Average Scribblehub Reviewer Interpretation


Moth Mommy
Jan 5, 2024
Note: Not talking about written out reviews, just when people click and give a star rating.

5 Stars - I really like your story and/or it was good.
4 Stars - Good story, but there's some grammatical errors here or there. Or the plot doesn't line up. Whatever the case, still gets a four, even if it's only out of kindness.
3 Stars - Truly mid story. Not what I wanted, or it suffers from serious plot/grammatical issues. Typically the kind of person to leave an in-depth review that's actually constructive.
2 Stars - Why would you even do this? If you're gonna give a 2 might as well make it a 1.
1 Stars - I hate it, whether it be the story style, grammar, plot, whatever it is, I don't like it. Also the person to drop.


Moth Mommy
Jan 5, 2024
https://www.scribblehub.com/series/814751/journey-to-eden-prime-the-last-world-of-humanity/ hope you like it... its pretty much scifi adventure which is rare here
Ah this is the wrong thread, you wanna put that here:


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
Note: Not talking about written out reviews, just when people click and give a star rating.

5 Stars - I really like your story and/or it was good.
4 Stars - Good story, but there's some grammatical errors here or there. Or the plot doesn't line up. Whatever the case, still gets a four, even if it's only out of kindness.
3 Stars - Truly mid story. Not what I wanted, or it suffers from serious plot/grammatical issues. Typically the kind of person to leave an in-depth review that's actually constructive.
2 Stars - Why would you even do this? If you're gonna give a 2 might as well make it a 1.
1 Stars - I hate it, whether it be the story style, grammar, plot, whatever it is, I don't like it. Also the person to drop.
5 = It touched my heart in some way
4 = It was very good
3 = Meh, I read it and forgot about it
2 = Unreadable or suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper disappointing
1 = WTF is this shit. Any who agrees with any point in this story is not someone I want to ever associate with. (Hyperbole unless it is f*cist propaganda)


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
5 = It touched my heart in some way
4 = It was very good
3 = Meh, I read it and forgot about it
2 = Unreadable or suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper disappointing
1 = WTF is this shit. Any who agrees with any point in this story is not someone I want to ever associate with. (Hyperbole unless it is f*cist propaganda)
Emperuh approves this message.jpg


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
5 = It touched my heart in some way
4 = It was very good
3 = Meh, I read it and forgot about it
2 = Unreadable or suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper disappointing
1 = WTF is this shit. Any who agrees with any point in this story is not someone I want to ever associate with. (Hyperbole unless it is f*cist propaganda)

That's pretty much me, more or less, though I might use other words to describe it. Me, I'd say I rarely give 5 stars or 1 star unless I think the story really deserves it.

5 = It is professional quality, what is this doing on a webnovel site? And why doesn't this have an animated adaptation yet?
4 = It was good, but I can't see it ever moving beyond the webnovel world.
3 = Really mid, it was neither good nor bad. I might have even enjoyed it a little. But, even if it was fun, I wouldn't call it "good."
2 = It was bad. It was just trash. Forgettable trash, it doesn't actively offend me in any way, but I would actively anti-recommend it to anyone looking at it.
1 = It would have gotten a 2 rating, but it also actively offended me in some way that went beyond just being bad. If something in the story actively offends me, I rate it 1 star lower, and I keep the 1 star slot open for things that are both genuinely bad and also offensive.

Examples of each rating...

5 - Star: Mother of Learning / Deathworld Commando: Reborn
4 - Star: The Runesmith / The Reincarnation of Alysara
3 - Star: Tree of Aeons / I Shall Survive Using Potions / Death Marching to Another World books 1-9
2 - Star: Death Marching to Another World books 10+ / I Was a God Until I Reincarnated (after the re-write)
1 - Star: I Was a God Until I Reincarnated (Original version before the re-write)

Context on that last one I rated 1-star, it really was just atrocious. It reveled too much in the abusive female character with misunderstandings trope, even to the point of beating an already uncoscious MC (who, by the way, was unconscious because he'd just overtaxed himself healing her from a fatal wound,) just because she miss-interpreted something he said. What's more, this MC looks like a kid, so it's blatant child abuse. Not something that should be considered a viable love interest to be regarded as a pervert for that trope. In other words, she came off as an incredibly and insufferably child-abusing pervert, but it was written in such a way that made it obvious the author actually wanted us to see her as a love interest.

This insufferably abusive woman even dismissed the fact that the MC managed to raise his mana by 1 point when it was just established, a few sentences earlier, that it's cannon impossible to raise mana. It was not because she disbelieved him, it was because "it's only 1 point."

The re-write was done by the author's friend. The author passed it off, and the friend removed all of these actively offensive things I just outlined, but, even though the friend removed all the horribly offensive stuff, it was still fairly bad writing. If anything, removing the horribly offensive stuff just allowed the reader to see how the story was incredibly paint-by-numbers aside from that, employing all of the blandest tropes, and not even doing very well with those tropes at that.

So, the original was bad plot, bad implementation, and actively offensive characters. The re-write fixed the actively offensive characters, but not the other two issues.
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Demi-Human Of The Gray World
Dec 29, 2023
5= Made me genuinly laugh/emotional from many different lines non stop until dozens of chapter.
"I want to be an old man whose long beard I can mop on the floor".
"Fatty will be made as soup don't you agree?"

4= Great quality writing, different perspective/flow of writing.
The content does not follow the MC but its important enough to know the world surround them.

3= Neutral, good and bad are present.
Worldbuilding is present, but its not enough.

2= Plot hole, unbearable, little logic, repetition.
The uncle/sister/mother/grandfather/sensei stared carefully up to down.
A phenomenon occured, but why is the character not reacting are they blind! xd.

1= Boring, unreadable, not my taste.
Modern content, general knowledge.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2023
5 - Most impressive! Lots of good ideas, a captivating story, relatable or memorable characters, all combined into a story that has me reading nonstop!
4 - Really good! Plenty of good ideas, the story is fun, the characters work well but I think there is room for improvement in some areas.
3 - Promising, flawed but I see the potential. You hit something well, it could be a good story concept, fun or memorable characters, maybe the writing or narrative style is something different and new. I see a lot of potential here, but several issues hold it back from being amazing.
2 - Hmm, there is something there but this feels like a first draft. Lots of stuff need improvement, doesn't mean that it's bad. Change it up in some areas and then the story can flourish.
1 - It's... not good. You tried though, but a lot of stuff isn't working and I don't think a touch up can fix it. It's better to wipe the slate clean and start over at this point.


useless member
Aug 30, 2022
5* - I liked it and did not see any problem in it.
4* - It was good, but there were clear problems in it that could have been better if solved.
1-3* - I do not give such a rating.


| Azure tamer | Harbinger of chaos and soup
Dec 7, 2023
2 Stars - Why would you even do this? If you're gonna give a 2 might as well make it a 1.
So they can pretend to not be a troll that gives 1 without reading. Instead they'll give 2 without reading :blobthumbsup:


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2020
5 - Fantastic, would recommend. Even with mistakes, I have no issues with them, or they aren't a big enough deal to bring it down to a 4. However, my standards of "what makes something worthy of 5 stars" varies heavily, so it's not common I give something 5 stars.
4 - Good, but doesn't reach the same tier of good as a 5. I'd say "I like it, but one or two big things prevents me from going into 5 star tier"
3 - Decent. Not great, but also not bad. Generally a neutral overall opinion.
2 - Bad. Not on the tier of a 1, but I either wasn't a fan and pushed through or there are enough glaring issues (in my opinion) to give a 2.
1 - Total garbage, to the point it makes me wonder if they were even trying. This is the tier where the bad outweighs the good so much, I literally wouldn't be able to justify any other rating, even if certain aspects could pass for a 3, maybe. Because of how bad the product would have to be for me to give it a 1, it's very rare I give something a 1.

I should also add that I generally only give ratings to finished works, as my opinion can change over time.


Active member
Oct 1, 2023
2 Stars - Why would you even do this? If you're gonna give a 2 might as well make it a 1.
Because there are 2-star stories.
A 1-star story is something I am dropping a few chapters in. It's unreadable to me, and the reasons may vary.
A 2-star is bad, but it has at least one or two redeeming qualities. It means I give it more of a chance.

That said, I have never given a 1-star rating. If a story is at that level, I don't read it far enough to give a conclusive evaluation.


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
5 - It's good
4 - Idk, I hate some things but it's still good
3 - I fucking hate the story but I can still see why other people might like it
2 - I fucking hate your story to the core but I don't want to seem like a douche when I leave a review
1 - I hate your story so fucking much that I don't care if I look like a douche

Deleted member 133647

Note: Not talking about written out reviews, just when people click and give a star rating.

5 Stars - I really like your story and/or it was good.
4 Stars - Good story, but there's some grammatical errors here or there. Or the plot doesn't line up. Whatever the case, still gets a four, even if it's only out of kindness.
3 Stars - Truly mid story. Not what I wanted, or it suffers from serious plot/grammatical issues. Typically the kind of person to leave an in-depth review that's actually constructive.
2 Stars - Why would you even do this? If you're gonna give a 2 might as well make it a 1.
1 Stars - I hate it, whether it be the story style, grammar, plot, whatever it is, I don't like it. Also the person to drop.
what does dropped even me?