Recent content by Mizu

  1. Mizu

    What 2020 Games Are You Excited For?

    Imma keep hoping and memeing... One day we will get vicky 3. One day.
  2. Mizu

    What 2020 Games Are You Excited For?

    Victoria 3... I will stop memeing. Most of the games I look forward to are already out and I just look forward to updates. An example being EU4.
  3. Mizu

    Non-setting focused fantasy story

    I guess I can recommend my novel a bit. Glory be to Arria is my first story and it has its problems some problems in it because of it but might be close to what you are looking for. First for the things it doesn't do that you would like: No chosen one. MC is the emperor of Arria and possess a...
  4. Mizu

    Just wanting some feedback

    I have been talking to people about their stories and concepts in their stories. Things such as soft vs hard magic and historical accuracy. I was wondering anybody would like to tell me their opinions on my story. They can be things you liked. Things you think could have been improved. Or...
  5. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    I would be willing. I mostly research battle tactics and strategies. My problem is that I write battles from a far too analytical place. This isn't a big deal because most of the POVs are commanders and they tend not to engage in battle but direct. I am working on a thread about my novel. If you...
  6. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    I am glad I am not the only one. Sometimes I worry that characters feel too similar because I am not use to expressing myself in different ways so some of the differences end up feeling superficial. Is there any way that you use to combat this? Or do you also struggle with this?
  7. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    They read a lot and they had to study the topics to the best of their ability. You are doing similar things but you simply have better access to the information. I have a hard time with it as well. I try not to bother too much with the exact weapons and armor because I have a grand scale and...
  8. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    I agree. Brandon Sanderson's quote is essential to using magic inside a book. Magic isn't well defined in my story on purpose. I want it to seem mystical because I have so few mystical elements in the book. It makes you remember that this isn't our world but another one. Overall I probably could...
  9. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    Awesome. I am also using soft magic but I decided to make it more mellow inside the story. It is there and it exists but it is used to hint at some things and not to solve problems. Michael's magically sigil (it is called the imperial sigil) grants him a couple of super human abilities. It isn't...
  10. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    Cool. I tend to be more of a winger type of writer. I do have plans but mostly I flow into one thing or the next. As for soft magic and hard magic, I may not explain it well but here is the general idea: soft magic is when the magic within the world isn't clearly defined. There may be limits to...
  11. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    I think it won't be a problem, I am just hesitant to read those kind of stories tend to be super cliched. In fact, I think that by not writing out sexual content you have passed the first and most important hurdle. I like this way of doing sexual content because it allows you to bring it up but...
  12. Mizu

    Seeking feedback

    I agree that the switching between the present and the past can be a bit disorienting. The chapters themselves are good but it feels as if I am reading two different stories. A prequel and then the story. Perhaps spacing them out a bit more would have been better. I don't really see any reason...
  13. Mizu

    The Not-So Evil "Evil"

    I agree. It is fun when one has a good villain who is more complex than 'let me take over the world.' I wouldn't say I have a villain in my book. All the characters work for their goal but one isnt more or less evil than the other.
  14. Mizu

    Back To School?

    I have been taking summer quater. I have not only been doing this bit working part time and doing chapters daily. I am dreaming of the day I finish my current story and good off a bit. Though writing has been one of the most fun things I have ever gotten into so I wont last long in all likelyhood.
  15. Mizu


    My first non mainstream anime was Mirai Nikki... I even forgot how I found it but that was also an introduction. QUITE the introduction. I realize it isnt perfect but because of this it holds a spot in my heart and causes my brother to make fun of me for liking yanderes... IDK what he is smokin...