How unscrupulous can you accept the MC to be?


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
I'm a huge fan of China in a geopolitical sense, but the fact is they have always been barbarians ruled by whoever could enact the most efficient violence over them. From the ancient Chinese warlords, to the Mongolian Khans, to the Ming hordes, to the modern Chinese warlords, to the Chinese communists, it has always been a land ruled by iron and blood, lots and lots of blood.
As a Vietnamese, having a favorable view of China is pretty hard. When most of your history is fighting the big guy above, the dislike is pretty much genetic.


Normal White Cat | Fluffy | Can bite really hard
Apr 10, 2024
Never heard of anything that bad happening in a story. Your post makes me think Chinese people are just evil.
I agree with you,my opinion with Chinese cultivation fell rock bottom.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
the only blood in the rule of the CCP that I know of is the one they imagine on CNN
You know they killed a lot of people during and after their communist revolution right? Not to mention the famines that killed millions. While I agree that there is a lot of bullshit propaganda against the Chinese government, that doesn't take away from the fact that they have a different set of morals than western nations. They don't believe in the same human rights as we do. Pretty much everyone in the West takes Christian morals for granted, and you only think about it when you see societies not based on Christ.


Chronic lecher masquerading as a writer
Feb 18, 2021
Violence is always more entertaining than peaceful reconciliation. It's often the worst mode of failure for any problem-solving endeavors and it forces higher stakes in the story.

Readers get dopamine kick from punishing a person that 'deserves' it. You can say it's justice-based schadenfreude (deriving pleasure from other's misfortune). That's the reason why most CN authors characterize ragebait antagonists to beat up. However, outright caricatural evil gets stale and boring.

If an author writes a MC who beat down normal successful people without proper justification, chances are the author is just a low-esteem messed-up guy, full of envy, who enjoy rivalry-based schadenfreude. It wouldn't be surprising that some readers might enjoy it too.

It's a good point to relate the unhingeness of stories to the cultural environment of the authors, because an overpopulated, super-competitive environment like CN culture can fuck-up people pretty badly.


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
You know they killed a lot of people during and after their communist revolution right?
Too general. "You know this or that country killed a lot of people during the past century?"
Not to mention the famines that killed millions
Wow so CCP apparently has divine powers to control famines or smth. I am fully expecting some bullshit about them mindlessly killing some species of bird which caused it.

The rest I will not even bother commenting properly, just bla bla inquisition bla bla bla colonisation bla bla bla modern wars and neo colonisation bla bla bla importing wars into middle east and asia blla bla bla Ukraine bla bla Israel bla bla buzzwords you fill in the blanks


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Too general. "You know this or that country killed a lot of people during the past century?"

Wow so CCP apparently has divine powers to control famines or smth. I am fully expecting some bullshit about them mindlessly killing some species of bird which caused it.

The rest I will not even bother commenting properly, just bla bla inquisition bla bla bla colonisation bla bla bla modern wars and neo colonisation bla bla bla importing wars into middle east and asia blla bla bla Ukraine bla bla Israel bla bla buzzwords you fill in the blanks
Yes, Mao ordered all the sparrows to be killed which caused the insect population to explode. Then the insects ate all the crops. He also forced them to melt down all their metal tools thinking all the iron would somehow help industrialize the economy, but instead it just created a bunch of useless pig iron and sent China back into the stone age for bit. 🤣
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2023
Too general. "You know this or that country killed a lot of people during the past century?"

Wow so CCP apparently has divine powers to control famines or smth. I am fully expecting some bullshit about them mindlessly killing some species of bird which caused it.

The rest I will not even bother commenting properly, just bla bla inquisition bla bla bla colonisation bla bla bla modern wars and neo colonisation bla bla bla importing wars into middle east and asia blla bla bla Ukraine bla bla Israel bla bla buzzwords you fill in the blanks
Well actually what was really interesting was that they had a really good year early on. They interpreted this as their command economy working, and assumed every year in the future would be equally successful. Due to this, they made basically no attempt to save the grain for later seasons in case there was a bad crop and actively disincentivized anyone else doing so. IIRC they sold a lot of it, and continued to increase grain exports in later years to maintain appearances.

These were a few of the *many* stupid decisions made by the CCP, caused by sheer arrogance and an obsession with hiding/ignoring any flaws in their system. A lot of other things were more cartoonishly stupid, like the sparrow thing. If you care to educate yourself, there are entire books that can explain it better than anyone you’re likely to find on a creative writing forum.

Governments have an unfathomably large amount of power. They can and do cause problems all the time through well meaning incompetence. A non-controversial example of what they can manage when backed by actual malice would be the regime of the German Dictator who forever tainted the honor of the Charlie Chaplin mustache.
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This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Yes, Mao ordered all the sparrows to be killed which caused the insect population to explode. Then the insects ate all the crops. He also forced them to melt down all their metal tools thinking all the iron would somehow help industrialize the economy, but instead it just created a bunch of useless pig iron and sent China back into the stone age for bit. 🤣

I always hated Mao for two things:
1. Causing China's culture to fall back a decade and leading to the current, irrepairable cult-like behaviour in the CCP and the mainland.
2. Ascending to power via reading various books and destroying said path once come to power. I know this is common, I just absolutely abhor him for the hypocrism.


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
Sometimes absurdly evil characters can be enjoyable and hilarious, but not when they claim to he a victim or to be in the right for their atrocities. No, I'm not going to boohoo for you when you do messed up stuff. They need to he badass about it. Or funny, funny works well.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Sometimes absurdly evil characters can be enjoyable and hilarious, but not when they claim to he a victim or to be in the right for their atrocities. No, I'm not going to boohoo for you when you do messed up stuff. They need to he badass about it. Or funny, funny works well.
I am not sure why authors try to sell them as good. Then again, I had readers call some of my characters "evil" for the dumbest reasons. Enala's parents are apparently evil for not watching her 24/7. The fact that she would even get hurt made the poor reader feel like her parents were scum.

Okay, so ignoring stupid readers, I am not sure why authors will sell murderers as good. I do believe there can be a redemption for them, though. But it is dumb when an author will sell someone killing innocents as "good."


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
I am not sure why authors try to sell them as good. Then again, I had readers call some of my characters "evil" for the dumbest reasons. Enala's parents are apparently evil for not watching her 24/7. The fact that she would even get hurt made the poor reader feel like her parents were scum.

Okay, so ignoring stupid readers, I am not sure why authors will sell murderers as good. I do believe there can be a redemption for them, though. But it is dumb when an author will sell someone killing innocents as "good."
There can definitely be interesting internal conflict with characters struggling with intrusive thoughts, but those aren't the characters I get annoyed with.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
There can definitely be interesting internal conflict with characters struggling with intrusive thoughts, but those aren't the characters I get annoyed with.
I am more annoyed when the world believes they are a good character. In TLP, the MC is evil. She will go on to kill innocents, and her narration paints her in a positive light because it is close third-person. But, the world does not see her as good.