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  1. foxes

    "Quantum Entanglement" caught on film.

    Аs the saying goes, "Тo those who have not studied magic, everything seems like physics."
  2. foxes

    How do y'all fall about the death of the author theory?

    It's a very broad topic of discussion. And I think it's not just about writing stories, but about relationships between people in general. The writer has the advantage of being able to correct the text so that it reflects his idea more. Or try to continue it to change a person's wrong view. In...
  3. foxes

    Bare minimum for a superpower

    I think there's a kryptonite for every ability. There's no such thing as a useless ability, there's just the wrong circumstances. Invisible will be spotted by daredevil. A ghost will be recognized by some psychic. You're just making up a universal tool.
  4. foxes

    Do you regret?

    Imagine that there are tons of people who see your creation even before you write, carve or glue it, and every time on the wave of inspiration and excitement in anticipation of a response, after completion, tons of indifference of these mute observers fall on you. From this it seems to you that...
  5. foxes

    What do you think about a twist on a familiar trope that completely changes its fundamental essense?

    What's the goal here? You want Freddy Kruegger not killing people in his sleep? Just in case, here's one for you. A scientist is terminally ill and needs someone else's blood to synthesize antibodies. Maybe he's a spirit and his device that allows him to materialize in the real world requires...
  6. foxes

    What musical masterpiece scratches that itch at the moment?

    I think that's enough to get you started
  7. foxes

    What makes them different?

    That's one point, I'm sure there are many other obstacles besides talent and advertisement. I think there is a threshold when you can write and get paid for it to solve everyday problems. Some people overcome it purposefully, and some just write one-time for their own pleasure and not for the...
  8. foxes

    Your characters development progressions?

    If an author is good at making you empathize with a hero or character by stepping into their shoes, it doesn't matter to me as a reader whether the line is about progress, degradation, or something else. It's all relative. It's the validity that matters.
  9. foxes

    Midjourney tips needed

    Midjourney should have an Inpainting feature, you can use it to replace part of an image and add a character there. "REMIX" and select "Vary (region)". Just writing "draw six people" won't work, because these neurons don't know numerals
  10. foxes

    Am I the only one?

    I have a little experience in completing a story. But. If I have enough inspiration, I can write about 10 chapters of 2500 words in a couple of days. Then I have to work with the existing material methodically without much involvement. Brainstorming. To rework the result into something more...
  11. foxes

    Tell me something I didn't know

    You can divide by zero. It’s just that no one knows how or why.
  12. foxes

    Mental Age

    Don't care. This is when you may be smart, but you don't care how others evaluate you, so you allow yourself to behave childishly without stressing yourself.
  13. foxes

    Overflowing with Ideas

    It seems to me that you are simply too focused on the main events, and you have nothing to be distracted by. There are many layers of the work in which you can reveal the essence of what is happening. Internal moments of philosophizing on various topics. What actually happens may not always be...
  14. foxes

    Mc gender

    On the one hand, I don’t care, but any version of Bender is a cliché, so I don’t like the fact that most of the story gets bogged down in the hero’s investigation, not so much in himself as in this problem. As a result, when this problem is solved, the story will end despite its continuation...
  15. foxes

    Are loser protagonists really relatable?

    I would look at this from different angles. The category of loser may be broader than it seems at first glance. Even without a backstory, you can be lucky, but after you get hit by a truck again, you won't feel that way anymore. I think yes, at least some kind of alternative is needed here. And...
  16. foxes

    Doubts when writing a novel

    It is inevitable, even without inadequate critics. So many things in the aftermath arise when there are gaps in the story that you miss in the rush of writing down the first ideas. But I just write different little stories, not even related to the main idea. They push for additional details...
  17. foxes

    Is there any limit of word per chapter? and how to know you are over-explaining?

    I asked Chat GPT this question and he answered that the optimal size is 5000-2000 words. But chapters can also consist of parts separated by epigraphs of 5000 words, so the number of words per chapter can be much higher.
  18. foxes

    What Novels do you like?

    science fiction mixed with fantasy where the drama is worked out quite deeply, but without boredom
  19. foxes

    A good Kingdom Building story.

    I am a fan of such topics, and I think that such works are close to this: Out of Space Chrysalis