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  1. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    Huh... Never expected that. That was right in front of my eyes. Damn, now I feel like I wrote in the wrong genre. But maybe I should've given a try to something like Apocalypse Nerd. Like an average RR system apocalypse, earth integration with a nerd personality. That could have the interesting...
  2. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    A system geared toward learning... Maybe I could change some skills for that. Juicy bang bang... I guess that's the ScribbleHub style. Sadly it's not sexual... But thanks for the explanation.
  3. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    Damn folks, I know I told people to be opinionated, but give a short one-line why. Tell me even the first thing that comes as a reason. Is it the book or your preference?
  4. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    Oh, like that. Sorry, I actually didn't get the stiffy reference. :blobrofl::blobrofl: Thanks
  5. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    Why would they get stiffy? Cause they want More fighting-focused? It's an RR thing so I might remove it for other sites.
  6. Sovrign

    What would you expect when you read my book title?

    Title : Academy Nerd [ Isekai LitRPG Progression ] Can you share hare your expectations when encountering a book title like Academy Nerd [Isekai LitRPG Progression] If you want there is a blurb(But try not to use it at first): I'm conducting this discussion in all the sites I post my story...
  7. Sovrign

    Have you discovered anything about yourself by writing?

    Writing is hard and I don't like doing hard things. Still I'm writing. I'm a hypocrite.
  8. Sovrign

    Your favorite line from your current work?

    The Isekai POV found himself in the dead body of a young man: "Do you really need to kill me?" I asked, my voice steady despite the tremor of fear that danced along my spine. "A man paid a few golds to watch over a dead body… I don't think he would like to know the corpse walking away." The...
  9. Sovrign

    Submit a character in a Academy/School Fiction that you liked or want to read about!!

    Isn't that just Ice Queen archetype. ?? Aloof, not emotional...
  10. Sovrign

    Submit a character in a Academy/School Fiction that you liked or want to read about!!

    Yep sure Maybe a spirits to really old or expensive artifacts. Talking train... Maybe add a little comedy to serious life of POV. Thanks for the idea
  11. Sovrign

    Submit a character in a Academy/School Fiction that you liked or want to read about!!

    So, I'm writing a story as you can see in my signature. The basic premise is a isekai litRPG Progression novel in an Academic setting. I already have many characters but I want to know the characters you enjoy in these types of settings. Either submit a new character or you about a character...
  12. Sovrign

    The camel's back

    I wish I had the same problem... :blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary:
  13. Sovrign

    Stance on Harems and what do you think make them bad? Also if you were to write a Harem, how much do you think would be the number limit of members.

    I really hate that use and throw style that most new authors use. They introduce a new character, the Mc conquers and bam, done deal. And the cycle starts. I would like it if the Harem members also developed with the Main character.
  14. Sovrign

    What do you regret?

    Definitely P*rn. That damn thing waste too much of my time.
  15. Sovrign

    If you could go back in time with what you know now, what would you do differently?

    Hopefully, my story is in preference there, so I will get less flake. Still, I haven't met the dreaded Reviewer Monster, so I'll see if I survive.
  16. Sovrign

    If you could go back in time with what you know now, what would you do differently?

    What are some of the things you wish you'd done differently/realized earlier in your own journey in ScribbleHub or as an Author? Examples for general web publishing specific to SH are welcome! Like for me, it is Building up a backlog before publishing. I posted 5 chapters, then crashed cause my...
  17. Sovrign

    Shoutout Swap

    Wait. It would be better to ask the other person about sending the shoutout. That way, you could save time. Let me DM you the shoutout that I want. You can modify it for your writing style.
  18. Sovrign

    Shoutout Swap

    Hey, are you interested in mine? Same genre with no sexuality, isekai in magical fantasy world. I will start publishing chapters today.