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  • The mediums of writing and drawing are far apart, but at the same time connected. Both come from the mind, the imagination of a person. Both hold their creators history and ambition. As long as you love it, and work on your skills. Someone will love like you do
    Puss in boots is one of the only stories where I want the mc to get together with someone who I’m not attracted to. Because they’re cats, and like ya’ know. Also books, books with no images are the other case.
    I’ve noticed I’ve never felt a withdraw. People say it’s hard and such, like the wanting to eat junk food. But never felt the need to eat it. Did when I was a kid, but now. I don’t even get them. I rather make my own bread and such
    Its a inconscribable craving. One that you don't even know you have. But once you see it it, your body craves it so much that it aches and pushes you towards it. Wanting to speed through evenything to get it. That was my bed, my bed, I havent slept in it in near a week, once I had the opertunity I sped through everything and got it. So relaxed rn
    Fuck man. Had to stop mid shower, clean it because my drainage went *poof* and popped off. So I am half washed, gonna sleep on the floor and future me will deal with it. Think it rusted man
    I feel sorry for your future me.
    Achievement - You died, but wait you're not a doll? [You've died and your soul was not claimed. Lucky! You arent a glorified slave. You got this message so you either returned or still stuck in here. Like me. Reward - You already know these don’t give rewards, poor Jerald, another title added to the ones he must say.]
    Honestly, I’m proud of this. Still needs heavy editing, but as a porcelain thought, it’s good.
    The swordsmen brows furrowed, angered at whatever Mel did. Mel did not care, he cocked his arm back and threw the rock. The swordsmen sword flicked, and he spoke his first words. "Parry." They were etheral, like a echo that did not stop. It stunted Mel for a second. One too late.
    The swordsmen leap forward, blade swinging for Mel's neck. -- Mel jumped back, pushing his neck as far away as he could. -- "Slash." It happened again, but it did not stunt Mel. The blade glinted and a etheral force coated it. Mel eye's traced the ark and he caculated it. The sword wouldn't hit, it would miss by a few inches.
    "What!" The etheral force extend. It sunk into Mel's flesh and tore straight through. His body fell back, collapsing in a heap. His head fell, spinning. Mel's vision spun, "Fuckin' cheater!" Then his vision was filled by the same maw that brought him here.
    Toby Keith passed away a few days ago do to cancer. Never heard of him, but respect what he’s done. Amen brother
    I find a genuinely wholesome one of my characters I’ve been playing around during my break time. I call him Tank. Has a giant death wurm. And genuinely see’s him as his son. His favorite bestest son. This dude was in his early 20’s before being eaten by a different worm. He see’s a worm-monster as his son, no strings attached, just a father and son duo. Dad has shield and son eats people
    He isn’t insane, not crazy, all mentally there. Dude has mental fortitude befitting his name. It’s a literal wall. He wont be going insane, if he would have. It would have been when he was fighting a dragon, and got internal bleeding, fractured bones, broken/shattered bones, charred flesh, and a decent chunk of he left side all turn to char (his whole his arm, and shoulder.)
    Nope dude crawled himself to the next floor to heal.

    And he just has wurm as a son. Plays ball and shit like that with him.

    His name his Tremór. Tre-mour!
    Olive oil, add onions. Get hot, then add honey, cayenne pepper, jalapeño garlic seasoning. Sautée
    A fight between two planes walkers from my world building would be terrifying. But it’s best explained as two really buff babies smacking eachother hands really fast, and an adult trying to pull them apart. (In the background there is a Hunter trying not to be reality warped into whatever the fuck is happening)
    X scraped his finger across the board, drawing a line. Leaving a thick black mark. 'Look at this.' He raised his finger, a decent chunk was rubbed down. It dripped with a glowing liquid that turns into flickering flames. 'My fingers and most of my arm are made of fucking ash! My blood!? My blood is liquid fire, how is that a thing? Look, its already healing.'
    Just like he said little particles of ash rolled to fill the gap. 'When I thought bonding with fire, I did not expect this. Fuck! I can't even take a shower, it physically causes me pain. Feeling your limbs melt away is very unpleasant. For what?! Fire manipulation!'
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