed Timeline
After all, I'd read anything you write, even an instruction manual.
Especially Seymour's...
Funny enough... There's actually one author on ScribbleHub who quite literally made an instruction manual for one of the organizations in his story. Yes, it's Syringe.
:blob_hmm_two: I won't shed tears for perfidious Albion, but I would feel sorry for Lady Nahrenne.
Worry not, we can add her to the abduction evacuation list :blob_evil:
I will carefully avoid them then. If I may, I'll use you as a source of information about the game, especially since I'm mainly interested in the story, and having it spoiled by random memes would be a shame
Sure, I don't mind. I know some spoiler free guides too if you need clarification on game mechanics. My knowledge is all endgame since I'm a day 1 player. The endgame knowledge in question is: When in doubt, use a Charge team and press win rate.

I can't be relied on for low budget strategies :blob_happy:
.So, I'm counting on you.
I don't like games that are too grindy; Sadly I don't have the time. However, I'll keep them in mind if I really enjoy Limbus Company.
Oof, Limbus can be grindy if you have FOMO. Especially since pity is not very generous, so you're encouraged to grind for IDs instead. I actually loathe the gacha even if the rates for 000s are good.

It's perfectly playable even without grinding though, a lot of streamers only log in for story content and can still clear it. Just don't expect to beat Mirror Dungeon Ritornello and Railway anytime soon.

But if you ever want to use an ID, just ask me. I have every single one leveled and uptied to at least 3.
It's the right way to design a video game, especially those with a strong narrative. Even mechanics can be narrative; developers often forget this, and the game and story feel like two separate entities. Metanarrative lies in being able to use all fields to tell a story:music, gameplay, images, etc.
You're going to absolutely enjoy Canto 6 then... If you aren't already blown away by 3-5
I have high expectations. For now, also due to the similarity with the voice of the voice actress, she reminds me of Nero from Fate.
Don's voice actress is the embodiment of energy... I have Middle Don and she just screams IIIIIICEEEEEEE CREEAAAAAAM at me whenever I enter the game.
So I downloaded Limbus Company on Steam as well because I wanted to activate the crossplay feature (by the way, I still haven't quite figured out how to do it; I saw a post on Twitter, but it's a convoluted system).
You just have to merge them. Pretty sure it's just a matter of entering the UID of other account on the one you want to keep. I did it myself, though that was way back on release so I'm not sure if they changed it.
I tried pulling on the Walpurgisnacht banner both on the app and on Steam.
On Steam, I got a 000 Sinclair identity. I don't think that's what you were referring to. But he seems strong.
Uhh I don't know how to tell you this, but He's one of the weakest 000 IDs even on launch. He competes with base Sinclair for DPS, that's how bad it is. On-release Poise IDs are notorius for needing support to function. His only strong point is his S3, which is 1/3 of his skills... And you don't even have access to it until Uptie III.
Also a very cute 00 Faust maid...
Butler Faust! I'm slightly disappointed she didn't get the actual maid outfit. But it's a fair exchange for having Ishmael wear it instead.
On the phone, I only got 00 identities and an EGO for Ishmael.
Which EGO? And a lot of 00 identities are actually pretty strong, don't underestimate them. Well, her most important EGO is BP exclusive anyways...
Sadly, no identity in either account for Don.
This is an injustice! Having me on your friends list should bless your pulls with Don! Or maybe I took them all away...
Which of the two accounts should I keep?
I sent you a friend request with the Steam account.
I accepted it even before you sent this, immediately knew it was you lol
For me as well, even though I use them as a metaphor for the afterlife. By the way, an idea that's been swirling in my head for some time leverages this concept in a sort of digital cemetery where the dead are connected in a virtual world.
I've thought of a digital afterlife too... But I discarded it since it's already one way to interpret my shared universe.


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
.Happy Othodox Easter!

Do you by any chance want to break my record? :blob_hmm:
Yes, I'm already on track considering Ran just Dark Souls'd me. :blob_evil:(nevermind that she did it to you too)
Reading the messages in sequence, I almost choked from laughing! Shizuki is really funny, which is why she's one of my favorite characters to write.
Can you compile all her logs so I can read them in one sitting? Thanks :blob_uwu:
I'm barely like a century old. Eldritch Goddess-wise that's like nothing :blob_evil_two: I'm still a youngling :blob_uwu:
If goddess daikon is already so amazing while this young, I wonder how much potential she has? :blob_aww:


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
I slept 2 hours... :blob_blank:
Better than me who only slept 1 hour and 30... I just consumed 500 mL of coffee so I can function like a basic human being.

The end is in sight though... I just need to survive until Wednesday and I'm relatively free again :blob_blank:


| Azure tamer | Harbinger of chaos and soup
Dec 7, 2023
Guinafeng, Pitch Dark Hook the Great needs her in the Moles so she can warm the entirety of Belobog with that burn application.
Oof... yeah that sucks... I was speedrunning through the content for her too. She's so good :blob_uwu:
If goddess daikon is already so amazing while this young, I wonder how much potential she has? :blob_aww:
:blob_uwu: Ssemouy praised me :blob_uwu: *proud Daikon noises* With such a good Rootling I'm sure Daikon Cult will dominate every universe! (ง'̀-'́)ง
Better than me who only slept 1 hour and 30... I just consumed 500 mL of coffee so I can function like a basic human being.
*sleep deprived high-five* :blob_highfive:
The end is in sight though... I just need to survive until Wednesday and I'm relatively free again :blob_blank:
✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) You can do it! You can do it! We believe in you! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Meanwhile I'm just sick, so I just need to survive a week more or less and I should feel better :blob_blank: it's been ages since I was sick enough to not be able to sleep even :blob_blank: this is why I don't like traveling...


| Azure tamer | Harbinger of chaos and soup
Dec 7, 2023
*hug tackles*
*still blushing furiously*
nya~ :blob_melt:
*pokes cheek*
Cute~ :blob_melt:
Now that you volunteered yourself into my cuddles, I'm not letting go :blob_evil: You Have to accept your fate Your Stabbyness :blob_uwu:

Sleep more~

Can't sleep, because throat aching, head aching and nose dead from sniffling... :blob_no: I'm interested what kind of fever dream I'm gonna program in this state :blob_blank:


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
nya~ :blob_melt:
*pokes cheek*
Cute~ :blob_melt:
Now that you volunteered yourself into my cuddles, I'm not letting go :blob_evil: You Have to accept your fate Your Stabbyness :blob_uwu:
*cuddles back*

Can't sleep, because throat aching, head aching and nose dead from sniffling... :blob_no: I'm interested what kind of fever dream I'm gonna program in this state :blob_blank:
*hands soul soup*
You should be resting~


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
#27 and #28 is gone with it's backup report because an unknown explosion at the server contained the data near the temple, but this is the summary from those two report. #27 "the energy emitted from both of the runes are the same, both included an Eldritch energy and Protonaelenaiternasfardescoutherno Energy which I will called it by Protono. #28 "When 1R and 2R is close to each other the Eldritch energy leaking is increasing, and when using the 1R while the 2R close, there seems to be I lost control over my own body for few seconds, which thankfully my drones able to contain.