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  1. SourDaiDai

    Name spelling help.

    I don't have many IRL friends to ask this. So let's say I want to go by the name but there are 2 spellings I like. [ Kai ] looks feminine to me, and the reason why I'm changing my name is that it's feminine. While [ Kei ] looks more masculine to me. Does [ Kai ] really look feminine or am I...
  2. SourDaiDai

    Discord (Scribble's)

    So, I've heard Scribble has a Discord, but I'm pretty hesitant in joining. A few reasons why are : Is there much use? I mean yeah, you talk to people in real time I guess but what else? I had a previous encounter with someone hacking into my account, they did some damage and I still feel...
  3. SourDaiDai

    Cover's Measurements/What do you use?

    When making your covers (or commissioning) : How big do you make your canvas? Do you uses the Pixels or Inches setting? What program do you use? What do you use to draw? Drawing Tablet? Mouse? Phone? Normal Pencil? Do you download brushes? Make your own? Or just use the ones provided...
  4. SourDaiDai

    Writing How do you write worlds?

    Do you flesh out the world, then placed a character in it and see their journey through said world? Or do you have a Plot in mind and build the world around the Plot? Perhaps you simply uses a popular world type and build off there? ( Tell me! )>ヾ(≧∀≦☆)
  5. SourDaiDai

    Writing What's are some 'Creative Swearing'!? (Pretty much done!)

    Simple spouting the word 'Fuck' and 'Shit' is unappealing in my eye, so drown me with some 'Fancy Cruses'!