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  1. PBJ_Time

    Tell me about your most hated characters.

    Kenjaku, because at least Mahito was merely a bonafide cursed spirit incapable of human empathy. This POS, on the other hand, was willing to let several women get r**ed by cursed spirits just so he could create a hybrid race that became the Death Womb Paintings.
  2. PBJ_Time

    The Hive(Free Feedback Thread)

    Good evening. If you're into isekai litRPGs, you can check out my draft anytime. I know it isn't published yet, mostly because I'm thinking of changing the entire narrative yet again, but it will be one day...
  3. PBJ_Time

    Thanks. I'm not sure if you have anything else to say, though.

    Thanks. I'm not sure if you have anything else to say, though.
  4. PBJ_Time

    My little reading corner. Story feedback. Quality not assured. Opinions reign supreme.

    If you like isekai litRPGs, you can check out mine anytime. Thank you.
  5. PBJ_Time

    [Closed] Free Feedback from the Prince

    Sure. I decided to revise my story and lay off the pop culture references a bit.
  6. PBJ_Time

    [Closed] Free Feedback from the Prince

    So it's closed, then. Oh, well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. PBJ_Time

    [Closed] Free Feedback from the Prince

    Is this thread open again? I'm seeing you giving newer feedback.
  8. PBJ_Time

    I will read your story and give reviews. (I am OatMush's disciple).

    That's okay. Any feedback is helpful because my story is still in draft form. If you're into isekai litRPGs, please let me know what you think.
  9. PBJ_Time

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    No, I said I wrote my chapter first, my own story, and then let an AI edit it for me. All it really did was rewrite everything I wrote into something it considered "more coherent," but I guess it failed judging by your critique. It kept all of the elements intact, actually. I only did this with...
  10. PBJ_Time

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    Yeah, sorry. 😢 I have to clarify, though, that what I meant to say was that I wrote my first chapter and see if ChatGPT could revise it "better" for me. I never used it to give me a story in thin air. No need to say such things. That said, I need to kindly ask: do the paragraphs make sense...
  11. PBJ_Time

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    I actually fed my first chapter on ChatGPT, which might explain why it doesn't sound like my prologue in any way. I told the AI to rewrite my paragraphs "like a published book," but I guess it failed in that department. Luckily, I haven't done the same with my other chapters. Edit: I revised...
  12. PBJ_Time

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    Yeah, I forgot, but I'll come back to you when it gets published. 👍
  13. PBJ_Time

    The Insincere Post Ironic Unhelpful Feedback Thread

    Hello. I know this isn't a SH story (yet), but I've been looking for people to give me feedback on my draft for an isekai litRPG. Please let me know what you think, and I probably should apologize in advance if the formatting looks weird. I was gonna post this as a pdf...
  14. PBJ_Time

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    If you're into isekai litRPGs, please let me know what you think, as a thorough feedback will be very helpful. Since this is a draft, chapter 7 is still being written, so I recommend you read the previous ones only. Thank you...
  15. PBJ_Time

    Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)

    Hello. I'm just checking if you've forgotten my request for feedback on my new draft, so here it is again for good measure. Please me let me know what you think.
  16. PBJ_Time

    The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)

    Thanks for the feedback. The "insignificant mortal" line being repeated was intentional for narrative purposes, to show how important the trial really was. The "uniting the pantheon" part was going to be "bringing the pantheon under one roof," which probably would've made more sense. I just...
  17. PBJ_Time

    The most bat-shit crazy premise you can imagine

    A man starts his day-to-day life as an accountant, but each day, his colleagues start disappearing. He finds traces of their "deaths" leading to a landfill full of fax machines, with old decrepit people clapping in a cult-like manner, revealing how proud they are of their children working...
  18. PBJ_Time

    I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.

    Oh, he's not the main character. He's just another recurring character in the prologue, hence why he has a different name. His confidence is also justified because he actually won and escaped in the end. All in all, he's not the MC.
  19. PBJ_Time

    Envy's Free Feedback Thread [Thread Closed]

    Please let me know what you think.
  20. PBJ_Time

    Need feedback, pls

    Since these past few months, I've been dabbling on several isekai ideas, but this one motivated enough me the most. I'm not trying to write anything original. It's just a story I've had the most fun writing in a while...