I watched The Suicide Squad and I feel strange so I’m going to talk out my thoughts.


The Fisher Dragun
Jul 5, 2020
What I’m talking about is how parts of the movie made me feel (also my expectations) so spoilers throughout.

I have odd tastes and liked the first movie, it didn’t take itself too seriously, I love the soundtrack, and I didn’t need to pay attention while watching it. So when I saw the trailers for TSS, (The Suicide Squad) I was excited. It has the director of Guardian of The Galaxy, it has Polka-Dot Man, the characters seem fun, and the big evil enemy is a starfish. I was expecting it to be a ridiculous and proud, low consequence movie.

The Suicide Squad is surprisingly gritty. There are three returning members of the first movie’s squad, two die. The movie starts with a criminal accepting the ‘ten years off your sentence if you partake in this mission’ deal, then joining the others, and getting in the chopper thing from the trailers, then they’re dropped into the ocean some distance from the island. The team isn’t chosen well, one of them can’t swim, drowns, and is only shown alive in a after-movie-before-credits scene, it kinda shows that there isn’t much thought put into the teams, and they just pick a random group of decently skilled criminals and throw them at a problem. Pete Davidson is revealed to be a traitor, then gets promptly shot, thought it was ok. Javelin guy gets shot, gives Harley the spear, bleeds out before finishing his final words, thought it was ok. The arm off guy gets shot and bleeds out off screen, was sorta filler. Orange lady brings down a chopper that kills Captain Boomerang, gets stuck under it and burns, didn’t really like. Captain Boomerang get wood shrapneled into him, then the helicopter wrecks him, made me sorta sad cause I liked him in the original. Harley and Flag (the kinda generic soldier guy) are the only survivors of team 1. Team 2 (which include a girl who can control rats and a guy with a phobia of rats), go to save Flag, and end up killing like 87% of a resistance movement, because they didn’t know he was rescued by them, that just sorta hurt me. They meet up with this resistance bus driver that has disguises, so they can kidnap the project starfish scientist. Harley breaks out from where she’s held and joins them. They go to the project starfish building, most place explosives, the rest go to the basement. The explosives are set of early. The Peacemaker kills Flag, the rat lady takes the research data, Bloodsport kills the Peacemaker, the starfish escapes, it kills Polka-Dot man, they kill it, the end. Plot summary over.

Now why it bothers me in detail. The movie kept me engaged the whole time, and that wasn’t always helpful. It has moments that are silly, but the don’t really add levity, I was still engaged through them. Something that didn’t ruin my experience, but was distracting was that all the goon soldiers were basically video game enemies on extra easy, the didn’t scream when hurt, usually shot like storm troopers, were blind and/or deaf, and didn’t understand tactics such as: guns shoot bullets from range. When squad 2 were killing the resistance group, the way they were killing them was sort of playful, so the reveal hurt just a tad more. There was this scene where essentially Harley had a date with one of the villains, and actually enjoyed being with, but then he talk about some of the thing he’d done, and she shoots him in the back, then talks about how she promised herself to end any new relationship she starts after a red flag while he bleeds out and you can see the betrayal in his eyes.
Tired, finish/clean this up tomorrow.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
There was a new suicide squad movie? At this point it's just hard to keep up with all the content


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
What I’m talking about is how parts of the movie made me feel (also my expectations) so spoilers throughout.

I have odd tastes and liked the first movie, it didn’t take itself too seriously, I love the soundtrack, and I didn’t need to pay attention while watching it. So when I saw the trailers for TSS, (The Suicide Squad) I was excited. It has the director of Guardian of The Galaxy, it has Polka-Dot Man, the characters seem fun, and the big evil enemy is a starfish. I was expecting it to be a ridiculous and proud, low consequence movie.

The Suicide Squad is surprisingly gritty. There are three returning members of the first movie’s squad, two die. The movie starts with a criminal accepting the ‘ten years off your sentence if you partake in this mission’ deal, then joining the others, and getting in the chopper thing from the trailers, then they’re dropped into the ocean some distance from the island. The team isn’t chosen well, one of them can’t swim, drowns, and is only shown alive in a after-movie-before-credits scene, it kinda shows that there isn’t much thought put into the teams, and they just pick a random group of decently skilled criminals and throw them at a problem. Pete Davidson is revealed to be a traitor, then gets promptly shot, thought it was ok. Javelin guy gets shot, gives Harley the spear, bleeds out before finishing his final words, thought it was ok. The arm off guy gets shot and bleeds out off screen, was sorta filler. Orange lady brings down a chopper that kills Captain Boomerang, gets stuck under it and burns, didn’t really like. Captain Boomerang get wood shrapneled into him, then the helicopter wrecks him, made me sorta sad cause I liked him in the original. Harley and Flag (the kinda generic soldier guy) are the only survivors of team 1. Team 2 (which include a girl who can control rats and a guy with a phobia of rats), go to save Flag, and end up killing like 87% of a resistance movement, because they didn’t know he was rescued by them, that just sorta hurt me. They meet up with this resistance bus driver that has disguises, so they can kidnap the project starfish scientist. Harley breaks out from where she’s held and joins them. They go to the project starfish building, most place explosives, the rest go to the basement. The explosives are set of early. The Peacemaker kills Flag, the rat lady takes the research data, Bloodsport kills the Peacemaker, the starfish escapes, it kills Polka-Dot man, they kill it, the end. Plot summary over.

Now why it bothers me in detail. The movie kept me engaged the whole time, and that wasn’t always helpful. It has moments that are silly, but the don’t really add levity, I was still engaged through them. Something that didn’t ruin my experience, but was distracting was that all the goon soldiers were basically video game enemies on extra easy, the didn’t scream when hurt, usually shot like storm troopers, were blind and/or deaf, and didn’t understand tactics such as: guns shoot bullets from range. When squad 2 were killing the resistance group, the way they were killing them was sort of playful, so the reveal hurt just a tad more. There was this scene where essentially Harley had a date with one of the villains, and actually enjoyed being with, but then he talk about some of the thing he’d done, and she shoots him in the back, then talks about how she promised herself to end any new relationship she starts after a red flag while he bleeds out and you can see the betrayal in his eyes.
Tired, finish/clean this up tomorrow.
Pfft the first movie was trash. THAT one took itself too seriously.

This new one? It captured the essence of the comic book suicide squad perfectly. It worked because it was so dark, killing several main cast members to let us know that anything can happy to anybody at any time. But it was also FUN Especially with Harley.

Basically anyone who has read the comics would have loved it. James Gunn is a great director who knows what he's doing. He understood exactly how " gritty" to make it, and how to offset that grittiness with humor and exaggeration.

It wouldnt have been good without all these hyperbolic additions.

Sadly the movie didnt do well in theaters due to people still not wanting to come out of their holes.

But it was very well done. In fact, THIS is the only suicide squad movie in my mind. Fuck that last one, it's dead to me.

I mean I wont talk shit about people who liked it. Everyone has their tastes. But objectively, this movie was more in line with what the suicide squad actually is in comics.

A bit more humor, maybe, but that's not a bad thing. Its a great thing.

Loves me some dark humor


Level 34 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
She promised herself to end any new relationship she starts after a red flag while he bleeds out and you can see the betrayal in his eyes.
This is an unfortunate response that many people have after a traumatic or abusive relationship. Many simply refuse to date at all. We have so many lonely people in this world because of a few assholes. The worst part is that the asshole moves on to damage another victim.

A person's response to trauma (breakups can be more traumatic than the death of a romantic partner) also depends on their upbringing. Were they conditioned to expect that the first person they fell in love with had to be "the one"? This is why women in particular are more likely to withdraw from the dating scene. Many women have allowed "slut shaming" to ruin their appetite for love. Did you know that dating apps and websites have more men than women seeking partners?

With that, I'd like to leave you with a video that helped me come to terms with several of my past relationships:


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
This is an unfortunate response that many people have after a traumatic or abusive relationship. Many simply refuse to date at all. We have so many lonely people in this world because of a few assholes. The worst part is that the asshole moves on to damage another victim.

A person's response to trauma (breakups can be more traumatic than the death of a romantic partner) also depends on their upbringing. Were they conditioned to expect that the first person they fell in love with had to be "the one"? This is why women in particular are more likely to withdraw from the dating scene. Many women have allowed "slut shaming" to ruin their appetite for love. Did you know that dating apps and websites have more men than women seeking partners?

With that, I'd like to leave you with a video that helped me come to terms with several of my past relationships:
Yeah that's great character stuff in my book, good for her(ish).