Attempts of Writing A Parallel Fantasy World That Is Like Alternate History Version of Of Our World

Will you write one?

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Advocate of Headpatting and Handholding
May 26, 2019
Alternate history is a genre that is filled with "What ifs?". The closer to it is Alternate Universe except history is different to one another because of factors that changed it.


Chaotic Lil' Demon
Dec 27, 2019
It seems like a pain. You'd have to think out every single realistic action they would take, and you would have to stress over how accurate it is or else the story feels like some sort of copy-paste with specific names replaced by more-well-known names.


Mar 8, 2020
=^= there are a lot of research to be put in that one. Alternate History... Ugh..I think my head would have a headache just thinking about the plots and the world building on it and what changes would be put into the Alternate History.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
Sounds fun.

Now, after reading Yiphen's response, I would agree. Messing with the past and causing an endless number of "what ifs" would be a nightmare to manage. A real pain to keep things on track.

Let us look at it in a different way: why write one? Again, I say, this sounds fun! Let's go meddle with a single point in time, throw the record to the wind, and imagine what happens next. Just one historic discrepancy might cause a Domino Effect that would topple over the sure path, sure (heh), but who hasn't done that before? Tampering with an event in history is what many "base on a true story" authors have done before. When I say this would be fun, I'd also say that movies have proven the product would be entertaining for the audience. If they went for that gold, likely they would have had to guess at what would happen in an unrecorded event too. When considering it had taken an active imagination to fill in the many blanks (also to create those big blockbusters) the producers and directors probably said "fuck it" to the Historical Accuracy Critics/Police. They had fun with it.

TL;DR: Homework first, then have a blast from the past with some of that creative juice.
Jan 15, 2019
i think i'd rather write fantasy stories, since i'm not a fan of history in the first place.

if i were to write one, it's probably way back during the dinosaur period. make an alternate version where the meteor extinction happened, but the smartest dinosaurs (velociraptor and troodon) survived, and they eventually evolved, along with humans, to be the other intelligent creature called the Dinomen. If both evolved, there'd be two races, one carnivorous and the other herbivorous. or they might even generalize to become omnivores.

they're smart enough for tool-usage and have complex social hierarchy, but unlike humans, their stamina wasn't as high for persistent hunting (since they had no sweat). their throwing abilities were also lesser (or maybe their tails could evoke deadly throws?). they also retained their cold-blood weakness.

due to the biblical teachings, they might be persecuted as the snake's descendant, which seduced Eve to get both Adam and Eve away from Eden. while they might actually be the snake's ancestors itself.

it might be nice to see them surviving against the more adaptable humans, and eventually standing on equal grounds, 'cuz they were about as smart. and their lives of hardship might make them even hardier.

of course, if I were to write it, I would change a lot of names since it's more to write a story, and not for historical accuracy.
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Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
It seems like a pain. You'd have to think out every single realistic action they would take, and you would have to stress over how accurate it is or else the story feels like some sort of copy-paste with specific names replaced by more-well-known names.
I mean not really. Its crazy to do that because there is massive amounts of choices and consequences you would have to consider and there is no way in hell you can truly, accurately, tell what effect a change in history would have on all the powers at play. Cuz if its true realizm you want, thats how youdo it. And i dunno that just seems too troublesome.

But it wouldnt be very hard if you reasearch a bit about history and culture and stick to changing just a few aspects of the world. Its even easier if its a fantasy thing because then you can do whatever the fuck you want and have fun with it. There are plenty of works like that to take an example from after all.

Like if its pure alt-history and you want the Nazis to win it's pretty easy to look at certain games or novels and do your own spin on it. It may be a lot harder the further back you go, or easier depending on how you look at it.

The only hard part is getting the cultural effect right, and the technological advancement right. Cuz we could have been more technologically advanced without certain religions thinking science was witchcraft and their practitioners had to be killed or repressed.

I find that alt history stuff focuses on one culture that just infected the whole world, or at least a nation that otherwise didnt end up that way. Why? Cuz like i said its too annoying and troublesome if you include changes on a world scale.

Stories like this is half bullshit you make up. The other half are details to make people not question everything.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I'd rather just make a new fantasy world from scratch instead of trying to make something similar to Earth...


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I'd rather just make a new fantasy world from scratch instead of trying to make something similar to Earth...
Yeah i agree. Sadly isekai or medieval settings with fantasy, while fun, can be limiting
For example i find date chapters limited when it comes to the middle ages sort of isekai worlds we usally get. Wheras in a modern world you can do loads of shit.

Which is why i always aspired towards a multiple realms/worlds thing. I cant limit myself to just the fucking middle ages


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Yeah i agree. Sadly isekai or medieval settings with fantasy, while fun, can be limiting
For example i find date chapters limited when it comes to the middle ages sort of isekai worlds we usally get. Wheras in a modern world you can do loads of shit.

Which is why i always aspired towards a multiple realms/worlds thing. I cant limit myself to just the fucking middle ages
Ah, I love medi-fantasy, so it doesn't feel like the limits are troublesome to me at all! xD

But yes, modern stuff simply has a wider variety of things that you can choose to go for... But I like trying to find some way to keep things interesting while having limits on what stuff you can or can't do~


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
Ah, I love medi-fantasy, so it doesn't feel like the limits are troublesome to me at all! xD

But yes, modern stuff simply has a wider variety of things that you can choose to go for... But I like trying to find some way to keep things interesting while having limits on what stuff you can or can't do~
You certainly have to get a bit creative, tis true.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2020
I am actually studying for it. but the aspect is too big. It is hard to find a good place and time. And it is hard to write without offending someone.