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  1. sadeldritchcat

    Unsexy traits

    Personally, I find characters that have an unhealthy fixation on others to be a turn-off. It tends to become annoying pretty quick.
  2. sadeldritchcat

    What Novels do you like?

    LitRPG fantasy
  3. sadeldritchcat

    Should I rework my Synopsis?

    It might be better if the synopsis gives readers an idea of the entire story instead of just the first chapter. If the story doesn't match up with the current summary, updating it could encourage more people to keep reading and discover what it's really about.
  4. sadeldritchcat

    What is your opinion on the site

    Didn't know this site. Now I do, and regret it immensely.
  5. sadeldritchcat

    Writing Prompt Write a story in 6 words

    Eyes in darkness, watching, waiting, unblinking.