What is the hype in guns?

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
Wikipedia is not a real source. It’s grossly rigged by members of the far left to discredit right wing talking points.
Ahh fuck, thought I would only find Authrights on twitter, 4chan too, but they actually can take a joke and is funny.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022

Im sorry but Wikipedia?
Ahh fuck, thought I would only find Authrights on twitter, 4chan too, but they actually can take a joke and is funny.
I find this funny because so many people who were left leaning have suddenly been labeled "alt right" just because they didn't support everything on the left.

Anyway, the wikipedia article you link states that the "gun show loop hole" is a myth.
What you're looking for is the "private exemption sale" which is available only in some states that's legal.

EDIT: "It's a Private sale loophole, not a gun show loophole, and only legal in certain states." As mentioned in the wikipedia article.
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Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
Not really. Most Americans I met worship guns.

Well that's not been my experience. It depends heavily on what part of the US you're in, because the attitudes of someone in Florida will be very different from a place like Colorado, or New York from Nevada, and further what part of those states you're living in.

I think I may also dare to say that perhaps you are misrepresenting these people, talking about them hyperbolically. I again, do not think it is wrong to like guns if you use them responsibly, and all the people I have met who are gun enthusiasts were very careful with them. This isn't, obviously to say that guns never fall into irresponsible hands. That's foolish and naive. I'm saying that many people want to take guns away from people who use them responsibly, who have the potential to defend others in the event of horrible circumstances.

Just the whole problem with this issue is the refusal of both sides to converse with each other. On the right, people there do not want to discuss the issue, because seizure of personal possessions is viewed as extremely un-American. Conservative individuals view having firearms as a right enshrined in the constitution, that was placed there to protect the people from tyrannical government, and from somewhat more common dangerous situations.

On the left, people are gripped with the horror of seeing mass shootings. They are watching young children and other innocents die. They want to do something, but the other side does not want to budge.

Like many things in life, there is some amount of truth in both viewpoints. I think that both sides need to concede a little, to realize that there are better ways we could regulate firearms, and then that firearms should be protected so people may have the basic right to defend themselves.

I think this would help problems somewhat, but it solves the symptoms of the problem rather than the inherent causes. We really need to examine what can be done to prevent criminals from engaging in such big violent acts. If we cannot figure out how to prevent it, we must do better to react to it. When a shooting happens, it is broadcast all over online, giving the shooter exactly what they wanted. I think also that using tragic events to get people to your news site is pretty despicable.

And I think that if I may go a bit controversial, I think that in the awful circumstance of a shooting occurring, it would save lives if people are present who have a firearm. It is much harder for the shooter to get what they want if several teachers at a school are able to defend.

In the end, there is no clean solution. Any problems involving human beings will always end up super messy, and only are really solved by time replacing a problem with a different one. I think however that decisive action is far past due, like it is on many issues in our society today. It just needs to be a compromise rather than a battle in government. Unfortunately, I see little sign of the government agreeing on anything.

(I apologize if I got too specific in this, and if there are rules that forbid this line of conversation. I'll delete or edit the comment if this is so).


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
Well that's not been my experience. It depends heavily on what part of the US you're in, because the attitudes of someone in Florida will be very different from a place like Colorado, or New York from Nevada, and further what part of those states you're living in.

I think I may also dare to say that perhaps you are misrepresenting these people, talking about them hyperbolically. I again, do not think it is wrong to like guns if you use them responsibly, and all the people I have met who are gun enthusiasts were very careful with them. This isn't, obviously to say that guns never fall into irresponsible hands. That's foolish and naive. I'm saying that many people want to take guns away from people who use them responsibly, who have the potential to defend others in the event of horrible circumstances.

Just the whole problem with this issue is the refusal of both sides to converse with each other. On the right, people there do not want to discuss the issue, because seizure of personal possessions is viewed as extremely un-American. Conservative individuals view having firearms as a right enshrined in the constitution, that was placed there to protect the people from tyrannical government, and from somewhat more common dangerous situations.

On the left, people are gripped with the horror of seeing mass shootings. They are watching young children and other innocents die. They want to do something, but the other side does not want to budge.

Like many things in life, there is some amount of truth in both viewpoints. I think that both sides need to concede a little, to realize that there are better ways we could regulate firearms, and then that firearms should be protected so people may have the basic right to defend themselves.

I think this would help problems somewhat, but it solves the symptoms of the problem rather than the inherent causes. We really need to examine what can be done to prevent criminals from engaging in such big violent acts. If we cannot figure out how to prevent it, we must do better to react to it. When a shooting happens, it is broadcast all over online, giving the shooter exactly what they wanted. I think also that using tragic events to get people to your news site is pretty despicable.

And I think that if I may go a bit controversial, I think that in the awful circumstance of a shooting occurring, it would save lives if people are present who have a firearm. It is much harder for the shooter to get what they want if several teachers at a school are able to defend.

In the end, there is no clean solution. Any problems involving human beings will always end up super messy, and only are really solved by time replacing a problem with a different one. I think however that decisive action is far past due, like it is on many issues in our society today. It just needs to be a compromise rather than a battle in government. Unfortunately, I see little sign of the government agreeing on anything.

(I apologize if I got too specific in this, and if there are rules that forbid this line of conversation. I'll delete or edit the comment if this is so).
No literally every American I know is unrionicaly gun worshippers


Active member
Jul 14, 2022
No literally every American I know is unrionicaly gun worshippers

Well I'd have to say then my friend that you only seem to know a very specific segment of americans. Most people I know don't talk about guns much.

I should also make note of the fact that I actually live in the United States. In my experience when people from Europe, which I will make some assumption you are from, make generalizations about the US, they are often wrong.


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Swords are cooler
dual-wielding spears is cool as well, tho. And fairly underrepresente. Only know of one JRPG that does it and no story (mostly because it's impractical tho).

Archers're cool as well. Nothing more stylish than sniping gunners with primitive weapons.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
No literally every American I know is unrionicaly gun worshippers
You're talking in real life right? Several of the "americans" here don't worship guns.
I don't worship them either, It's just an object/tool.

If they were illegal I'd be looking at other kinds of tools.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
You're talking in real life right? Several of the "americans" here don't worship guns.
I don't worship them either, It's just an object/tool.

If they were illegal I'd be looking at other kinds of tools.
Same. They are easy to use but I can't use them legally where I am currently so I have to use a bow. It's an okay replacement but a gun would definitely be better, especially since I have a lot more training with guns.


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
To answer your original question is because it is an equalizer.

As for the other pseudo-philosophical arguments you are attempting to make here I have just a few things to say: stop being terminally online listening to government crackpots, and 'intellectual theorists' go out an interact with people IN PERSON.

Try to understand why people think seem to have this apparent 'obsession' instead of listening to these supposed experts opinions on why people have this obsession. Get it from some primary sources.

People aren't inherently stupid.


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
Except for the fact I could incredibly easy if I want to. All I really need is a license, which is insanely easy to get. All they need to do is do a background search on me, I take a course on how to use it, pay for it, and if everything is good I get a license. Some states will require fingerprints, my state for example, but beyond that I can get a license within half a year, most of that time being the time it takes to ship to me.

Then there's the act of buying the gun. Walmart used to sell guns until, guess what, idiots shot up a few stores and they banned the selling. And there's a gun store in my town that I could buy a gun from easily. What do I do? Fill out a 4473, which is laughable might I add. They see if I'm allowed to get one depending on what I filled out and a few other details, like criminal history and mental health, which is easy to fake by the way, and I get the gun within my specifications. And even then, someone I know irl that owns a gun, bought one from a gun store without needing to show any certification.

Also, it's incredibly easy to buy a gun second hand within this country. That's more of what I'm referring to when I'm talking about buying guns. I can go online, and even just around my hometown, and find some people selling a gun haphazardly because there's so many produced and made here. Whether that's legal or not doesn't matter when its still incredibly easy to get. I wouldn't even need a license this way.

My chances of getting a gun are 100% and as far as anyone knows, I could do some real damage with it. Just the fact that America has the highest record of mass shootings should tip people off that its way too easy to obtain one. I don't have a license, but by the time the new year rolls around, I could have one in my wallet and a Glock sitting in its holster. In most cases, I wouldn't even need a license to get a gun. That's how easy it is.

Guerilla warfare doesn't work if you're fighting on the home ground the military is based in. Especially with untrained civilians against a trained militia with a ton of toys that won't damage anything except the enemy. Like grenades. It does minimal damage to land, but a lot of damage to flesh and bone. The holes can be filled back in later with the bodies.

It's like people think the government is a bunch of monkeys jumping on the bed until one falls off and bumps its head, but in reality, they can, and will, do everything in their power to make sure they remain in control. You think if civilians start shooting at government workers, they're just going to shrug their shoulders? No, they won't.
7% percent of shootings are committed with a legally owned firearm. (This includes self defense)

According to the CDC 1-1.3 million lives are saved through firearms in self-defense

An overwhelming majority of crimes used are illegally gotten.

82% of gun crimes are committed with hand guns, not large calibre rifles.

Almost the entirety of gun crimes are gang related.

Half of gun deaths in the USA is suicide related.

And to address your final point: sheep herders in the middle east and rice farmers in Vietnam drove off one of the largest militaries in the world via hide and strike tactics.

I believe that covers all the bases.
i agree with everything you said except this.
They are naive, not stupid.


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
As for the other pseudo-philosophical arguments you are attempting to make here I have just a few things to say:
It’s not even pseudo-philosophical.
stop being terminally online listening to government crackpots, and 'intellectual theorists' go out an interact with people IN PERSON.
I am going to church every single day and have met politicians. So yeah.
Try to understand why people think seem to have this apparent 'obsession' instead of listening to these supposed experts opinions on why people have this obsession. Get it from some primary sources.
I never listen to experts every single opinion theirs is bullshit on hellfire because they are demons in the flesh, but every American I have seen worship guns
People aren't inherently stupid.
yeah, but they aren’t inherently smart or reasonable
To answer your original question is because it is an equalizer.

As for the other pseudo-philosophical arguments you are attempting to make here I have just a few things to say: stop being terminally online listening to government crackpots, and 'intellectual theorists' go out an interact with people IN PERSON.

Try to understand why people think seem to have this apparent 'obsession' instead of listening to these supposed experts opinions on why people have this obsession. Get it from some primary sources.

People aren't inherently stupid.
you do not even know what my life is like so shut the fuck before I terminate this shit with the fuckery of 3 cats
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Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
It’s not even pseudo-philosophical.

I am going to church every single day and have met politicians. So yeah.

I never listen to experts every single opinion theirs is bullshit on hellfire because they are demons in the flesh, but every American I have seen worship guns

yeah, but they aren’t inherently smart or reasonable

you do not even know what my life is like so shut the fuck before I terminate this shit with the fuckery of 3 cats
Just trying to give my side of how I your perspective, no need to be hostile Cruz.

If you have done these things you have said you have done I can't really judge from your experience because I haven't lived it.

I can only recommend getting out of your common social circles and just talk to some other folks out there.


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
Just trying to give my side of how I your perspective, no need to be hostile Cruz.

If you have done these things you have said you have done I can't really judge from your experience because I haven't lived it.

I can only recommend getting out of your common social circles and just talk to some other folks out there.
Just trying to give my side of how I your perspective, no need to be hostile Cruz.

If you have done these things you have said you have done I can't really judge from your experience because I haven't lived it.

I can only recommend getting out of your common social circles and just talk to some other folks out there.
Want to go on discord?
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