Introduce your character(s) to us!


Already daydreamed about this interaction
Apr 4, 2023
it would be fun if everyone introduce a character from your series!!
it doesn't need to be a main character, just a character you want to show off because you love them very much.

I'll start!!

cute isn't he?

This is Azuka Kizmet
He works for an organization that handles supernatural individuals.
His power involves consuming memories and experiences of living beings, which grants him more life (that's why he still looks like that, despite being 27)
He is very serious about his job and gets angry easily, even more with his partner that jokes around and flirts with him whenever he can

in conclusion, i like him hes very cute :3

show me your characters!!


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
Jake Furrow. Main Character to The Blessed Child.
  • 16, Male. Desert descent. Caramel skin color , black hair, dull light brown eyes. Stands at 5'5 currently, but will grow to 5'8 by two years time.
  • Anti-Hero concept character who's skilled in magic and swordsmanship.
  • Doesn't let his enemies monologue.
  • Chooses violence over diplomacy majority of the time when he is certain his counterpart is a threat.
  • Due to a pact with Lady Ferynith, Jake has a large natural mana pool that he as since grown, cultivated, and strengthened. Increasing his available mana greatly and developing incredible mana control.
    • Said pact also grants him universal affinity with magical Elements. However, while he can utilize every Element, it is up to him to learn how to control them and properly utilize the spells without them blowing up in his face.
  • Will utilize magic first to overwhelm the enemy or for crowd control.
    • Does not care for the environment and will utilize explosive runes to blow apart cover or to create pitfalls.
    • Often will choose not to kill an enemy immediately but will maim, dismember, and immobilize a target through brutal methods such as crushing limbs and impalement.
    • If annoyed or angry, he will leave them to bleed out.
  • Skilled in Light Magic such as healing, recovery, battle recovery, and fatigue dispersion, allowing him to travel great distances and heal injuries sustained during bouts.
  • Considered an "Emissary of the Gods" due to pacts made with two of them. Thus, he bears the Mark of the Arachkin and the Mark of the Dragonkin. The Arachkin Goddess is Lady Rastua, and the Dragonkin Goddess is Lady Ferynith. He performs tasks given to him by both, should they require action to be done on the Overworld.
    • Both Marks are visible details that show allegiance to the races.
  • Likely has a kid on the way.
  • Lost 70% of his companions made on his first 'Adventure' due to failure to act. One companion was a love interest, another was one of two swordsmanship mentors.
  • He is currently on a cross-world journey to return the blades of his fallen mentor to said mentor's family.
  • Prefers to kill his enemies with overwhelming violence to ensure death and leave no question. The more brutal the attack, the less likely they are to get up and be a continued annoyance.


Bluetooth 7 Enabled Holy Blade w/ Red Dot Sight
Jul 17, 2019

Beholder Carpalis

Notable Feats:
1 of 11 living founders (Beholders) of the world's equivalent to mega corporations.
- Owner of one of the only few technologies in an otherwise medieval fantasy world of swords and magic: her right arm which takes the form of a giant, golden hand called the Faustian Bargain. It allows for the creation of golden tickets which randomly appear around the world, offering those in need salvation at a price - a piece of their soul.
- Ears are not actually ears. They are horns mimicking fennec ears, which is a trait specific to Demons.
- Her waist is crushed by the immense grip of her Faustian Bargain. Her body is constantly on the verge of being split into two halves. It is also quite literally the only thing holding her together in a twist of irony.

- Age: 150+
- Race: Demon
- Personality: Broken and is incredible self-deprecating due to past life as a Demon travelling in a distant continent. Friendly despite how she looks.
- Likes: People that have a good moral compass/ethics/want to lend a hand to people
- Dislikes: Warfare (very common amongst the mega corps/Ateliers), loss of life, criminals.
- Job: Manages her corp/Atelier (Golden Index) which commands 4 subsidiaries (each named after a finger), manages all Guilds and ensures that people do not use other people/living beings as materials when creating currency. Atelier functions much like an organized mafia, and head quarters is a towering casino. A common motif surrounding her Atelier are the suit of cards, most specifically Diamonds.
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En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022

I'm here for the frog, tbh.


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022

Name: Phạm Xích Hoa/ Fthaggua
Title: Herald of the Original Flame/ Regent of Fire Vampires
-The most sane person in my series, ironically enough.
-Like any typical vampire, she drink blood although its more of a hobby. She can get nutrient by absorbing energy from the sun.
-She started a cult for ease of operation, as the government has to get through her meat shields first before getting to her.
-When she go full power, she is as powerful as the MC.
-Her mission is to eliminate her God's archnemesis.
-Fucked over China when she landed on Earth, burning a third of the country down in the latter part of the 18th Century
-She enjoys living a normal, boring life. But she would never admit that


I'm looking for Disney Sleds
Jul 24, 2023

Name : Kieran Arvost (Main Character of Crystal Evolution)
Age : 18
Race : Human
Appearance : 1,80 meter height right now in the story. He have black hair with dark green hue and amber like eyes.
Personality : Kind most of the time but he view his family above his own live and can't stand to see them suffer in anyway. He not really smart but compense with hardworking and instinct. His dream is to wander the universe freely without any restrain.
Special feature : He awakened a dual ability who let him shapeshift into a giant or a wolf and can use both ability in the same time. He had a double-bladed sword as a weapon (look like a twin blade from Elden Ring). And he had a Blue whale as something like a familiar.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2023
Lividia Prestor, the democratically elected bestgirl of my series.

Race: Dragon
Personality: Arrogant to the point of self delusion. No matter what happens, Lividia is winning in her own mind. She’s talented enough to kinda back up her ego, but she didn’t really come into her own until she learned how to channel that confidence into magic.
Likes: Humans! They are so delightful in the way that they push themselves to punch well above their own weight. Being a very young dragon, she has decided to try to copy them to shortcut the standard dragon life path of “becoming godlike after several thousand years of passive growth.”
Dislikes: Anything that is both complicated and doesn’t directly lead to her getting more power, pretty things, admiration, or attention specifically from her mate
Job: She was working as a low level grunt for her mother, but when Lividia realized that she was conspiring against her to stunt her growth (read: not specifically going out of her way to groom her as a successor) Lividia left, taught herself how to take on a human visage. Thanks to some magically enhanced persuasion (its that kind of story), she ended up with the story’s MC and has been assisted him in a shadow war of world conquest ever since



A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Lividia Prestor, the democratically elected bestgirl of my series.

Race: Dragon
Personality: Arrogant to the point of self delusion. No matter what happens, Lividia is winning in her own mind. She’s talented enough to kinda back up her ego, but she didn’t really come into her own until she learned how to channel that confidence into magic.
Likes: Humans! They are so delightful in the way that they push themselves to punch well above their own weight. Being a very young dragon, she has decided to try to copy them to shortcut the standard dragon life path of “becoming godlike after several thousand years of passive growth.”
Dislikes: Anything that is both complicated and doesn’t directly lead to her getting more power, pretty things, admiration, or attention specifically from her mate
Job: She was working as a low level grunt for her mother, but when Lividia realized that she was conspiring against her to stunt her growth (read: not specifically going out of her way to groom her as a successor) Lividia left, taught herself how to take on a human visage. Thanks to some magically enhanced persuasion (its that kind of story), she ended up with the story’s MC and has been assisted him in a shadow war of world conquest ever since

View attachment 21331
It’s a mind control story? Whose that other guy with the army of mind controlled harem members? We should summon him here.