Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Freestyle RP


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Distance Between The Blue Sky And I [CLOSED]

This was a tale from long ago, a tale that crossed the ages. A tale that would start and stop abruptly, yet would never truly end.

For there was always one who would take the place of the previous storyteller. With every exchange came a new perspective, with every trade the tale changed, but never once did the original purpose fade away.

It had initially been born of a whim, and was treated accordingly; things appeared in no particular order. The concepts of time and space didn’t quite apply, for it’s oldest known creator was fond of breaking rules. And so the realm took form under it’s playful patron’s gaze.

Eventually, inevitably, he got bored. So what did he do? He embarked on his first project. A sentient being much like himself, made in an attempt to see how far he could go. And as it turned out, pretty far.

He had never once considered himself a god, despite his ability to create and breathe life into his creations. That belief would form the core, the definition of her existence, the concept that differentiated her from all of his other, simpler creations.

And he would grow to regard her with something akin to familial affection, celebrating her accomplishments much like how a proud father would watch over his beloved daughter. And as his pride and joy grew older and older, that sense of affection only got deeper and deeper.

Even when she lost control and slaughtered her way across the other bits of his creation, he didn’t mind. For she held a special place in what passed for his heart, and no matter what happened, he would always take her side of the argument. No matter how illogical or unreasonable it was.

But their connection was merely one way. He could watch over her all he liked, but she remained unaware of his presence. He could interfere directly, but he was always afraid of earning her ire with his excessive movements. So in the dark he stayed, raising a hand every now and then to aid her from behind the scenes.

For he was too ashamed to admit that he had fallen in love with his own creation. That he had looked upon the maiden wrought of his own hands, and found her to be fair. It was an impossible affection, and this he clearly knew, which caused him great pain.

Yet like all else he was imperfect, and when he finally took notice of the issue it was too late. He had been too late to spare his beloved daughter of the same solitude that he felt, and watched helplessly as she despaired at her own shortcomings.

So he worked his magic, and returned everything to the beginning.


This time, he carefully crafted a companion solely for her, a gesture of apology and love. With the new knowledge he had gained in between, it turned out well, and once he was done he brought the two together. It worked wonderfully, for a time; the two of them covered for each other’s shortcomings, and together they were nigh unstoppable. His wish of seeing his daughter happy and content was fulfilled.

But who grants the wish-granter’s wish?

It made him incredibly grumpy, relegated to watching like a stalker while his daughter got along with the puppet he’d sent below, and because of that he grew incredibly bad-tempered. That would be the cause of his second mistake.

And so, the heartbroken creator resetted everything to scratch once more, and resolved to give it one last try.


What makes the sky blue?

She stared at the heavens, hoping for an answer she knew wasn’t coming. It never did, all the way up until now.

Forget it.

This time, he opted for the minimalist approach. If he had learned one thing from all of it, it was that the simpler things were, the happier one would be. And so, there could only be one thing that he could gift to her. A lesson.

The sky is blue, child...because it is blue. That’s what makes it blue.

Smiling in spite of himself, he snapped his fingers, and faded away. His smile was the last to go, much like a certain cat.

It isn’t blue because anyone made it so, nor is it blue because it wanted to be blue. It And it always will be. And as long as someone wishes for it...

There will always be a blue sky.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Gift of the Purpose (Closed)

Dark… it’s so dark and… cold… yet… it’s pleasant. This feeling isn’t so bad, kind of relieving actually. I think I’ll just rest up a bit.


Strange..... Is there someone in this place?


I’m too tired to even bother..... Go away.....

“I said hey! I’m talking to you!”

I turn my head and see a silhouette figure devoid of any appearance. Is this who’s calling out to me?

“Who... are you?...”

“You finally noticed me huh? Took you long enough.”

I can only see the white outlines that give shape to it. It resembles a humanoid shape that seems to standing while crossing its arms. I wonder how it is talking.

“Listen, I need you to go back. You’re not on the list.... yet.”

List? What is it talking about? No matter, I’ll just ignore it and enjoy my slumber; it feels nicer this way.

“I said you can’t be in here. You gotta go back and I can’t take no for an answer. You don’t have a say in this.”

I can’t go back. Not anymore..... There is nothing left for me there. I’m tired. I’m really tired.... of everything. I don’t have anything. I don’t have a home. I don’t have family. I don’t have a country.

Not even a purpose anymore.....

“I’m not so sure about that. If you did then you should’ve ignored everything. Even her..... Yet you didn’t. So why is that?”

Why? I’m not sure. Why did I take her in? Why did I take care of her? Why am I worried?

“I’ll tell you why. You’re selfish, useless, and weak. You couldn’t even protect your home and family even with the gift you have.

You thought you had a purpose when you join the corps? Don’t make me laugh. Your country abandoned you and sent you ‘home’ because you were useless.

You think that saving her will redeem what you lack? That’s never going to happen.”


“She will leave and you will be alone.”


“You will never be acknowledge and will forever be forgotten by others and time. Even by her....”




I know.... I was weak. I only saved her because I thought I could redeem myself. But that was just a lie I thought for myself. I’ve lost everything; my own self even robbed by others. I can’t go back anymore.

I’m scared..... Scared of losing anything anymore.

You don’t know what it’s like to lose everything! Have your identity be robbed, only to have it replaced and be robbed again! You don’t get to judge me when you have tasted what I’ve dealt with!

“Oh but I do understand.... After all I am nothing. I literally don’t have a figure. You see me the way you do because that is what you expect and understand.”

“I’ve been in this place for eons and have judged myriads of people. Yours is as uncommon as the next one is. But what separate you from the rest is you.”

“Your goddess Aegis sure loves to test her attendants. I will not go out of my way to guide you to your proper path. That is up to your fate. I will say this however; your gift is your purpose.”

My gift is my purpose? What are you saying?

“Oh and by the way, you really shouldn’t keep the girl waiting. Wouldn’t want to see what fate has stored for her. You are one of the only two good destinies she ever has. I’ve seen the rest and let’s just say she always ends up on the list waaaaay faster than the other two ones she has.”

“Anyways that’s enough chatter for now. Off you go!”

Wait! What fate are you talking about?! Whose fate is worse than it is?! Is it I–


I woke up with the sensation of drowsiness and severe fatigue. I could hear a low growl nearby as if a beast was sleeping. Long white hairs would waft against my nose and I could feel a hard but flexible surface against my back. It seems I was sleeping whilst on a sitting position.

Looking down I could see a blue haired woman sleeping on my lap whilst having a pained expression. I gently placed me hand on her head and that pained expression slowly dissipated. She now wears a normal sleeping face and curled up in reaction to my hand.

Looking to my right I could see the face of a large beast that had a sharp chin. Its snores gave off an impression of lowly growls.

What did I do to get here? The last thing I remember was fighting the rock mites under freezing temperature and then there was dark night sky. Did I faint? Did Iris carry me all the way here? Wasn't I wearing my armour? Why am I in my normal clothes? How long have I been out?

I didn’t know the answer to this as I could only warmly look at Iris’ sleeping face.

My gift is my purpose huh?... What a weird dream.

OC: Reival, Iris, and Zio
Setting: Gelderholm Stables
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Repairing Clothes (Closed)

Leaving the guild after receiving her rewards for the painting quest, Liana thought about what she should do in the next few days - already having accepted that Jasper was going to appear again soon. Looking at Shuck, she thought about how her clothes from before the raid were still at the city guard station. Remembering the state of the guards' clothes she had worn during the raid, Liana bit her lip as she recalled the many holes riddling the material due to slime acid touching them.

"..." Liana sighed and came up with what she'd be doing over the next few nights: collecting her clothes from the city guard station, repairing the city guard clothes, then handing them back in.

Returning to the house, Liana made some food for Hejlikka and Julrik, cleaned the kitchen, and then headed to her room. Shuck followed closely behind without making a sound before sitting upright and watching her in silence. Already beginning to get used to the dog(?)'s actions and attitude, she took off her clothes and washed them. After ringing out the water from rinsing them, Liana then washed herself before going into bed. Just before closing her eyes, she glanced at her pet and saw it staring silently at her while sitting upright by the door.


Over the next few nights, Liana headed over to the market to buy some more threads from Nyra - the rag merchant - before collecting her clothes from the city guard station at the South Gate, to then heading back to the house and sitting on the living room sofa and sewing the clothes back up. Shuck silently sat beside her, resting its head on her lap while watching her move her hands here and there over the clothes with needle and thread in hand. She made sure to take some breaks every now and then, performing some of the core exercises Alexei taught her - as well as practising the foundation weapon stances, even though she didn't possess the billhook.

When she wasn't doing personal things, she took the time to clean the house and make Hejlikka's and Julrik's meals - whilst also regretfully drinking the delicious blood in the wine bottles.

Eventually, the city guard clothes were finally repaired and so Liana - with Shuck following close behind - headed to the city guard station next to the South Gate of Scribel City with the clothes in her arms.


"...Why are you giving me these?" Captain Harrison Bridger asked, while covering his sword in burza again before heading out to deal with another remnant group of slimes.

"Um, Alexei lent me them during the slime raid and I thought I should return them since I'm not a city guard..." Liana responded with an awkward smile.

The guard captain took a look at the clothes and saw they had been recently repaired. He looked at the young woman who still didn't have her own weapon before sighing and handing them back to her, "Keep them. They were just some spares in case an idiot did something stupid while on duty, and they already seem to have been damaged at some point. I think you'd benefit from keeping them, to be honest." He eyed her black, thigh-length dress and shook his head exasperatedly, "At least your body would be more covered and protected in case more slimes or other such things attack you. Now, be off with you! There are still some slimes to be dealt with and I can't be babysitting you!" He waved his hand, motioning for Liana to leave.

Liana bowed to him with a wry smile before exiting the guard station. Looking at the guard clothes in her arms, she was unsure what to do now - since it wasn't the best of times to be asking for more training from Alexei due to the clean-up operations going on throughout the city. Standing in front of the South Gate, Liana glanced outside and saw the grassland spanning far and wide - with some villages in the distance. Shuck's ears twitched for a few seconds before it nuzzled Liana's hand and padded towards the gate's threshold.


Liana was curious about where her pet was going and so followed, however she abruptly stopped as soon as she crossed the threshold. Holding her throbbing head, she smiled wryly at the dog(?) before shaking her head and turning back. Shuck paused and observed the new-born vampire going back into the city before following after her; its ears twitching for a few seconds again. Heading back to Hejlikka's house, Liana pondered over her master's command to wait for him in the city and wondered if it would be bad for her health if she went past Scribel City's outskirts.

Reaching her room, she put the clothes into the dressing table before doing her usual workout and weapon stance routine.


[In a house within the affluent area of Scribel City]

The sound of a man and woman climaxing filled the room before heavy panting could be heard. A naked man with bronze-coloured skin, sharp gold horns and a black whip-like tail that had a gold tuft got out of the bed. On the bed, a female half-elf with large assets and blonde hair could be seen lying motionlessly - barely conscious - with a very content smile on her beautiful face. Getting dressed without washing himself, the man bore a distant expression for a few seconds before revealing a look of discontent.

"Tch! His hold over her is still there..."

"Mmnh...whose, like, hold...over whom?" The half-elf asked, fluttering her lusty eyes at the man while showing regret over him no longer being naked and touching her.

Jasper smirked at the woman before leaning in and deep kissing her, making her pass out completely from the vitality drain, "A sacrificial lamb like you doesn't need to know~" Seeing his prey had lost consciousness, his face turned blank as he felt dissatisfied with the amount of food he got from his meal just now.

Leaving the house with a cold and resolute expression, he thought to himself: "I must weaken his hold over her more!" He then began to shimmer before melding with the shadows and disappearing.

[OC: Liana and Shuck, Jasper and familiar half-elf woman|Setting: Scribel City - Hejlikka's house, South Gate, Affluent house|Word Count: 1028]
[OOC: 6 filled wine bottles changed to -> 4 filled wine bottles
Two-thirds filled wine bottle changed to -> One-quarter filled wine bottle
Empty wine bottle x2 added
Repaired City Guard clothes added
Spool of brown thread x1 added
Spool of white thread x1 added
Money before - 274 G, Money after - 154 G due to purchasing 6 spools of thread]



Well-known member
Apr 1, 2020
Niv and Vilatherael training each other(closed) (not sure if i did the right thing here.)
Niv and Vila fight in the fields to the north seemingly pulling their punches, yet observing each other very closely

"Well, you may need more training in how to abuse the powers you do have, i mean, you barely used your blink even though it would immediately obscure you from sight and allows you to pull off some crazy shots. like how i can do this with my flames, granted not accurately. "a bullet made of fire appears and floats next to Vila "if you can manage to figure out how to blink into the middle of the air. you could even do this." Niv creates several bullets around Vila and at various angles to the ground.

Vila rubs her chin "I never thought i would need to teach, so this may be rough" she continues to think for quite a bit, then seems to realize something "try to attack me." Vila draws her dagger and Niv runs full force at her, draws her blades, and goes in for a double stab, Vila dodges with blink "yeah, i need to rethink it. you fight with daggers while thinking like a fox going in for a bite. maybe try using a reverse grip on the off handed one so you can block. if that doesn't work for you... hnnn since you dont have access to your guns its a bit difficult... oh, friggin'... DUH! try using that bullet more during combat, while yes it cant hurt someone very well, it can distract well enough with it's slight nudge of force."

Niv and Vila take a decent distance from each other and upon Niv firing a bullet into the sky, they start at it again, Vila tries to teleport mid-air and gets hit by a wave of nausea while she's in the air aiming her bow. Niv, seeing her friends look of motion sickness, stops going on the attack

A little later

"so you know the theory but it sends your stomach reeling?" Niv says, sitting with Vila on the ground in front of a tree. Vila replies with "it's more like that section of my brain decided that it's a whole bag of nope, blinking into the air. something in my brain decided doing that should send me into a hangover sized headache." Vila says this while her head is resting between her hands.

Niv starts snickering "really, it reminds me of you using unrelenting force on a rock when you were still so small. it sent you flying into the air." Niv starts laughing more "i was the only one laughing, because i could tell you weren't hurt by the emotions you displayed." Vila looks at Niv with a faked hurt look "you weren't crying over me potentially getting my head ripped off?" she starts laughing too then Niv says "are you kidding me? you're Vil's kid. by that point she already crawled out of the deepest pit of hell by beating up demons while walking up the stairs. then when that didnt work she just started annoying someone who lived down there that was strong enough to straight up throw her out. if you died he would actually march down there to grab you. and plus Thera is a chooser of the dead, she could probably drag your soul back to your body." Niv continues laughing until Vila recovers her stamina "okay, we'll test out the whole teleporting into the air thing later, for now try to teleport onto that branch without positioning yourself first."

Vila blinks onto a branch while standing still and quickly blinks onto the ground again "that also hurts my head, not as much, but still, ow." she leans on a tree again while holding her head. Niv starts to chuckle again, "thinking about Vil, she is quite a strange character, a part of her subspace is actually dedicated to brick production so that she can have an infinite supply of bricks to throw at people when they piss her off, one time i observed her uninviting someone to the guild and she did it by punching them and enchanting her fist so that they would get sent through dimensions while flying until they hit a specific monster she recruited for the purpose of them eating any traitors to the guild"

Vila responds with "c'mon, you have to start remembering the names of your co-workers, his name was greg, and he's a chromatic dragon, not a monster." Niv retorts with "i thought i was supposed to be the HR branch, not the name-tracker." Vila chuckles and says "you wouldnt be the HR branch either. too much aggression towards trophy hunters. you nearly seared one of our contractors after you saw a single moose head" Niv gives a fake offended face and then returns to normal "i'm the god of protecting animals, what did you expect? a free cake for him hunting a beast for its head as a decoration?" Vila looks at her with a slightly serious face "No but since you're the god that also protects humans in your world i would expect you not to want to hurt so many types of humans. seriously, you said not to give you any contracts for necromancers on the fact that you might burn a city down when you find them."

Niv responds with a more serious tone "While i may understand the struggles of humans, bringing cruelty upon other humans for your own eccentricities is a terrible thing. i ended my need to evolve them for a reason, experimenting on eachother is a stupid idea creating obstacles for others is also stupid to me. the reason i hate necromancers is because they made life for the undead races i made, incredibly difficult. the reason i hate trophy hunters is because a group of them hunted a newly created monster i made to extinction, not for resources, not for extra cash after they sell its corpse, but to hang it's decapitated head on a wall. they just threw the corpse away. i should probably try and chill out towards trophy hunters at least but i will not try and calm down about the necromancers or human experimentation." Niv's eyes blanked out for a moment when she talked of trophy hunters. but after she finishes speaking her face turns back normal from looking conflicted

"Phew, that suddenly got serious" Niv stretches and gets up. Vila knowingly gets up and her bow appears "ready to go again?" Niv draws her daggers and turns around. "Lets go." Niv fires a single round into the air and they begin practicing again.

TL;DR: Vila and Niv have a practice match in the woods north of the city and talked of the past quite a bit, giving them possible new ways to use their abilities in the future. (on level ups) and a possible change to Vila's class in the future because she's starting to learn to use the bow in various applications.
Total word count - 1,107


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
A Blue Veil (Closed)

In the streets of Scribel, the aftermath of the slime raid was apparent. Both men and women hurried off to repair any damage that may have been done to their homes. The cheerful screams of the children ran amok with their playful misdemeanor. Among those people there was one whom they dared not approach. A lone blue haired woman guarded by a ferocious large beast that stares at all who cross its view. That woman was Iris with her pet companion Zio. As of the moment she was resting between the curled up body of Zio; both ignoring the ruckus that is constantly made all around.

In the middle on the night, Iris woke up from the sound of constant wailing. She listlessly followed the screams, noticing this Zio stood up and followed suit as well. Wandering about the broken streets in the middle of the night, a woman would be seen as vulnerable prey, but no one would dare approach her not unless the giant dog wasn’t there.

She followed the source and arrived infront of the temple. Multiple screams could even heard by the doorsteps of the temple.

“Zio stay.”

Heeding her order, Zio sat upright in attention waiting for his owner to return. Iris entered the temple and saw plenty of bleeding bodies lying on blood-soaked blankets. Some kept scream while other could suppress the pain with their moans. Tending to them were clerics who were obviously tired from the constant stress of taking care of the wounded. What caught Iris’ attention was one cleric holding onto a book– no a tome of some sort. The cleric would read a passage from the tome and green light would form at the palm of her hand, directing it that hand towards the squirming, bleeding patient. As the light slowly dims, it fades towards the body and slowly closes the exposed open wounds of the bleeding body.

Visible fatigue could be seen from the cleric as she was tired of casting healing magic. The patient stopped squirming and most visible wounds could no longer be seen. The cleric left behind the book in one of the benches went off to rest somewhere. Piquing her interest, Iris went to the book and opened it.

Page after page was filled with mysterious words and symbols, different from the common tongue of the people. Iris carefully observed the book as if being absorbed by it. She would try to pronounce the spells but they would all sound gibberish to a trained ear. Page by page she would glance at all the tome entails but her work will prove to no avail.

About to give up, Iris arrives at the last page and the shines in bright green. All the clerics nearby noticed this flash of light and looked at the source. The center of it all was Iris holding a tome of light, one of the basics of the holy elements. As the green light encompasses the temple so did the blue light coming out of Iris. The green light filled half of the room as did so with the glue light. All nearby were stunned at the unnatural phenomenon.

Although this phenomenon only lasted for a few seconds, however for Iris it lasted at most to an hour. During that hour she had heard a voice that the world will never hear.


“O’ cursed invader, what brings you to awaken me?”

Iris doesn’t know..... Something was calling for Iris so Iris came.

“O’ cursed invader, for you do not belong here; return to whence you came.”

Iris doesn’t know where Iris is. Iris doesn’t know where Iris belongs. Iris is cursed child so Iris has no home. Iris only does what Reival says. Iris can only stay with Reival.

“O’ cursed child, your fate is sealed and has been tampered. A blank slate of void awaits the end. The Harbinger awaits in the origin.”

Iris knows what Iris’ fate is. That has already been taken and thereafter given. Iris will only return and give back to which was given.

“O’ gifted curse, will you forsake your gift for vow of return? Or will you forsake your curse for the depth of the void?”

Iris will forsake Iris. Iris has died and will reborn as Iris, all to return a life.

“O’ cursed gift, your choice has been made. As such I offer a gift for the gift; mimic on what shall be said. The gift of the curse–“

–shall be the curse for the gift.

“To whence you came–“

–may you null the blank state.

“For a fate such as yours–“

“–is a world stripped by the string.”

–is a world stripped by the string.

“I offer thee a prayer to the mana child and thou must say–“


The duo of light in the temple slowly faded until there was no more. In the middle was a woman who utter a phrase.

“Kanojo ni shita koto wa kanarazu anata ni kaettekuru. Unmei towa zankoku na monodaga, saigo ni naniga okoru ka wo mitodokeru ka wa anata shidai da.”

With those words, thin blue lights covered her head like a wedding veil. It only took a moment before it dissipated into nothingness. Turning her attention to the clerics, some were awed by what they have seen while others cowered in fear of the unknown phenomenon. It did not matter to Iris for she did not have a place in the world. She slowly walked towards the entrance of the temple where her loyal companion awaited her arrival. There was no sound on every step she took, but if one was to look closer traces of blue light could be seen before vanishing from whence they were once were.

As she walked between all the clerics and patients in the room; some revel in her presence as the divination of a messenger while others feared her for the in fear of the unknown she has committed. Regardless of what one thinks, they all steered away from her path to the outside.

Zio patiently waited for Iris at the entrance of the temple; as soon as she drew near to him he lowered his head to acknowledge his owner. Iris gently caresses his rough cheek and utters a command.

“Zio. Let’s go back.”

Acknowledging her order, he lowers his body for Iris to climb onto his back. With a firm grip on his white back mane, Iris is stable on his back and will not fall off easily.

With a thunderous roar, Zio sprints off towards the northern gate of Scribel to return to his other owner.

Back at the temple where the light once glowed, at the floor was the book that Iris once read. If one would open it, they would be met with nothing but blank pages ‘cept for the last page which merely says.

O’ cursed gift, may your blank state be stained with virtuous ink.

OC: Iris and Zio
Setting: Scribel Temple

OOC: Welp... not sure if readers would understand the middle part.
OOC: Here's the raw phrase. (彼女にした事はあなたに必ず還ってくる。 運命とは残酷なものだが、最後に何が起こるかを見届けるかはあなたの意思次第だ。)
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Losing Your Mind (Closed)

It had been a few days since Vanessa met Jasper, and also a few days since she'd seen her husband - Till. Watching her two sons - Gambino and Edgar - practising the sword moves their father used to teach them from the park bench, the tanned woman could only sigh with worry over where her husband was. The money from Till had stopped coming in since a few days ago, and Vanessa's income from her new seamstress job could barely keep up with the daily bills.

"Oh~? Fancy meeting you here~" A sexy and masculine voice said beside Vanessa's ear.

"?!" Turning around to see the man, she blushed hard as her fiery eyes met with Jasper's that were a few cm away. "Jasper?" She asked in surprise before turning her head away with a deep blush on her cheeks to keep watch over her sons.

The handsome man chuckled, as he took note of the woman's reaction, before sitting beside her on the bench and responding, "I was in the area doing errands and happened to see your lovely figure sat here~" He glanced at the two boys in their early teens sparring with branches and noticed the elegant clothes they were wearing, "These your boys?" He asked with a soft, teasing smile.

Vanessa looked at her sons and smiled lovingly at them while subconsciously rubbing her empty ring finger, "Yes. Gambino is the older one, Edgar is the younger one." She then turned to look at Jasper, "Thank you again, for buying the clothes for them. It's made them the happiest they've been since coming to this city." She smiled brightly - her eyes filled with genuine gratefulness.

Jasper smiled softly while smirking inside, "Think nothing of it~! After all," he lifted his right hand up to reveal the silver ring on his pinkie finger, "I got a nice accessory out of it~" He lightly kissed it while staring at Vanessa's lips - something which Vanessa noticed and blushed at.

"Ah, well...I'll be sure to make an outfit for you once I get my shop started!" She pumped her fist up - revealing slightly toned arm muscles - before slumping into the bench, "But I need to save up enough money to rent out a spot in the market..."

Jasper made a concerned expression as he noticed the woman looked a little thinner than before, moving his hand to brush against her cheek before cupping it, "Why do you seem to have lost weight since we last met? Are you not eating enough?"

Vanessa slowly removed Jasper's hand while quickly glancing at her sons. Seeing they were too engrossed in their sparring match, she subconsciously sighed in relief before revealing a wry smile to the handsome man, "My husband hasn't come home in the last few days, nor has any of the usual money he sent to us...I'm a little worried that he died on a mission..." Tears began to form in her beautiful eyes as a wave of despair began to wash over her.

Taking the opportunity to influence her mind more, Jasper internally smirked as he subtly and smoothly wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gently brought her close to him. He used his free hand to wipe away the tears beginning to form, "Hey, don't start crying~ You'll ruin that beautiful face of yours and worry your sons."

Vanessa leaned into the man's well-toned chest and cried a little more as she couldn't hold back the negative emotions she'd been bottling up ever since Till had started working as an adventurer. "It's just...he never says a word about what he's doing until he's done it! *sniff* He sometimes comes back with claw marks all over him, or bite marks from dire wolves, or an arrow in his shoulder...Why can't he take a safe and stable job where we know what he's doing?!" She exclaimed while crying into Jasper's shoulder.

Using the shadows of the tree hanging over the bench, Jasper subtly waved his hand to make him and the woman more hidden before he caressed her arm and whispered in a low and enchanting voice in her ear, "Because your husband is selfish and doesn't care about you~ He wants excitement and the rush of living on the edge~ Living a stable life won't keep him interested for long~"

Vanessa's eyes glazed over a little, as her crying slowed to a stop, before responding in a monotonous voice: "Yes...he doesn't care about me...he is selfish...he doesn't want a stable life...he's not interested in being with us..."

Gambino struck against Edgar's wrist - making an audible cracking sound - before the younger boy dropped his branch and knelt down while grabbing his already bruising wrist. The sound brought Vanessa out of her trance and she smiled apologetically to Jasper before rushing over to check on her son's injury. Jasper smirked at the results of his minor compulsion, happy that her resistance was weakening, as he leaned into the bench and observed the two boys with irritation in his eyes. He then smiled deeply as a thought crossed his mind, before getting up and walking over.

"Is he all right?" He asked with seemingly genuine worry and concern.

Vanessa showed a focused expression as she felt the wrist bones of her youngest son before slowly shaking her head, "No...I think it's broken but I'm not too sure..."

Edgar was wincing in visible pain as his wrist was already swelling and bruising a lot. Gambino was kneeling on the ground beside him with tears in his eyes as he repeatedly kept apologising to his brother for the injury. Vanessa smacked him on the head before gently pulling Edgar up off the ground and stroking his head, "We'll go to the temple and have it checked." She glared at Gambino, "I've told you many times to be careful when sparring! Don't be reckless like your father!"

Gambino hung his head and slowly nodded, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit so hard! I thought he'd be able to block it!"

"Enough!" Vanessa raised her hand to motion for her son to be quiet, before softening her face and smiling wryly at Jasper, "Sorry, Jasper, that you had to see this. I'm afraid I'll have to leave you, since Edgar needs his wrist checking."

Jasper smiled softly, "Don't be sorry~ Family comes first, right~?" He glanced at the boys with kind eyes before continuing, "I need to be going anyway. Still have some more errands to do before the day ends. Hope to see you again soon~!" He waved at them before leaving.

The three Wallner's watched the man walk away from their line of sight before Edgar looked up at his mother and asked, "Mother, who was he?"

Vanessa smiled reassuringly as she stroked her injured son's head, "He's a friend of the family. Now, let's get your wrist sorted!"


A few more days later, Jasper heard a knock at his room door and so opened it to see an angry, teary-eyed Vanessa. Immediately shifting his expression to show genuine concern, he gently grabbed her arms and leaned in to better see her face:

"Vanessa? What's wrong? Is Edgar's injury worse than anticipated?" He paused before widening his eyes, "...Your husband isn't dead, is he?"

Vanessa's eyes turned more rage-filled as she punched into Jasper's chest before handing an opened letter him. Not minding the weak punch - since his body was more resilient to injuries - he grasped the letter while subtly brushing his fingers against the woman's own, and carefully read it. Vanessa crossed her arms as she stared intently at the letter with anger.

"Oh~? So he's gone to Gelderholm to better improve his sword skills while getting more money~?" He continued reading and then noticed the date on the letter, "Sent over a week ago from Gelderholm..." He glanced at Vanessa and saw the frustrated rage in her fiery eyes. He smiled wryly before motioning towards the stairs, "Want to have a few drinks and share your woes~? I'll pay, of course~"

Vanessa took the letter and stormed down the stairs, with Jasper following behind while smiling gleefully over this development.

Reaching the tavern area, Vanessa found an empty table and sat down before re-reading the letter Till had sent her - her hands crumpling the edges in anger the more she read it. Sitting beside her with a wine bottle and two wine glasses, Jasper expertly opened the bottle before pouring the contents and offering a glass to the woman.

"Here you go~"

Vanessa grabbed the glass and gulped down its contents before slamming the glass onto the table - causing a visible crack to form in the wood.

"What does he think he's playing at?! Gelderholm is a war zone!"

Refilling the glass, Jasper subtly brushed his fingers against Vanessa's to tell her the glass was full again before responding in an enchanting masculine voice, "It seems he only has money and training on his mind, going by his letter. He doesn't care about how his family is coping without his presence~"

The tanned woman downed the contents of the glass again before looking at Jasper with half-drunk, half-glazed eyes: "He doesn't seem to care about us as much as before...It's like the him before our business collapsed was a pretence..."

Jasper gently caressed Vanessa's hand before grasping the empty glass and pouring more wine into it, "Then, how about I help you start up your shop and see if he'll come home~?"

Vanessa blushed at the contact between their hands, before smiling wryly at the handsome man, "How can I let you do something like that, Jasper? You've already helped me with buying those clothes for my boys."

Jasper smiled softly before tracing his fingers over Vanessa's outfit, "Don't think I haven't noticed the tailoring you did on your son's clothes~ I sensed some kind of mana emanating from them, and this..." He rubbed a finger against the embroidery, "...this also has some hidden within~"

Vanessa blushed while smiling proudly before gently removing the man's hand from her clothes, "I'm surprised you noticed! It's one of the skills my family honed over generations of being in the sewing trade! We can imbue magic into clothes while sewing different symbols and such into them!" She smiled brightly before looking frustrated, "Not even Till noticed when I embroidered his trousers just as he was starting out as an adventurer..."

"Such a bad man~" Jasper responded while picking Vanessa's glass up and bringing it to the woman's lips.

Taking the glass from him, with her hands over his, she gulped down the wine before smiling wryly, "Yes! He is very bad! Such a reckless idiot who doesn't pay attention to the details! Yet I married such an idiot and had two wonderful sons!" Tears began to form in her fiery eyes as she let go of the glass and leaned into her arms on the table, "Why did I have to fall in love with such a fool...?"

Jasper subtly rubbed his leg soothingly against Vanessa's under the table while his tail gently caressed her arms, "We all become fools when in love..." His eyes turned black as he gazed hungrily at the woman, "It would be better to no longer love such a man~" His eyes returned to their soft look as his voice no longer held that enchanting resonance, "I think you've drunk enough for tonight, my lady~"

"Mmnh..." Vanessa had already cried herself into a tired stupor.

Getting up from the table, Jasper gently wrapped an arm around Vanessa's waist and helped her to her room upstairs. Reaching the Wallner's room, he ensured there was no one around before holding Vanessa's head and whispering in an enchanting voice beside her ear: "You will dream of me giving you immense pleasure, as you feel nothing for your husband~ You will choose to rely on me more and feel fulfilled when with me~" He then moved to her moist lips - still wet from the wine she'd been drinking - and lightly licked them before kissing.

Vanessa began to regain her consciousness and found Jasper with an arm hooked around her, trying to look for her room key without inappropriately touching her. Pushing him away gently, she wryly smiled before apologising for her behaviour. Hugging him in thanks for listening to her complaints, she unlocked her door and went inside before closing it.

Returning to his own room, Jasper had another laughing session as his body shivered in delight over the little snack he got from kissing her just then. Licking his lips, he smiled menacingly as he muttered to himself, "Such a mellow, yet vibrant flavour~ Only a few more steps to go, little lioness~"

[OC: Jasper and Vanessa, cameo from Gambino and Edgar|Setting: Scribel City - Park, Tavern|Word Count: 2139]
[OOC: Tagging @Quaesitor for using Vanessa, Till's wife]



Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy]

Having procured the saw which she was looking for, Ellania started working away at the huge piece of wood, smoothening out the corners with careful, practiced cuts. The pile of wood shavings on the floor accumulated steadily as the long piece of plank gradually rounded out at the edges, and at some point the Qliphat had unbuttoned her coat and tossed it on the back of a nearby chair in order to cool off faster.

"Phew! Now I see why there's an additional fee for craftsmanship, haha!"


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy]

Having procured the saw which she was looking for, Ellania started working away at the huge piece of wood, smoothening out the corners with careful, practiced cuts. The pile of wood shavings on the floor accumulated steadily as the long piece of plank gradually rounded out at the edges, and at some point the Qliphat had unbuttoned her coat and tossed it on the back of a nearby chair in order to cool off faster.

"Phew! Now I see why there's an additional fee for craftsmanship, haha!"
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy].

Looking at the crude method and the unsatisfactory result, Luna remained smiling and watched Ellania unbuttoned her coat. She thought that the girl looked somewhat cool when she worked. Sadly, she seemed to always laze around.

"Miss Ellania, if you don't clean it up soon, the wind would blow all the dust away, and it'll be a disaster for you." Offering a piece of advice, Luna remained standing on her feet, not intending to help. She had no idea how to saw wood, after all.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy].

Looking at the crude method and the unsatisfactory result, Luna remained smiling and watched Ellania unbuttoned her coat. She thought that the girl looked somewhat cool when she worked. Sadly, she seemed to always laze around.

"Miss Ellania, if you don't clean it up soon, the wind would blow all the dust away, and it'll be a disaster for you." Offering a piece of advice, Luna remained standing on her feet, not intending to help. She had no idea how to saw wood, after all.
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy]

"Ehhh, you're right. I wanna slack off though~"

Blowing the dust off the piece of counter she'd just finished working on, Ellania got to her knees and proceeded to lie down on it, basking in the sunlight.

"Fwah~ This is a good place to take a nap~"

By the way, she'd hauled the wood all the way to the roof of the Tavern, which was currently where she was lounging about in the sunlight. The saw had been stuck into a piece of excess wood.

"I'll grab a broom later~"


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Fixing The Tavern's Countertop [OPEN/ @Bochi @GDLiZy]

"Ehhh, you're right. I wanna slack off though~"

Blowing the dust off the piece of counter she'd just finished working on, Ellania got to her knees and proceeded to lie down on it, basking in the sunlight.

"Fwah~ This is a good place to take a nap~"

By the way, she'd hauled the wood all the way to the roof of the Tavern, which was currently where she was lounging about in the sunlight. The saw had been stuck into a piece of excess wood.

"I'll grab a broom later~"
A loud crack resumed as a part of the Tavern's roof collapsed, creating a hole on it; not only that but the dust also flew everywhere, causing some commotion inside the Tavern.

"Miss Ellania, if you don't work now, you'll be fined again!" Shouting to the girl on the roof, Luna stepped away from the dust-filled Tavern.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
A loud crack resumed as a part of the Tavern's roof collapsed, creating a hole on it; not only that but the dust also flew everywhere, causing some commotion inside the Tavern.

"Miss Ellania, if you don't work now, you'll be fined again!" Shouting to the girl on the roof, Luna stepped away from the dust-filled Tavern.
"They might as well rebuild the entire tavern at this rate?!"

Shifting the piece of wood meant for the counter over to partially cover for the newly-created hole, Ellania jumped down from the roof, shimmying down one of the nearby building's walls and landing safely. Pulling her coat back on halfway, the Qliphat studied the chaos inside and gave a long and hard thought about it.

"Conclusion: The roof was mostly definitely not my fault, so I'll let the professionals take care of it! Yep, that settles the issue."

Nodding in satisfaction to herself, Ellania turned to regard the nearby Luna.

"It's mealtime, so how about I treat you to lunch?"


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2020
A loud crack resumed as a part of the Tavern's roof collapsed, creating a hole on it; not only that but the dust also flew everywhere, causing some commotion inside the Tavern.

"Miss Ellania, if you don't work now, you'll be fined again!" Shouting to the girl on the roof, Luna stepped away from the dust-filled Tavern.
I was resting on top of the nice countew, when suddenwy BOOM! A giant duststowm fwew me away fwom my sweet spot! :blob_teary:

I luckily landed on the cushy belly of the big gween boy that was behind the countew though! He pwotected me! :blob_aww:

Though then he got scawy and stawted shouting angwily about people destwoying his tavewn... So mean! Whoevew did that is howwible! :blob_no:

Edit: [OOC]Seems like a new post was done by the time I finished writing this one, I hope it is not a problem.[/OOC]


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"They might as well rebuild the entire tavern at this rate?!"

Shifting the piece of wood meant for the counter over to partially cover for the newly-created hole, Ellania jumped down from the roof, shimmying down one of the nearby building's walls and landing safely. Pulling her coat back on halfway, the Qliphat studied the chaos inside and gave a long and hard thought about it.

"Conclusion: The roof was mostly definitely not my fault, so I'll let the professionals take care of it! Yep, that settles the issue."

Nodding in satisfaction to herself, Ellania turned to regard the nearby Luna.

"It's mealtime, so how about I treat you to lunch?"
"Wouldn't you need your money to pay an additional fine?" Luna asked, but she did not refuse the invitation; after all, the free meal was a free meal.

"Then, what about the counter? Didn't you say that you'll fix it?" Remembering that Ellania hadn't fixed the counter yet, Luna thought that it would be troublesome to order the food.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
"Wouldn't you need your money to pay an additional fine?" Luna asked, but she did not refuse the invitation; after all, the free meal was a free meal.

"Then, what about the counter? Didn't you say that you'll fix it?" Remembering that Ellania hadn't fixed the counter yet, Luna thought that it would be troublesome to order the food.
"What fine?"

Ellania whistled innocently.

"Also, who said anything about eating in this city? I have something else in mind. I don't think you've camped out before, have you? Eaten wild rabbit freshly caught and cooked over a spit roast? Or went fishing in a stream and hooked a catch personally? There's a profound difference in eating food caught by hand and cooked by hand in comparison to food that can be ordered straight from the counter. Wanna give it a try?"


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"What fine?"

Ellania whistled innocently.

"Also, who said anything about eating in this city? I have something else in mind. I don't think you've camped out before, have you? Eaten wild rabbit freshly caught and cooked over a spit roast? Or went fishing in a stream and hooked a catch personally? There's a profound difference in eating food caught by hand and cooked by hand in comparison to food that can be ordered straight from the counter. Wanna give it a try?"
"From my diary, I've many times camped out before; but if you'll treat me, then I'll go with you." And so, Luna's mouth had been bribed by a free meal.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
"From my diary, I've many times camped out before; but if you'll treat me, then I'll go with you." And so, Luna's mouth had been bribed by a free meal.
"Alright, let us be off then!"


It took Ellania merely an hour to find the place she was looking for, shockingly, as opposed to taking much longer compared to what would have happened as usual.

Of course, her luck balanced out by having the Qliphat trip and roll off a slope into a small pond by the side of the destination. There was a loud splashing noise, and Ellania waded out of the pond, drenched head to toe in water with her hair full of reeds.

On the bright side the water was relatively clean, and she held up two ducks which had been unfortunate enough to be grabbed during her descent. Two snaps and the birds hung limply from her hands.

"One male and one female, so there should be a nest nearby. Luna, give me a hand, if you would? Water fowl like building nests in the plants that grow near the water's edge, and their eggs are pretty good to eat. I'll get the campfire going."

Shaking off the reeds in her hairline, Ellania dropped the two ducks at the clearing and went around collecting branches off the ground, tossing them into one pile.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"Alright, let us be off then!"


It took Ellania merely an hour to find the place she was looking for, shockingly, as opposed to taking much longer compared to what would have happened as usual.

Of course, her luck balanced out by having the Qliphat trip and roll off a slope into a small pond by the side of the destination. There was a loud splashing noise, and Ellania waded out of the pond, drenched head to toe in water with her hair full of reeds.

On the bright side the water was relatively clean, and she held up two ducks which had been unfortunate enough to be grabbed during her descent. Two snaps and the birds hung limply from her hands.

"One male and one female, so there should be a nest nearby. Luna, give me a hand, if you would? Water fowl like building nests in the plants that grow near the water's edge, and their eggs are pretty good to eat. I'll get the campfire going."

Shaking off the reeds in her hairline, Ellania dropped the two ducks at the clearing and went around collecting branches off the ground, tossing them into one pile.
Flipping her dairy, Luna looked around the pond and locked her gaze at one particular direction.

"According to my entry, the nest should be in the densest area of the plants, which is over there." Luna pointed at the direction she gazed before moving towards it.

As natural as thinking, Luna's feet stepped onto the water, freezing them into a little platform for her to walk on. Without getting wet, Luna walked towards the nest and picked up three warm eggs.

"It seems that the family has just formed, judging by the age of the eggs." Luna shook them a little before walking back and placing them onto the clearing, next to the dead animals.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Flipping her dairy, Luna looked around the pond and locked her gaze at one particular direction.

"According to my entry, the nest should be in the densest area of the plants, which is over there." Luna pointed at the direction she gazed before moving towards it.

As natural as thinking, Luna's feet stepped onto the water, freezing them into a little platform for her to walk on. Without getting wet, Luna walked towards the nest and picked up three warm eggs.

"It seems that the family has just formed, judging by the age of the eggs." Luna shook them a little before walking back and placing them onto the clearing, next to the dead animals.
"And then they end up as our nourishment. A pity for them, but very good for us. That's a neat book you have there too."

Building up a decent pile, Ellania struck up a spark and started a small fire. Tossing a few more sticks in to keep it burning, she hung out her wet outer garments to dry as she started on the next task; plucking the feathers off the birds and cleaning out the blood with pond water.

"Maaa, I know they'll taste better with herbs, but I dunno which ones exactly. Oh well."

Humming, she speared both ducks with skewers and started holding them over the flames.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Flipping her dairy, Luna looked around the pond and locked her gaze at one particular direction.

"According to my entry, the nest should be in the densest area of the plants, which is over there." Luna pointed at the direction she gazed before moving towards it.

As natural as thinking, Luna's feet stepped onto the water, freezing them into a little platform for her to walk on. Without getting wet, Luna walked towards the nest and picked up three warm eggs.

"It seems that the family has just formed, judging by the age of the eggs." Luna shook them a little before walking back and placing them onto the clearing, next to the dead animals.
"And then they end up as our nourishment. A pity for them, but very good for us. That's a neat book you have there too."

Building up a decent pile, Ellania struck up a spark and started a small fire. Tossing a few more sticks in to keep it burning, she hung out her wet outer garments to dry as she started on the next task; plucking the feathers off the birds and cleaning out the blood with pond water.

"Maaa, I know they'll taste better with herbs, but I dunno which ones exactly. Oh well."

Humming, she speared both ducks with skewers and started holding them over the flames.
"Duck watching~ Duck watching~ " I was crouching by a pond studying a new pair of ducks when a blur crashed into the two and emerged with both of them having snapped necks.

"Ducks?" I blinked before I recognized them its fly lady and teacher Luna? I curiously watched them from a distance while identifying herbs n spices on the pond bed.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
She became the red Riding hood!? (Close)

Scribel City Market Street

+ + +
Cecila's Discount Grocery
"The exclusive provider for the amazing Adventurer's Guild! Come try the food of heroes!"
Scribel City Market Street​
Cecila Ennel​
1 G / loaf​
A loaf of plain bread. A day old.​
5 G / lb​
A pound of questionable cheese.​
6 G / dozen​
A dozen eggs. They're safe???​
12 G / lb​
Butter! Who doesn't love butter?​
Beef / Pork / Mutton​
8 G / lb​
A pound of raw meat. Minced, diced, and bloody!​
15 G / each​
A whole chicken. It's still alive.​
25 G / lb​
A pound of cured bacon. Yummy.​
10 G / lb​
A pound of imported salt.​
160 G / lb​
A pound of imported sugar.​
180 G / lb​
A pound of imported pepper.​
8 G / gallon​
A gallon of cheap beer. You shouldn't buy it.​
11 G / gallon​
A gallon of "fresh" milk, possibly slightly sour.​
18 G / gallon​
A gallon of decent ale. Who makes this stuff?​
Cheap Wine​
30 G / gallon​
Cheap wine. It's a ripoff because it's basically water.​
Fine Wine​
50 G / gallon​
A small keg of fine wine, imported from a faraway land.​

+ + +
The Genial General's General Store of General Generic Things
"The single best bad solution for every good problem in the book!"
Scribel City Market Street​
Genial General Gerel​
Axe, Woodcutter's​
90 G​
A slightly chipped and rusty axe. Definitely not stolen.​
65 G​
A slightly leaky barrel that smells fishy.​
10 G​
A generic basket. Definitely will not fall apart.​
40 G​
An empty bottle that used to have a message inside it.​
15 G​
Looks like it was made by an five-year-old.​
50 G​
An actually normal-looking bucket.​
1 G / each​
Smells kinda bad when you burn it.​
10 G / bundle​
Enough firewood to last for a few days.​
Flint and steel​
35 G​
For starting fires, when you need a fire. Duh.​
80 G​
For hitting things that need to be hit. Definitely also not stolen.​
75 G / bottle​
For writing stuff. It's expensive, I know.​
3 G / each​
It's annoying to lose your writing utensil so please don't.​
5 G​
For holding liquid... things.​
Lamp (Small)​
50 G​
A tray thingy to put your candle on.​
Lamp (Hooded)​
230 G​
This one looks fancier and you can hang it up. Cool.​
Lock (Simple)​
300 G​
Can't you just... break it? Kick it?​
Lock (Average)​
650 G​
What's even the point of having locks? It attracts thieves.​
30 G / pint​
Flammable. And oily. For stuff.​
10 G / sheet​
Personally I would just steal some from the guild.​
25 G / sheet​
Fancy paper for fancy people.​
Miner's Pick​
100 G​
I think the guy who used to own this died.​
Pole (Wooden)​
5 G​
You want a stick? You can have a stick.​
Pot (Iron)​
20 G​
For cooking stuff. Not that I know how to cook.​
10 G / each​
A day's worth. Tastes terrible but won't spoil.​
6 G / yard​
Sold by the yard. 200% guaranteed to never snap.​
3 G / each​
For potatoes. Or to use as clothes if you're poor.​
15 G / each​
Smells like... animal fat.​
5 G​
Where's the fork? Do they sell forks here?​
30 G​
Useful for hiding the body. 10/10 recommended.​
300 G​
I think it works... never tried it in the rain.​
2 G / each​
Stick + Fire = Stick on fire.​
30 G / each​
Looks like it'll break if you drop it.​
25 G​
It's made out of the bladder of some kind of animal.​
35 G / pound​
A slightly yellowish moldable substance.​

+ + +
Nyra the Rag Merchant
"I mostly sell recycled rags, but I got some other stuff. Wanna see?"
Scribel City Market Street​
10 G / lb​
Picked from the streets and washed clean!​
20 G / yard​
Very rough and uncomfortable.​
Ball of Yarn​
35 G / yard​
Wool stuff. Itchy. My cat likes these.​
Linen (Bad)​
65 G / yard​
Local cloth. Might have some holes.​
Linen (Good)​
120 G / yard​
Imported stuff. It's much nicer, isn't it?​
Sewing Needle​
5 G​
Good for poking yourself.​
20 G / spool​
Made from "recyclables".​

+ + +
Hand-Me-Down Patchworks
"Discounted second-hand clothes that you'll never forget."
Scribel City Market Street​
A weird talking tree thing​
Tunic (Terrible)​
40 G​
We buy these from the Rag Merchant.​
Shoes (Bad)​
60 G​
Wooden shoes! Super comfy!​
Shirt (Bad)​
80 G​
They only come in one size. I hope it fits.​
Tunic (Bad)​
160 G​
These will look good no matter how big or small you are!​
Blanket (Bad)​
35 G​
Somebody donated these. At least it's warm?​
Bedroll (Bad)​
20 G​
It's basically just a towel you put on the ground.​
Cloth Pouch​
30 G​
For holding stuff. Not your money, because it'll get stolen.​
70 G​
Slightly questionable construction. Will it break?​

Reciful is currently in the Market district within Scrible city. Looking for Something Approaching each & every store she see.

Reciful entered one particular shop who have a Tree like entity as the shop owner..... The shop interior looks very unique.... It resembles the owner very much.

[ Whaaaaat, arrrreee, youuuu, looooookinggg, foooor??? ] Said by a talking Tree looking being.

[ Ummm... Ummm You see I was planning to travel far far away from here... But I dunno what to do~ ]

[...theeeen, hoooow, booouuut, Aaaaaa, bagggg~] Said by the weird tree like thing.

Then the Tree being get some item behind the counter. placing those item before Reciful.

• A bag with Questionable Durability.
• A clothing pouch that look very Unique.... as if straight out from a fairy tale stories.

Both Item looks like it lack security at all.

[ Oooh a bag!?... But you see Mister Old Tree?... I have this ]

Reciful said as she manipulate her Shadow, revealing the existence of her Shadow Storage.

[...Iiiiii seeeee~ ] seeing Reciful don't need bag the tree being replied in a sad tone.

That truth is.... Almost no one buys any item from his shop at all. The tree guy is happy to finally have a customer after a long time.

Noticing this... A unknown particular feeling emerges from Reciful..... I feeling of Guilt which she never felt before. Guilt of not buying anything & leaving this pitiful Tree with a broken hope.

[...Sigh~...fine since I'm kind.... Hey Mr. Old tree I'll buy that Pouch looking thing, how much? ] Reciful with a one eye closed & her hand on her hips. Said towards the tree being.

[ I-I-Itttttss 30 Goooooold~ ] said by the surprised but happy tree person.

[ Right~ right Here 30.... Give me a Cloth Pouch ]

After Obtaining the Pouch (which she really have no use to at all) from the Tree being.

Reciful Strapped it across her Shoulder & left the Store of the talking tree.

[ Thaaaaannnkkk yooouuu veeeerrryyy muuucchhh ] said by the Tree watching Reciful takes her leave.

Gorgeous Garments and Gentleman's Gear
"The most wonderful of clothes, for the most wonderful of costs~!"
Scribel City Market Street​
Henrietta Spindlethwaite​
Lower Class Shop
Simple dress​
A plain dress made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
90 G
Simple shirt​
A simple shirt made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
35 G
Simple skirt​
A plain skirt made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
35 G
Simple trousers​
Plain trousers made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
45 G
Simple cloak​
A plain cloak made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
35 G
Simple gloves​
Plain gloves made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
20 G
Simple hat​
A plain cloth hat made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy
For women only​
45 G
Simple shoes​
Plain shoes made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy and can wear out easily​
65 G
Wooden clogs​
Shoes made from wood that are durable and hard but comfortable.
Can't run in them.​
45 G
Leather sandals​
Sandals made from leather, they are durable and don't wear out quickly.
Don't protect well against the cold.​
135 G
Simple handbag​
A plain cloth bag made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy and flimsy.
For women only.​
35 G


Gorgeous Garments and Gentleman's Gear
"The most wonderful of clothes, for the most wonderful of costs~!"
Scribel City Market Street​
Henrietta Spindlethwaite​
Middle Class Shop
Pretty dress​
A pretty dress with patterns made from cheap fabric​
300 G
Elegant dress​
An elegant dress made from nice fabric that fits the body nicely​
1200 G
Smart shirt​
A shirt made from a cheap fabric that presents a smart appearance for the wearer​
150 G
Elegant shirt​
An elegant shirt made from nice fabric that fits the body nicely​
750 G
Pretty skirt​
A pretty skirt with patterns made from cheap fabric​
150 G
Elegant skirt​
An elegant skirt made from nice fabric that fits the body nicely​
750 G
Smart trousers​
Trousers made from a cheap fabric that presents a smart appearance for the wearer​
200 G
Elegant trousers​
Elegant trousers made from nice fabric that fits the body nicely​
900 G
Pretty cloak​
A pretty cloak with patterns made from cheap fabric​
90 G
Smart cloak​
A cloak made from a cheap fabric that presents a smart appearance for the wearer, often favoured by men​
90 G
Elegant cloak​
An elegant cloak made from nice fabric that keeps the wearer warm and looking elegant​
500 G
Simple gloves​
Plain gloves made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy​
20 G
Pretty gloves​
Pretty gloves with patterns made from cheap fabric​
50 G
Smart gloves​
Gloves made from a cheap fabric that presents a smart appearance for the wearer, often favoured by men​
50 G
Pretty hat​
A pretty cloth hat with patterns made from cheap fabric
For women only​
120 G
Smart hat​
A hat made from a cheap fabric that presents a smart appearance for the wearer
For men only​
120 G
Elegant hat​
An elegant hat made from nice fabric that fits the body nicely
Design varies between men and women​
550 G
Pretty shoes​
Pretty shoes with patterns made from cheap fabric
Not suitable for outdoors activities or rough terrain
For women only​
225 G
Smart shoes​
Smart shoes made from the cheapest leather
For men only​
315 G
Elegant shoes​
Elegant shoes made from nice leather that fits around feet nicely and are comfortable
Design differs between men and women​
650 G
Simple hand fan​
A simple fan made from the cheapest fabric that is a barely as large as the palm of the hand​
35 G
Pretty hand fan​
A pretty fan with patterns made from cheap fabric that is as large as a hand​
165 G
Simple gentleman's cane​
A plain cane made from the cheapest wooden that is a little unbalanced
For men only​
45 G
Smart gentleman's cane​
A cane made from a cheap material that presents a smart appearance for the wearer
For men only​
170 G
Simple parasol​
A plain parasol made from the cheapest fabric and material that is a little flimsy
For women only​
130 G
Pretty parasol​
A pretty parasol with patterns made from cheap fabric and material
For women only​
470 G
Simple cuff-links​
Plain cuff-links made from the cheapest material that is a little bit flimsy
For men only​
210 G
Smart cuff-links​
Cuff-links made from a cheap material that presents a smart appearance for the wearer
For men only​
1165 G
Simple handbag​
A plain cloth bag made from the cheapest fabric that is a little bit itchy and flimsy.
For women only.​
35 G
Pretty handbag​
A pretty cloth with patterns made from cheap but sturdy fabric.
For women only.​
90 G

After wandering for haft an hour. Reciful found a rather large prominent building in the market district.

"Gorgeous Garment & Gentleman's Gear"

That the name of the establishment a clothing shop it seems.

While Reciful have no need for additional Clothing as her current 'Mysterious Pure white dress' is more than enough for her but..... Somewhere in her Monstrous heart she is still a girl you know~.... Even thought its super rare, Even Reciful have a girlish side (really?)

Opening the door of the shop, a nice sounds echoes as the bell attached at the door rings.

[ Welcome how can we help you ]

A Shop clerk immediately greet & assist Reciful who entered.

Sadly Reciful Ignored the kind Approach of the Clerk & proceed upon looking around the shop display, the female clerk did not mind it & simply smile as she continues following Reciful who looks a countryside bumpkin... like a child lost in a strange world.

There is many good items... But nothing really caught Reciful interest..... Until she found a white cloak.

As if attracted like magnet Reciful unconsciously Approached the Place were many cloak is hanging.

[ These were our cloak selection! We have plenty of variation to choose from, we have simple cloak, Pretty cloak, Smart Cloak for males & Elegant Cloak which is made by nice fabrics & very beautiful I recommend the Elegant Cloak for you beautiful miss it will 100% suits you! ]

Seeing Reciful finally take interest in one of their items, the clerk did not slip the chance & immediately did her rapid barrage of Sales talk! Trying to make Reciful buy the most expensive item in their selection... In a sense she is a true merchant.

It would be effective her sales talk for sure if its a common girl....sadly Reciful is not a common girl she is not even a human in the first place.

Ignoring the clerk, Her eyes is glued at the pure white pretty Cloak.... Its pretty yet have simple design not extravagant or fancy what's more it looks easy to use & not complicated with many ornaments & details like the Elegant one.

[.... This how much? ]

[ Yes, that's the pretty cloak its pretty made in cheap fabric, it have a pretty patterns in it. Its prize is around 90G ] despite her attempt to sell the Elegant Cloak end up in vain. The clerk still sincerely answered & attended Reciful.

[ Nnh ] Reciful Replied is a nod, as she fells in deep thoughts.

( White cloak.... Since I'm all white... Maybe I'll go get the white one?.. white is almost My signature image by now I think?..... But unlike My current Dress this cloak is totally normal unlike my White dress who Repair & clean itself....also...I don't know how to remove blood stains...... Perhaps a red one will be more convenient?)

[ Did you have.... A red of this... One that Resembles Blood in color? ] Reciful ask without taking her gaze away from the cloak's.

[ Eh?... Umm Blood?.. You mean red color cloak?.... Please wait a moment, I'll look if we have one in our inventory miss ]

The Clerk walks away & went somewhere to look if they have a red color cloaks in stock.

After a few minutes.

[ Here miss a Red pretty cloak ] said by the clerk.

Looking at it Reciful immediately Tried it on herself.

[ Oooh! Miss it suits you so well!, its very fortunate we only have this one Red cloak in our Inventory remaining. its our only one we have no more stock of same color... who knows when will we have one in stock again ] Said by the clerk as she clearly emphasizing something.

The Clerks Praise on Reciful looks is genuine though she truthfully admire & complement. she truly thinks that Reciful Natural Pure white Visage blend's well with the pure Crimson Red Cloak.

[ Umm is their something wrong? ]

But seeing Reciful reaction as if she is dissatisfied in something. The Clerk ask if there is any problem.

[.... This doesn't have a hood? ] Reciful asked.

[... Ah!... Unfortunately it did not. miss ] Clerk instantly understood, indeed if this Cloak have a Hood its will look more amazing... In short she would look much cuter if it have one.

[.... Then I'll ask if it can be added a hood?.... I pay more for addition of it ] said by Reciful not backing down

[... oh you mean customize Miss? Its will have additional payment, are you sure? Its 30G for customize ]

[ Its fine do it... I Reciful 'Innocent Malice' request to add a hood ] Reciful said with firm resolve... She wants hood for this cloak even if she have to add 30G which is absurd amount just for adding a hood.

This is one of the very few times Reciful cares about fashion & looks so she will not back down never.

[ Yes understood We will add hood please wait for 2 or 3 days for its completion ]

seeing Reciful eyes of determination... The Clerk also answered with likewise resolve. yes for fashion she will do this. For fashion She will answer the sincere request of the white girl in front of her.... Because she is also a girl so she understood that....


so with burning determination she add a hood on the Pretty Red Cloak just as Reciful requested.

After 4 days.... Reciful obtain the item & pay 120G for it.

Cloth Pouch × 1 = 30G
Pretty Cloak "Crimson""Hooded" ( 'customized' hood added) × 1 = 120G

Total money 555G - (30G, 120G Item prize.)

405G remaining
( Image Not Mine!!! Ahahaha)


OCC:...... I wonder if its ok to Insert Customize option in the store @Nahrenne .... Did I Violated some rules in your NPC store? If I did I'm Sorry!!:blob_cringe:.

PS: now the kukuu egg is next..... Still have no idea lol
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