Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - OOC Room


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
Sure, just write down all the info you want on your character sheet, where you want spoilers and I can format it for you.

I have a similar kind of problem on mobile lol, I can't use the rich text editor at all(i have to manually code spoilers, tables, bold text etc)

Thank you, the card issue has been resolved. I will remember this.


Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Another question. How many quest are we allowed to take each day? And can we do multiple quest at the same time? I'm sorry if this has been asked before.


Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Just post it in a separated post to avoid confusion. There's no solid timeline for the quests so you could do whatever you wanted, as long as it was not overboard.
Thank you for the answer. That is a logical reason.
Sorry, but it's one quest at a time. That way people don't just breeze through levels like its nothing
Thank you for the answer. Understood.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Character Sheet - Reciful "The Innocent malice"
Eldritch AbominationLevel1 (000 / 200)
RECIFUL True form

RECIFUL Humaniod form
In my true form I have many Eyes, Mouths, & endless tentacles. Reciful color is very, very black!

In my humanize form, I try copying Gertrude Image! & Reciful indeed look like Gertrude's!! but made of metallic black Tentacles from head to toe, & I have a Eyes in my forehead? But a can still produce many eyes, mouth, & tentacles all over my body & shadow!.
Reciful cannot comprehend all life forms specially Humans♪

Reciful is curious about this small planet & all of its inhabitants♪

Reciful is playful, nice & friendly♪, Reciful hate seeing friends get hurt!♪

If You hurt Reciful friends! Reciful shall eat you & drag your soul in the dark!♪​

Reciful is born in the "Nameless Darkness!" It is big!. Bigger than this planet!.
But Reciful is all alone, so Reciful go out from Nameless Darkness towards a colorful place called Cosmos! To play!

It was fun! I Play A lot! & EAT A lot! but they we're all fragile~ they easily break A lot.

Floating balls called planet is beautiful & cute but they Explodes A lot.

People is weird! & tasty! & Fun! But they pop-up A lot! leaving red colors behind!

But one day bad people called Gods & Heroes came many of them.
they are mean.. They attack me. IT HURTS!!!

I got wounded! I cried! They cut me to many pieces! I beg them to stop!! But they did not!! They called me Demon God! Noooo!! Reciful's name is Reciful!! My best friend Gertrude gave me a name Reciful so! Reciful is Reciful!! Not Demon God!!

I escape, I'm wounded & I feel weak, I found this planet maybe I'll rest here to get strong,
I wish all beings in cosmos were friendly & kind like Gertrude... Before humans burn her alive in that cross....I miss Gertrude she is my only best friend~
Gertrude's bookthis is what Gertrude used to read a lot, she call me to her planet with this, I think she call it Grimoire
Reciful is one with the darkness itself. shadows cast by any light & darkness of night, She can enter, & travel in any form of darkness. So she can appear anywhere that darkness is present.
Chaos language
Eldritch kinds own language, nothing special but it make people head hurt, until they who hear it go totally insane.
Reciful can't speak since people go mad when she open her mouth. So she will communicate through your mind directly!
Quantum Energy drainReciful can drain mana, stamina, mental will & life force one at a time... though direct skin contact.
Black Ooze
Sticky liquid that appear on Reciful's body! Occasionally!.

One drop can heal any wound like a elixir. but if taken more than a tiny drop. You will go mad & deform physically, worst case your soul will collapse.
Reciful able to corrupt any that makes contact to her. which lead to phenomenon known as "demonification".
She can do this by will... But did not think of it as harmful
Grotesque mind
Reciful mental structure different to any life form. Don't use appraisal or mind reading skill to Reciful. you'll go insane.
Shape Shift/
Reciful can change her biology in any way she please.
Hi @Reciful Welcome! Remember to indicate on your character sheet how your character was nerfed -- particularly with the skills!


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
I've updated the worldanvil site with the info from the library again(apart from the brewery which I think should be added to the market or something instead for now).

Please note, since I can't update other people's entries in the library, I mainly update the stuff on the worldanvil site if I find new information(For example, just now I updated the Scribel River article). Hence the worldanvil site is where you should look for information if you need it(although neither the site or the library are fully up to date lol).

On a separate note, I don't know if anyone's noticed, but when you click on the region folders they open up a description of said region on the right side of the page.

Also for the Gelderholm Region, when we get more info about that place, I'd like to make an article on the Hydra and the Lake (both unnamed atm).
(The next thing I'll probably be doing for the site will probably be updating the markers on the maps :blob_evil_two:)
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is there a special format I need to follow for quest reports?

No, you can write your quest report in any style or format. There is also no minimum or maximum word count.​
Writing with proper paragraphs, grammar, and clear sentences makes it much easier for the receptionist to read.​
Please remember to quote/copy the original quest and include a link to your character profile in your forum signature.​

Q: Where can I find the lore of this world?

The Library thread is the official worldbuilding thread, and the official reference is on WorldAnvil.​
Lore in this game is largely crowdsourced and majority rule. If many quest reports filed by different characters/players agree on something, then we assume that it is probably true.​
"Probably" is emphasized because there's a possibility that anything you find in the library could be wrong. We like to pretend that every quest report is filled with unverifiable information, and no single individual is able to determine the lore of the universe by themselves. Your character shouldn't blindly trust everything that they read. What if a different adventurer was just dreaming or eating hallucinogenic mushrooms when they filed the report?​
You won't know what's actually real until you go out there and see it yourself, right?​
Q: Can I make up something totally new and random?
Adventurer's Guild has an additive worldbuilding rule, which means it is almost always okay to add something the world as long as it doesn't attempt to restrict something else in the world.​
  • Good: My character walked through the forest and found an abandoned hut. Inside, was a nice goblin who asked if I was lost.
  • Bad: My character is an expert about this fantasy world. It is unequivocally true that all goblins are evil and there are no good goblins.
  • Okay: My character spoke to a villager, and the villager said that all goblins were bad, and people should kill all goblins.
As long as you write with additive worldbuilding practices, you can pretty much write anything!​
That said, you should probably avoid "breaking" the setting.​
It would be a good idea to check with others in the OOC Room before attempting something like:​
  • Discovering a giant horde of world-ending demons in the sewers of Scribel City (the beginner/tutorial region).
  • Discovering a motherload of adamantium and uranium right outside of the tutorial area.
  • Finding a fountain in Villager A's bathtub that magically makes you invincible overnight.
  • Creating an infinite-mana teleportation gate in Scribel City that magically lets you teleport to the final boss.

In other words, please apply the common sense rule. Read the quest board for the location carefully, and avoid doing things that obviously break common sense for the local area. Scribel City is a beginner area and a relatively small frontier city, so please keep it that way!​
That said, it's totally okay to have crazy plot developments — but make sure you have agreement with the community of players first.​
Q: Can I take multiple quests at once? How about multiple quests in a day?

Please write and post a full quest report for each quest.​
You can take as many quests in a day as you have time for.​
Q: How do I do a party quest?

To do a party quest, get together with another player and plan how your characters will tackle the quest together. In the end, you will only submit one quest report for the entire party.​
There are multiple ways to do this. Any of these strategies are okay.​
  • Some players RP the entire quest in the Freestyle Room and then summarize it into a report.
  • Other players jointly write the quest report in Google Docs.
Depending on the quest details, the receptionist may choose to duplicate the award for each quest member or split it. It depends on the circumstances of each quest.​
Added FAQ to the Receptionist Desk


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2020
A Monster In Human's Skin (OPEN!)

"By the divine might of ancient ritual and the sacrifices of thousand." Deep voice sounds throughtout hundread of miles "May your soul and body disintegrate into trillion of pieces disappearing in the void. Sunk deep into the darkest abyss and never arise to see the light again."

In that moment, Thousand of people that gathered in circle withered. Left with only the bag of bones. The ancient ritual absorbed all their lifeforces including their souls.

"Such wicked and weak method and you thinks that's enough to stop me? Peasants." Old-aged man with white hair said.

Stood there claded in red armaments littered with yet unknown whose's blood. The blood of unknown number seems to merge completely with this armour. There was no distinguish between blood and armour. It's just like the blood are the armour itself.

This is the armour that was rumored that had bathed in million of lives including its owner.

Holding crimson sword shone brightly red grimly like enemy's blood. The blade was red like bloody moon. The pattern of the blade seems to show the screaming and desparing faces of human. Unknown how much lives were slain by this sword.

This is the sword that was rumored to slain million of enemies's lives.

The essence of sword saint and emperor gathered around the blade. The essence manifested in the physical world. The blade lit with golden light. The halo of conquest ,war ,farmine and death appeared behind his back. Two giant figures of devil and god floating besides him.

This is the swordsmanship that was rumored to killed million of lives.

"No matter who you are. Be it human, ancient ritual, devil or god." The old-aged man said "Obstruct my path, and perish in my wake."

This world is blessed by martial gods. This identity of ancient ritual is an legend in itself. There are little to none of magic particles in this world, so this ancient ritual has been using lifeforce instead of magic.


One sword and the lifeforce of thousand lives clashed.


A portal opened. One man came out. The man landing on the uneven ground before look around at the surrounding.

"Their ancient ritual success?" Old-aged man mumbled.

Before the clash, The ancient ritual swallow all his being completely before throwing him out. The attack from his sword was negated in the void.

Sadly, The ritual didn't meant to devour and destroy his being in the void but throw him in another dimension. The unknown dimension.

"What is this vast energy my senses picking up?"

Old-aged man seemed to possessed some kind of sixth sense, But his senses sense a vast amount of energy. So vast that its dull all of his sense. But that's not all.

"My curses was weakened?"

He found that the curses that possessed his old body was now being suppressed and weakened by the energy of this world. It's seem as the energy that filled this world and his senses are holy energy from the higher beings such as Gods, Devils, Dragons.

"But it seem this curse is still here and even more vigor than before"

A curse that born within him, Mutation. He called this mutation as "Devil's Strength". It filled all of his being with power, So powerful that it's like the power of devil or god with his lifeforce as compensate.

He is only 30 years old but he is so old that everyone from his age can called him grandpa.

"This world seem to have many restricts more than in my world." He said "Maybe should test it out."

He swing his sword with all his might. The tree that was 3 feets apart from him split into pieces beforce falling. The might from his swing are great but it can't compare with before he was in his world.

"Even my power was suppressed?"

His might from "Devil's Strength" is still the same, But the power output is different from when he is in his old world. In his old world, With this might he can split apart the mountain with ease.

"Emperor Swordsmanship"

The crimson sword shone brightly.

"Peerless Style"

The killing intent radiate from his crimson sword. Behind his back manifested the figure of grim reaper. With that he swing the sword in his hand.


Everything in his sight exploded into dust.

"Hm...This is quite troublesome. My essense of sword saint and emperor, aura, buddhist devil, devilish god, four halo of apocalyspe are suppressed"

"The blessings from Alktana Mad God of Blazing Sun, Empryon Mad God of Lunatic moon, Doom deities and Lord of seven deadly seas are gone"

"Aura, Buddhist devil, Devilish God and Four halo of Apocalypse is not that important. The blessings is just some sh*t. But even the essense of Sword Saint and Emperor was suppressed. This is not a simple world."

To him, All the blessings and figure of god and devil didn't matter much to him. Only the essense ruled the world. The essense is the transcendence energy. He born with sword saint energy and he used it to the point that it's transcending. The emperor essense is the trait that come with his swordsmanship.

"I don't know how or why the energy of this world suppressed my essense. But I know that the being with enough power to suppress this essense isn't some simple being that only wield the power."

"I need information."


7 days later

"There's someone"

Old-aged man said while glanced at the figure of a man holding the dagger and carry a large bag climbing the mountain.

'This should be the people of this world. Maybe I can find some information from him"

Old-aged man thought before removing his weapon and armour. This young man is vigilant with the surrounding, It'd be best if he not appeared while wearing a suit of armour and weapon.

"Hey, Young man. Can you assist this old man?"

"Sure, How may I help you?"

"What's your name? Young man"

"My name is Almodeus Thompson."

"Hohoho great name indeed." Old-aged man said "My name is Arthur. Only arthur"

OOC : You can met with 'Arthur The Great' in the northern mountain. He'll appeared as old man asking for help. If you help him once, He'll assist in you battle.

Hey, this is what I'm going to put in freestyle rping. It's about my event character. There're some that needed to be edit ,just think about this as teaser!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Cooking. It was not his favorite job to do. Rather than getting cooped up inside a small kitchen, he rather works outside, letting his arrow hit their prey, providing for said kitchen. But the more he thinks about it, it was dawning on him that being able to cook, and not to mention able to use the Guild’s Kitchen, is a very valuable thing to do to prolong his life, and also to prevent his money bag getting lighter too fast just for his provision.

The moment he entered the kitchen, he was faced with a very angry man. While he was taller than him, the humble hunter felt rather small compared to the angry person. A bit worried that he would get thrown out, he quickly pulled out the job paper from his bag. The angry man, which was one of the cooks there, read the paper and then looked at him with a frown on his face. The first instruction he received from the angry cook was to put down his bag, weapons, and then washed his hand thoroughly. It seems that the main problem was how dirty his hands were, something that really caught him off-guard. Due to his usual job on the field, he never realized how important taking care of hygiene. After all, being too clean on the hunting ground would just make him stand out like a sore thumb.

Finished with his first task, he then received the recipe sheet from the angry cook, which looked at him and gave him a satisfied nod after he cleaned himself out. The ingredients were plenty and he could take all he needs for the task. Assigned to one of the cooking spots, he then started his job. Kneading the wheat flour into a big dough. Sure enough, it was tiring for him. Even for him, that was able to pull the heavy string of his bow, it was still tiring. Once again, the humble hunter was reminded how a cook was not someone that should be underestimated. After kneading them, he shaped each of them, just like the recipe said so, before putting them into the hot oven. While waiting, he continued to make some more and then repeat the process all over again.

At the end of the day, the one that was tasked to appraise his work was none other than the angry cook from before. The cook, faced with a basket of cooked biscuits, let out a deep sigh, which made the hunter worried. He then took two baskets, one of them much smaller than the other. With a swift movement, the cook picked each of the biscuits, appraised them, and then throw them into one of the two baskets. With his keen eyes, Michuema realized that one basket was filled with the evenly cooked piece while the others were filled with either burnt or half-cooked biscuits. And to his horror, the majority of his work ended up in the rejected basket. The last piece of biscuits was picked up by the cook and then he snapped it in half. “See,” he said to the hunter, “this part is cooked, but this, “ he showed him the other half, “is not cooked enough. Not cooked biscuit will only spoil faster, ya hear me?” The hunter could only nod several times. “Good, eat this one,” he said as he put forward the half-cooked one. “it’s not that bad, but ya need to at least taste the failed one once. And what do you know, you almost didn’t make it. Nicely cooked, yet oddly shaped biscuits, 41 of them. Ya need to do better next time, kid,” said the cook at him. “Y-Yes, sir,” replied Michueama at him. The cook nodded and then brought the two baskets to the back of the kitchen, leaving him by himself. As he bit the uncooked biscuit, he let out a sour face. “Blergh…soggy,” he said to himself as he picked up his gears and returned to report his task.
Each job will give you a reward. That’s what the Guild promises them. But for some reason, there’s a few jobs that will not give any reward. Such work was charity work. After browsing the job board, he noticed that this particular job is anything but popular, evident from the frayed edge of it. He was about to ignore it, just like most of them, but for some reason, the word ‘Orphanage’ kept him from moving away. In the end, he took it while slightly grumbling.

The moment he arrived at the orphanage, he couldn’t help but noticed that it was greatly understaffed. The staff there looked worn out, which was understandable. The building looked worn out too, which was also understandable. It breaks his heart to see that they, who share his fate as a fellow orphan, did not share his luck in finding a warm house, even if that warm house was just a small shack filled with the smell of animal carcasses and forest herbs.

With firm steps, he then entered the place, approached the nearest worn-out staff, and quickly ask what he could do to help them. It seems that there are a lot of things that needs to be done. He picked two tasks for today, which was chopping firewood and also fixing the windows. They have the material, but not enough hand to do it since they also need to collect some donation or else they will not have anything to eat. Gritting his teeth when hearing that last reason, he vowed to do more for them in the future.

Fixing the windows was easy, as expected. His only complaint was that the board they got was anything but new. Used up and slightly damp board that was probably donated to them by someone in the middle of their donation round. Inside his mind, he guaranteed that the next time he comes back to the orphanage, the board will probably break and he will need to fix it again. That thought made him let out a sigh.

Then the next job would be to prepare some firewood. He then walked to the back yard and found a small chopping block with a pile of dried branches and some logs. The humble hunter picked up the log and inspect it and let out a slight sigh again. “…not dried enough,” he said to himself as he put down the log and then picked another more appropriate log. The work was easy enough for him. But one thing that caught his attention was the sight of a few kids peeking at him from behind the window as he was working. They quickly hid themselves as he looked at them. Seeing them like that, he let out a small chuckle. “..I guess I was like them back then…” After whispering that line to himself, he finished the job and then report to the caretaker. As he exited the fence, he looked back at the orphanage and then somehow he waved to it, not sure whether someone was there or not. “…I’ll need to drop by more often…” And then he left the place to report his job.
Sorry, but it's one quest at a time. That way people don't just breeze through levels like its nothing


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Aight I'll edit it accordingly

Also, if you don't mind, can you point out at least some questionable things in my registration. I tried to tip toe through the loopholes as much as possible for this build
Uhn... I forgot some of it and the registration is kinda long, so here is what I remember from the top of my head.

Your whole thing about the guild carefully evaluating your character, putting him to test and asserting his powers feels uhn... Really really really weird. I don't think the guild would have any reason to do any of that, ever.
As a rule of thumb, if you just want to register... Well, you're registered, that's all there is to it, no need for any specific evaluation or anything of the sort.

Your character being totally invincible and having invulnerable items feels uhn... Well, wrong. I mean, I get that you balanced it with the fact that your character isn't able to harm anybody, but in an open-ended roleplay, it's generally frowned upon to have anything that is invincible/invulnerable and the like. Absolute statements in general are a bad idea actually.

Him having an item box (the green sack thingy) that can carry an infinite volume/weight of things that are not listed on your character's sheet at all feels very very cheap. It means you essentially have an item-box-ex-machina for any and every situation your character can be put at.

Not to mention that the way you described the reactions to some of the modern items was a bit weird, like... Sure, it's a generic medi-fantasy setting, so of course an I-pod is a weird thing to see... But at the same time, it's a generic medi-fantasy setting that has a lot of people frequently getting isekai'd to it. I'd guess the people of Scribel are more or less used to seeing weird modern-day gadgets by now.

That's about everything I remember that was weird in your sign up~