Recent content by TheDerpieGod

  1. TheDerpieGod

    Writing Prompt Brian why the hell did you order a giant lion

    Because....I like cats....Really big cats. I'm totally not trying to start a 'Big Cat to Big Girl' experiment.
  2. TheDerpieGod

    Pay me with your life

    ;-; that implies gender change.
  3. TheDerpieGod

    She slide into my dms first

    She slide into my dms first
  4. TheDerpieGod

  5. TheDerpieGod

    Which one is better

    hard choice, leaning towards boobs. Nice to grope randomly y'know
  6. TheDerpieGod

    vegan teacher did preach to love all animals. Guess thats lovin animals.

    vegan teacher did preach to love all animals. Guess thats lovin animals.
  7. TheDerpieGod

    *gasp* pocket bj? You could just like just stuff them in your pocket then whip em out when you want

    *gasp* pocket bj? You could just like just stuff them in your pocket then whip em out when you want
  8. TheDerpieGod

    Which one is better

    dammit, thought we were talking about thighs vs boobs.... 2 probably if you want him to be able to switch from carefree to being on demon time. Though i think 4 looks cooler.
  9. TheDerpieGod

    i mean, cant they just like... bathe in rivers or smth?

    i mean, cant they just like... bathe in rivers or smth?
  10. TheDerpieGod

    What is the hype in guns?

    ;-; ever play cod or rainbow siege? They're great!
  11. TheDerpieGod


  12. TheDerpieGod

    oh god

    oh god
  13. TheDerpieGod

    Im quite free lately
