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  • Hi is there a way to change usernames or do I have to have the account deleted then create a new one?
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    Reactions: Blitz
    Thank you.
    Can you put some sort of restriction for new users, so that they can't create PMs right away? To like... Avoid spam and stuff?
    Yup, I just added some restrictions after I saw the reports. It should be live now.
    Thank you!

    Now I guess I should report the rest of the accounts made since... >.>
    Btw, is there any way to access the tag list from the Scribblehub main site?

    Right now I only know how to access it through the direct link, which is a bit of a bother.

    Dunno if I'm missing something or if there is no way to get there.
    Yeah, as an author, you can see it from the "Edit Series" page.

    As a user, it's in the Series Finder page to the right of the "Tags" section.
    Oh, I see! It's a pretty different placement than the one on NU, but I'm glad it's there~
    Tony, do you think you could make something similar to NU Status Bot for Scribblehub?

    I often miss the stuff you put on the Change Log because edits to that page don't really trigger an alert or anything, so I need to remember to check it manually and stuff... Having a bot that warned us when you made changes would be really nice! ^^)/
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    Reactions: Generic.Archdemon
    A bot would be nice but I'm really not that familiar with Xenforo 2 (SHF). I can make simple stuff but I would have to read more into it before I can start making better bots/features for SHF.
    I see... That's so sad... T.T

    Hopefully you can find the time for it soon though! ^^)/
    Yes, but we all know the main reason for following the nuf status bot, is the free cash MONEEEYYYYYyyyy!!!
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    Reactions: Agentt
    Tony! Tony!

    Could you please disable the auto-merge-double-posts function in Community Games, please? It's kinda bothersome...

    *was actually surprised to see my posts merged here when they aren't merged in NUF community games*
    *kicks Tony's fridge*

    Heya Tooooonny

    Would there be a feature like the Random novels on Novelupdates? It's a big help for finding some new ones

    Thanks~ :blobspearpeek:

    Eventually, yeah. I've been super busy lately though :sweating_profusely:
    Yay thanks tony!
    Tony-chan, help! I have been on max trophies for like, months now! >.<

    I have no more SHF goals, I need something to grind for! All I can do rn is make more posts to dethrone @AlphaRetard, but after that I'll have nothing else! >.<

    I need more trophies to grind, pretty please...? :blob_aww: :blob_aww::blob_aww:
    Btw, I know you don't develop the forums, but is there a way to change the color of the symbol that appears when you click on "Delete Draft"?

    Like, a green circle appears near the floppy disk when you click on Save Draft... And the same happens when you click on Delete Draft.
    It's kinda bothersome when I'm on mobile, since I never know if I clicked the right button or not, it would be nice if it showed a red circle or something that made it easy to differentiate from the Save Draft notification.
    I can't right now. I wouldn't count on me fixing it though as I don't develop the forums.
    *sad Alice noises*

    Oh well, can't be helped, it was worth a shot at least~
    Hello @Tony. So @CadmarLegend was looking through the forum rules and found some that talked about tags. We can’t add tags to threads here though. Did you copy and paste the NUF rules and forget to change that or something?
    Yes, the rules were copied from NUF. I just removed this line: "Use tag to made it easier for people to find your thread. Please put the main topic of your thread as tag." from the rules as it doesn't really apply here without the tagging feature.
    This rule needs some editing too

    “Do not hijack/ derailed from topic from thread with 'serious' or 'no-hijacking' tag. Even without the tag, you could still differentiate which thread is serious or not. Do not hijack any serious discussion, especially if the original poster already give warning to not go off topic. Yes, this apply even in the infamous general -> general section.”
    That's fine for now. Manually adding [serious] to your title is still considered a tag imo.
    Could you add a somewhat easy way to access through the main site, please? It's a bit troublesome to look at the whole tag list through the dropdown list on Series Finder....
    can we make a free to talk thread (at my old forum we usually called if Lounge) at General Chat section?

    a thread that doesn't really had any fixed topic, but everyone are free to chat and talking about whatever they want to talk about (or even maybe just to say hi), it's something like those chatting app group chat, but it's on forum style.

    and yeah, i know this idea is kind of outdated but......., can we?
    Btw, I looked through the forum rules and found nothing about necroing there... That's intended? Seems weird to me...

    Unless I'm blind and just ended up missing them perchance... >.>
    Btw, just curious, why is the limit of characters in a username here longer than the one in NUF? I found one user with a 32 characters long username, but in NUF the cap was 30 IIRC.
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