Adventurer's Guild ⛩️ Gates of Scribblia ⛩️: Open D&D Thread

Are you ready to roll the dice and let your story unfold?

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
Ghan gets lost in the forest, unable to find his way back for a few hours. Until finally, he sees smoke in the distance. Perhaps following it will lead back to town.

However, as he gets closer... he sees a silhouette next to the campfire, it's scent is covered by that of metal and the blood of animals... whoever it is appears to adding things to what he can recognize as a pot and stirring it.

Then, the silhouette looks towards your direction and starts walking towards you.

What do you do?
ghan prepare for a fight shield up and his javelin ready to be thrown/thrust


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022
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Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
ghan prepare for a fight shield up and his javelin ready to be thrown/thrust
As Ghan tenses up, the silhouette waves towards him and calls out.

"Sir shark, it has been a while since we last met! Were you hunting for the festival in town?"

It was just Mabel.

"Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. So I thought I could join in on the fun by cooking some food for everyone!" She points at the bonfire, where there was a pot filled with a boiling stew, bobbing up and down from the surface were mainly mushrooms and other plants from the forest.

"Though, I think I went a little too far by borrowing this big pot from the guild's kitchen." In her hands was a bowl of the mushroom stew, she pushed it in front of Ghan.

"Would you like some, sir shark?" She looks at Ghan expectantly.

Will you drink Mabel's Mysterious Mushroom Stew?
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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
As Ghan tenses up, the silhouette waves towards him and calls out.

"Sir shark, it has been a while since we last met! Were you hunting for the festival in town?"

It was just Mabel.

"Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. So I thought I could join in on the fun by cooking some food for everyone!" She points at the bonfire, where there was a pot filled with a boiling stew, bobbing up and down from the surface were mainly mushrooms and other plants from the forest.

"Though, I think I went a little too far by borrowing this big pot from the guild's kitchen." In her hands was a bowl of the mushroom stew, she pushed it in front of Ghan.

"Would you like some, sir shark?" She looks at Ghan expectantly.

Will you drink Mabel's Mysterious Mushroom Stew?
the deepOcean have no mushroom as such ghan have no idea about mushroom
ghan accept it since it came from his friend
(its been nice knowing you ghan)


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Advaya feels a presence getting inside him, changing his body...

You are now Fey Touched, and you have to give the Fairy your "Firstborn".
You now have a better chance of surviving the Twilight Fortress
Can I be a physical warlock? or just this:

Expanded Spell List​

The Archfey lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Fey Presence​

Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to project the beguiling and fearsome presence of the fey. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Misty Escape​

Starting at 6th level, you can vanish in a puff of mist in response to harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Beguiling Defenses​

Beginning at 10th level, your patron teaches you how to turn the mind-affecting magic of your enemies against them. You are immune to being charmed, and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.

Dark Delirium​

Starting at 14th level, you can plunge a creature into an illusory realm. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a spell). This effect ends early if the creature takes any damage.

Until this illusion ends, the creature thinks it is lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which you choose. The creature can see and hear only itself, you, and the illusion.

You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Can I be a physical warlock? or just this:

Expanded Spell List​

The Archfey lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Fey Presence​

Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to project the beguiling and fearsome presence of the fey. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Misty Escape​

Starting at 6th level, you can vanish in a puff of mist in response to harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Beguiling Defenses​

Beginning at 10th level, your patron teaches you how to turn the mind-affecting magic of your enemies against them. You are immune to being charmed, and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.

Dark Delirium​

Starting at 14th level, you can plunge a creature into an illusory realm. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a spell). This effect ends early if the creature takes any damage.

Until this illusion ends, the creature thinks it is lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which you choose. The creature can see and hear only itself, you, and the illusion.

You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

Advaya's eyes fluttered open, a peculiar sensation tugging at the edges of his consciousness as if the spirit within him had ventured farther away than usual. Slowly, he brought his hands to his face, expecting to feel the familiar rough scars of battle. To his astonishment, they were gone, replaced by skin as smooth and soft as silk. The realization washed over him like a wave – he had undergone a profound transformation, an experience he had only heard whispered among his mage.

In a moment of sheer panic, Avaya couldn't contain himself, and he let out a primal scream, the sound echoing through the room. He had become something he loathed – a damn magician. To make matters worse, he could feel the presence of Fey all around him, those ethereal beings he despised even more than magicians. (I hate you @Rhaps)
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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Advaya's eyes fluttered open, a peculiar sensation tugging at the edges of his consciousness as if the spirit within him had ventured farther away than usual. Slowly, he brought his hands to his face, expecting to feel the familiar rough scars of battle. To his astonishment, they were gone, replaced by skin as smooth and soft as silk. The realization washed over him like a wave – he had undergone a profound transformation, an experience he had only heard whispered among his mage friends.

In a moment of sheer panic, Avaya couldn't contain himself, and he let out a primal scream, the sound echoing through the room. He had become something he loathed – a damn magician. To make matters worse, he could feel the presence of Fey all around him, those ethereal beings he despised even more than magicians. (I hate you @Rhaps)
Fey Touched

  • Prerequisite: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of 13 or higher.
  • You gain the ability to cast the "Misty Step" spell once per day without expending a spell slot. "Misty Step" is a 2nd-level spell that allows you to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
  • You also learn one 1st-level spell of your choice from the following options: "Charm Person," "Detect Magic," or "Disguise Self." You can cast this chosen spell once per day without expending a spell slot.
  • Your spellcasting ability for these spells is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, depending on your choice when you take the feat.


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
Advaya's eyes fluttered open, a peculiar sensation tugging at the edges of his consciousness as if the spirit within him had ventured farther away than usual. Slowly, he brought his hands to his face, expecting to feel the familiar rough scars of battle. To his astonishment, they were gone, replaced by skin as smooth and soft as silk. The realization washed over him like a wave – he had undergone a profound transformation, an experience he had only heard whispered among his mage friends.

In a moment of sheer panic, Avaya couldn't contain himself, and he let out a primal scream, the sound echoing through the room. He had become something he loathed – a damn magician. To make matters worse, he could feel the presence of Fey all around him, those ethereal beings he despised even more than magicians. (I hate you @Rhaps)
Yes, you can be a physical Warlock, as in, Hexblade Warlock.

The Fairy reached into its own chest, pulling out an etheral blue greatsword, as if reflecting the night sky itself. It threw the sword down onto the ground, and the sword became larger, fit for a human to use.

"Take this sword, it is a part of my being. It is my eyes and ears. I will see your adventure through."

And the Fairy flew away, leaving Advaya as he stayed there amidst the laughter of the spirits.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Fun fact, the roll I made earlier was a Nature check for gathering ingredients and cooking. Mabel rolled a 19+2(Nature Proficiency)+2(Cook's Utensils Proficiency)=23. She also spent 80cp on foodstuffs from the town market that couldn't be harvested locally.

So, not only is the stew Cordyceps Fungi free, it's made of completely edible and nutritious ingredients.

[Mabel's Marvelous Mushroom Stew]

A stew made with mushrooms and various other plants harvested from the forest near Guildinggston. Made by a machine filled with absolutely no love whatsoever. Simple spices really add to the taste. You feel as if meat would complete the whole thing... but a terrible fate befell the potential ingredients. 100% Cordyceps free.

Partaking in a bowl of this fills you with with warmth and power! +5 temporary hp(lasts until depleted)

This food is now available for free at Guildinggton for 3 days! Spirits are welcome to have a portion too! (Availability may be longer or shorter depending on how many people eat it)


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
the deepOcean have no mushroom as such ghan have no idea about mushroom
ghan accept it since it came from his friend
(its been nice knowing you ghan)
I forgot to quote you, and Ghan may live on another day.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Yes, you can be a physical Warlock, as in, Hexblade Warlock.

The Fairy reached into its own chest, pulling out an etheral blue greatsword, as if reflecting the night sky itself. It threw the sword down onto the ground, and the sword became larger, fit for a human to use.

"Take this sword, it is a part of my being. It is my eyes and ears. I will see your adventure through."

And the Fairy flew away, leaving Advaya as he stayed there amidst the laughter of the spirits.
Advaya picked up the sword, he felt all of his strength drain. his being from inside changed as the physical power drained and the powers of mana poured into an empty vessel.

he felt a power surging inside of him, felt as if he could awaken it, @Rhaps (can I have wrathful smite? or how do I gain powers as a warlock?)
  • Strength (S): 7+1 (-1modifier)
  • Dexterity (D): 7+1(-1modifier)
  • Constitution (C): 14+1 (+2modifier)
  • Intelligence (I): 11+1 (+1 modifier)
  • Wisdom (W): 15+1 (+3 modifier)
  • Charisma (C): 15+1 (+3 modifier)
  • Active Skill: Stealth
  • Hubris: 29 (Hubris is often used to represent overconfidence or arrogance in a character's actions or decisions.)
  • Money: 12(5 stolen by fae) gold pieces (GP) and 10 copper pieces (CP)
  • Food: 3 stale bread and 10 beef jerky
  • Goods: 3 units of silk
  • Weapon: Battle axe, Hex Blade.
  • Armor: Studded Armor
  • Mount: Horse
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Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
Advaya picked up the sword, he felt all of his strength drain. his being from inside changed as the physical power drained and the powers of mana poured into an empty vessel.

he felt a power surging inside of him, felt as if he could awaken it, @Rhaps (can I have wrathful smite? or how do I gain powers as a warlock?)
Now you can shoot cool beams with the sword cough cough Eldritch Blast cough.
Yes, you can use Wrathful Smite through the sword.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Advaya takes his new blade and walks out of the door, he sees mabel and Ghan drinking soup and walks up to them, and asks, "How have you guys been faring," He tries to hide the awkwardness of his voice by disguising it as cough, (Will Mabel and Ghan be able to recognize new adavaya?)


Active member
Mar 25, 2020
@Rhaps I got you another victim willing player!
Before he enters the door, he saw someone come out of the door, man had the same presence as his, he was taller than himself, so he waited before he entered the door, inside he saw fae being mischievous playing in air, he approached it, "Fae, are you enjoying party?!"


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Advaya takes his new blade and walks out of the door, he sees mabel and Ghan drinking soup and walks up to them, and asks, "How have you guys been faring," He tries to hide the awkwardness of his voice by disguising it as cough, (Will Mabel and Ghan be able to recognize new adavaya?)
Wait wut, did the pact physically change him?


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
Before he enters the door, he saw someone come out of the door, man had the same presence as his, he was taller than himself, so he waited before he entered the door, inside he saw fae being mischievous playing in air, he approached it, "Fae, are you enjoying party?!"
You hear music, a soothing melody that draws you in.

Make a Wisdom save