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  • [Hundred-year joke]
    When everyone received blessings from God, Pearl Magmal chose to know what comes after death.
    He had people he loved more than himself, and he was certain that he would die before them, or in case they did, he would have a little more peace of mind.
    God told him, his eyes widened, his heart skipped a beat, he laughed, he laughed so loudly that it echoed in the sky.
    For the next ten years, everyone
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    who asked him, he would laugh, but laugh happily, jokingly, humorously, without any pain. On the hospital bed, everyone cried, but only he smiled happily. Everyone asked: "Is it reincarnation? Darkness? God? Heaven? Rebirth?" He did not give anyone the answer and died, satisfied. "Selfish." she said. A joke for hundreds of years, maybe tens of thousands more.
    @LuoirM : Nah I'm a tits and pp enjoyer (but not futa for some reason)
    @MidnightFox1 Are you sure about that
    @LuoirM Try me.
    So here you go~
    Anyone remember that one post I made last month about sticking to a writing schedule or else I'd donate to charity? Well I lost money but develop a habit of waking up early in 5AM ever since then so win win I guess?
    Is "high view counts but no one bothered to drop a rating" a good thing?
    It's a good thing you are hitting the right keywords and methods to get traffic. As for rating, it depends how new your novel is. Not quite sure myself, but I remember reading someone said that there must be at least 500 views per chapter before the rating, comments, and such starts coming in. :blob_popcorn:
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    Reactions: LuoirM
    Trying to get into stocks but apparently 5 bucks or 100.000VND is not worth anyone time and putting in buying commands always be met with error. This sum risky shit.
    It's better to invest into IRAs and long term holds rather than the short term. Unless you're really into that kind of stuff and pay very close attention to the market, you'll lose more than you make. At least with long term holdings, you have higher interest rates and can make out overtime.
    The Irish Republican Army?
    I sat down with the weak crackling light between the woods, just staring, ruining my perfectly bright vision bit by bit I'd assume. I curled and hug my own knees, entertaining myself while doubt covered my eyes, the cold air carressed my hair and the primordial fear of the unknown grabbed a hold of my conscience. I stomped the fire out and went to sleep also.
    I might actually donate to charity today because I haven't written anything and it's 9PM
    Deleted member 58005
    If you do, good for you
    That means I'll pay not to write? That sounds like ghostwriting to me people!
    Fuck it, for every day that i don't get any words in imma donate more money to charity, at least 133 words minimum. Because I hate starving children so this will definitely motivate me
    "In a great storm, sailors in ancient times invoked
    Neptune: O God! You will save or destroy me according to your will. But whatever you will, I
    will steer my ship as necessary!”
    Can anyone help me improve this sentence while keeping the structure?

    "Good," Emily chimed in, her hat started wiggling in spite of the lack of a breeze."

    Two uses of the word "of" near each other ticks me the wrong way.
    I looked at him, tried to smile as always, but came off a bit passive aggressive:"I wish to never have this body again, and my spirit is broken, what's left of my identity is my mind, though I can not make bread from that."
    I got a stuffed nose abd imagine what if tomorrow both nose stuck and I die cant breath
    Now i think about it
    i had this less often since i use this "cleansing salt-water" product for nose

    never try to drink (liquids) big mouthfuls in this condition as you were gonna coincidentally take a breath
    bc you truly suffocate as your mouth is full/need to breath and cant

    High chance of coughing bc wrong trachea
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