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May 25, 2021
if it really is a full blown depression, you need serious mental help. Talking to a therapist isn't easy but it can really help and I can advice you to look into it. apart from therapy, what is important is making sure that your basic needs are fulfilled. sleep 9 hours a day, make a healthy dietary plan, drink enough and something that is also very important, make sure you have enough activity in a day. every day just go for a 30-60 minute walk with the 30 being a minimum. what can also help is writing down all of the positive things in a day, they don't have to be anything big but just write them down and if you're feeling shitty, read them over, it can help. apart from that finding a new hobby might help.


Optimistic Kitten
Jan 2, 2019
Set goals. Have realistic expectations. Do the things that make you happy. Don't do things that ruin your mood. Try not to need others so much.

Find worth in yourself. When you feel like everything is coming apart, if you've made even a little step forward and done something better, you have a reason to be proud and raise your head.



Feb 5, 2019
Ex-depression person = me
Failed a suicide once

It's quite hard to tell a solution to be honest.
Despite easiest solution is simply "talk with someone", the mind simply see everything in dark.
Nothing is worth living for. No drive for anything in particular. Feel no one can understand. Feel you are alone in shitty world. A heavy weight on your everything you feel. etc
Depression can be light or very bad.

How did i get out ?
Simply "to let go" and discover it's better to simply enjoy stuff for the remaining time left of life.
In nutshell, it is simply go "YOLO". BUT of course not crazy like the dumbasses or exaggerated examples of jumping a bridge. More like what i call "mild-yolo" = living life like the last moment BUT respecting the rules.

Not sure if bc i survived the suicide attempt OR because i found a stopgap alternative to block the "mental problem" which was the reason of my depression, but it is like breaking chains.
OR i think it's more likely because after seeing a few things and people, that i understood "life and HUMAN BEINGS are shit, so it's better to stop being overly kind/compassionate and simply doing whatever i want and be more selfish" = yolo
In fact the joke-saying in No Game No Life of "life is a shitty game" is very true

Yolo-ing is in fact a good attitude of life, because it is simply the old-school saying "Live your life as if it was your last day (=appreciate living)"
but because of meme/trolls/videos it became exagerated and negative thing. Similar that Cannabis is in fact a very good spice from the grain (old manga about bread Yakitake Japan explain it) but now have a very bad impression that it is a drug. Or like "otaku/LGBT" got a bad image.

Also thinking negative-positively of imagining the worse, is also half the solution to me combined with the part of "yolo-ing"
I mean, i failed suicide ? I am glad i failed as i could play all this games of 2022. I break a leg ? I am glad that i didn't fall on head and have instant-death (yep you can die in a wrong hit). Food is burnt ? Heck i am glad i didn't cause a fire to the house (joke). I got a shitty cumbersome disease that gonna stay with me for the rest of my life ? Heck i am jumping in joy when i remember it could been worse as some X years old kids with innocent souls have cancers for no reasons. Possibly lose a finger in future ? Duh, on the news there was a village that had some babies with missing arm(s).

But in short, go "fuck this ! i gonna enjoy myself (food/games/anything i like) ! without breaking the law and endangering my life" like me

especially because humans and me included, are a species that is quite garbage. Like a novel said "we feel pity for the war-torn or big-belly hungry children, but in the end we forget it 10s later after we switch TV channel"
Not that all are bad (there are good ones and volunteers for example), but that the fundamental core of humans is too random +currently society is worsening at a crazy rate and bad people are often in high positions and enjoying themselves.


Retired Old Man
Aug 14, 2019


Feb 5, 2019
They got a bad image because they are inherently bad things
See ? Even you is fooled by the bad image.

LGBT, as long they are good humans, what stop them to love whatever they want ? As long they don't spread STDs everywhere or adopt children, it's fine. There are people that like inanimate objects and even having sex with them, but no one say it's a bad thing.
The good LGBTs are probably sneering and angry against the bad ones (99% of them) that are showing off everywhere with gay-pride etc
and if in logic of "reproduction", i think we already have too many human beings polluting the earth, especially in recent year the climate going out of control

Otakus ? It's just a hobby of liking anime culture. But chuuni or crazy ones or the tame ones that get a room full of figures or ikkikomori that dont leave the houses or fat lolicons or NEETs, are the bad examples. Without forgetting the otakus that "explode" just like the "silent kids" on the news of america, is it truly their fault as it was their often the environment and people around them that caused it ?

In analogy, it's like people liking guns. Are they bad things ? No, in logic. But just that there are often bad ones portrayed on the news
People taking drugs or alcoholics ? Heck as long they don't hurt others, they can take whatever they want, it's their freedom.
Speaking of hurting others, i like the sentence (in novel) "is a bad person truly a bad person if he kept acting kind to everyone his whole life ? probably not"

tldr : Like lot of series said before "there are good ones and bad ones in everything"


your cool weird auntie
Oct 19, 2021
Clinical depression is an illness, and is best treated by a professional therapist. Clinical depression is defined as a prolonged period of depressed mood that interferes with your basic functioning, or causes you to engage in self-destructive behavior - insomnia, being late or missing work, school, or other appointments either because you overslept or you just don't feel like going so you don't, neglecting your hygiene, undereating or overeating, overindulging in alcohol or other substances (including more "benign" things like caffeine or junk food), engaging in risky or ill-advised sexual behavior (sorry, folks), and of course having thoughts of deliberately harming yourself.

If that sounds like what you're dealing with, please find a therapist. There are services now where you can do therapy by text if you don't want to do face to face. It might seem weird at first to talk to a stranger about your personal issues, but you just talk to them like your doctor, because that's who they are.

Even if you dont think you have clinical depression and are maybe just sad about something, it won't hurt to talk to a therapist anyway, just in case.


Feb 5, 2019
Another thing,

Go eat food. Go try food you never did before. Go eat junk-food (chips/fries/ice-cream) of whatever you want.
Go try "HADES" indiegame or any good games out there like FF7 remake. (also they can be downloaded free if you search/dont report plz)
Go to nhentai or jav.com
Go on youtube-shorts
Go do whatever you think is fun (but not illegal and dangerous)

Me after my depression, tasty home-mad chinese fried rice is heavenly food.
A day with the tart of my family ? Heck its good day
Home-made Pizza ? FCK YEAH
Cheese burger of McDonald ? Would probably grin a lot (cant have them sadly though)
Depends if its clinical depression or if you're being a drama queen and only feel depressed because you never go outside, interact with people or even exercise. Being a fat piece of shit who touches no grass and gets no bitches has a pretty serious effect on your mentality.
Near forgot that there are people that simply want attention, ty for reminding that Cupcakeninja

Not that i am saying the OP is one but we are not sure and the fact its written without "caps" at first letter is doubtful


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
If you mean actual clinical depression, the best you can do is seek professional help and follow their advice, not ask strangers on the internet who, more likely than not, have no idea what they're talking about and might outright give malicious advice in cases.

Otherwise it will pass with some stimulation.


Active member
Mar 4, 2021
You've not specified your depression, so I will just say a general explanation.

Anyway, how to fix depression depends a lot on the person itself, but there are options that are easy and options that are hard.

The hard way would be to find a therapist and through them go over everything that is making you depressed. I say that it's the hardest because then you need doctors and whatnot declaring you depressed and all that shit.

The easy way would be for you yourself to do the therapy session. Imagine yourself being beside a therapist, then you let that imaginative therapist posit questions about you and your life. That way you go through your memories, and like a book, your memories begin with your childhood as you progress and figure out how and why you made the decisions that you did. Once you do that you will have a better understanding of yourself without having to go to the doctors or pay a therapist.

Whichever choice you chose is up to you, but let me give you a warning and some advice.

What they call medical depression, is not an actual illness or disease. It is an innate biological mental safety mechanism our bodies have been born with. It is there for a reason, and the reason is to tell us that something is wrong in our current life. It tells us that something has to change, whether that be yourself or your surroundings. The most likely option is both.

That was the warning and here is the advice.

Most depressions are caused externally, but the most common internal one is a failed daily rhythm and an unhealthy body. Therefore, the best way to fix that is by regular exercise. The daily rhythm of anything keeps you grounded in the here and now, and not the past or the future, where your thoughts run rogue and therefore cause depression. The exercises also keep your body healthy as the stress forced upon your body gives your mind far less time to wonder about resulting in a better state of mind. Plus it rebalances your body's chemicals that you need for an optimal life.

Now if your depression is something external, I can't help you with that as you need to fix it yourself, but with the advice given, you will have an excellent foundation [after you have at least stuck with the daily rhythm and exercise for a month or more] to address the external problem.

With that said, I wish you good luck.

PS; Don't take any pills prescribed to you. A depression pill is but a cloth put over a bullet wound. Yes, it will stop a momentary blood loss, but it will not help with the bullet inside you. Only after the bullet is out and everything is stitched back into place, does the actual healing start.

PSS; Never underestimate the potential of the human body and what it is capable of if the Mind behind it is strong enough.