

I am too old for this shit.
Aug 18, 2022
I've noticed some disdain on here for fanfic authors. Not too much, and it is worse elsewhere, so I decided to add my two-cents.

I am currently writing a Naruto fanfic, I have about 6 chapters outlined, 4 of which are drafted and 2 of which are completed. In my opinion, having started this project has been a great training exercise for me. It operates as a wonderful way to learn and grow, while offering a structured narrative for the new author to work within, because... let's face it, publishing, even online, is scary. Probably more so online.

Anyways, just thought I'd create a couple forum threads to cause a debate, and potentially get called dumb*, as I've been too busy to be active here.

*Please don't call me dumb, I'm a journalist who is currently assigned to cover the US Congress, every time I deliver an article, it gets rejected because the cesspool has burst another bubble of inspired bullshitery that'll cause someone, anyone, everyone pain.


Mostly formless
Mar 27, 2022
Personally, I think most of the dislike for fanfics comes from the fact that majority of them is written by inexperienced authors and/or as wish-fulfillment fantasy. That makes their average quality bad, both in terms of plot and characters as well as the writing itself.

There are, of course, amazing fanfics out there, but it can be hard to find them among all the bad ones. The situation with original stories is similar, but there are different proportions there since most experienced and well-known authors choose to write them original stories.
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2022
The thing with Fanfics is that anyone can make them. Sure, some ought to be well-done, but then you'll have your My Immortals, your Twila Tekila and the Vampyr's, your Sonic High Schools, your Drug Dealer Harry Potters.

Which, while hilarious, will inevitably paint fanfiction as a whole like a cesspit for outsiders.

But in the same vein, you also have people who disdain original webnovels in favor of paperback and official publishers (although those only publish woke smut crap nowadays too, so there's no concept of quality either).

And people who disdain books in favor of movies, and people who disdain fiction in favor of getting drunk and watching football.
There'll always be stigma against stuff, one way or another. But don't let that stop you.


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
I personally follow several fanfics. It's about how inspired those are. There is shield hero fanfic where naofumi is a socialist (an anarchist, bleigh), a tutorial is too hard one where the tutorial is actually too hard but has nothing on the original material aside from the title and some character names, a worm x starwars one with darth skitter and something else too. It is curious that I am not familiar with half the original material though.
I myself wanted to write one about the black butler. I have read a series of fanfics of this story about gay reapers and it was pretty fun.
Please don't call me dumb, I'm a journalist who is currently assigned to cover the US Congress, every time I deliver an article, it gets rejected because the cesspool has burst another bubble of inspired bullshitery that'll cause someone, anyone, everyone pain.
you're not dumb. You're pitiful
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New member
Mar 18, 2023
Hmm... I wonder if anyone would be willing to review my fanfic? Is it like bad? Or is it atleast passable for a fanfic, would love to know.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I've noticed some disdain on here for fanfic authors. Not too much, and it is worse elsewhere, so I decided to add my two-cents.
Disdain! Disdain Upon You! Disdain Upon Your House! Disdain Upon Your Cow!
I am currently writing a Naruto fanfic,
You have my condolences.
I have about 6 chapters outlined, 4 of which are drafted and 2 of which are completed.
let's see... that'd be about 12k words. So... you have about 288k to go. Have it done by next Friday, or the elders of fanfiction shall judge you and find you wanting.
In my opinion, having started this project has been a great training exercise for me. It operates as a wonderful way to learn and grow, while offering a structured narrative for the new author to work within, because... let's face it, publishing, even online, is scary. Probably more so online.
This is all you need to know. Just do this:
Definately check out 2:07
Anyways, just thought I'd create a couple forum threads to cause a debate, and potentially get called dumb*, as I've been too busy to be active here.
Yer dumb. And stoopid. And have low self-esteem. And have an oblong yet still mostly round head that falls right in that sweet spot of the uncanny valley so that people are always vaguely uncomfortable around you but unable to put a finger on it thus are forced to be polite around you because they don't want to be seen as rude. And the perfect subject of mockery in a 1980s-style British sketch comedy back when the BBC was capable of producing a good program that didn't make you want to slash a wrist. And you walk funny. And I have to feed my cat. And I am no longer capable of forming human attachments because of a lifetime of regret and seething rage that causes me to have contempt for all human life while wanting nothing more than the people who wronged me to feel bad for their harmful actions and to spend time with me to show me what it is like to actually have fun and enjoy myself but I cannot because I am completely dead inside and it is far too late to ever move past this so I am nothing more than a black hole of emotional need and all I want is a hug. And you smell of elderberries.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
I think it is more about hating lazy fanfics. Where people just copy the main story, do self-inserts and asspulls. It is about disliking lazy writing rather than hating on fanfics.
this. this is the main reasons why fanfics still have a largely trash reputation. doesnt help when you have to wade through piles of trash SI carbon-copy-of-canon fics to find the gems that are out there.

that said, there *ARE* fanfics out there that are high quality works that respect their parent canon and add to it.... and then there are fanfics like @Maerry's Yunaverse naruto/bleach/one piece somewhat AU fanfics where the policy is: how much can the canon plot be bent while still technically following the overall plot? (turns out, if you have a hyper powered lesbian harem queen then you can bend the plot like a pile of wet spaghetti and still have the same basic end result.). those sorts of fanfics can work because they border on being superb parodies.

Disdain! Disdain Upon You! Disdain Upon Your House! Disdain Upon Your Cow!


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
Stop being lazy. Put your creative efforts to actual use and make your own bloody story. Fanfics are a copout because people are scared and their feeble minds makes them weak.

Be better, cowards. If you're gonna write, then take your L like an actual champ instead of hiding behind someone else's effort. :blob_catflip:

Also, fanfics are a statement that the OG will always be better than you. You will always be second rate. You will never be good enough, because they're making money off it and you're just sucking on their hairy, cheese and wort ridden toe like some kind of afterthought.

Edit: Just to add, though I am overwhelmingly against Fanfiction writings, if it's what helps you develop as a writer, then write it. But don't cling to it. Use it as a way to find out how to make a character within the setting and develop a plot with it. Then take the training wheels off and go do your own thing. But, I will also add that 99.999% of fanfics that I've read deserve to be burned in a fire and never allowed to see the light of day again. Cowards.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Also, fanfics are a statement that the OG will always be better than you. You will always be second rate. You will never be good enough, because they're making money off it and you're just sucking on their hairy, cheese and wort ridden toe like some kind of afterthought.
Unfortunately, a lot of people use fanfics to make money. Either directly, or by gaining popularity\readers with the help of a popular fandom only to abandon it and start writing original, with patreon or other forms of monetization.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
Unfortunately, a lot of people use fanfics to make money. Either directly, or by gaining popularity\readers with the help of a popular fandom only to abandon it and start writing original, with patreon or other forms of monetization.


Grind, Future, A Beautiful Star
Aug 8, 2023
I don't like fanfics.
I can't pinpoint the reason why, and I refuse to elaborate.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
I don't like fanfics. I'd rather reread the original, or even a knockoff bargain bin clone. But I also don't care what people do if it doesn't effect me.


Feb 5, 2019
Funny thing

the chinese fanfics were often crap
cough diantian chakra cough

But lately, thx to surpopulation of authors and "competition" as they are PAID to write
you have far more chance to find a good chinese fanfic
(if you know where to search) :