Filler chapters


A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
I was reading over my previous chapters and I'm realizing....What the hell happened? I'm the type of person who hates when authors just skip descriptions and whole journeys and I like to average 1000 words or just about. So I was expecting so filler in my writing because I'm just focused on hitting at least 900 words. But I read that shit bro, and oh my god, felt like nothing happened. I mean, I made a little progress but damn nothing really happened. This annoys me because I take forever to write, and when people actually get the update, its this trash like.....I'm really bad at writing.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2021
If you are worried about word limits,
then their are times when my chapter goes upto 15k words and i still find that less to end it.
But sometimes even smaller chapters of 2k words gives the story depths and i start considering it longer than expected.
Well just make sure we don't keep on repeating things and cringey lines


New member
Feb 16, 2022
By filler are you just referring to chapters that feel like nothing happened, yet is still required to read to understand the story? If yes than yeah honestly that can get annoying.

But if you are referring to chapters that you don’t need to read for the story, instead it’s sole purpose is to develope characters and the world. If so then honestly those are some of my favorite chapters.


Departure of Motivation led me to want water
Sep 26, 2021
The only problem i have she I write filler chapters is that I would contemplate whether I have at least moved the characters to different places and make sure I will pass my word count as hard as I could.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
I did the same thing on my first series and by the time I reach the midway point I had to stop because I was 1200 pages with a strange mix of filler and plot that somehow did well enough to gain readers even though I didn't like the filler.


Chaotic lewd enby bunny. They/them
Feb 10, 2020
Never really could do filler, since most if my stories plot revolve around my character and how they interact with the world around them and see that most filler just focuses on basically not much happening just crazy events with the characters I find it boring to write and try to put some narrative purpose for filler to exist by exploring some characters relationships and dynamic


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Uhh... so don't write filler.

Ah. Here.

Bob shot Dave.


Robert Goodwin was a tall man with black hair and hint of grey at his temples. He didn't look old, but moved in a way that indicated he just had a young face, but years of experience. He spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. It was reflex as he smoothly drew his pistol and fired. The bullet was half way there when Bob realized that it wasn't another demon come to assassinate him, but his sister's husband. Bob had only just made up with his sister after years of estrangement.

Behind the man stood his wife, Robert's sister. She watched in horror as she witnessed what transpired before her. There was only one thought in her head.

Bob shot Dave.

Is that filler? Every word was selected to convey information to you. Bob's name is Robert, which contains Rob, which is what Bob is. A robber. He is a criminal who uses weapons. He is tall which indicates he is a certain stereotype that you will make assumptions about. The grey at the temples is to indicate that he is either old, or lived a life where he aged quickly. His youthful face, but older body indicates he's been around a long time.

etc etc etc

Look. Just write 3 times what you need and throw out half. Then carefully pair down everything that is left of all those useless filler words. There are filler words, but you don't need filler chapters. You can pack information into every letter of every word.

But that gets to be overwhelming.

I have HKN and FTS. People like FTS more. Why? The story is easier to read and the reader can 'breathe' while reading it. Letting the reader calm down, have slow periods, is important. You arn't just stuffing information in their heads. You are TELLING A STORY. The reader will suffer fatigue. They will need time to process. Time to think about what happened. Time to pause and day dream.

A slow part of the story doesn't need to be filter. Side plot doesn't mean filler. Filler means 'NOBODY GREW AS A CHARACTER' and 'NO INFORMATION USEFUL TO THE PLOT WAS WRITTEN'. Why would make filler, anyways? I mean, just write more story. If the story is DONE, then it's done, write something else. Don't make a story bigger just for silly word count. I've packed more emotion into 500 words then I ever did in 5000. Silence is communication as well. What is NOT said is just as important as what IS said.

You need to shepherd the reader. Build them up, take them down. Lift them up, level them out, let them have a break, bombard them without mercy. Most important of all, READ THE READER'S MIND SO YOU WRITE ABOUT WHAT HE IS INTERESTED IN.

That last part is hard. It's called "Write for your target audience." DON'T WRITE FOR THE WIDER AUDIENCE. It doesn't exist. There are only different audiences. There is no perfect book, only perfect BOOKS. There is a book that is perfect for a target audience. Turning a perfect book for one audience into a book for a "wider" audience only succeeds in ruining your book. ALWAYS REMEMBER THE AUDIENCE and write the story for what they want to read.

I don't write long descriptions of anything. I get right to the meat of the story. This appeals to certain readers. Other readers love detailed descriptions of characters. They want a beautiful description of all the dresses on all the girls dancing at the ball being held by the prince.

Is that filler?

You act like it is, unless the target audience LOVES CUTE GIRLS IN EUROPEAN-AMBIANCE GOWNS. Then is it filler, or the entire fuckin' point? The descriptions are filler for YOU, but are they filler for your audience? What is your audience? Who are your readers?

You are writing for them. Know what they like, write that. If you can't, get a different audience and write for them.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
So-called "filler" chapters can contain foreshadowing and all sorts of other goodies you might not want to miss.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
Uhh... I don't really understand what you're saying, but never do fillers. They are boring and serve nothing to the plot, this is not saying that you can't do fun scenes that will have little impact on the plot — sometimes having two characters share a few good laughs over stupid things can make them more likeable to the readers and make their relationship stronger.