Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Freestyle RP


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Post-invasion Discussion (Closed)

Nonchalantly walking down a slime-filled street, a gold-horned man with bronze coloured skin and a black whip-like tail could be seen carrying an unconscious woman covered in cuts, bruises, and a few acid burns. Using his gold and black flames to burn the nearby slimes to nothing, Jasper carried the unconscious Liana to her house, moved his tail to the door and pushed the gold tuft into the lock. After a few seconds, an audible click was heard before he easily pushed the door open and entered. As soon as he set foot in the kitchen, a barking sound could be heard coming from another room.

"Hmm?" Jasper listened to the sound and smirked as he stared at the unconscious new-born vampire in his arms, "So desperate to not drink my blood, little kitty~?" He chuckled before walking further in and closing the door behind him.

Unlocking Liana's bedroom door, a dog suddenly pounced towards the incubus in an attempt to bite his leg to protect its new owner. Jasper completely ignored it as his figure nonchalantly shimmered - causing the dog to go through the image and end up outside the room - before closing the door and shutting the dog out. "Stupid animals should stay out of little kitty's room~" Gently placing Liana on the bed, he took off her clothes and examined her wounds and assets. Turning to look at his surroundings, he smirked as he saw the seven empty wine bottles neatly arranged on the dressing table and gently caressed the young woman's cheek.

"You know, even after feasting on several women at once on multiple occasions in these past few weeks..." Jasper took off his clothes and sat on top of Liana before leaning in close to her ear, "...none of them could sate me like you can~" His eyes turned black and filled with irritation as he recalled something, "You know, I lost a good subordinate a while ago..." The incubus opened Liana's legs and inserted his dexterous finger inside, "...he was only supposed to guard a stupid safe for an egotistical man obsessed with money..." His eyes turned a little melancholic before returning to their usual sapphire blue, "...but someone managed to take him out without sounding the alarm and took something from the vault. If I ever find that person..." He chuckled as he inserted another finger inside and moved it around expertly, "I'll be sure to torture their soul for a very. Long. Time~" He looked at his unconscious prey and sighed, "Ah, but you can't hear a single thing I'm saying right now~ However, it doesn't mean your body will forget me~"

Pulling his fingers out to see if his prey was reacting, he smirked as he saw the familiar sweet juice beginning to flow and so continued with his ministrations, "After all, as long as your body starts remembering me, it won't take long before your mind starts succumbing too~ I think you will make an amazing slave, little kitty~ I just hope your pesky sire will never come here before I succeed!"

After ensuring that Liana's body was ready, Jasper partook in his much desired feast; not caring that it was bright daylight outside, nor that there was a slime raid currently happening, nor that there was a dog barking its head off on the other side of the bedroom door.
After having his fill of Liana, Jasper opened the door and grabbed the still-barking dog with his whip-like tail. Smiling menacingly at the animal, he used some hypnosis magic to make it fall unconscious before extending his hand into claws, tearing open the body and pulling out its beating heart. Slicing open his own chest, he took out his own heart and performed some demonic magic on the two organs; the dog's heart slowly changing to look like Jasper's - with numerous black symbols forming on the surface - before shoving it back into the mutt's body. The incubus then reinserted his own heart back in his chest and put the skin close together.
Within a few seconds, Jasper's chest showed no signs of him having ever cut it open. As for the dog, its body shivered and convulsed for a few minutes before the gaping wound started leaking out black blood and healed quickly. A black mist enshrouded the creature before dissipating, revealing the fur of the much larger dog having turned black, with the tips of the ears and tail becoming gold. Jasper smirked as he admired his handiwork before snapping his fingers next to the dog's ears - waking it up.

Opening its eyes, black pupils revealed themselves as the dog sat in an upright position at stared at the incubus with deference - no longer showing any of the hostility from before. "Good boy~" Jasper praised as he stroked the dog's head, "Be a good subordinate and keep an eye on the little kitty~ My blood is pumping through your veins now, so if she's hungry you won't die for a long time~ Make sure she doesn't come to too much harm, either. My food must be in the best condition~" Glancing at the drained of vitality Liana on the bed, Jasper smirked before moving to the wine bottles and re-filling them.


Once the sun had set, Liana woke up and felt very drained of energy. Getting up, she noticed the familiar soreness she'd unfortunately come to getting used to between her legs. Noticing she was not wearing any clothes, she looked around the room and saw that dangerous demon sitting at the end of her bed with a teasing smile on his face.

"Good morning, little kitty~ Did you have a pleasant sleep~? Any wonderful dreams of me, at all~?"

"...Why are you here...?" Her voice sounded croaky, to which the incubus offered her a wine bottle full of warm black blood. Eyeing the handsome man, Liana knew what the contents were and knew it would be bad for her to keep drinking it...but she felt it might offend him if she refused it - which could prove dangerous - and so reluctantly drank a few gulps from it.

As she was drinking, Jasper smiled even more before replying, "I got back from my errands and saw the city was being raided by slimes. I couldn't bear the thought of my little kitty possibly dying and so went to find you~"

Liana stopped drinking and glared at him for calling her 'little kitty'. The incubus chuckled at the amusing sight and continued, "It's a good job I went to look for you. You were being kicked along the ground by a man with a very foul temper towards women: Alexei Lebedev. My sweet little kitty, why does it seem like you attract the most dangerous of men, be it romantic or not~?" His eyes turned cold as his gaze pierced into her body.

Liana shuddered involuntarily before pulling her sheet up to better cover her bare body, "...He was my trainer for combat training...Besides, the wounds wouldn't have been permanent..."

"Be that as it may, little kitty, I don't like other men playing with my food!" Jasper got up and walked over to Liana, grabbing her chin and pulling it up so she was staring into his cold, blue eyes, his enchantingly masculine voice then resonated as he said: "Your sire, I can forgive you for since that was completely out of your control, but any other man getting intimately close to you I won't forgive~ Who knows~? Perhaps they might end up disappearing and being used in a ritual for demon summoning~ Or maybe sent to Spire Reef to be sold as slaves~ The possibilities are endless, no~?" He then deeply kissed her - to which she fearfully reciprocated - before releasing her from his grip.

Moving away from her, he motioned to the transformed dog, "A little present for you, little kitty~ Think of it as another parting gift to ensure you don't have to worry about food running out when you've guzzled my blood too fast~" The dog silently padded over to Liana and did a dog version of a bow.

Liana's eyes widened as she realised that the dog she'd adopted had changed in appearance, size and temperament. Her body involuntarily shuddered as she wondered why the incubus was encouraging her to drink from the animal if she ran out of food. "He's done something more than just change its appearance..." She thought, her mind not wanting to imagine what the demon must have done to the poor creature. Jasper motioned his hand towards Liana, resulting in the dog coming out of its bow to deferentially lick her hand once before sitting in an upright position - as if waiting for a command.

"I named him Shuck." Jasper sat down and wrapped an arm around Liana's back, pulling her close and kissing her neck before muttering in her blushing ear, "You don't need to worry about feeding him, he can find his own food~" He nibbled on her ear - causing her body to shiver in reflexive pleasure - before getting up and putting some clothes on. "I'll need to leave the city again soon..." He glanced at the young woman, "...I'll see you again before I go~ Until then, have pleasant dreams of me, little kitty~"

Opening the door, his body shimmered before the door closed with his figure no longer being there. Left alone in her room with the demon dog, Liana got up and washed her body before putting her black dress on - noticing her other one was full of holes from slime acid. Drinking a bit more from the wine bottle, Liana felt a wonderful rush of euphoria as the bitter, aromatic taste entered her mouth. Putting the bottle back down, she stared at her changed pet and sighed in exasperation and trepidation. What the heck was that thing now?

[OC: Liana, Julrik and Shuck|Setting: Scribel City - Hejlikka's house|Word Count: 1641]
[OOC: Empty wine bottles changed to -> 6 filled wine bottles and Two-thirds filled wine bottle
Dog changed to -> Shuck
Description of Dog/Shuck additional info -> Was transformed into a demon dog familiar of Jasper, ordered to keep an eye on, protect and feed Liana
Outfit changed from simple clothes to -> black dress
Simple clothes changed to -> acid corroded simple clothes]

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Mafia Addict
Jan 7, 2019
Exploiting a Forest (Part 2) [Closed / @Fossil]

Having prepared everything, I thought that I should be ready to head to the forest. Everything is in my backpack, Paul should not be in the city so I will not accidentally bump into him... everything is perfect.
Once I arrive at the destination, I would like to confirm whether Basilgaraad would be pleased with the products I will bring. But also to finalise the plan with Lily... Speaking about her, I should search for her. After all, I am unable to go that deep in the forest without requiring her help. Although, where should I go?

In any case, I decided to head towards the Guild to see whether she is there or not. If she isn't. I suppose that I should search in the forest? Wasn't she a druidess or something along these lines?
Lily POV:

Walking towards the guild hall after resting up from the slime raid, I found Manyvat heading there too. Perhaps he finished up making the game boards? If so, we should head back to the forest. It's almost been a week, after all.... Psyching myself up, I walk towards and say, "Hi Manyvat, how are your preparations going?"

As I wait for his response, I also briefly look around to see who else might be entering the guild. I don't really know anyone else aside from him, as not even the receptionist gave me their name...I think. I should really learn how to speak the common language one day.


『Lazy Bum』『Scrubber』
Dec 25, 2018
Lily POV:

Walking towards the guild hall after resting up from the slime raid, I found Manyvat heading there too. Perhaps he finished up making the game boards? If so, we should head back to the forest. It's almost been a week, after all... Psyching myself up, I walk towards and say, "Hi Manyvat, how are your preparations going?"

As I wait for his response, I also briefly look around to see who else might be entering the guild. I don't really know anyone else aside from him, as not even the receptionist gave me their name...I think. I should really learn how to speak the common language one day.
I let out a sigh when I thought about what happened... at least, I got rid of Paul before meeting Lily. That is the only positive thing that happened so far. I am wondering how tired is Lily from the raid. As for me? That's fine, I made a pitfall and immediately left! ...Was it useful? I cannot know since I was not there once I was done with it.

"Ah yes, all of my preparations are ready. Did any of you get injured during the slime attack?"
Anyway... she should learn a common language, that is troublesome to speak another one when I am with her... although, I suppose it can prepare me before meeting Basilgaraad once again? Likely.


Mafia Addict
Jan 7, 2019
I let out a sigh when I thought about what happened... at least, I got rid of Paul before meeting Lily. That is the only positive thing that happened so far. I am wondering how tired is Lily from the raid. As for me? That's fine, I made a pitfall and immediately left! ...Was it useful? I cannot know since I was not there once I was done with it.

"Ah yes, all of my preparations are ready. Did any of you get injured during the slime attack?"
Anyway... she should learn a common language, that is troublesome to speak another one when I am with her... although, I suppose it can prepare me before meeting Basilgaraad once again? Likely.
"Nope. I casted some spells to help relay the current situation to the guild instead, helping them know how many adventurers were required in each section of the town. So no fighting for me. As for Hana, she was by me the whole time and never got hurt." Saying that, I lightly pet Hana who's curled up around my neck like usual. "And good about the preparations. Are you wanting to head out soon? Our deadline is fast approaching, so we should head over soon." Basilgaraad most likely won't be impatient, but it's best to be on the safe side. Who knows, maybe we'll get there first?


『Lazy Bum』『Scrubber』
Dec 25, 2018
"Nope. I casted some spells to help relay the current situation to the guild instead, helping them know how many adventurers were required in each section of the town. So no fighting for me. As for Hana, she was by me the whole time and never got hurt." Saying that, I lightly pet Hana who's curled up around my neck like usual. "And good about the preparations. Are you wanting to head out soon? Our deadline is fast approaching, so we should head over soon." Basilgaraad most likely won't be impatient, but it's best to be on the safe side. Who knows, maybe we'll get there first?
"Let's get going right now. We cannot make them wait for too long... And well, since we are both free, we should do it right away."
Good thing that she was not injured, delaying seemed like too much of a hassle. As well as a risky move, who knows how dragons behave... in any case, I immediately headed out towards the forest, I more or less remember the direction. Ultimately, Lily will still have to guide me as my senses are not particularly keen in a forest.

"Ah. While we are walking, can you tell if you found any information regarding people who could be brought over to live in the forest?"
Honestly. That is the most troublesome issue among all of that. Mmmm. Since there was the slime attack... I assume plenty of people will be impoverished and thus be easily convinced, right? Nonetheless, we would need to investigate that matter once we come back.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
(In terms of Felicia's timeline, I'm going to somehow assume that her year-long journey to Spire Reef occurred after the slime raid, meaning that it's somehow been a year since she last met Ellania.)
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi )
Listlessly, Felicia sat on her usual sofa with her usual mug of coffee, safely back in Scribel's tavern and where her old friends were. She was finally back, she had been looking forward to this day for so long when she first entered the pirate's den. Silently, she wondered when that began to change.

She gazed blankly around the tavern, rubbing her giant bird's head as if it was second nature to her. She remembered how happy Sable was when she saw her, immediately running away from okarin and diving at her from the sky, making them both tumble to the ground in a giant heap. She faintly realized Sable had gotten bigger whilst she was away, and how happy her companion was to see her again. But those emotions felt vague and unfamiliar, as if her heart had been separated from her body by a glass wall.

Sighing slowly, her thoughts wandered outside the window, pondering the familiar landscape that had changed quite a bit since she was gone.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
(In terms of Felicia's timeline, I'm going to somehow assume that her year-long journey to Spire Reef occurred after the slime raid, meaning that it's somehow been a year since she last met Ellania.)
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi )
Listlessly, Felicia sat on her usual sofa with her usual mug of coffee, safely back in Scribel's tavern and where her old friends were. She was finally back, she had been looking forward to this day for so long when she first entered the pirate's den. Silently, she wondered when that began to change.

She gazed blankly around the tavern, rubbing her giant bird's head as if it was second nature to her. She remembered how happy Sable was when she saw her, immediately running away from okarin and diving at her from the sky, making them both tumble to the ground in a giant heap. She faintly realized Sable had gotten bigger whilst she was away, and how happy her companion was to see her again. But those emotions felt vague and unfamiliar, as if her heart had been separated from her body by a glass wall.

Sighing slowly, her thoughts wandered outside the window, pondering the familiar landscape that had changed quite a bit since she was gone.
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
"Well, well. Look who it is---a face I haven't seen in forever. Finally back from the pirate region, eh? You've certainly grown since the raid happened...fufufu~"

Easily gliding her way around, the Qliphat made her way over the tables and chairs to settle directly behind the occupied sofa, leaning over the headrest to poke her head out from the side.


A thoughtful frown on her face, Ellania vaulted over the backrest to settle on the sofa as well, putting herself right besides Felicia. Her customary cup of tea was in one hand, and she blew lightly on the surface.

"A penny for your thoughts. Though I'm confident they're worth a king's ransom~"


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
"Well, well. Look who it is---a face I haven't seen in forever. Finally back from the pirate region, eh? You've certainly grown since the raid happened...fufufu~"

Easily gliding her way around, the Qliphat made her way over the tables and chairs to settle directly behind the occupied sofa, leaning over the headrest to poke her head out from the side.


A thoughtful frown on her face, Ellania vaulted over the backrest to settle on the sofa as well, putting herself right besides Felicia. Her customary cup of tea was in one hand, and she blew lightly on the surface.

"A penny for your thoughts. Though I'm confident they're worth a king's ransom~"
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
Noticing the movements and chatter around her, though not doing anything in response and simply continuing to stare out the window, she only turned her head towards the source of all the noise when a vaguely familiar face had flopped herself down beside her.

"Oh." Felicia expressed her surprise without a single change in expression, whilst looking towards the white-haired female. She had never caught her name back then, despite the rather fun time they had together, so Felicia was briefly at a loss for words.

"It's nice to see you again." She replied after a long pause. "My... thoughts?" She repeated her words curiously, slightly confused before she came to the realization of what she meant.

"Oh." She expressed herself plainly once more, before finally responding properly to her words. "I... don't think you want to hear them. I mean, even I don't. They won't leave me alone." She answered bluntly, watching the coffee in her mug swirl around, despite being long cooled due to how long she had been sitting there in the tavern.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
Noticing the movements and chatter around her, though not doing anything in response and simply continuing to stare out the window, she only turned her head towards the source of all the noise when a vaguely familiar face had flopped herself down beside her.

"Oh." Felicia expressed her surprise without a single change in expression, whilst looking towards the white-haired female. She had never caught her name back then, despite the rather fun time they had together, so Felicia was briefly at a loss for words.

"It's nice to see you again." She replied after a long pause. "My... thoughts?" She repeated her words curiously, slightly confused before she came to the realization of what she meant.

"Oh." She expressed herself plainly once more, before finally responding properly to her words. "I... don't think you want to hear them. I mean, even I don't. They won't leave me alone." She answered bluntly, watching the coffee in her mug swirl around, despite being long cooled due to how long she had been sitting there in the tavern.
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)

"Ouch. I can feel the edge all the way over here, you know. First it was Luna, now it's you. Is this a trait shared amongst all D-ranked exam takers? My my, I think I'll have to hold off on my own rank up if this is how scary it is. What would become of a frail lady such as myself if I were to do so~?"

Cupping her cheeks in mock horror, the Qliphat laughed good-naturedly, not unlike a gust of the clear spring breeze.

"I was the one who handled your report when it came back tot he guild, you know. And what do you know, my worst fears are coming true. Just look at that scary mug of yours! Blanker than a slate and just as heavy. The receptionists are going to switch to calling you Miss Cardboard at this rate~"

Leaning back and taking a huge sip of tea, Ellania spoke again, her tone a curious mixture of concern, curiosity, and malice.

"It'll take a lot to unsettle me. Like, if something happened and tea stopped existing, I'll probably go nuts, but other than that? Feel free to use me as an emotional training dummy. I could use some memories to look back fondly on and chuckle with, you know~"


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)

"Ouch. I can feel the edge all the way over here, you know. First it was Luna, now it's you. Is this a trait shared amongst all D-ranked exam takers? My my, I think I'll have to hold off on my own rank up if this is how scary it is. What would become of a frail lady such as myself if I were to do so~?"

Cupping her cheeks in mock horror, the Qliphat laughed good-naturedly, not unlike a gust of the clear spring breeze.

"I was the one who handled your report when it came back tot he guild, you know. And what do you know, my worst fears are coming true. Just look at that scary mug of yours! Blanker than a slate and just as heavy. The receptionists are going to switch to calling you Miss Cardboard at this rate~"

Leaning back and taking a huge sip of tea, Ellania spoke again, her tone a curious mixture of concern, curiosity, and malice.

"It'll take a lot to unsettle me. Like, if something happened and tea stopped existing, I'll probably go nuts, but other than that? Feel free to use me as an emotional training dummy. I could use some memories to look back fondly on and chuckle with, you know~"
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
"Yeah... I don't recommend it." She replied almost sarcastically to her comment on the D-ranked exam, as she fought against the memories threatening to occupy her mind once more at the mere mention of it. Felicia barely noticed the laughter of her old acquaintance as she quickly continued talking.

"Mm. Even I expect that outcome." She responded, knowing full well that she wasn't who she used to be anymore. Rather than Miss Cardboard, she wondered if she would be actually asked for her identity, particularly if she used the leftover appearance-altering potions/parasites Solet'Luna gave her again. Maybe that was a good idea actually. Become someone new for a bit whilst she got away from all this. She was quite interested in going somewhere new afterall, for a bit of a break, maybe even that Beastman Mountain she had read about in reports a while back.

At her conversation partner's next words, Felicia hesitated for a bit before giving in.

"Well... I suppose it's hard for me to put into words, but I feel as if I'm not entirely 'here' right now." She began slowly and cautiously, as the dam of her heart began to break down.

"I feel like I lost a part of me when I committed those deeds, that has left me feeling painfully hollow and empty. So much that I almost can't stand it anymore."

"If someone tried to tempt me to succumb to pleasure and darkness, I would not be able to resist. I would do anything just to feel alive again. But... that isn't what I want."

"A tiny voice at the back of my mind has constantly been screaming in my head for days, reminding me to stay true to myself, stay as the princess from another world and stay with my original morals despite what I had done. But, her voice is hoarse, and she's getting quieter. I know she's tired, just like I am."

"I'm losing everything, I feel as if I'm being swallowed by something I can't escape from, and I... don't know what to do." She choked out, as dry tears streamed down her face and into her mug.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
"Yeah... I don't recommend it." She replied almost sarcastically to her comment on the D-ranked exam, as she fought against the memories threatening to occupy her mind once more at the mere mention of it. Felicia barely noticed the laughter of her old acquaintance as she quickly continued talking.

"Mm. Even I expect that outcome." She responded, knowing full well that she wasn't who she used to be anymore. Rather than Miss Cardboard, she wondered if she would be actually asked for her identity, particularly if she used the leftover appearance-altering potions/parasites Solet'Luna gave her again. Maybe that was a good idea actually. Become someone new for a bit whilst she got away from all this. She was quite interested in going somewhere new afterall, for a bit of a break, maybe even that Beastman Mountain she had read about in reports a while back.

At her conversation partner's next words, Felicia hesitated for a bit before giving in.

"Well... I suppose it's hard for me to put into words, but I feel as if I'm not entirely 'here' right now." She began slowly and cautiously, as the dam of her heart began to break down.

"I feel like I lost a part of me when I committed those deeds, that has left me feeling painfully hollow and empty. So much that I almost can't stand it anymore."

"If someone tried to tempt me to succumb to pleasure and darkness, I would not be able to resist. I would do anything just to feel alive again. But... that isn't what I want."

"A tiny voice at the back of my mind has constantly been screaming in my head for days, reminding me to stay true to myself, stay as the princess from another world and stay with my original morals despite what I had done. But, her voice is hoarse, and she's getting quieter. I know she's tired, just like I am."

"I'm losing everything, I feel as if I'm being swallowed by something I can't escape from, and I... don't know what to do." She choked out, as dry tears streamed down her face and into her mug.
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)

"There, there."

The Qliphat shifted closer and started patting her on the back.

"Of course you did. There's a price to be paid for everything and sometimes the price is much more than what it's worth. For instance---"

She wisely stopped herself before her real thoughts came out of her mouth.

It would be extremely cruel of her to share them now---that even with everything she'd done to fulfil the mission, it was very possible that Felicia would just end up as a disposable pawn for the Pirate King, given that he now knew that she could bear to betray those she'd been close to. If the rumours even held a little bit of credibility, then the Kings were no mere fools. And generally no smart ruler would allow traitors to rise into important enough ranks---she should know, she herself was a tyrant conceptualized.

Saying that would basically be telling the girl that she'd killed the people close to her for close to nothing. Ellania was cruel, but even she had standards, and so she changed tacks.

"As I was saying, it's understandable to feel like that. We all have things we are not proud of, secrets that we keep, for we are ashamed to admit to their existence. Theory goes that the heart is filled with equal measure of light and darkness at birth, even for a so-called God, for even gods aren't perfect. But you've just admitted to the darkness in your heart, haven't you? That, in my books, is a sign of fortitude---a sign that you want things to be better, but are unsure of how, going by what you've said. Which only leaves the easiest step."

Smiling, Ellania extended a hand.

"Come. We're going skydiving."


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)

"There, there."

The Qliphat shifted closer and started patting her on the back.

"Of course you did. There's a price to be paid for everything and sometimes the price is much more than what it's worth. For instance---"

She wisely stopped herself before her real thoughts came out of her mouth.

It would be extremely cruel of her to share them now---that even with everything she'd done to fulfil the mission, it was very possible that Felicia would just end up as a disposable pawn for the Pirate King, given that he now knew that she could bear to betray those she'd been close to. If the rumours even held a little bit of credibility, then the Kings were no mere fools. And generally no smart ruler would allow traitors to rise into important enough ranks---she should know, she herself was a tyrant conceptualized.

Saying that would basically be telling the girl that she'd killed the people close to her for close to nothing. Ellania was cruel, but even she had standards, and so she changed tacks.

"As I was saying, it's understandable to feel like that. We all have things we are not proud of, secrets that we keep, for we are ashamed to admit to their existence. Theory goes that the heart is filled with equal measure of light and darkness at birth, even for a so-called God, for even gods aren't perfect. But you've just admitted to the darkness in your heart, haven't you? That, in my books, is a sign of fortitude---a sign that you want things to be better, but are unsure of how, going by what you've said. Which only leaves the easiest step."

Smiling, Ellania extended a hand.

"Come. We're going skydiving."
An Old Friend? Acquaintance? Enemy? (@Bochi @Feathers95)
Felicia wasn't quite sure how to react to the woman seemingly trying to both comfort and anger her at the same time, patting her at the back whilst also scolding her somewhat. The whole thing was so confusing that her inner thoughts were briefly distracted, giving her a faint sense of appeasement.

Her next words were cryptic and complicated, but strangely comforting as she struggled to keep up with her fast pace of speaking and metaphoric meanings. She nodded every now and then as she spoke, acting as if she knew what was being said, when really, she was far too messed up to understand even half of what she said.

And then, they were suddenly going skydiving, as Felicia semi-consciously took the hand offered to her and was whisked away...
---Moved to PMs---
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Murky Thoughts, And A Priestess Boldness [Closed]

Those last few weeks have been... Very troublesome. I had a hard time coping with all this... First those men looking for miss Luna, then she came back as Solet, as if Luna was lost... And then this attack on the city was... Despairing.

I wanted to run away from all that, and yet I stayed and helped... And once I got there, I didn't even have the time to wonder if what I was doing was right... I had no time at all, for I needed to help, because there was death coming left and right, and I was barely able to maintain myself sane by keeping myself busy... I didn't even know it was possible for so many people to die at the same time...

And not to mention the demon's weird behavior... I was scared back then, when that priest came, with that disgusted look towards me... It painfully reminded me of those back home... And yet, the demon hardly did anything. He just let me control my body freely, allowed me to talk normally, it was so... Confusing, I couldn't understand him.

And yet when the monsters attacked the city, he quickly took hold of Mister Clive's legs... Yet he took no control over me. What was that all supposed to mean? Was he unable to take me over anymore? Was he unwilling to? Was this all a game to him?

... It probably was just a game, but a very confusing one at that... I wondered why he was acting in such unpredictable manner.

But there was hardly anything I could do about that myself, I could only think, and think more, with my thoughts leading nowhere... Feeling sick of it, I buried myself in paperwork to let my head clear a bit, but it was hardly enough of a distraction... And I felt guilty that I wasn't properly focusing on doing that which should be the will of The Goddess as well.

And like this a few days passed, with me still unable to come to terms with all that happened recently... And yet life kept moving, people tried to rebuild, and improve their living conditions... And chase after their dreams... Dying in the process.

I thought this attack would have thought people to not underestimate monsters that are considered harmless for some reason, but it seemed like the sense of danger lasts only for a small while, before the confidence returned...

And so, here I was... At the graveyard once again, holding a funeral for mister Loderic Greyworth, a man that was once a noble knight in his homeworld, but that had to flee to Tonia when his household was attacked by a commoner rebellion... Died during a Goblin subjugation quest, with a heavy blow to his head.

I prayed that The Goddess would let him reunite with those he loved, and that he could enjoy a peaceful life at last... There weren't many attending his funeral here, seems like his relationship with his coworkers was not very good because most adventurers reminded him of the commoners that took away everything he loved... I prayed that he would no longer deal with those fears in the afterlife.

And then, I spoke to the people around me, while praying The Goddess would hear my words, "Here lies mister Loderic Greyworth. I may not have known him for long, but he was a man of honor... Even if his feelings towards the other adventurers were not the best, he still treated them all with respect, and still did his utmost in his work as an adventurer.

"While his body was not the strongest nor the fastest, the guards praised him for his skill with the sword, even teaching them new techniques on things they thought that were mastered... A man of valor that fought until his legs gave in in the battle against the attacking horde that went after the city.

"He has now left us, but his memory will live on, let us all pray that his eternal life will be more fruitful than his transient one." Finishing it, I lowered my head and closed my eyes in prayer, and even without looking, I knew the people behind me did the same...

After a minute, I opened and put a bouquet of flowers at his tombstone, to purify the grave... And then started dancing, one step at a time, a small dance surrounding the tombstone, a ritual, and a prayer, that The Goddess would help cleanse any ill remaining feelings, and help him move on.

And once I was done, I once more lowered my head in prayer, which was followed by the bystanders once more... A few more seconds passed, and I raised my head, and silently moved out of the graveyard... Some of the people remained, wishing to give their prayers to mister Loderic personally, while others left, wishing to continue their daily life.

While I walked away however, one of the people at the funeral caught up to me and said, "Nene, do you have some time?"

I turned towards the person, it was one of the priestess I got to know while working at the city's temple a few days ago... "What is it, miss Flora?" She was a fairly young human teenager, though she was very diligent about her duties, it would have been nice working with her if it weren't for those circumstances.

She answered while we walked, "We're needing to bless a lot of water in the temple to better treat some wounds. It would be greatly appreciated if you could hop in to help."

To work out at their temple again...? "I... I'm sorry, I don't-"

I was about to continue it, but she cut me. "You don't feel comfortable working at a temple that is not dedicated to your goddess... Right?" She said while smiling.

I nodded and answered, "Right..."

But then she hopped near me, "But you know... What's the big deal if the temple isn't there just for your goddess? You still helped us during that whole slime ordeal-" I shivered a bit when she said that, she seemed to notice, "ah, sorry... During that last attack, right? Was it really that bad? We really appreciated your help, you know?"

I stopped walking and looked deeply into her eyes, "Yes, it was that bad, miss Flora." She looked disheartened, but I continued, "How could it not be terrible to see so many people die in my hands? To lose so many people one after another... At times I prayed that this was all a terrible nightmare and that The Goddess could just wake me up from it... But I never woke, unfortunately."

Miss Flora staggered, she started saying 'but...', but I did not let her interrupt me, "But that has noting to do with the temple itself, right?" I asked her, and she seemed surprised at first, but then nodded after recovering. Seeing that she understood it, I continued, "I'm aware of that, and I do not blame Scribel's temple for that experience." She seemed to be delighted to hear this, which made me a bit sad to ruin her hopes right afterwards, "However, that still does nothing to my own uncomfortableness with working at this city's temple... I'm sorry, miss Flora."

After saying that, I turned away and left... After a few seconds though, I heard her steps approaching, she seemed to be running towards me, and unsurprisingly, she stopped me by putting her hand in my shoulder and forcefully turning me around.

She looked me deep into the eyes and asked, "But why!? Aren't the teachings of your goddess to help those to your utmost? To guide them towards her teachings and to teach compassion!? To aid all that you can while expecting nothing in return!?" I was surprised that she knew this much when we never talked to each other before the attack on the city, and even then we hardly had any moment to discuss our religions... I wondered if she learned it from someone else? Or did she overhear me talking to others about it... She picked my curiosity with this.

It was not the right opportunity to ask her about that though, for she continued, "And if that's the case, why would you refrain from putting those teachings to use by helping those in need!? Do you really prefer to be here, hosting those funerals for dead adventurers when you could be at the temple trying to save them!?"

It was clear that she did not approve of my actions... And yet, she did not seem to understand the motivations behind it at all... I looked back at her and asked, "Miss Flora... How did you come to Scribel?"

She seemed confused by my question, and seemed to be lost for a few seconds, though she recomposed herself and answered, "How...? I was born here."

I nodded, and then replied, "I was not. I was born in a different world, I was born in a small remote village and lived a peaceful childhood with my family... But not for long. Because one day, those monsters that almost destroyed this city, came to my village, and started melting everything in their path, dead or alive, moving or unmoving... It did not matter for them, they just wanted to consume.

"My parents died that day. And I almost did too... If not for the Head Priestess that came running from the temple when she heard about the attack, and came to save whoever she could... Namely me." She seemed surprised by my words, and saddened as well... She seemed to want to apologize for making me remember, but I continued without minding her, "I own everything I have to The Goddess, including my life.

"The Goddess taught me how to be kind, how to love, and how to overcome the trauma of seeing my family being melted alive in front of my eyes... To the limits of the possible by mortals at least... The Goddess guided me in the path that blessed people in the same way she blessed me, that is what I am supposed to do, to show her love to all and ensure they don't befall the same fate all that I loved did."

Miss Flora once again tried to interrupt me by saying, 'but then-', but I stopped her one more time. "That was what I was supposed to be doing... Yet fate was unkind, miss Flora. For I once again lost all that I loved, when priests of the Light God Luminous came to our temple with the desire to burn all 'heretics' that dared to believe in a different deity, and to get rid of all the 'filthy non-humans'... One by one, all that I loved died... Until I came here. To flee, to hide, to survive somewhere that I wasn't being hunted for being what I am, for believing in what I do.

"You don't understand this, desperation, do you, miss Flora? You've certainly saw your fair share of death in that last attack, and you undoubtedly lost people you cared for... But they died for something, they had a purpose, they had dreams, they had perished in order to allow us to save someone else... They didn't simply die because they weren't human."

I took a deep breath and looked at her... She was looking downwards and meekly said, "I'm sorry."

Of course she is... I made her feel guilty because of what she is after all... I gently put my hand on top of her head and gently ruffled her hair, "Don't be... I don't blame humanity for the misguidance of a few... I just... I just need a purpose now.

"I can spread The Goddess' teachings for a while, but... For how long? I am not eternal, I am transient, we all are. If I content myself with just spreading them in your temple, then her teachings won't come across... The patients will thank the gods, and not The Goddess... They will one day come to her aid, in the next they will come for yours... What will happen then? What will remain once I'm gone?

"... The Goddess has saved my life, miss Flora... I want to give her more than just a transient stay in Tonia. I want her teachings to be spread, I want people to believe in her and to learn her ways... I want her to make her guidance save lives, and improve the well-being of those that are touched by them.

"I cannot do that if I stay in the city's temple, for that I need a temple to The Goddess herself, a temple that would let people pray directly to her, and not to whatever deity is there for them.

"I don't blame those that wish to seek another god's aid, but I cannot spread their belief for them... My heart belongs to The Goddess, and it is her I will serve... And so for now, I'm trying to do what I can. To earn the money to make a temple for The Goddess, and to give advice to adventurers that come and go, praying that my words will have an impact in their lives, and allow them to live for a while longer... That's all I can do for now.

"So, I'm sorry, miss Flora, I cannot help you." Her hands let go of my shoulders, so I once more turned around and started leaving.

After I walked a few steps however, I heard her shout, "Even if you don't have a temple, your words will still reach people's heart!" I turned towards her, wondering what she meant, "I heard them! I heard the adventurers tell me about you when they came to visit the temple! Some made fun of how you always gave them a different small prayer when they came back, others said about how they remembered your words while they were thinking of taking a task beyond their capabilities, and others remembered them when they realized how close they got to death due to their own carelessness, and then decided to be more careful about it!

"They remember! Your words reach them somehow!" She said, and then walked towards me once more, "Even if we can't reach everyone, even if some people still fall after being warned... We can make a difference, Nene, we're still capable of changing lives... You and me both.

"You have a wonderful goal, but you don't need to abandon it in order to help the temple... Why can't you do both? Helping as an adventurer in the guild, and as a priestess in the temple? Nobody will hold it against you, and nobody will try to stop you from leaving if you get enough for you goals...

"We just want you with us, Nene... A lone priestess in a big city is not the memory we'd like anyone to have of you... Join us. Pray with us... And when you feel the time is right, leave us. But don't give up being a priestess just because you of your dreams... They can wait, they can wait until you're ready to achieve them."

I pondered for a few seconds before answering, looking deep into her eyes, eyes that emanated a purity that only exists in girls of her age... And a honesty that I felt like it was long lost.

I took a deep breath and said, "To stop being a priestess, huh? So that's how you feel about me right now?"

She was flustered, "No, I mean... It's just that you were so much in this adventuring stuff, that uhn... You know, like you weren't..."

I started giggling, which made her get even more embarrassed, she shouted saying 'stop that!', but I did not... Instead, I told her, "I suppose I can help with blessing a bit of water." She opened her eyes wide, seeming to not believe her ears... I just extended my hand towards her however, and said, "You coming?"

She eagerly nodded and held my hand, and then started running towards the temple while dragging me along... I'll have to later teach her that not everyone has the same stamina as young people like her do... Perhaps it will be fun.

Please wait for me, Goddess... Once again, I am not sure if what I am doing is the best thing for you, but I'll pray, I'll pray that you're guiding me to the right path, and that this is the decision that will lead to the best.
Nene, in Scribel's Main Streets.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2018
Walking Out The Gate (OPEN)

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When Carther fell through the gate, he awoke with a thin layer of dirt on his face. He remembered seeing it with his own eyes, his entire village set ablaze, his whole family ruined and charred. All these scenes appeared in his mind so vividly, and a whirl of emotions couldn't but escape in the form of tears.

"Damnit! Why, just why...hold on, where's Lily!" Lilith was the only family member that wasn't consumed by the flames. Someone so dear to him, especially now with everyone gone.

Carther finally pushed himself off the ground, but not before feeling something heavy hanging on his waist; it was the hammer both him and his father forged together, along with the help of his uncle. He couldn't help but steel his resolve a bit more seeing this, and without noticing his amber eyes took on a crimson hue; even if it was for a brief moment, he looked rather cool.

"Lilith! Where are you, Lily!" He ignored everything else and focused solely on finding his friend. It was at this moment that a few Otherworlders saw his actions, and began feeling both nostalgic and annoyed all at once.

"Hey, Bobby, you think we should let that kid know now, or let him find out himself?" Roman, a male adventurer dressed in normal attire, began conversing with his party member on Dyrus's predicament, and how the problem started precisely there.

"Nah, I think he'll realize and pick up on the situation really quick...although I say that, it did take some of them years to figure it out. I'll go ahead and tell him, you guys though, I want you to pick up George from the brothel and have him count our spoils. Let me repeat that, PICK UP GEORGE AND HAVE HIM COUNT OUR SHIT!"

You might think that Bobby's illiterate or can't do basic math, but when you're an adventurer payment varies a lot. Sometimes you get 30G, sometimes three silver coints, and then two hundred copper coins; either way someones gotta count all of that, so Bobby pushed it onto his friend.

Carther had, by this point, been inspecting his suroundings, especially the blue gate that was standing behind him. "Let's see...I really wanna take a more extensive look, but as far as I can tell this is one of those one way gates, but why would I be transported out of one? Did Lily make this, or was it someone else?"

Bobby finally walked upto Carther, and couldn't help but take a little peek at the unique hammer hanging by the kid's waistbelt; although it looked simple, there were strange markings carved into it. 'Damnit Bobby, this is no time to think about such things, this kid could be panicking right now!'

Meanwhile in Carther head, he 'I can't pick up on her mana signature, and for some reason it appears my mana pool's been drained overnight. Is this also the doing of someone else?' He thought back to the when he awoke, and how "sore" he felt when he tried getting up.

Suddenly he could someone shouting behind him, and couldn't help but focus on that person. "Hey you, with the brown hair, yeah you, I don't have any better way to say this, but you're screwed! Now let me help you!"

Carther looked at the brutish looking Bobby and contemplated on his words, 'Screwed? What, no, this isn't the time, I need to go find Lily. Hold on, why can't I move the mana around me? I can feel it, so why can't I do anything about it?' Carther hadn't yet thought about how he might've actually lost his levels and powers.

"What do you want? Are you the one who did this to me?" Carther came to a quick conclusion, that even if that person wasn't the culprit, he must know something about him and the gate. Bobby felt a bit confused at the sudden question, but still quickly replied.

"What, no, I didn't do shit to you. You see that gate facing us, that thing brought me here too. It happened when I still had a head full of hair," with a bit of a light chuckle at the end, Bobby response still hadn't fully solved Carther's most important question.

"Then you still haven't answered my main question, what do you want with me you prick?" Carther, although calm, still felt worried that he was wasting time here, but what he didn't expect was Bobby's next response.

"Kid, haven't you realized that you've become weaker than before? It's this blasted portal's fault! The moment a person comes out of it, they lose all their strength and even their mana pool shrinks to nil. We've heard tales of an Archmage who came out of that, having reverted back to a normal civilian." Bobby's response shocked Carther, who felt extremely bitter right now. He wasn't an Archmage like those in the stories, but he was still an apprentice who painstakingly spent two years trying to form a stable mana pool.

"Horrible, right? No one really knows where it came from, or why random people come out of it, but thankfully these portals don't seem to affect our memories too much. That means those "intellectuals" have a big advantage over warriors like me, who still have to painstakingly work with our bodies to pay for our meals." Bobby's words hit Carther like an anvil falling out of the sky.

"Hold on, so what happens if the people who come through are a bunch of crones?" It was a random question, but to the Carther now, even the smallest piece of information can be a big help with piecing everything together.

"Unless their little dark ring is still pretty fresh, then their only hope might be to beg for coin on the streets, or worse, live in the slums. It's not all bad news, as lately there's been hope for old people like them, such as the churches; but even their little blonde saint can't protect them. Oh, and don't even think of trying to go back home, because as far as anyone has found, nothing here resembles like their homeworld." Although Carther had more questions on that last part, he thought it was better to just ask what he should do now.

"Listen, I've still gotta try, even if there's nothing left of my family anymore, I need to find my friend!" Carther still hadn't given up that idea, which caused Bobby to sigh a little before talking to Carther once more.

"Alright, that's fine, you know; having hope. Just don't let it consume your everyday life, because you might collapse before even getting out of the city. Kid, you're just level one now, with no money or place to call your own. I'll help you out a bit, because I'll feel bad having gone this far without doing anything else. By the way, the name's Bobby, what's yours?"

Carther felt a bit excited and worried at the same time, he was glad that someone was willing to help him, but was still quite worried about the journey ahead of him. He knows that the earliest he can form his mana core would be a month, with the next step of building his mana pool taking even longer.

"My name's Carther, do you know where we are?" Another sudden question, one that Bobby still answered without being deterred. "We're in Scribble city, a backwater city with a massive monster problem, 'even if they're a bunch of slimes', and that building straight ahead of us is the adventurer guild's operation center in this place. However I think it's still too dangerous for you there, so I'd recommend toughening up before going in"

Carther couldn't help but ask something once more, "Any ideas where I should go?" A good question, one that Bobby already thought of, "I know an old fart who's short on hands at his smithy, says the place can feel a bit lonely at times as well!" Carther now had a path on where he should head towards, especially since the topic was one that interested him.

"Come, I'll show you where his shop his, but first take these 500G from me. You're gonna need it, and it isn't free either, I expect a ten percent increased return at some point." Although Carther had no idea how much 500G was in this world, he still took the generous offer before heading down the streets with Bobby.

There he saw a number of things, such as a couple of 'bit-to-optimistic' missionaries, a cat-eared girl, a catgirl, a lizard man, three drunkards hitting on a fox girl; oh, they just got beaten up by her. It was at this point that Carther finally arrive at his destination, a little shop called Culotte.

"Hey, isn't that name a little...weird to you?" Carther couldn't help but think back to when he studied at the academy, learning lost languages, with this word just happening to be part of one. Bobby on the other-hand knew nothing and told him that no one knows. "I see, I'm having second thoughts right about now for some reason."

"What? Kid, this is your only path right now, either this or trying your luck with some noble lady who'll trap you for the rest of your life; because probably wherever you used to live isn't even close." Carther, hearing the first part, replied with a casual but acknowledging response, "That actually sounds rather nice, but I still have things to do." Although he responded in such fashion, Bobby interpreted it a "bit" differently.

"Kid, are you crazy! Do you know a thing about noble women? Sure, they're petite when they're young, but after hitting their teens, almost all of them who look for gigolos are the obese, disgusting types who couldn't find a man willing to look at them and their hidden little valley! I've had friends who've almost killed themselves after having come into contact with them!" Carther was surprised at Bobby's reaction to his words, when they both suddenly heard a voice coming from inside the shop.

"Who's making all that racket out there! Get the fuck away from my shop if you're not gonna buy anything here, I still have customers to attend to and you're scaring them away you retards!" It was a raspy voice, one that was rather annoyed by all the commotion outside.

"Oh, I thought that I heard a retard, look who showed up. Kid, I thought I told you to never come back here for as long as I lived." Bobby seemed to have a bad history with the old man, which made Carther wonder why they were even here in the first place.

Bobby defended himself pretty quickly, "Yeah, I know, you also told me to go eat shit and live. I left because I couldn't handle being stuffed in a room with a bunch of sweaty dudes. That's not why I'm here though, I'm here because this guy right here just came out of the gate, and what better place than to take him here?"

"Damnit, I'm not some fucking babysitter, that kid's gotta find some place else to live. Besides, I already found a couple of men to replace you." It was around here that Carther believed it was his turn to speak up on his behalf.

"Sir, I agree that that adding me to your list of personal might be troubling, but I think it'll be worth hiring me than those men you just mentioned. Although I'm not sure about them, I at least have two years of experiece with working on metals before I came here; in fact my father...well, he was a blacksmith himself." His tone at the end sounded a bit disheartening, which pricked at the old man's heart.

"Alright, kid, although I might not know the full story, as long as you can prove yourself reliable I'll let you work here; hell I'll even let you live here! Haha!" The old man seemed felt like he was taking a bit of a loss while saying this, so he quickly moved on to something else before Carther could thank him, "And you! Bobby, since you've brought this kid here, I want you to pay me 100G as a thank you note." The old man was being quite sly right now.

"C'mon gramps, being an adventurer is a tough job, even giving away 100G is a bit too difficult for me at the moment." Carther was looking at Bobby in a whole new light right now; how can someone be so generous yet stingy at the same time. The old man seemed to buy his lie, as he just grumbled and took Carther into his shop.

OOC: @Nahrenne, what do I do now? *tell me on my profile please*


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
0 - The Fool's Master [CLOSED]
Ellania had no clue what to make of the egg. It had been pretty active when she'd initially brought it back from the mountain, but the last few days had seen a drastic decrease in activity. Whatever was inside didn't move at all.

Did it die off or something? That'd be a real bummer considering all I've gone through to bring it back here. Maybe I should just crack it and make an omelette or something.

At least I'd get a meal out of it
--- was what she was presently thinking. The girl wasn't kidding about making fried eggs with scallions if the egg turned out to be a dud that didn't hatch.

Well, whateves, I'll just leave this out while I go chill and hang around, If it hatches while I'm out, good luck. That's what it gets from playing dead.

The door closed with an unhesitating click, locked itself and with that the small, shiny egg was left alone and unattended in the middle of the table.


Mhm, I unexpectedly chanced upon some good tea leaves for cheaper! Naisu~

Holding a paper package in one hand, the beaming Ellania returned to her room, ready to turn in for the evening and get some more work done the next day.


From her position at the door, it was very obvious that the egg had cracked open, several pieces of shell were lying scattered around it even now.

Wait, it seriously hatched while I was out? But where's the baby? Don't tell me it floundered off and died falling from a great height or something. That'd be real unfunny now.

Being very careful about where she was stepping, the Qliphat got on all fours and checked the entire room. Nothing. Then the bed. There was nothing both on and underneath it.

A quick search of the desk and wardrobe yielded similar results --- nothing at all. Giving up, she sat on the bed, wandering if the egg hatched into a bird already capable of flight, and laughed. That's be a real pity, but she didn't actually mind.

Well, guess I'd better clean up this mess --- eh?

Something in the broken egg sparkled, and she was sure it wasn't the outer shell. She'd recognise that glint of metal anywhere, and stretched a careful hand out to grab it, bracing for something to happen. Nothing did, and she was able to snag the bronze-framed card without much fuss, holding it in the palm of her hand. The back of the card was facing her, so she inspected it briefly.

She didn't recognise it, though the design was pleasing to her eyes. Flipping the card over, Ellania eagerly rested her eyes upon...a mirror.


The polished bronze surface was shiny enough to serve as a mirror, reflecting her face back at her. As she stared closer at her own self, the image seemed to distort, and the Qliphat, unable to tear her curious eyes away, fell back into her bed unconscious.


She woke up resting on nothing but the night sky and stars.

Not again.

Despite the intricate details of the surroundings, Ellania knew that she was dreaming. The fact that she could smell nothing and feel nothing, despite hearing the wind blowing, was enough proof of that. Not far beyond where she'd gotten up was a ruined column of marble and lime. Kneeling before the column, back to her was what appeared to be a hooded figure in midst of prayer. She raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you? Why have you hijacked my dreams?"

"Who is it that can tell me who I am?"

Having her question not-really-answered with another question irritated her. The Qliphat strode forward.

"I am not fond of riddles, stranger. Test my patience at your own risk."

Hearing that and sighing, the figure turned. Ellania had to stifle a surprised gasp.

Gone were the elderly man's eyes, with naught but a cloth strip binding his empty sockets. Wrinkles of all manner clung to his old, withered face, just as what was left of his shrivelled skin clung to his prominent ribs. Ancient bandages ran across the patchwork of skin and bone, stained with splotches that might once have been red, and she realised why the figure had been kneeling. His ankles had been similarly wrapped in festering bandages, and her gut told her that they'd been detached at the joints.

All of a sudden, Ellania was really glad that she couldn't smell anything.

"You...what happened to you? What sort of mischief caused such misery to befall you?"

She wasn't exactly empathetic, yet the old man's condition caused her to wince. He didn't appear as threatening as he had mere minutes ago --- right now, all she saw was a frail old man.

"Oh, young lass...I am a very foolish, fond old man. Fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less; and to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my perfect mind."

"...And why have you sought me out? I have no recollection of ever doing you a discourtesy."

"Seek you I have not, young monarch, for I have sought mine own daughters, and found naught but sadness at the results. But now as you stand before me, I see perhaps why we have met."

"Enough with the riddling speech, old man, and tell me of your thoughts, even if they are but mere speculation. I will allow it."

Heh heh heh. The elderly man laughed, but not condescendingly so. His was a laugh of sadness, as if his ruined eyes were allowing him sight of the young girl standing before him.

"You have the same bearing as two of mine own daughters, young lady, and not positively so. What awaits you at the end of your present journey is naught other than ruin. Thus I beseech, with as much sincerity as I might bear, that you reconsider your path in life."


For a moment she stood there in startled silence.

"Fu~ Ha ha ha ha..."

Then it was Ellania's turn to laugh, and laugh she did, the sharp notes of mirth a malicious knife with a cruel edge.

"Fufufu~ Old man, did you come just for the sake of bearing that one message? In that case, I advise you to take your leave. I am perfectly aware of the likely outcome of my current actions."

"...And you would continue along the path? Even knowing fully well of what awaits?"

"Hai. I appreciate the warning, but I will not be swayed. Mine is the road of vengeance, and in the end I will either stand in triumph, or my cold and broken body will be cast aside in failure. There will be no other way that I will take."

The old man said nothing, but she could feel that he was stunned. She waited a bit more for him to reply once more, in his slow, halting tone.

"...Oh, my poor child. I know not of your grudge, but for one so young to be driven by madness..."

"I will not have you judging my decisions. The only person fit to judge me is myself, and I could not have been more lucid. Spare me your mutterings of pity, and if you have nothing else, begone."

The old man lifted his hands then; Ellania watched on with no particular emotion even as he parted his hood, revealing a filthy crown.

"It is a pity, then. But you have a point; one such as me is hardly in the position to be judging anyone else for anything. That said, will you listen to what I have to say?"

"...If doing so will let you shut up faster, then go ahead. I haven't all night."

"A thousand thanks."

The old man, not responding to her snark, turned his body back to the marble column and started speaking.

"I was once a great king. My lands were well-wrought, and my daughters fair and clever. Yet in my conceit I fell into a simple play of words, and brought much pains upon my youngest. My eldest and second eldest were not filial, but it was none other than my hand that allowed it to happen. I be casted out, betrayed, reduced to a madman wondering the streets. And now, I wait here, with what little virtue I have left, in hopes of being of aid to those that might so find use of me."

"...Okay. And your point now is...?"

"I wish to provide you what pitiful aid I can grant. The path of vengeance is not a happy one, but if you are set on taking it, then allow a fool such as I to help you out. Will you allow this old fool this simple wish?"

"Why not say that earlier? I'll welcome any kind of power I can get, even if it stains my heart and soul black. But do tell me, why the change of heart? Don't you advocate peace or something?"

The aged once-king bowed his head humbly, not making eye contact.

"...It is as you have said. I was hoping that if I was allowed to spend more time in your company, I would be able to persuade you to let go of the knot in your heart, and give up your anger. A young lady in her early twenties should not be frowning so fiercely, pre-occupied with such...things. And if my own sad end can serve to bring about such things, then I am more than willing to try."

Ellania chuckled lightly, maliciously.

"Heh. I told you my goals won't change, didn't I? Seems that you are indeed as old as you look --- old enough to be senile. But I shall allow it! Stick around if you wish, and entertain me with your futile attempts to redeem me. I will look forward to what you have to offer."

The crown upon the old king's head shone briefly, brightly, before vanishing into smotes of light. The wizened man extended his hand.

"Then it is done and the contract is made. My services are at your disposal so long as you deem them necessary, my liege. What say you?"

"...Did you really have to say that so formally? Now I have to respond just as formally or I'll be disappointed with myself. You really are nothing but trouble, aren't you?"


She woke up, the first rays of dawn shining through the windows and into her eyes. And as she rubbed at them sleepily, still tired, the item in her other hand came into focus, and Ellania gave a short laugh.

"I'll be damned. It wasn't just a dream after all."

Getting up from the bed, she spun the card in her hands. Unlike the previous day, the front of the card was no longer a blank mirror, and she giggled, a little embarrassed at the memory of her own improvised words.

"I am thou and thou art I. From the sleeping folds of my soul, break the chains of captivity and come forth. Answer me if you wish, foolish king steeped in tragedy. I accept your power for my use---"

A young man, bundle and stick upon his back. The illustrated sun shines in blessing of the road underneath his feet.

"---Arcana of the Fool, King Lear!"


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Perusing the Goods (Closed)

Jasper finished all of the meetings with several cultist contacts for the day and decided to head off to the market to see if there was any fresh food to whet his appetite. Entering the thriving area, the incubus soon saw a beautiful tanned woman with a a youthful, yet mature figure but a sad expression.


Curious about what the woman was sad about, he went up to her with a soft smile on his face.

"For a beautiful woman, such as yourself, to be traversing the market filled with wonders and oddments...why the sad face~?"

The woman looked at the man speaking to her and saw a handsome bronze-skinned man with sharp gold horns and a black, whip-like tail with a gold tuft. She smiled wryly at the man and raised her left hand, showing a silver ring on her ring finger.

"My husband has been desperately trying to finance our family, these past few months, through working as an adventurer but he hasn't realised that it's not enough for us to live comfortably. I was going to pawn this off so our children could at least have some new clothes, since their current ones are kind of...raggy..." She looked a little embarrassed at mentioning this to a complete stranger.

Jasper gave a smirk before quickly hiding it behind a soft smile, "You don't have enough money for new clothes? How terrible! How about this, then? I have quite a bit of money to spare from a recent errand I did for my employer and I always end up just spending it on alcohol everyday." He surreptitiously wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders, leaned in to her ear and spoke in a low and enchanting masculine voice: "How about I buy the ring off you for safe-keeping and I buy some clothes for your kids~?"

The woman's eyes glazed over a little as she started to nod before suddenly shaking her head and moving slightly away from him, "I'm sorry but that would make me feel like I've slighted you. I know that silver is expensive but this has such a low's actually just silver-plated." The woman smiled wryly as she recalled a distant memory, "My stupid husband...even though he'd been involved in disreputable society for a few years, he still couldn't tell the difference between a real silver ring and a fake." She smiled lovingly at the ring before looking very tired.

Jasper smiled deeply, thinking how perfect a prey she was for him: good looks, romantic, and full of vitality if her youthful appearance is anything to go by. Grabbing her hand and showing a supportive smile, the incubus threw out some different bait:

"Then, as payment for me buying the clothes, you'll share your woes over your husband~ I do love comforting people and making them feel good, after all~"

The woman looked a little unsure, "How can you be so willing? You don't even know my name, Sir!"

"Ah, where are my manners~?" He gave a small bow while taking hold of her left hand and kissing the ring finger, "I go by the name of Jasper." He then looked into her eyes and spoke in a low, masculine voice full of enchantment: "Your name, my fair lady~?"

"...Vanessa. Vanessa Wallner, wife of Till Wallner." She answered with a glazed look. Casting a glance at her ring, she breathed a heavy sigh before taking it off and handing it over to the man, "You better take good care of it, Jasper! I hate broken promises!" She looked stern with a fire within her eyes.

Jasper shuddered with anticipation inside, looking forward to the day he'd get to feast on such a delicacy but not today. "Then, let's go to the Gorgeous Garments and Gentleman's Gear shop! I hear they have a wonderful selection of elegant clothes, and even an elegant dress for yourself~"

"Ah! No, just for my boys, please. I don't think the ring could afford anything for me..." Vanessa looked a little downcast and regretful over not getting to wear such nice clothes herself but cared about her children's happiness more.

Jasper smirked before lifting Vanessa's chin up and looking deeply into her beautiful and clear eyes, "A beauty such as yourself doesn't deserve to be in these rags~ Consider it my payment for getting to hear your woes~"

Vanessa blushed at the close proximity before moving away from the man and coughing out her embarrassment, "Ahem, i-if you so wish! Ah, would it be possible to buy some linens, instead? I'd love to make some clothes for myself."

"Oh~? You have some sewing skill~?" Jasper asked with a seemingly genuine look of interest as they began making their way to the clothes shop.

Nodding excitedly over getting to talk about her skills, she replied with enthusiasm: "Yes! I grew up in a family that worked in the sewing trade, so I picked up a lot of things! You know? I can imbue magic on clothes!"

"Really? That's fascinating~! I'd love to wear something you've made, then~" Jasper said with a soft, excited look in his eyes.

Smiling at the man's interest in her skill, Vanessa smiled proudly before putting a fist to her chest, "I can promise you that once I have a shop of my own, I will gladly make you some clothes!"

"That would make me very happy~" The incubus responded before they entered the middle class shop.

Jasper ended up buying several elegant shirts, trousers, and elegant shoes before going to Nyra, the rag merchant and buying several yards of good linen, sewing needles and threads. By the end of the day, Vanessa was over the moon over getting so many new clothes and linens, hugging Jasper in thanks and completely forgetting the fact she had pawned off her wedding ring.

Ready to head back to her tavern room, Vanessa smiled at Jasper, "I have to head back to my lodging now, otherwise my boys will get up to no good. I swear, they're becoming as stupidly energetic as their father!"

Jasper gave a low and sexy chuckle before saying, "I'm sure they're behaving fine when they have such a wonderful woman as yourself as their mother~ Speaking of your lodging, allow me to escort you there~"

Vanessa blushed at Jasper's soft gentleman persona and nodded, "If you insist...It's at the tavern."

Jasper's eyes lit up, "Oh~? What a coincidence~! I also live in the tavern~ It makes it so much easier to get to bed after drinking the afternoon away, you see~"

Vanessa showed surprise on her face before smiling happily, "Then, I'll trouble you to help me carry these to my room!"

"It would be my pleasure~"

The two then headed to the tavern and found that they were living on the same floor but on opposite ends of the corridor. Parting at the Wallner's door, Jasper grapsed Vanessa's hand and kissed the place her ring used to be - a visible tan line present - before whispering in a low and masculine voice: "Until we next meet, my beautiful lady~ I look forward to it~"

Jasper then turned around and headed for his own room, before closing the door. Vanessa, who was still standing dumbstruck with her deep blush on her face, held her hand to her chest and felt her heart beating like crazy. She took in a few deep breaths to calm herself down and then unlocked her room door to the dilapidated scene of her family's room - coming back to the reality of her family's poor situation. Turning back to look at Jasper's door, she bit her lip in longing to want to talk with the man some more, before entering her room to stop the wrestling match between her two sons.

In Jasper's room, the incubus leaned against his door and hugged himself as he could barely contain the laughter erupting from his mouth. After about ten minutes of unrestrained laughter, he wiped the tears from his eyes before musing to himself: "She's so tasty~ I can't wait to make her fall into depravity beneath me~" He licked his lips as he recalled the brief taste of vitality he got from kissing Vanessa's hand and got aroused at the thought of tainting such a pure woman.

[OC: Jasper and Vanessa|Setting: Scribel City - Market, Tavern|Word Count: 1385]

OOC: Tagging @Quaesitor for using Till's wife



Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Troublesome Loyalty (Closed)

Not sure how long we’ve been at Gelderholm now. The mining pretty much became a routine job; managed to get some ores for myself every now and then. Opening the shop soon doesn’t seem too far off. Iris mostly helps me with carrying stuff, in our inn she mostly tends to the giant blue egg. That egg hasn’t moved from its spot of the corner of the room. I wonder if it died and is just a dead egg from the start, can’t tell Iris that or that’ll break her heart. She has been taking care of it ever since we got it.

“Hey, when do you think that egg will hatch?”

“Soon, egg will hatch soon.”

“Exactly when? You’ve taking care of it ever since we got it.”

“Reival is impatient. Egg will hatch soon.”

Just where does she get her certainty from? Maybe it’s faith that she has. She stops tending to the egg and goes to bed near me. We both live in a single bed room so we have to share a bed. It’s really nerve wracking at first but it took me a long time to get used to it.

Ok that was a lie, I’m still not used to it. Especially when she’s trying to press her chest against me like I’m a pillow. Not that I mind it or anything…. It just feels bad for my mental health and relationship wise….


Right, the egg; well we’re both pretty tired so I might as well dim the light source down. With the room darker than it was before, I head over to the bed and lay down beside Iris. As if waiting for that sign, Iris immediately hugs me like a pillow.

Sigh… not much I can about it. My mind was tired, so was my body. With the embrace of drowsiness I slowly went to slumber.


Having a pleasant sleep, I was suddenly woken by a strong punch to my abdomen.

“No! Bad Zio! No disturbing Reival!”

I was still drowsy from my sudden awakening. I lightly scratch my closed eyes when all of a sudden I could hear a repetitive thumping nearby. Opening my eyes I saw a large dog? It was as big as the direwolves. Where the hell did this thing come from? As I was pondering on that question, someone was loudly banging against the door.

“Oi! Stop with that racketing! Some people are trying to sleep here!”

I couldn’t respond immediately as I was still pondering on how that dog got inside my room.

“Oi! Didn’t ya hear me?! I said—“

Before I could even respond the door to my room was suddenly opened. It was a dwarf that was complaining and he just stood there mouth agape and flabbergasted. You could see the horror on his face as he pointed towards the dog in the room.

“Mo- mo- monster! There’s a monster in the city!”

He ran downstairs and kept shouting about a monster. Monster? You mean the large dog? All I see is a large weird dog in my room. Thinking as such, I looked over to where the egg was; to my expectations I see numerous cracked shards of the giant blue egg.

Yea… I pretty much guessed it. So this must be what came out of it. Looking at it closer, its four legs had the texture of a hide but the appearance of scales, didn’t know I could describe it as a scaly hide. It’s main body was mostly covered in light blue fur that followed a white stripe pattern ranging from its neck towards its tail. On the back were several spikes that seem to protrude out of its body at any moment and had a repetitive pattern from its back all the way to its tail. The edges of the tail had hard scales and its almost as wide as its body. Lastly the head had two horns with a sharp chin; its eyes seem to glare to wherever it looks. Thinking about it now, it must have scared the dwarf with its glare.


“Who’s Zio?”

“Zio is Zio! Zio is a good pet.”

She says as she embraces the large dog. Is that what you named the dog? Looking at the dog, it doesn’t seem like doesn’t like the name. Wondering what to do with the dog, I hear loud shouting from outside the inn.

“Ready your weapons and remain vigilant! We don’t know what the monster is capable of.”

Weapons? Oh shit! That dwarf did shout monster before running off. Seems like he called some soldiers to kill Zio.

“Iris stay here with Zio, I need to talk with some people.”

I head downstairs and exited the inn. To my expectation I saw soldier line up with their spears pointed at the inn.

“You there get out of the building! There’s a monster inside it!”

A soldier resembling to be the leader of the group says to me. A take a quick look around and saw the dwarf that was complaining at my door before. I calmly approach the soldier leader and tried to explain the situation.

“Pardon my lack of vigilance but there seems to be a misunderstanding. It seems you all have come under the pretense of slaying a monster?”

“That’s right; we got a report that there’s a large beast staying inside this inn here.”

“Apologies but it seems you are mistaken, no such beast lays here. The one who stated such must have seen my large pet and misunderstood it as a monster; for that I humbly apologize for it.”

Right on cue, Zio dashes out of the inn and goes near me.

“That’s it! That’s the monster inside the inn!”

The dwarf from before said so and all of the soldiers were surprised then pointed their weapons towards Zio.

Perhaps sensing the danger, Zio gave out a low growl while its fur stood on its ends; powerful sparks of lighting started coming out between the spikes on its back. He was ready to fight if need be.

An intense stare down occurred infront of the inn, waiting for the other to make the first move. All of the people passing by noticed the immense lust of battle and quickly scurried away. I was in a pinch as to how to resolve this, when suddenly Iris came out running towards Zio.

“No! Zio bad! No going outside.”

She was tightly pulling him towards inside the inn but Zio wouldn’t budge from his spot. Me and Zio looked at each other and gave off a nervous look. Perhaps sensing the wry state we were in, he reluctantly followed Iris back inside to our room.

An awkward air loomed over the soldiers as they watched a frail woman pulling a large beast. They all looked at each other with disbelief as if not understanding what just happened.

“Ahem… well it seems we were in the wrong and just saw a pet. Sorry about that, men return to your posts!”

The soldier leader broke the silence and said so to the soldier. All of them dispersed back to their stations as I went back to my room. Not minding the shout, I could hear the dwarf that once complained about a monster bawling his arguments on killing Zion.

Who knew Iris could relieve the tension and misunderstanding of the soldiers. Oh well it seems all’s well that ends well.

Is what I thought but apparently Zio grew really big really fast in a couple of weeks. He is the size of a carriage now and can’t even fit the entrance door of the inn. I had to rent a stable spot just so he has a place to stay.

Sigh… I can’t imagine the amount of food that I need to feed him now. His appetite was huge before, now that he’s this big it’s going to put a dent to my pouch.

Why do I have the feeling this isn’t his full size?

OC: Reival, Iris and Zio
Setting: Gelderholm Residential District
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2020
Camp Lily
*Diary Entry #5*
Well... were back home, or what's left of it. I've been staying in Scribel for the past few days to help with the clean-up after the Slime Horde. Mostly just healing the injured and repairing damaged houses with my Plant Manipulation. The town looks like a mess in general and we lost quite a few people, but it looks like were going to make it though.


Looks like the slime's really just liked my house, as from how damaged the dome was. I noticed how the nearby tree's were untouched... Why couldn't you guys just go and eat the trees and not my house. Well Gobo and I will hopefully clean Lily up and repair our house by tomorrow, Spring was helping with deliveries around the Town.


I went to go check up on Jake and his sheep farm today. It looks like Jake lost a couple of his sheep, luckily he had a little bunker built just for this purpose. However, most of his problems stemmed from the damage's of his buildings, everything was wrecked beyond comprehension. I told him after I fixed up Lily I would come help him rebuild his farm. Haha, Spring was quite jealous when I went to go pet the sheep, I should play with her more often.


I finally finished building Lily Version 2! It took a whole week of morphing and forming the trees around to rebuild it, but it was done. This time I made our house more traditionally into like a log cabin, but just a bit bigger. I tried making a cellar, like the one's at Pierre's, but it looks like I'm still not strong enough to dig up all the dirt and hold it up. Hopefully in the future I can make one, then I would have a way to store my food better. Well I'm off too help Jake rebuild today, while Gobo and Spring hunt around Lily.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The magic She use is stained in Darkness 3 (End)

( Few months before the Slime horde happened )

[.... Haaaaah~ ] a large sigh.

Inside the famous Tavern who have countless weird rumors flying regarding its existence. The place where almost all Otherworlders whom for some reason always became Adventurer of the guild after going in the world of tonia gathers.

Inside that very Facility... A white girl slumping on the table holding an empty glass one of her hand.

[... Oii~ waitress One more! One more!! Give me another Glass of that drink!! THAT drink!! ] The white girl shouted as if drunk.

[ Aye~ Aye~ order heard!... One glass of " Milkshake" coming right up~ ] said by the Tavern Waitress

[ Yeey~ ] Reciful Acted playfully & jolly as if she is drinking liquor... Actually no... its just a Milkshake.

After seeing the Tavern Waitress take her order of Milkshake

Reciful slumped again on the wooden Table.


With a dull sound as her forehead hit the table accompanied by a sigh... She continues acting gloomy

[ Haaaaaah~..... Magic~... Magic~... What are you! Why I can't use you!! why... just WHY!!?]

Playing her empty glass while slumping...

[ If only she we're here with me... I'm sure she can answer My questions... If only she is here ] Recoful muttered absent-mindedly.

[ Who's She? ] Ask by the Waitress who came back carrying Reciful's ordered Milkshake.

[..........] After a moment of silence Reciful answered the Waitress.

[....... My Bestfriend.. My First friend & My last friend... My only Friend... Gertrude. ] Reciful with a gentle pure & true genuine smile as she spoke that name... Yet with a shade of Melancholy & vulnerability somewhere.

[ Wow... for you to said that much... To think That YOU out of everyone, have such friend... She must be a really amazing person... enough for you to react like that... Or rather you have a friend!?... I think, that itself is amazing already! No offense. But seriously, you having friend? Wow just wow. ]

Said by the Waitress who is genuinely amaze... She did not mean to be malicious or anything with those statement of her.

Reciful is just really hard to approach thats all.

Ignoring the Waitress rude statement.

Reciful Speaks.

[...No she not... Gertrude, she is normal human girl. she is not powerful like those heroes of humanity or Deities. She is not the prettiest of them all & also not the wisest of them all,... She is average, normal as she is fated to be & that's what her destiny is... To live a life playing a insignificant role in the world... Or it would have been. ]

[ for me.... She is the most precious existence of them all ]

Reciful said so, while the Waitress listened who for some reason now setting in a chair in front of Reciful.

Perhaps due to the frustration of being unable to use magic? Or perhaps being carried away by her acting/playing pretend as a drunk man by Drinking Milkshake... that Reciful became talkative somehow.

[ Wow... I would like to meet her if you said that much... Now I'm curious~ ]

[ Ehehe~... It was way back then from a very old world from a very very very ancient time ago ] Reciful said as she chuckled.

[ Oh~ right! you guys we're Otherworlders... I almost forgot that detail due to how common you guys this days ] the waitress casually said so.

[ Sooo~ what this Gertrude is like? This friend of yours?... tell me! tell me! ] The Waitress said so with glittery eyes full of child like curiosity.

[ Gertrude is a Human female in her early youth... A Nun Apprentice of a church thats part of a very large religion of that world. worshipping a God whom they revered as "Heavenly Mother of Seven light" Which is universally known in the Gods realm as the "Light Mother of Creation or Empress of light" ..... A "Supreme Deity" ]

The Tavern Waitress fails to notice some details

The hatred in Reciful's tone when she Addressed the God, the word 'Supreme deity' & why Reciful knew Details only known in the gods realms.

[ Now that's even more Unbelievable... YOU & A Nun of the Church... Friends!?... This somehow sound scandalous or rather complicated? I can't put it into words! Nnnnnn! ] Somehow the waitress is having a hard time finding the right words.

[ Nnnnn!! Nevermind! More importantly where is this friend of yours now... How did you meet? Tell me more~ like what is her life is! ]

[ Huuh?.. umm well.. you see... she mistakenly summon me in her world through her prayers. I saved her & her fellow Nun Apprentice lives by her request.... She is very fond of the existence known as 'Magic' & would tell me many things about it....her life... I would like to know too... But she is gone. ] She said Emotionlessly

[ Huh?... gone where? ]

[....Heaven..true heaven.] Reciful replied with a quiet voice

[ I umm.... Sorry ] The Waitress awkwardly replied.

[.... Um-Ummm Magic? What magic she uses?.. ] the waitress said so attempting to change the awkward atmosphere.

[... Its holy Magic or Light magic. She often studies all night without sleeping. that's how much she loves magic, she always tells me stories about magic very often in the past. ] Reciful answered.

[ Stories?... what kind? ]

[ Mmmm~ what kind? Nnnn~ ah! one time she tells me about the how Magicless people can borrow...mana.. from the wor--- ] suddenly Reciful is stunned she stop speaking before she completed what she about to say.

( Nnnn~... I don't think so... Even if they have no mana in them. the method of using magic is available for all... Maybe they can borrow the Mana from the world to use magic?.... Well it's just My own theory only. but I personally think its possible. everyone can use magic is what I believe. )

Reciful suddenly Remembered those words of her Only Friend from her dream a week ago. her dream of the past when she fell asleep while practicing magic on the farmland near asteria village.

She ponder in deep thoughts.

To Borrow...
To obtain
To take
To steals...
from the World?
But how?..... to Gather... How?
To Gather is to Absorb.. to become Mine...
But how can I do that?
How can I make mana gather??
Imagine the world gather into a single point.
in my hand the entire world is gathering in my palms...
& Make it mine?
To dominate, to corrupt, to change mana into mine.. into me.
Imagine it to gather
Devouring it to obtain
Dominate it to be mine
release it to manipulate!

Imagine the world(Mana) gather into me & make it mine by eating(Absording) it, encroaching(changing) the mana of the world with My presence from within myself making it into My own & Use it against the world to alter its truth(Physical Laws)!!

[ Umm hello~ earth to Reciful hello~ you there! Hello~ yahoo! You suddenly stop talking? What happen?? ] The Waitress in front of her notice Reciful suddenly acted strange & Tried to call her out.


Reciful Suddenly stands up!

The waitress jumps in surprise & almost fall in her chair.

[ Wh-what!? What's the matter? Are Ok Reci-- ] but before she finish her sentence

[ Mana of the World Gather Into me!, Be tainted By My presence!! & Became Mine!!... Magic ball!! ]

After 5 minute of concentration. she Stretch out her hand & Chanted some words, Then suddenly a small hazy rough looking ball made of Black Mana appears on Reciful Palms!!

Seeing that A large smile blooms on Reciful Face.

[ I see.... I think I get an Idea now ] Reciful Muttered

[ Aha-AhahahahahaAHAHAHAHAA!! Finally... Finally ITS HERE!! MAGIC!! My Own Magic!!! ]

The Reciful celebrate like a child who got her presents. then she Immediately Grabs the MilkShake she ordered drinking it in a single Gulp!

[ Ok I'll pratice Now immediately!! ] Reciful said full of enthusiasm as if her earlier gloominess is just a illusion.

She stormed towards outside leaving the tavern in full Sprint going somewhere who knows where.

The waitress whom existence was forgotten by Reciful due to her high euphoria, left behind dumbfounded.

[..... Sh-she forgot to pay for the Milkshake ]..... That all she can mutter while very confused & dumbfounded on just what happened.

Reciful & a Waitress of the tavern | Adventurer Tavern.

OCC: thats Why Reciful chant now~.... Actually she doesn't need to. But she is nowhere good enough to do chantless magic


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Life is Struggle, Death is Acceptance

Alone inside the vast, limitless world of yellow shade, a figure stood before the supreme gate of an unending height, towering over countless mountains and skies. Before he was a wide corridor, walled by the grey mountains. Under the eternal ash-filled firmament, the gloom permeated the surrounding with death and sorrow.

In the silently-dying wasteland, only a series of footstep echoed inside the lonely corridor. The figure walked an infinite distance, and with every step he took, the mountains trembled and moved their gaze. The Underworld Titans, guardians of the gate, sat upon their impossible throne and locked their gaze at the moving figure.

After an eternity, Solet arrived at the bleak gate. His presence, calm and faint, strangely dwarfed the imposing gate into insignificant, and with merely one lightest touch, the gate obediently creaked in fear. The towering mountains stood from their throne and fell to their knees, creating world-ending quakes to signify their reverend.

As soon as the gate opened, a sea of darkness gushed out from the core of the Underworld, swallowing all that could be seen. Even the everlasting space-time was not spared. Quietly, in nowhere, in no time, everything, nothing, disappeared.
Inside the colossal castle, where countless statues and monuments laid in peace, two identical yet opposite figures sat in front of each other, playing a game of chess. The silver-haired lady had a calm, cunning smile while the black-haired maiden remained expressionless.
Unnamed War; Forgotten Game
"You looks... like back then." The white-haired lady spoke as she lifted her last piece up and dropped it in the perfect place, resulting in an inevitable defeat of the black-haired maiden.
Primordial Light Blazed Through Pale Moon
"... They told me that you'll come." Before this, the darkness there was, but now, the void subsided, allowing the sun to rise.
Moon Shattered, and Light Faded
"Of course, didn't I tell you, that I'll always be where you are?" Smiling, the sun touched upon the face of the moon. With her gentle hand, she caressed the face she wished to she for a long, long time. The true face of the lady she hated that she loved, and loved that she once hated.
Fragments Scattered, Light Source Extinguished
"Soletris— No, ████ ... Does it really have to be this way?" Her voice resounded, but the name she uttered can not be heard, but only felt.
Light without Reflection, is Emptiness
"Sorry, ████." Soletris lowered his head as he fell into the bottomless pit of loneliness. However, with merely one touch from Lurnea, the pit became filled with happiness, and Soletris regained his hope.

"You know that it is inevitable, don't you? You can only delay but not prevent..." With a soft smile, Luna uttered her hopeless words. She closed her eyes and leaned onto Solet, letting him do everything despite knowing the consequence.

"Isn't that the beauty of life? To struggle against the inevitable— Alas, I can only change the future, but not my desire." Slowly, Solet stabbed his hand into Luna's heart, and with his light, he purified the pale dot inside, until it turned completely white, like a newborn snowflake, ready to fall from the sky into the world.

"Death of Life, and Death of Memory; She had already served her punishment, meaning that, she could reincarnate again, right?" The castle slowly crumbled, revealing the previous, unending void, towering above Soletris, engulfing his very existence into the verge of madness.

The silent prevailed, but Soletris knew, that the silence was compliance. Silent was nothing, but it was also everything.

"Go, Lurnea, live a happy, ordinary life." Holding the pale, white dot in his hand, Soletris kissed her gently before letting her sank into the endless darkness. Although he knew that it would not change, he still struggled to accept it.

"Please; Forgive me, and forget me." In the end, Soletris remained inside the Underworld, alone, with only Deaths as his friends.
The Golden Cage of Forbidden Knowlege; the Egg of Memory
OOC: Welcome back Luna! Goodbye again, Solet!
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