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  • Step 1: Close your eyes
    Step 2: Without moving your head, look above. Like, by rolling your eyes.
    Step 3: You can no longer open your eyes.
    Bishop 1: I must announce that our one true lord and saviour, Jesus has died.
    Bishop 2: We must celebrate this day.
    Bishop 1: Exactly- Wait, what? You mean mourn?
    Bishop 2:I announce this to be a public holiday!
    Bishop 1: Huh?
    Bishop 3: Let's call it the Good Friday!
    Bishop 2: Hell yeah!
    So, I was making some tea right now when I noticed that my strainer was burnt. I was like, huh, that's weird. How did that happen. Then I proceeded to but the strainer on fire like I usually do while making tea, and suddenly it hits me,
    Oooh, that's why.
    Always remember, till the time you don't try, you can always brag a perfect win record against Ussain Bolt.
    I wonder if I can write a fanfic on another fanfic.
    Deleted member 45782
    A fanfic of another fanfic in a fanfic.
    I smell Inception.
    Oh my god, we can do that. Just put a fourth wall tag that the characters know that they are in a fanfic, they try to get out and at the last, when they are successful, they find that they were in a fanfuc of a fanfic all along, all along.
    Deleted member 45782
    Imagine Deadpool making a fanfic of the Deadpool in Wolverine's Origins in a Deadpool 2016 crossover fanfic except the Deadpool from 2018 timeline came to assassinate Deadpool2016 for making such a fanfic. And this was all written and compiled in the greatest lore, the Deadpool Fanfic Collections. Brought to you by Slade Wilson, a mercenary companion.
    Wow, hiatus is really boring. I wish I could still spend an hour in morning and an hour in night playing community games here. How is SeaSquidFish going about?
    Deleted member 45782
    Hiatus is boring, but its necessary sometimes. Its hard to stop things if its interesting, but one day I'll probably slip away for a good chunk of time and forget about here, as I did on Mirakee and Wattpad.

    After all, I want to be one that creates content, not just watching content only to still be empty handed.
    Someday. It'll be any day now. ;)
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    Reactions: Agentt
    Continued from post below
    So, to calm him down, I decided to show him Re:Zero, since it doesn't have that much of action and the deaths are pretty much censored. What I did underestimated was the VA's amazing work to portray Subaru's screams.
    But, I'll prescribe him some happy ones once we meet again, so, its fine~~~~~~~~, I hope.
    Continued from below post
    So, I asked him, hey, want to see some 'adult' stuff? And he was yes!, till its horror. So I showed him some clips of AOT, which got him pumped up. Then we saw, Overlord, Another, Madoka Magica, Agame ga Kill. It was at this point he protested that anymore and he will have nightmares.
    Today, went to my cousin's. A note, he is 11 and is a fan of horror. He is proud of that fact that he has seen all major horror films and often makes fun of me for being scared of them. So, I found out that he has a game on his phone, Happy Wheels, whichbwas very gory and disturbing for me, but normal for him. So, I thought he is ready for...
    I like how many people just come to my page for no apparent reason, just to give me nightmares that someone is stalking me.
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    Reactions: Napelynn
    The monkeys were short haired ones, normal size during the day. At night they would turn to bat winged shadowy figures. I was too afraid to go out at night but night was the only time when the gorilla would be sleeping. I knew he was sleeping purely because he would stay still, instead of jumping from branch to branch like he normally did.
    No matter how quite I would try to be, that rusted door would always creak, alerting the monkeys who would then bang on the door. Their shadowy fingers were thin enough to pass through gaps and open the latch. I would had to stay up all night guarding the latch.
    Thank you for sharing your nightmare experience with us. I liked it.
    Got a new trophy!
    Don't know if this will become an addiction or not, but,
    Addiction? That's dangerous... it's not like you're online even when it's night right?
    Deleted member 45782
    Can't stop opening SHF now...
    Nah. I am like yoshikage kira. Except I don't drink too. In his words:

    make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning
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