Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Do you realize society and law are full of this? Basic things like: Don't drive on the wrong side of the road. Don't shout fire in a movie theater. Don't make loud noises in the middle of the night and wake up all your neighbors (nuisance laws). This whole pronoun thing isn't even close to being some new big oppression hoisted on unsuspecting innocents. It's just one more item in an already large list of things people do in society. Heck basic rules about what words may and may not be used are super common in various places, especially online.
Please dont justify it with those examples mate. Those are common sense, this is not. And do u see a pattern in ur own example, all are 'dont do something'. While here, u're forcing people 'to do something'. This will have consequences, and it is what you see.


Active member
Jun 16, 2019
Please dont justify it with those examples mate. Those are common sense, this is not. And do u see a pattern in ur own example, all are 'dont do something'. While here, u're forcing people 'to do something'. This will have consequences, and it is what you see.

Don’t be an asshole. It is that simple. Your right to be an asshole infringes on the rights of those you attack. Actions don’t happen in a vacuum where only you matter and no one else is affected. This isn’t about you, it’s about being nice to others.

As the old saying goes, treat others how you wish to be treated.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Those are common sense, this is not
Please do not use "common sense" as a defense of something when speaking to Americans. America is a country with many people who think white supremacy is common sense. Calling something "common sense" is in no way a defense of it.


Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
So in the end, here's my take on it. You are either male or female. None of this non-gender crap. You can call yourself whatever you like, it's your right. It's also my right to say what I wish. I also WILL NOT call anyone another pronoun unless they have a sex-change operation. It they have something swinging between their legs, it's a dude. Enough said. I get tired of hearing this "common decency" bullshit. Why is it common decency for me to fold and compromise to YOUR side of things, but it's WRONG to see it from mine? I don't believe in more than 2 genders. I don't believe in switching up pronouns until you literally switch up your gender. Surgically, not verbally.

If you can't accept my way of seeing it, why should I accept yours? Why do I have to bend and call you what you wish if I don't believe in it? That goes against MY right, and that "common decency" crap is just that...crap. Isn't it common decency to also aceept my views and leave me to them? No? Only your's? K. All it is is an excuse for people to infringe upon my rights and demand me to do something I don't want to, because they think it's "right". Newsflash. That's low level tyranny. You can call it all the fancy so-called morally good whatever names you like, but its not. The moment you force me against my will to do something that doesn't matter at all at the end of the day, it's a negative thing. And there are no loaws demanding me to do anything even remotely close to changing how I address someone's gender, so please don't bring the judicial system into it. It's a weak cop-out.

And if you mention hurting someone's feelings......uh...what? What about mine? It's only important for your feelings? Sorry peeps. You don't get to choose an outcome because your feelings get hurt otherwise. That's entitlement to an absurdly disgusting degree and you don't deserve it from me because who are you to me? No one. Another name on a screen. If you can't agree to disagree, than you don't truly want compromise. You just want your way by any means possible.
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Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
Please do not use "common sense" as a defense of something when speaking to Americans. America is a country with many people who think white supremacy is common sense. Calling something "common sense" is in no way a defense of it.

white supremacy is considered common sense in America? Oh my gods fuck outta here with that leftist BLM/Antifa bullshit. Or whatever other based media you consume. I'm amused you said "many" believe something. Shows that entitlement you got going there, already believing and assuming you know something that you can't possibly know since you don't know "most of America". Even if you travelled to various places in would meet most a few dozen people in any given place, and you wouldn't even learn the personal opinions of even a quarter of that many people......and considering America is the 3rd most populous country in the can you justify saying "many"?

I'm amazed at how easily people slide into generalizations and assume they know it to be true. Kinda sounds like those stereotypes people always get around to calling "racist" or "sexist" or whatever buzzword of the week it is. But nah, it's only bad when it's the "other side". The bad people. It couldn't be YOU could it? Of course not. Because than you wouldn't be the good guy anymore, capable of pretending to be morally righteous/superior on some forum on a small writing site huh? You wouldn't be able to talk down to people like Aleth would you?

I apologize. Shame on me for doubting your righteousness. Shall we ride into the depths of our fellow SJW's and smite the unbelievers together comrade?
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Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
Don’t be an asshole. It is that simple. Your right to be an asshole infringes on the rights of those you attack. Actions don’t happen in a vacuum where only you matter and no one else is affected. This isn’t about you, it’s about being nice to others.

As the old saying goes, treat others how you wish to be treated.
Sure. Don't expect me to call someone a pronoun I don't believe they are. And I'll respect their opinions to have whatever beliefs they have of me. Sounds simple right? That's following the maxim, "treats others how you wish to be treated". I'm sure you have a reason for why it isn't. People always do.
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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
And if you mention hurting someone's feelings......uh...what? What about mine? It's only important for your feelings?
Your feelings matter too. Are you offended by requests to use a different pronoun? Do you suffer what people ask you to say? Does it cause you emotional turmoil to be told there's more than two genders, or that genders are a social construct? Tell us about these pains you suffer because of people asserting themselves.


Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
Your feelings matter too. Are you offended by requests to use a different pronoun? Do you suffer what people ask you to say? Does it cause you emotional turmoil to be told there's more than two genders, or that genders are a social construct? Tell us about these pains you suffer because of people asserting themselves.

Lol. Please don't be patronizing. That's only appropriate if you are at an obvious advantage and can prove so. Offended? I like it how you singled in on only that. Yes, I'm offended when demanded to say what I don't believe in just as much as you are offended that I don't say what you want. And don't say you aren't, because if you weren't, you wouldn't have continued with Aleth for as long as you did, so let's not play coy.

Cause emotional turmoil? Nope. I don't believe in more than two genders, and it isn't a social construct. I find that ridiculous to the most massive degree. Borderline stupidity. But its seems to cause people like maybe you and definitely Corgi a whole lot of turmoil when I say I don't and won't believe, and agree with your opinions.

And lol...tell me how you suffer by Aleth refusing to accept your statements? Personally, I don't suffer and don't mind what you say if you believe it, as long as you don't mind what I say. No suffering necessary then yeah?.

And lol Asserting. Seems to me, its only harmless assertion when its against those like me because we don't believe as you do. But when its people like me who don't believe in this multiple gender, interchangeable pronouns stuff, it's suddenly wrong and against common decency. That has been the overall mood of a large section of this thread. It's very one-sided and hypocritical of you guys.
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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Lol. Please don't be patronizing. That's only appropriate if you are at an obvious advantage and can prove so. Offended? I like it how you singled in on only that. Yes, I'm offended when demanded to say what I don't believe in just as much as you are offended that I don't say what you want. And don't say you aren't, because if you weren't, you wouldn't have continued with Aleth for as long as you did, so let's not play coy.

Cause emotional turmoil? Nope. I don't believe in more than two genders, and it isn't a social construct. I find that ridiculous to the most massive degree. Borderline stupidity. But its seems to cause people like maybe you and definitely Corgi a whole lot of turmoil when I say I don't and won't believe, and agree with your opinions.

And lol...tell me how you suffer by Aleth refusing to accept your statements? Personally, I don't suffer and don't mind what you say if you believe it, as long as you don't mind what I say. No suffering necessary then yeah?.

And lol Asserting. Seems to me, its only harmless assertion when its against those like me because we don't believe as you do. But when its people like me who don't believe in this multiple gender, interchangeable pronouns stuff, it's suddenly wrong and against common decency. That has been the overall mood of a large section of this thread. It's very one-sided and hypocritical of you guys.
So, you feel we've ignored your feelings and neglected to be concerned for you? And you only continue the conversation because it hurts you so? Am I understanding you correctly?
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