

A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
The main man of this harem, Taediosus is a coward reincarnator afraid of everyone's powers, read lots of trashy manga, and has the classic hentai hair cut, with bangs in front of his eyes, on purpose. He has the ability to mind control people by staring into their eyes; specifically, domination minds because of course it has to have a sexual bent. He does not grow, nor understand the consequences and implications of his actions. A self-entered sad piece of trash with an uninspired cheat called the System of the King. The more members of his harem and the richer he is, the more physically strong he is.
It is your job, Scribble Hub, to turn yourself or other members, into members of this man's harem. You have been mindcontrolled into being vapid women who only live for him. But some of your characteristics still shine through.
Describe yourself as a harem member... I want to see @Voidiris and @MintiLime as a harem member. @SailusGebel and @owotrucked as a harem member. Can't forget @Corty or @Prince_Azmiran_Myrian , and definitely not @RepresentingEnvy . And whoever comes across this as well... how would write yourself in a purposeful dumbing down and oversexualization of yourself?
And in the midst of this existential nightmare, what are a few little things you do to make yourself stay sane? Each of these things not being escape, because we are assuming for the sake of this prompt that you cannot use your background lore to escape despite many of you being quite capable of said escape.
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Jan 9, 2019


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
You have not participated correctly...
A raccoon pops up in the bright glow of an urban park, looking frantically in both directions for its electronics. It tries to channel its demonic magic, but unwillingly, the rules of the anime world force the magic to result in a rather unwitting change.
A cloud of gray and thick curved lines covers the raccoon completely, only the silhouette visible under the *poof* of magician-effect smoke. It squeaks frantically, only for it to change from its normal dialect of its demonic homeland into something more... human...
And even more high-pitched.
A small, kawaii girl shimmies back and forth.
"Oh noes! Kyaaaa!" Generic.Archdemon yelps out unwillingly.
Horror grips the demon's heart, and disgust writhes under their not-furry skin as this unnatural form. They cover themselves with utter humiliation burning on their cheeks.
A boy walks by, halting as he walked by them, and back tracking to look at what he viewed as "her" with surprise. He turns bright red, just... staring.
The demon trembles furiously at the sheer gall of his lust. But they stop as he pulls back the bangs in front of his eyes.
Amethysts are revealed with the gentle tucking of his black hair behind his ears. Black slits stare at "her," engrossing "her."
And a veritable sledgehammer of a migraine hits their head.
"She" moans sultrily, "her" sharp needle-like teeth exposed in her surprise, as "she" falls to the ground.
He utterly panics, glancing both ways, before picking up "her" curled body. "She" was so soft... and furry...
"Could her ears be sensitive?" he thought to himself.
Inner author voice: No! Leave their ears alone! NOOO!!!
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A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023

Tbh, I would burn down the house or kingdom in one day, just for shits and giggles.
@Rhaps He would probably be like "damn! I have one of those feral pyromaniacs in my harem!" He grits his teeth, biting at his nail and blushing. "They are so hot when they do that tho!"
Not going to lie, I am pretty proud of myself in creating such a genuinely horrifying thread.


Just another chick in the universe
Nov 1, 2023
The chick stared at the sycophant puppet lost in its owns machinations. It wondered just when would it that thing finally stop paying attention to others and look at it, this glorious chick?
Sure, it had not been that long since it had come here, but it at least deserved some attention, did it not?
Its slender black lines were one of a kind, how could that toy-who-owned-its-mind not pay any mind to them? Its beak was resplendent of its glorious pride as a loser of never seen proportions before, standing tall and high, ever stiff no matter what challenges it was faced with!
Ah, its magnificent visage should be enough to enchant all the minds in the universe, let alone of that of this puppet who was playing tricks with its heart, yet!
How come it could not make it just look at it?!
Well, this would have to be for another day's musing. After all, even a Chick has to call a day someday. You can't expect it to work for free all the time...


Eldritch deity & really hard thinker.
Mar 12, 2023
Uh... tentacles. I am highly corrosive and covered with teeth so it may not end well for him. Can one be mindcontrolled without a singular mind?


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
I have come for you too now...
Taediosus looked at the starry night as he rested his head on the windowsill of the house he bullied the Goddess of the Sun into giving him.
'Who knew Goddesses were so weak to ear nibbles?' he thought surprisedly. 'Her powers were way too powerful, and then... she blushed at me?! It was so crazy. I never knew that kind of thing could happen in real life.' He tilted his head to the side, his eyes still not visible.
A falling star flew across the sky in a bright holy light.
He immediately clenched his fist.
"I have to make a wish!"
"I-errr... what should I wish for? I don't know! I don't know! Uhm. Uhm! Oh no! The star's leaving! NOOO!" he completely panicked, running around in circles and kicking up dust clouds in his wake. He clasped his hands to his cheeks in fright that he would not get to wish on a falling star for the first time.
"Wait! I've got it!"
And that's how he woke up next to a beauty that could not exist in his world. Her aesthetic, an almost sickly-white girl with shades of pink and purple to her skin, glowed faintly on the covers. His bangs flew back in astonishment, eyes shooting wide open. Blood exploded out of his nostrils like a water gun full of red dye.
"GAAAAH," he screamed, falling out of the bed. The beauty was like a star given form as a gorgeous girl. Curls of luminescent, blue-tinged white hair fanned out from her gently snoring face. Her skin was so... perfect.
He just...
He just slept with a girl!
"Oh yeah!" he yelled. "My wish came true!"
Uh... tentacles. I am highly corrosive and covered with teeth so it may not end well for him. Can one be mindcontrolled without a singular mind?
@EldritchPotato these are hentai anime rules, remember? Here are some important points.
No matter what, the protagonist's mind-rapey shenanigans never fail. Especially when they should.🤢
You become a human girl, plus a few odds and ends, in body.
Your form becomes ✨magically✨ safe to fuck OR he is so OP that he is the only one you can be with safely.🤮


Grind, Future, A Beautiful Star
Aug 8, 2023
I have come for you too now...
Taediosus looked at the starry night as he rested his head on the windowsill of the house he bullied the Goddess of the Sun into giving him.
'Who knew Goddesses were so weak to ear nibbles?' he thought surprisedly. 'Her powers were way too powerful, and then... she blushed at me?! It was so crazy. I never knew that kind of thing could happen in real life.' He tilted his head to the side, his eyes still not visible.
A falling star flew across the sky in a bright holy light.
He immediately clenched his fist.
"I have to make a wish!"
"I-errr... what should I wish for? I don't know! I don't know! Uhm. Uhm! Oh no! The star's leaving! NOOO!" he completely panicked, running around in circles and kicking up dust clouds in his wake. He clasped his hands to his cheeks in fright that he would not get to wish on a falling star for the first time.
"Wait! I've got it!"
And that's how he woke up next to a beauty that could not exist in his world. Her aesthetic, an almost sickly-white girl with shades of pink and purple to her skin, glowed faintly on the covers. His bangs flew back in astonishment, eyes shooting wide open. Blood exploded out of his nostrils like a water gun full of red dye.
"GAAAAH," he screamed, falling out of the bed. The beauty was like a star given form as a gorgeous girl. Curls of luminescent, blue-tinged white hair fanned out from her gently snoring face. Her skin was so... perfect.
He just...
He just slept with a girl!
"Oh yeah!" he yelled. "My wish came true!"

@EldritchPotato these are hentai anime rules, remember? Here are some important points.
No matter what, the protagonist's mind-rapey shenanigans never fail. Especially when they should.🤢
You become a human girl, plus a few odds and ends, in body.
Your form becomes ✨magically✨ safe to fuck OR he is so OP that he is the only one you can be with safely.🤮

:blob_shock: :blob_shock: :blob_shock:
Am I a femboy now?!?!


Hound of hell, lover of girls
Mar 30, 2022
actually your descriptions of the harem hellworld seem a lotta fun I volunteer to see how I'd be described


Imprisoned Soul Seeking Isekai
Dec 25, 2019
I'm the slutty catgirl who is one hundred percent guaranteed to literally eat his liver at the slightest offence. Either that, or I'm a Dungeon Core in a magically made meatsuit, in full control of my own actions, but figuring this will be worth a laugh somewhere down the line and thus playing along.


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
Don't worry, I'll comply alright :) - I'll even affirm and enable him. I'll say that his cowardice isn't bad, it's charming, even. I'll coddle him in bed, and tell them that I love every sinful part of his vile personality. Tell him to use his mind control to do whatever he pleases, kill whatever arrogant adversary stands in his way, conquer whatever woman he pleases, be it a peasant girl or a literal goddess. It's only correct. It's his birth right, after all.

But, one little thing. All of his harem members will meet a bloody, gloriously terrible fate.


Including me.

Because like greed and lust, wanton murder and betrayal are all expressions of love. And a tragic end is my truest, purest expression of it.

And then we can do it all over again, because who says bad ends need only happen once. Shouldn't you collect them all? And then do that over, because wouldn't you replay such an amazing game even at completion?

A cycle of love, misery, suffering and hatred! My treasured gift to the man I love the most~

Or idk, just feed me spaghetti everyday and give me expensive gifts(I can't do anything productive)


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
Her brown eyes are filled with devotion thick and sticky sweet like fresh caramel. With a delicate cough, she forces her voice-box into a higher register. The young woman wrenches her gaze away from the tedious Taediosus, crying out in an infantile voice,

“Oh darling! But a moment! I need to finish painting my face you know, I can’t have you looking at me when I look like this.”

She hastily rubs moisturizing creams upon her lightly blushing cheeks. Red-tipped ears peak out from beneath freshly styled tresses.

The lady wrestles with her outfit, tucking here and pulling there. Calling the ensemble an outfit is a kindness to the struggling fabric. A sheer lace bodysuit paired with wide-legged and similarly sheer palazzo pants is paired with confounding magic to conceal the important bits from view, at least for now.

When at last she feels presentable, she yanks herself from her seated position and positively throws herself at the pathetic excuse of a hero.

“Darling, you came so far… did you eat? Oh, why didn’t you tell me to come to you! Are you tired? Thirsty?” Twittering around like mama bird about a newborn chick, she is the image of subservience and wasted potential.

Perhaps if the hero had seen her first from afar, seen her in her element, known the depths of her mind, this all would have been avoided.

Alas, Taediosus happened upon her in the marketplace when she was fetching her groceries.

He had oh so carelessly bumped into her, raccoonkin girl and young chick trailing behind. Newfound strength led to the tall, pale woman to be thrown onto to the cobblestone street.

Thin arms and feebly stretched out to push her chest and head up. Messy brown hair, not quite in waves but not quite straight, covered her face for a moment.

Long, slender fingers reached out to pull the hair from her face and tugged at where it had become caught in her glasses. Surprisingly strong features were revealed.

A straight nose with a slight upward angle was paired with full Cupid bow lips. Thick, brown brows, neatly cared for, framed deep set brown eyes that had just a hint of a green hue.

Impractical heels had accentuated her height. Just three inches shy of six feet, the shoes had more than made up the difference.

Humble breasts were more than concealed by a loose fitting bohemian top. Cream lace trim on the similarly colored flowing peasant shirt emphasized the healthy pink tinge to her skin. Combined with her current posture, she had an air of clumsy innocence.

Still, the ankle-breaking heels and closely hugging trousers spoke of a hint of vanity in the woman. Her shirt had slid up a hint during her fall. A soft yet pleasantly curved waist leading to fleshy hips was revealed to the tawdry man. She certainly was “bottom heavy” to be crude about it.

With a single look, she was done for.

“Are you alright?!” She exclaims with a motherly look. Her cheeks redden as she continues to stare into his eyes. A deeper tone colors her eyes as desire takes hold.

“Oh poor darling,” she continues, touching the unsuspecting man all over. She wraps herself about him under the guise of checking for injury, hugging his arm here, rubbing his back there.

“Let me bake you cookies to make up for this accident… my place is right around the corner.”

Nary giving Taediosus a chance to reply, she bounds away with him in tow. Her hand tightly grips his with all the desperation of a many dying of thirst grasping at the first sign of water.

Her brown eyes are filled with devotion thick and sticky sweet like fresh caramel. With a delicate cough, she forces her voice-box into a higher register. The young woman wrenches her gaze away from the tedious Taediosus, crying out in an infantile voice,

“Oh darling! But a moment! I need to finish painting my face you know, I can’t have you looking at me when I look like this.”

She hastily rubs moisturizing creams upon her lightly blushing cheeks. Red-tipped ears peak out from beneath freshly styled tresses.

The lady wrestles with her outfit, tucking here and pulling there. Calling the ensemble an outfit is a kindness to the struggling fabric. A sheer lace bodysuit paired with wide-legged and similarly sheer palazzo pants is paired with confounding magic to conceal the important bits from view, at least for now.

When at last she feels presentable, she yanks herself from her seated position and positively throws herself at the pathetic excuse of a hero.

“Darling, you came so far… did you eat? Oh, why didn’t you tell me to come to you! Are you tired? Thirsty?” Twittering around like mama bird about a newborn chick, she is the image of subservience and wasted potential.

Perhaps if the hero had seen her first from afar, seen her in her element, known the depths of her mind, this all would have been avoided.

Alas, Taediosus happened upon her in the marketplace when she was fetching her groceries.

He had oh so carelessly bumped into her, raccoonkin girl and young chick trailing behind. Newfound strength led to the tall, pale woman to be thrown onto to the cobblestone street.

Thin arms and feebly stretched out to push her chest and head up. Messy brown hair, not quite in waves but not quite straight, covered her face for a moment.

Long, slender fingers reached out to pull the hair from her face and tugged at where it had become caught in her glasses. Surprisingly strong features were revealed.

A straight nose with a slight upward angle was paired with full Cupid bow lips. Thick, brown brows, neatly cared for, framed deep set brown eyes that had just a hint of a green hue.

Impractical heels had accentuated her height. Just three inches shy of six feet, the shoes had more than made up the difference.

Humble breasts were more than concealed by a loose fitting bohemian top. Cream lace trim on the similarly colored flowing peasant shirt emphasized the healthy pink tinge to her skin. Combined with her current posture, she had an air of clumsy innocence.

Still, the ankle-breaking heels and closely hugging trousers spoke of a hint of vanity in the woman. Her shirt had slid up a hint during her fall. A soft yet pleasantly curved waist leading to fleshy hips was revealed to the tawdry man. She certainly was “bottom heavy” to be crude about it.

With a single look, she was done for.

“Are you alright?!” She exclaims with a motherly look. Her cheeks redden as she continues to stare into his eyes. A deeper tone colors her eyes as desire takes hold.

“Oh poor darling,” she continues, touching the unsuspecting man all over. She wraps herself about him under the guise of checking for injury, hugging his arm here, rubbing his back there.

“Let me bake you cookies to make up for this accident… my place is right around the corner.”

Nary giving Taediosus a chance to reply, she bounds away with him in tow. Her hand tightly grips his with all the desperation of a many dying of thirst grasping at the first sign of water.
Do with this as you will. Sexualizing oneself is… an interesting experience.