How do you get better at writing stories?


Normal White Cat | Fluffy | Can bite really hard
Apr 10, 2024
So, lately, I've been overwhelmed with work,that i feels my writing quality was getting deteriorated over time instead of improving,and i want to change that, so I've been looking at some references at japanese novel ,and realized a huge mistake on my part,and it was my writing style,I feel like I have been wrong this entire time,even though both are using 1st person perspective,but their method of showing their situation around them was more complete,I tried to imitate and apply it to my novel,but it just doesn't feel right.And I have a feeling it will destroy my novel instead.


Da Scalie Whisperer
Dec 23, 2020
I tend to sacrifice a baby goat once every four months. Seems to help.

But seriously? Just write. Eventually you'll be able to see how some things just feel wrong when you write it. Other times you'll find something else that you are more comfortable with. Do small projects that don't need to make much narrative sense and expand your repertoire by little bits using junk sessions. Analyze some of the more popular stories of the genre that you are focusing on. Yes, analyze. Don't just read it like you would as an audience member. Tear that shit up and humiliate it. Make it settle down in your brain as the filthy sla– I mean. Study. Yeah.
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Have you written for 10,000 hours?
The wrong mindset. Throughly enjoy creating stuff and reading. Select and pick what you love of reading and try to absorb it.

And monologue, try to construct a mental image of a scene and narrate it. Don’t write, or do, but say it first verbally.

I improve by holding an image in my minds eye and play it out, and I narrate what’s happening.

Another practice on what you can do is see a sentence and try to rewrite it. (But don’t use yours, your bias to your work naturally) If you see a mistake in it, try to rewrite the sentence to your liking. And then put them back to back, and see the flaws or benefits of each style.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
- - -
Now I’m gonna go back and watch how to draw anime girls.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
  • Read more.
  • Write more.
  • Study your grammar.
  • Expand your vocabulary.
  • Have someone critique your work.
  • Read and critique other people's work. Don't tell them because your level probably is below theirs, but use the opportunity to not just read but dissect their writing. Find their style, their ways of using grammar, pluck out their vocabulary. Find all those writing techniques and attributes in their writing and ask yourself three questions:
    • Why did they choose to do this?
    • Did it work well for the story?
    • How can I apply this in my own writing?
Good luck have fun.


a sloth that wants to be great
May 28, 2024
First rest, then procrastinate for a long time, read books and watch stuff for reference (escapism), make friends and take their conversation as an example of dialogue, struggle with ideas before choosing a subpar one and just go with it. Try writing everyday though. If no one's reviewing your work try using chatgpt, it gives non bias judgement.


Jun 18, 2024
So, lately, I've been overwhelmed with work,that i feels my writing quality was getting deteriorated over time instead of improving,and i want to change that, so I've been looking at some references at japanese novel ,and realized a huge mistake on my part,and it was my writing style,I feel like I have been wrong this entire time,even though both are using 1st person perspective,but their method of showing their situation around them was more complete,I tried to imitate and apply it to my novel,but it just doesn't feel right.And I have a feeling it will destroy my novel instead.
for me what helps me when I write is I spend an entire day writing a chapter, then wait a few days to give my mind a break, go back re-read it all, make edits, and wait a few days again, I just continue that process until I have a time where I read it, and I'm happy with the results.
it gives you breaks but also keeps you stimulated to continue your work instead of losing your interest in it and it becoming well- not your best work.
I dunno if that helps but I hope it does.

One Night Stands
Whispers in the wind: My Poetry


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
Rest, if you are tired> Think about writing> Don't write> Read some books for reference> Compare your writing> Gain insight> Feel inferior> Procrastinate> Wait until you have that sudden spark> Hydrate yourself> Get back to writing.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
The wrong mindset. Throughly enjoy creating stuff and reading. Select and pick what you love of reading and try to absorb it.

And monologue, try to construct a mental image of a scene and narrate it. Don’t write, or do, but say it first verbally.

I improve by holding an image in my minds eye and play it out, and I narrate what’s happening.

Another practice on what you can do is see a sentence and try to rewrite it. (But don’t use yours, your bias to your work naturally) If you see a mistake in it, try to rewrite the sentence to your liking. And then put them back to back, and see the flaws or benefits of each style.
Writing isn't just typing. It's also THINKING about the story. I spend like, 6 hours of mulling over a story for every hour of actual typing.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
So, lately, I've been overwhelmed with work,that i feels my writing quality was getting deteriorated over time instead of improving,and i want to change that, so I've been looking at some references at japanese novel ,and realized a huge mistake on my part,and it was my writing style,I feel like I have been wrong this entire time,even though both are using 1st person perspective,but their method of showing their situation around them was more complete,I tried to imitate and apply it to my novel,but it just doesn't feel right.And I have a feeling it will destroy my novel instead.
Read more,
change your mood (the answer is in your own words)
ask someone to test

(tldr version)


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Writing isn't just typing. It's also THINKING about the story. I spend like, 6 hours of mulling over a story for every hour of actual typing.
Nuh uh. That’s think tank mode. Writing is the typing part, thinking is thinking.
Jun 18, 2024
I'd suggest using a more "proper" methodology of writing a book. First you do a basic outline for what the book is about. Then you expand it into a sentence or two for each chapter outlining what it should be about. Then you write everything without worrying about the quality. Once the story is complete, then you go through and spend a few weeks editing grammar and spelling. That will make for a second draft of your story. Once you know what plot holes need to be addressed and which parts need rewritten, you take care of that for any drafts that come after the second. That part can take months to years and you still may never result in a "perfect" story.

Now, it is important to note a few things about this approach. First, it doesn't have to be this linear. You can do the chapter outlining stages in batches where you write in between each. That allows you to adjust based on how the writing step goes and can be especially useful for multi-volume series where you'll take years to write everything no matter how fast you type things up. You can also do some basic grammar and spelling editing whenever you want. While you're actively writing you can use a program like Grammarly to check things over. You can compile chapters into a document by volume then do mass edits where you fix anything readers point out as well as use spell check. You can even hire an editor to check things over for you on a semi-regular basis. Lots of options.

The main point is that writing a story should happen in phases. It doesn't need to be perfect when you first type it up because you can improve on it after the fact. Besides, in the process of fixing old writing, you'll learn what to look out for next time.