Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Freestyle RP


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The Red Riding Hood's Kukuu Egg part:1 (Close)

Currently A Red Hooded Girl is standing in the middle of a Prairie beyond the Northern Forest of Scrible.

Why is she in here... Who knows~

The sunshine is wonderful! Its such a peaceful lovely day!


In front of the Red Riding hood girl is a Ominous Giant Jet black Egg with countless Red vines all over it Surrounded by bright hazy rainbow aura.

the Giant egg who is equal to a Small house in Size keep pulsing... Going stronger & stronger by each passing minute...... The ominous Giant egg is about to hatch.

[..............] :blob_blank: *dead pan Expression*

The red Riding hood Reciful who is in front the egg lose all her facial Expressions as she stare with dead fish like eyes at the giant egg that she quite neglected inside her shadow After the Slime raid happen.

How did this happens?

That's all she have in her mind as she Recalled ALL the weird stuff she did with this egg for the past year ever since she got this Kukuu egg from her E rank Quest long ago.

OC: Reciful | Settings: "the Prairie beyond the Northern Forest"

OCC: still have no Idea want being I'll use....ahahahaha perhaps something weird as always!! And so I'll sleep!:blob_sleep:


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Vesper's Day without Quest Taking, Part 1 (Closed)
Today is not a day for quests. He needed to do many things that he still haven't done. One of those things is incubating his egg! Vesper summoned the Starry Night Egg from his spatial ring and several prepared materials for the task. Since he's a birdkin himself, Vesper have some knowledge of how to do it.

He prepared a incubation box with plenty of soft material and some light stones as the heat source. If he have time, Vesper would sit the egg himself. Incubation taking a long time and he's afraid something might happen to it when he's not there, so he ask Stella or Hanu for help when they have time. Just in case, Vesper casted a protection spell on the egg.

The next task on his schedule is getting 10 drops of his true blood essence for later use, not to mention he could sell in the future. After all, Vesper is a luan bird so even if his strength isn't as it used to be as the result of coming to a strange new land, his true blood essence would still work wonders as it carries the purest ice energy.

Though the progress of harvest his blood essence is painful, Vesper is mentally prepared as he'd done it before. He sat in lotus position and concentrated on forcing out his blood essence with the help of his abundant qi. After an hour, Vesper finally forced out 10 drops and put each drop in 10 different small vial made of special material that's able to contain and preserve them. His entire body is covered in cold sweat with the effort.

Vesper put all 10 vials inside one of his spatial ring and collapse on his bed to take a long and well deserved nap. Just like that, he slept for an entire day.

OC: Vesper Word Count: 307 OCC: This rp post is for adding a few things to Vesper's inventory and incubating the egg from his Rank E exam


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The Red Riding Hood's Kukuu Egg part 2 (End)

The Giant Egg is about to hatch..

The Egg which Experienced all sorts of weird stuff from Reciful the Red Riding Hood girl.

Stuffs Like....

Being submerged in Reciful's Black Potion.... Which is made By Reciful Demonic Black Blood.

Being tested as a Forest Blight solution experimented wherever if the Egg can absorb the Evilness(Miasma/Evil mana) that is spreading in the forest... Done mercilessly By Reciful.

Being used as a medium for Reciful's Super weird magical Rituals, Alchemic Practices, Witchcraft,....... Please don't ask the details~... Let's just say she wants to make it hatch fast

Being Exposed upon Reciful's Shadow for almost 24/7 every single day & Who knows what's really inside her shadow anyway.... Is it even a normal shadow to begin with??

Being the sole witness on what really is happening when Reciful is strolling inside, outside & places beyond Scrible.... Reciful is doing this Strolling almost everyday... What's happening? where she went? what is she doing When she stroll?.... Who knows~

Being bathed upon the blood & corpse of all the being Reciful slayed. each time Reciful Stored the body of those she killed inside her shadow storage where the Kukuu egg is also in store. Reciful have the habit of collecting the remains of her slayed enemies... Why she do so? what she do afterwards??..... I don't know~ & I don't want to know~

Being a practice dummy back when Reciful is Training her Black Magic.

Being used as a sharpening tool for her Cleaving Knife & Axe occasionally.

And lots and lots of other more weird stuff this Giant Kukuu egg Experienced under Reciful care(?)

After the egg went through all of that countless Abomination... Finally a year past & now it will hatch!

From a originally normal egg.... Its Became Giant Egg equal to a small house in size. Pure jet black in color with Red vine like blood vessels all over it. Surrounded by a intimidating Rainbow hazy Aura.

....... yes originally its a normal egg. It Transformed & became like THAT after a year under Reciful hands.

Normally anyone can guess want manner of being will hatch from the egg... But now looking at this Ominous Giant Black Egg... one will Question, just what the heck will appear?

The egg pulsed very strongly Like a drum beating in a coordinated beat & Each time the air vibrate alongside it. The animal, insect & other beings in the Prairie felt a frightening force, as their instinct told them to run far away from it.

After a one last strong pulse... The egg became quiet, slowly the Rainbow Aura surrounding it is absorb by the egg.

Like sounds of a glass slowly breaking follow-up by small crack appearing. many more cracks Emerged one after another. & From the cracks a Rainbow like light Escaped from inside the egg.

Then a large sound of a breaking glass Echoes, the Egg is cracked vertically Revealing what's inside the egg.

Gazing at it, Reciful Expecting something big will emerge due to the eggs sheer size...

But no giant beast Emerged....rather it looks empty.

Reciful tilted her head in wonder it felt like the egg is empty... So she draws near slowly in the Broken Giant Egg.

Stepping inside the egg. She notice The inner walls of the egg is glittering in rainbow light like a mirror or some type of glass. unlike its rough Jet black outer shell.

Looking around inside the giant egg, finally she saw the being born from the egg which currently is sitting on the ground

the being who is the result of all the unethical, horrific, & Abomination like practices Reciful did upon the Kukuu egg.

Staring at its figure.

It have a white Complexion, tiny limbs, small body, have Insects like wing in its back made in light, have a human like hair... Overall its very cute small like a doll... it is currently gazing at Reciful silently with its cute face.

Seeing that Reciful is dumbfounded by what being hatched from the egg.

It's not a cat, a dog or a mythical beast like manticore, fenrir or a dragon. especially not a Eldritch monster....but.

[ uumm....... A fairy??? ] Reciful said.

OCC: from generic mythical beast to horrible cosmic entity down to domesticated animal like cats & dogs.... I think all possible pet's to choose... but In the end all I wanted is for someone or something to be with Reciful & not just a mere pet. So I chose a fairy! one of my favorite fantasy entities!!:blob_aww::blob_melt::blob_happy:

Well to begin with... is it reallllly a fairy?:blob_hide: ahahahaha :blobrofl:


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Campanella (End)



Reciful & the Newborn Fairy hatched from the egg were having a staring competition for quite sometime.

They are Currently inside a hidden abandoned church far Northwest of Scrible. As the weather outside suddenly turns bad, seems like a heavy rain shall come. The sky is covered by thick & heavy black rain clouds.

[........... Mother? ] The fairy said very adorably.

[ No ] Reciful immediately Denied cruelly.

[ *Sob*...*Sob*..hick.. UWAAAAAAA!! ] the fairy cried accompanied by a devastating large sound of Lightning outside.

[...just... please..... Stoooop crying every time! ] She Shouted.

[ Noooooooooo!! Mom is Mom!! ] She Interject.

Thus finally a heavy rain poured down alongside ear numbing lightning strikes.

Apperently they been having this argument for quite awhile... Since the fairy hatched from the egg.

Reciful keep denying the fairy's claims of her to be its Mother. While the fairy strongly insisted Reciful to be her Mom. They have been bickering to each other for hours now & neither of the two wants to back down.

Reciful already did all she can think of just to make the fairy stops insisting to be mom, mommy, mother, & Mama or whatever the fairy claims her to be... Cause it give her the extreme cringe the idea of her being a parent, & also Reciful don't have a good impression about the word parents due to her former Experience with her own Evil Father... A trauma she still carries till now.

Reciful did all she can do, She tried various method she knew of.

Reciful give the fairy a dress...
Reciful already act & ask nicely...
Reciful buy plenty of Food...
Reciful even cook a food for the fairy, the only food she can make..... Skewers...
Reciful Even give her favorite Milkshake...
Reciful give the fairy her own mana just a attempt..
Reciful give the fairy a name.... Campanella...
Reciful even offer it Freedom... Which the fairy strongly Rejected.

But all to no avail. The fairy won't part away from her nor the fairy will ever stop recognizing her as its parent.

Reciful is very tired & So she finally give up losing both the battle & the war.

[ Fine... You win... Yes... I'm...the.... Mom....*Sighhhhhhh* ] Reciful said in monotonous tone with a very reluctant Expression of admitting defeat.

[ Yeeeeeey!! Mom!! Mom!! Campanella's Mama!! ] The fairy who's name now is Campanella cried a tears of joy yelling in happiness flying around Reciful hugging her in the face, shaking around, shouting the word "Mom" over & over again.

All while Reciful have a eyes of someone who died inside.
Never did Reciful knew that the very reason she ultimately became the Mother of this fairy...... Is the fault of no one but her very self alone.


Not only she is the first person the fairy saw..... Which Imprinted her to the fairy.

She also ask for the fairy's True name right after its birth.... Which bend/chain the fairies very existence to her.

Then as if those were not enough she Give it a Name , a Clothing, a food & Even give her own mana.... Which every single one of those action is a ceremonial act that bends the her to the fairy in return a equivalent exchange.... & Reciful did more than one of those... Making it worse.

And finally acknowledgement..... Which seals the contract.

Thus Now they're connected from here & beyond this world by a multiple several kind of contract that overlap each other & miraculously created a very strong kind of Contract. that's Tied not only their present & future but even their fate, karma, Destiny, soul & very existence together for Eternity....... An Eternal Oath.

Fairy of Revelation​

True name: [Classified]
Name: Campanella

Alignment: ????​
  • Kind hearted for the innocent, Poor, wounded & helpless.​
  • Merciless & Cruelly Mischievous for the Sinful, wicked & incorrigible.​
  • Cheerful​
  • A obedient child who blindly follows all her mother's order.​

  1. Mother!(Reciful),​
  2. the nature,​
  3. Music & songs​
  4. festivals, parties, Celebrations​
  5. Peace​

  • anything that insult, harm & oppose Mom(Reciful).​
  • Rival for Mom's attention.​

Back Ground:
A fairy who hatched from the Mysterious Kukuu Egg of Reciful. Perhaps what originally inside the egg is replaced due to all the weird stuff Reciful did to the egg to the point it completely changed what's inside.​
Fairy of Revelation:
A Mysterious type of Fairy who said to only appear in the world when the Apocalypse or the day of Judgement is near... It's saids that they helps spreading Gods Wrath to each corners of the world at the end of times.​
They look like normal fairies the only difference is on what they do & what they can do.
Once let loose in the world & they'll bring absolute Confusion. 'Are they allies? or Enemies?' thats the Question they brings upon Humanity on their arrival.​
Light of Salvation​
The light who brings Salvation that Heals the wounded, cure's the Sick, Guide's the lost, & Save the Damned Soul's.​
Light of Extinction​
Apocalyptic Beast Form​
<<< CANNOT BE USED! Only Until Apocalypse or In Demonic realms >>>​
Racial Attributes
Harbingers of End​
They can see & perceive those we're fated to end(death) Soon.
Thus they can Steal someone else's End & put it into other's.
Likewise they can intensifies the End of Someone or something by using the End they steal... Granting inevitable gruesome end.​

They can Blink themselves out of Existence, & appear in a certain distance they want.​
They can Mind Communicate, move things, Levitate object & Read People inner thoughts​
Seven Apocalyptic Plague​

They can Manifest & brings a "Lesser" Version of the Apocalyptic 7 last plague of Revelation.

• Skin infection/ Skin Disease.
• Turn Some Salt Water to Blood.
• Turn Some Fresh Water to Blood.
• Change place/area's Temperature.
• Temporal blindness, Phantom Pains, & hallucinations
• Thrist, Dehydration, & Drought.
• Bad Weather's & Slight earth rambling.(not earthquake)​

OCC: just posted it cause its been bothering my mind~ XD LoL!!
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Discovering a Snowy New Region
Vesper got up early today with full energy. He and two other adventurers had agree to explore a new region not long ago and today's the day. He inspect his spatial ring first then immediately head out.

Tag: @Leegood @Himekawa Word Count: 37 Words, 202 characters OOC: Sorry for the delay


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Discovering a Snowy New Region
Vesper got up early today with full energy. He and two other adventurers had agree to explore a new region not long ago and today's the day. He inspect his spatial ring first then immediately head out.

Tag: @Leegood @Himekawa Word Count: 37 Words, 202 characters OOC: Sorry for the delay
I packed up some extra items and prepared to go exploring with some people I met in the tavern.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The week before their journey (closed)

  • Title: Discover the Orders!
  • Sponsor: Geminini of the Orgalla Order
  • Location: Scribble city, Destination, Orgalla Order!
  • Required Level: 4+
  • Tag List: @Leegood
  • Objectives:
  • Follow along with Geminini to the location of the Orgalla order
  • Survive 1-2 attacks by monsters and/or bandits
  • Survive 1 peaceful/hostile encounter with a Holy human empire scout party
  • Description:
  • Rewards:
    • EXP: 120
    • Money: 15G (25G)
    • Note from Geminini: "What else? How about the food you and I will hunt along the way Hahahaha! This will be fun adventurer, Though there is possible contact with the kingdom the Orgalla order resides within so that might be a reward itself! Maybe I'll get you a little something If you are Satisfactory!"
OOC Party quest with @Leegood to worldbuild a new region and make it into lore

'This one?'
Watery thought. She felt a good feeling from the quest. It was another journey to an unknown region. With no hestitation, she brought a copy of the quest paper to the receptionist.

"Oh... you want to do that quest? Hmm... let's see. This Geminini person can be found at the tavern. Since you took this quest, I think you should meet Miss Letianna too. She'll go with you." The receptionist said.

She nodded at the woman's word.

The woman then continued, "Though... since you'll go through the Holy human empire territory, I think you need a disguise. They're not very friendly toward nonhumans, I've heard."

That was a problem, then. She tried to freeze her body, shaping her body to that of a human. With enough fabrics, she should be able to pass a glance. Yet, it wouldn't pass an inspection, if she was to be honest with herself.

Other than that, she could ask the others to take this quest in her stead. With her sharing a body with six others, she would not lack a human disguise. She never saw them in combat though. According to Aussa, she was roughly level 11 in experience, while they all were at level 2. How much of that experience translate into strength, she did not know. But she did feel that risking them would be bad.

'Do you want to get stronger?'
She asked Eria through their mental bond.

'Of course I want. But, you want to do that quest? I feel like we are not ready, honestly.'

'I'm your partner. I'm your weapon. Use me as your strength.'
She honestly wondered about things that made her partner hesitate. They had their bond, and through their bond, she could help power her partner's spell. Not to mention, if things get worse, she could just forcefully go in front and weather away enemy attack using her body. 'So... let's try.'


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
I packed up some extra items and prepared to go exploring with some people I met in the tavern.

She sat and waited at one table near the tavern's corner. The person across her who would lead them was named Geminini. According to that person, they just have to wait for Miss Letianna and one other person to come here.

She glanced at the stage, looking at the girl named Sica who was asking people here and there to help her. Seeing her pleading for her people, she felt something tugging at her heart. Perhaps, after this she could go to Halfwing Federation and see how it was there. Since they had to go through that mountain, she could also see if there was an actual opression commited by the Holy Human Empire. If it happened to be there... helping the girl might be worthwhile endeavor.

In the end, she had gone in her water form. Her dress was torn in various ways that it would be indecent to wear, at least according to another person whom she forgot his name. She had none but her 4G in their inventory, and she still felt that Eria couldn't utilize her yet. Therefore, letting them take the forefront would be a last resort.

Thus, she waited.

OOC: what kind of person is this geminini, @Leegood?


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
The week before their journey (closed)

'This one?' Watery thought. She felt a good feeling from the quest. It was another journey to an unknown region. With no hestitation, she brought a copy of the quest paper to the receptionist.

"Oh... you want to do that quest? Hmm... let's see. This Geminini person can be found at the tavern. Since you took this quest, I think you should meet Miss Letianna too. She'll go with you." The receptionist said.

She nodded at the woman's word.

The woman then continued, "Though... since you'll go through the Holy human empire territory, I think you need a disguise. They're not very friendly toward nonhumans, I've heard."

That was a problem, then. She tried to freeze her body, shaping her body to that of a human. With enough fabrics, she should be able to pass a glance. Yet, it wouldn't pass an inspection, if she was to be honest with herself.

Other than that, she could ask the others to take this quest in her stead. With her sharing a body with six others, she would not lack a human disguise. She never saw them in combat though. According to Aussa, she was roughly level 11 in experience, while they all were at level 2. How much of that experience translate into strength, she did not know. But she did feel that risking them would be bad.

'Do you want to get stronger?' She asked Eria through their mental bond.

'Of course I want. But, you want to do that quest? I feel like we are not ready, honestly.'

'I'm your partner. I'm your weapon. Use me as your strength.'
She honestly wondered about things that made her partner hesitate. They had their bond, and through their bond, she could help power her partner's spell. Not to mention, if things get worse, she could just forcefully go in front and weather away enemy attack using her body. 'So... let's try.'

Gemini was chugged down a barrel of ale while munching down on an entire roasted pig leg. "Ahahaha little leti this is great! And all I had ta do was help whip some fresh blood into shape!"

I nodded at him "how about ya come with me? Need ta to see the order, give some of them scholarly input or something!" I discussed it with him.
She sat and waited at one table near the tavern's corner. The person across her who would lead them was named Geminini. According to that person, they just have to wait for Miss Letianna and one other person to come here.

She glanced at the stage, looking at the girl named Sica who was asking people here and there to help her. Seeing her pleading for her people, she felt something tugging at her heart. Perhaps, after this she could go to Halfwing Federation and see how it was there. Since they had to go through that mountain, she could also see if there was an actual opression commited by the Holy Human Empire. If it happened to be there... helping the girl might be worthwhile endeavor.

In the end, she had gone in her water form. Her dress was torn in various ways that it would be indecent to wear, at least according to another person whom she forgot his name. She had none but her 4G in their inventory, and she still felt that Eria couldn't utilize her yet. Therefore, letting them take the forefront would be a last resort.

Thus, she waited.

OOC: what kind of person is this geminini, @Leegood?
"Watery~ hello~"


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Gemini was chugged down a barrel of ale while munching down on an entire roasted pig leg. "Ahahaha little leti this is great! And all I had ta do was help whip some fresh blood into shape!"

I nodded at him "how about ya come with me? Need ta to see the order, give some of them scholarly input or something!" I discussed it with him.

"Watery~ hello~"
"Hello." She nodded at the new arrival. Then, she looked at the man and said, "Mister Geminini. Are we going through the Holy Human Empire territory?"

Should she ask them a little detour? If they went to the west, she'd like to take Sica's quest, to be honest. Spending a few days, doing journalism in that area should be doable for her.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
"Hello." She nodded at the new arrival. Then, she looked at the man and said, "Mister Geminini. Are we going through the Holy Human Empire territory?"

Should she ask them a little detour? If they went to the west, she'd like to take Sica's quest, to be honest. Spending a few days, doing journalism in that area should be doable for her.
"Aha! We take the route that takes us there!" Gemini laughed "if there are places to also be we could also explore em!"

I was reading my book and nodded "it's not a need that we get to the orgalla order first."


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
"Aha! We take the route that takes us there!" Gemini laughed "if there are places to also be we could also explore em!"

I was reading my book and nodded "it's not a need that we get to the orgalla order first."
Vesper flew towards the duo in his beast form, a hurried expression on his face. He stop by the two people and changed into human form.

"Wait for me," he said. "Was I late?"


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Vesper flew towards the duo in his beast form, a hurried expression on his face. He stop by the two people and changed into human form.

"Wait for me," he said. "Was I late?"
I was about to speak when Gimini spoke "A hundred years late las! we're plannin the trip right now!" He put a map on the table.

Geminini spoke " I say we go to that half-wing federation for a visit, then go north to that snow place ya were talkin bout, then head over to the orgalla order after that, sound fair?"

I agreed and looked at the other two



Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
I was about to speak when Gimini spoke "A hundred years late las! we're plannin the trip right now!" He put a map on the table.

Geminini spoke " I say we go to that half-wing federation for a visit, then go north to that snow place ya were talkin bout, then head over to the orgalla order after that, sound fair?"

I agreed and looked at the other two

Vesper nodded in agreement as he scan the map, getting a rough location of where they'd be going. As for traveling, he thought of an idea as he turns to the others.

"I'm a Luan Bird beastkin," Vesper said. "If you guys haven't thought of a ride yet, I could change into beast form."


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Vesper nodded in agreement as he scan the map, getting a rough location of where they'd be going. As for traveling, he thought of an idea as he turns to the others.

"I'm a Luan Bird beastkin," Vesper said. "If you guys haven't thought of a ride yet, I could change into beast form."
"Sounds great fella!" Gemini looked at watery for her thoughts, me too.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
"Sounds great fella!" Gemini looked at watery for her thoughts, me too.
Vesper made an "okay" sign and transformed into a giant luan bird. His 3 head feathers drift in the air and his beautiful long tail feathers that resemble peacock's extend a good length. His plumage are like ice shards growing on his body.

(basic he look like a ice variant phoenix and his tail feathers look like peacock tail feathers but blue)

He turn his head to his companions and said, "hop on."


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Vesper made an "okay" sign and transformed into a giant luan bird. His 3 head feathers drift in the air and his beautiful long tail feathers that resemble peacock's extend a good length. His plumage are like ice shards growing on his body.

(basic he look like a ice variant phoenix and his tail feathers look like peacock tail feathers but blue)

He turn his head to his companions and said, "hop on."


"How fast can you go?" Watery said to the newly appeared bird. She felt an aura of coldness from the bird, and wondering if the other two would be fine with it. It wouldn't do, after all, to harm the client in the journey.

For safety, she should suggest this. She turned to the other two.

"You two, should you buy ropes and saddle to fasten yourself to the bird? Also, wear your winter gear. We'll be going to a cold place."

She was honestly worried for the two. Falling down from high places was no joke. Flying in high altitude has its complication too, in which her new companion was not helpful with the cold body of his. Thin air, cold air, they simply had to guard against that.

If possible, she prefer them to go by road if they couldn't resist it.

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019

"How fast can you go?" Watery said to the newly appeared bird. She felt an aura of coldness from the bird, and wondering if the other two would be fine with it. It wouldn't do, after all, to harm the client in the journey.

For safety, she should suggest this. She turned to the other two.

"You two, should you buy ropes and saddle to fasten yourself to the bird? Also, wear your winter gear. We'll be going to a cold place."

She was honestly worried for the two. Falling down from high places was no joke. Flying in high altitude has its complication too, in which her new companion was not helpful with the cold body of his. Thin air, cold air, they simply had to guard against that.

If possible, she prefer them to go by road if they couldn't resist it.

"How does 220 miles per hour sound?" He asked then went on the explain, "I can go faster, but considering you guys are riding, so I'm going this speed. And if you guys can't stand my body's temperature, I'll control my body heat so you won't feel cold sitting on me. When you're on me, I'll control the air around me so you won't feel the wind blasting in your faces. And if you want, you guys could put a saddle on me."

Tag: @Leegood
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018

"How fast can you go?" Watery said to the newly appeared bird. She felt an aura of coldness from the bird, and wondering if the other two would be fine with it. It wouldn't do, after all, to harm the client in the journey.

For safety, she should suggest this. She turned to the other two.

"You two, should you buy ropes and saddle to fasten yourself to the bird? Also, wear your winter gear. We'll be going to a cold place."

She was honestly worried for the two. Falling down from high places was no joke. Flying in high altitude has its complication too, in which her new companion was not helpful with the cold body of his. Thin air, cold air, they simply had to guard against that.

If possible, she prefer them to go by road if they couldn't resist it.

"How does 600 miles per hour sound?" He asked then went on the explain, "I can go faster, but considering you guys are riding, so I'm going this speed. And if you guys can't stand my body's temperature, I'll control my body heat so you won't feel cold sitting on me. When you're on me, I'll control the air around me so you won't feel the wind blasting in your faces. And if you want, you guys could put a saddle on me."

Tag: @Leegood

"I'll go, walking is only fun the first 10 minutes or so." I agreed to get on him, GEminini agreed too.
I did not get alert?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
"I'll go, walking is only fun the first 10 minutes or so." I agreed to get on him, GEminini agreed too.
I did not get alert?
Vesper bend down so the pair can get on easier and waited for Watery to get on. At the moment, his body temperature is warm and his feathers soft to the touch.

Tag: @Himekawa OOC: That happens to me sometimes