I Don't Get It


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I work for the government. I love my job. I work with people in group homes. Its a great job. Yes, I have to periodically wipe people's asses, but I like helping people. My job is a good job with meaning.

So Albany decided to save some money.

Rather than allow us to keep using the locally owned and operated Pharmacy, we now have to use P*****. We are in Central NY. P******* is in Albany.


In the past two weeks since we switched over, A switch not ANNOUNCED, I might add, so we kept sending the med requests to the old place for about a week. But in the past three weeks, we have RUN OUT of medications no less than 4 times. Not only that, but we ran out for multiple days and every goddamn time we were told basically: Your fault, you didn't do X.


People are going to die because of this shit. I hope whichever bastard got a bonus/kickback for going with this place gets haunted by every person that dies because of him.

We have already run out of meds twice before. We are NOW out of two meds and won't get any until MIDNIGHT on MONDAY at the SOONEST and I just did a complete audit. ALL OF MY REQUESTS have basically been ignored and we are going to run out of another 4 meds by Tuesday.

I'm talking about seizure medication. Anti-psychotic medication. SERIOUS MEDS These people need to not completely lose their shit. To you know, STAY ALIVE. I've done a complete audit and sent the proper forms to the right people, but I have ZERO faith anything will happen or change. These are humans. Not the beautiful people. Not the smart people, but they are HUMAN none the less and now they are basically being thrown under the bus.

I have no idea how to even begin to fix this mess.

How evil do you have to be to do this?

What monster signed off on this shit show and has the ability to SLEEP AT NIGHT?

I... just don't get it.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
I work for the government. I love my job. I work with people in group homes. Its a great job. Yes, I have to periodically wipe people's asses, but I like helping people. My job is a good job with meaning.

So Albany decided to save some money.

Rather than allow us to keep using the locally owned and operated Pharmacy, we now have to use P*****. We are in Central NY. P******* is in Albany.


In the past two weeks since we switched over, A switch not ANNOUNCED, I might add, so we kept sending the med requests to the old place for about a week. But in the past three weeks, we have RUN OUT of medications no less than 4 times. Not only that, but we ran out for multiple days and every goddamn time we were told basically: Your fault, you didn't do X.


People are going to die because of this shit. I hope whichever bastard got a bonus/kickback for going with this place gets haunted by every person that dies because of him.

We have already run out of meds twice before. We are NOW out of two meds and won't get any until MIDNIGHT on MONDAY at the SOONEST and I just did a complete audit. ALL OF MY REQUESTS have basically been ignored and we are going to run out of another 4 meds by Tuesday.

I'm talking about seizure medication. Anti-psychotic medication. SERIOUS MEDS These people need to not completely lose their shit. To you know, STAY ALIVE. I've done a complete audit and sent the proper forms to the right people, but I have ZERO faith anything will happen or change. These are humans. Not the beautiful people. Not the smart people, but they are HUMAN none the less and now they are basically being thrown under the bus.

I have no idea how to even begin to fix this mess.

How evil do you have to be to do this?

What monster signed off on this shit show and has the ability to SLEEP AT NIGHT?

I... just don't get it.
I'm willing to bet it was a management decision made to save money while screwing over the customer and employees


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
I work for the government. I love my job. I work with people in group homes. Its a great job. Yes, I have to periodically wipe people's asses, but I like helping people. My job is a good job with meaning.

So Albany decided to save some money.

Rather than allow us to keep using the locally owned and operated Pharmacy, we now have to use P*****. We are in Central NY. P******* is in Albany.


In the past two weeks since we switched over, A switch not ANNOUNCED, I might add, so we kept sending the med requests to the old place for about a week. But in the past three weeks, we have RUN OUT of medications no less than 4 times. Not only that, but we ran out for multiple days and every goddamn time we were told basically: Your fault, you didn't do X.


People are going to die because of this shit. I hope whichever bastard got a bonus/kickback for going with this place gets haunted by every person that dies because of him.

We have already run out of meds twice before. We are NOW out of two meds and won't get any until MIDNIGHT on MONDAY at the SOONEST and I just did a complete audit. ALL OF MY REQUESTS have basically been ignored and we are going to run out of another 4 meds by Tuesday.

I'm talking about seizure medication. Anti-psychotic medication. SERIOUS MEDS These people need to not completely lose their shit. To you know, STAY ALIVE. I've done a complete audit and sent the proper forms to the right people, but I have ZERO faith anything will happen or change. These are humans. Not the beautiful people. Not the smart people, but they are HUMAN none the less and now they are basically being thrown under the bus.

I have no idea how to even begin to fix this mess.

How evil do you have to be to do this?

What monster signed off on this shit show and has the ability to SLEEP AT NIGHT?

I... just don't get it.
Ooh shoot, capitalism strikes once again.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
I work for the government. I love my job. I work with people in group homes. Its a great job. Yes, I have to periodically wipe people's asses, but I like helping people. My job is a good job with meaning.

So Albany decided to save some money.

Rather than allow us to keep using the locally owned and operated Pharmacy, we now have to use P*****. We are in Central NY. P******* is in Albany.


In the past two weeks since we switched over, A switch not ANNOUNCED, I might add, so we kept sending the med requests to the old place for about a week. But in the past three weeks, we have RUN OUT of medications no less than 4 times. Not only that, but we ran out for multiple days and every goddamn time we were told basically: Your fault, you didn't do X.


People are going to die because of this shit. I hope whichever bastard got a bonus/kickback for going with this place gets haunted by every person that dies because of him.

We have already run out of meds twice before. We are NOW out of two meds and won't get any until MIDNIGHT on MONDAY at the SOONEST and I just did a complete audit. ALL OF MY REQUESTS have basically been ignored and we are going to run out of another 4 meds by Tuesday.

I'm talking about seizure medication. Anti-psychotic medication. SERIOUS MEDS These people need to not completely lose their shit. To you know, STAY ALIVE. I've done a complete audit and sent the proper forms to the right people, but I have ZERO faith anything will happen or change. These are humans. Not the beautiful people. Not the smart people, but they are HUMAN none the less and now they are basically being thrown under the bus.

I have no idea how to even begin to fix this mess.

How evil do you have to be to do this?

What monster signed off on this shit show and has the ability to SLEEP AT NIGHT?

I... just don't get it.
I'm willing to bet it was a management decision made to save money while screwing over the customer and employees
Paul summarized it.
And yes, i will add my usual grain of salt that is bitter and despairing.

THEY KNOW, and know it will cause death.
And dont give a rat shit about it.
WORSE, they (or higher ups) are happy. Why ? Because this way, they know it will cause the "removal" of "pointless old/dying/sick people that doesnt bring a lot of usefulness to the country".
Never underestimate politicians/capitalism.
Bc its not the first time they did shit like that (in fact pretty sure your situation of "begging to meds for others" feel ultra familiar), its not the first, and it wont be the last.

PS (monologue to everyone) :
Did you think it was a joke i act/feel so despairing about humanity to the point of wanting to nuke them all or even categorizing them as the zerg of space? Nope. That is why i turned from the kindest angel that love humanity, to the worse despairing and dont-give-a-f-anymore sentient lifeform that wish for a time machine or the end of humans.
(lucky i found botty, she is now my safe haven and the pet enigma)


Aug 6, 2023
Adding a FedEx charge to any prescription, or paying someone to do a courier run ... Stupidity. Short term, over order the meds; when someone bitches, tell them why. Find out who ordered this, then bill them or their department for the extra costs. Who could authorize the local pharmacy as 'alternate/secondary suppliers? then just stop using the 'primary' channel except for aspirin & Kleenex.
If it's ostensibly a 'cost savings' measure, do a cost comparison. Likely a Big Pharma kickback happening. Your local News Media might be up for some muckraking.
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a sloth that wants to be great
May 28, 2024
I'm sure that the ones making the decisions don't see your situation with their own eyes. People are cruel or rather indifferent to the darkness they don't see even if they knew it(like wars far from us), especially with their own benefits laid on the table.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Thanks for the support.

Been sleeping. Half the problem is I'm working 80 hours this week.


Let me repeat

Someone switched us over to this new pharmacy, but didn't tell us we needed to get all new scripts for everything. How the nurse didn't know this is beyond me.

Ooh shoot, capitalism strikes once again.

Actually, a lack of capitalism is the problem.

Capitalism fails on the small scale and works best on the large scale. A large company is not more capitalism. Many companies is capitalism. Choice is capitalism.

We have zero choices, except what Albany tells us.

I know I rag on socislism, but the fact is small scale is where it works best. Anything under 150 people, socialism is great. Because we know each other and it's hard to screw someone over to their face.

We have 50k clients state wide. Making everyone get their meds from the same place is the problem. Saying one size fits all isn't capitalism. No choice, no competitors, no say, that is fascism.

I wouldn't blame any economic system. This is just stupidity. What happens when you concentrate too much power in too few hands.

Dictatorships are the most effective forms of government for getting things done, if you care not for the people being ruled, and you have a good leader.

They are best in times of crisis. Alas, if one idiot takes control, it becomes the worst, because it's like betting everything on black. You win big, or lose big.

We have lost big.
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