Writing Prompt Envy's Poem Thread


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
(Demons Unseen)

I crouched, hidden from the demons unseen.
Grouchy thoughts spun a web of horror, a dream.
My mind looked and searched for the baddy in the room.
I bit my fingers, thinking they would come soon.

What was this feeling, tucked away inside?
The horror I created in my mind, to hide.
There was nothing.
No demon, nary a scream, no sounds all around.

But I heard it in my heart.
I knew somewhere the horror would start.
Though it never came at all.
It was always behind my eyes, a wall.

My brain was the cage to keep them in.
It kept the demons, and it kept the sin.
There were no monsters, yet I did weep.
Hoping, the demons, my soul don’t keep.


The Inventor of Words
Aug 11, 2021
(Title; Conretto, Domenic, the Origin Story.)
In shadows where passion ignites,
A guardian stands 'gainst the nights,
A shield of love, in moments vast,
A veil that keeps our futures vast.

Oh, humble sheath, in colors bright,
You weave a tale of sweet delight,
In whispers soft, you guard the fire,
A dance of hearts, a fierce desire.

Amidst the throes of heated plea,
You grant us freedom wild and free,
A promise kept in silent grace,
Embracing love, in each embrace.

Through laughter's joy and sorrow's tears,
In whispered hopes and unspoken fears,
You stand as sentinel and friend,
In love’s sweet dance, until the end.

Oh, c*****m, in your slender hold,
A tale of love and lust untold,
In passion's grip, you find your fame,
A timeless hero, without a name.

In moments shared, you play your part,
A shield that guards the beating heart,
In love's embrace, forever true,
A silent vow 'twixt me and you.

(Uuummm... So this is an Epic in poem form about a vigilante who sacrifices his body every night for the sake of love and justice. His name is Domenic Conretto and he drives all sorts of ride... if you know what I mean... 😏. Oh. and his superhero name is Con.Dome."


Feb 13, 2019
Misty and sleep deprived
Watch as the worlds collide
Hideous and disgusting
Gaseous horrors waiting everlasting

Their abhorrent minds drip venom from within
You, hypnotised, just let them in unseen
Beyond your comprehension or belief
And bathed in puss and blood they leave

Destruction, death, undeath, perversion of creation!
Eternal suffering, no hope - only damnation
No bliss shall wait upon other shore
No mercy waits, the Lord has left the lore


Active member
Mar 10, 2023
I've come for thee, to see m'lady
Neck unshaved, and trenchcoat shady
My sacred muse, my light of day
From Japan culture, from anime

A perfect being! Goddess of mine
I devote to thee a closet shrine
Misunderstood when Mother's naggin'
She may look young, but she's a dragon

Life in vain, lived without you
Six inch tall, with fresh hot glue
Just an idol, truth cannot be
If only I were too 2D

Tortured existence, ash and clay
Born without my yandere
So end it all and start anew
I'll see you soon now, my waifu


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
my cake was made
in shades of pink
I made it well
or so I think
but the air inside
did fill then pop
and now it has deflated
my victory was not as sweet
as the flavors inundated
Pink, delicious cake so wet and moist.
Served on a platter, I hoist it to my face.
I eat it, and I enjoy it.
This pink delicious cake, I destroy it.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Envy moved through her lair,
Unaware of the terror that was there.
Lying behind some tree under a rock,
Crying beneath it, was a shock.

It’s teeth were just like her’s,
Fangs and all.
Though, it had wings,
Colored of fall.

It was a small bat creature,
Colored in brown.
The dying thing,
Caused Envy to frown.

She took it to her castle,
Inside of her forest.
She took it inside of her fortress,
Into the medical room, lit by torches.

The sconces provided the light for her care.
With diligence she performed,
Sitting on her examining chair.
Slowly, she worked her magic there.

The bat healed, and squealed with delight.
Envy brightened at the bat which had her frightened.
It had healed, so she too squealed in joy.
She added another friend of the night to enjoy!

Because Envy knew,
Creatures of the night stick together.
No matter what happens,
And under any weather!
Lil maniacal manic evil Lil Envy
That’s who this lil maniac is
Spent from the mad torturous rants
She spends the time in her heavy head
Just walk in her pants for one sec
Take a single step and trec in this dark room
The weight of the thoughts plays a dark tune
Like an organ as the vampires dance
They prance along at the masquerade
Thoughts veiled hidden by the mask she made
Fangs piercing in her neck, until thoughts are bled
This was the life
The life that she led
But to her cred she tried the best she could
Till she became an undead, monster,
Zombie in the hood.
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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
Envy moved through her lair,
Unaware of the terror that was there.
Lying behind some tree under a rock,
Crying beneath it, was a shock.

It’s teeth were just like her’s,
Fangs and all.
Though, it had wings,
Colored of fall.

It was a small bat creature,
Colored in brown.
The dying thing,
Caused Envy to frown.

She took it to her castle,
Inside of her forest.
She took it inside of her fortress,
Into the medical room, lit by torches.

The sconces provided the light for her care.
With diligence she performed,
Sitting on her examining chair.
Slowly, she worked her magic there.

The bat healed, and squealed with delight.
Envy brightened at the bat which had her frightened.
It had healed, so she too squealed in joy.
She added another friend of the night to enjoy!

Because Envy knew,
Creatures of the night stick together.
No matter what happens,
And under any weather!

When all creatures of the night became aware of this delight,
here and there did our wings take flight.
Parties were thrown, all danced and raved;
all is well, for the cute bat was saved.
(huh, it keeps combining my separate replies...)

It's a bit late and some have already read this, but I think this one fits okay on here.

Life of the Fruitfly



En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
(huh, it keeps combining my separate replies...)
It's post merging to prevent spammers. Only the community games don't have post merging. You have to await a reply if you don't want the post merged, or wait 24 hours I think?


Feb 13, 2019
I saw a sand castle
Standing by the shore.
Somebody must've
Built it before.
And beautiful stood
This wonder of sand,
Awaiting a flood
To be drowned on the land;
Awaiting a wave
To carelessly break
What caring hands have
Done their best to make.
Time will sweep in the end
Wonders, miracles too;
Like a castle of sand
That once somewhere stood.


Active member
Mar 10, 2023
Two little beads beneath the mask,
Slid slowly over it's skin.
A rat is a rat no matter how large,
Especially one bathed in sin.

A doctor is one in service to man.
His blade is sharp and merciful.
A nick of vein and darkness came.
The end of a life is surgical.

The hint of relief, a taste of their grief.
Informing the next of kin.
A rat is a rat no matter how large,
especially one bathed in sin.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
They shot me at the ground.
The trees were blown away.
Ships sunken, never found.
I am here to stay.

I am chaos, of God's wield.
I am a beautiful ray.
From nature, there isn't a shield.
I shall stay.

Hear me roar.
Here I play.
I sow discord.
Here I stay.

Surrounding fiends with bolts of lightning.
I blow hurricanes into the bay.
I am nature's crying,
Here I stay.

You don't have to see me.
I will end your day.
People will run and flee,
But I will stay.

From me there is no exit.
I will mold the clay.
My thunder wrecks it.
Because Here I stay.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Three paths bloom brilliantly before me.
They grow and twist all over.
The flowers spout from the stems, ever winding.
Flowing through the trees, they send petals in the breeze.

Which flower do I pick?
Which is the path to take?
Turn right, left or stay in the middle?
Maybe I will take a single small step on one, just a little?

But guess what happens when you pick the flowers?
You pick one, smell it, and it begins to wilt.
Can you pick three flowers, and try to hold onto them?
Eventually, they all start wilting.

But is it better to simply gaze upon their splendor?
Better to do nothing, and not take them with the scissors?
So I sit there, simply gazing, ever watching, slowly wilting.
The flowers of the paths become my killing.


Aug 12, 2023
(Title; Conretto, Domenic, the Origin Story.)
In shadows where passion ignites,
A guardian stands 'gainst the nights,
A shield of love, in moments vast,
A veil that keeps our futures vast.
Random input. I don't mean to say I know a lot about poetry, but why not change first "vast" into "passed"? Would work still, but wouldn't repeat. :blob_cookie: :blob_hmm_two:
But anyway, now that I commented something, I will leave something that may or may not fit as well. I haven't done anything lately, so it's older though. I called it "Lead", because I'm lazy in naming.

Through decades – indictions
Centuries; depictions
Its downfall, then uprise
With heartbreak and allies

They had us - you called it
Expected; affected
All high up, in factions
With strange interactions

Though simple – it may seem
To cover; what they see
It just comes off hasty
For all it is lately

Be careful – please, try to
Let me be your guide to
Horrendous exactions
Some insane interactions

With heartbreaks and allies
The downfall; the uprise
Feel hatred; outdated
From thousands of faces

The veil falls – arisen
Our history: rewritten
Millenniums of stories
Of vast territories

Ink dried up – for Ages
I skip through the pages
While still on my fingers
That rusty stench lingers

Dissected – corrected
Your mind disconnected
Now just hear what I preach
And follow on my lead
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‼️ dinner demons and upcoming dessert ‼️
Nov 2, 2023
This daoist confesses, purple qi appeared at my birth.
The Heavens have blessed me with
The Thousand Poisons Innate Body Physique.
A blessed emperor reigns over its domain, unquestioned.
One thousand subjects, all will submit.
Spice is not one of its subjects.

Expel evil qi with immolating fire,
The dao demons in my heart beg for mercy.
Heaven is silent.
The path of enlightenment is closed to them.
Earth is silent.
They already chose the path they must walk.
Expel all evil with True Samādhi Fire,
Here, I meditate upon the porcelain throne,
Following the Great Dao.

Deleted member 68927

Ain't no hearts where I goooo,
Only views to light the wayyyyy,
Ain't no hearts, no cookiessss,
No comments, no reviewssss.

Keep on writing, keep on writing.
Into the void, where your scribbles belongggg.
That is what BL brings youuuu...

Sorry for the bad poem. I feel kind of down because my readers are lurkers. Well, not all of them. I have this one reader for my German stories who gives me a kudo when I upload the second chapter of a story.

I wish you happy writing, and many hearts!


【Human Savant of True Almighty God】
Aug 31, 2020
I like you. You like me.
We are happy family.
With a big, big hug.
Everything will be resolve.