Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2019
There is no social requirement for you to be decent to other people and not be an asshole. But getting upset when people don't show you the modicum of common decency and respect to refer to you as you wish to be referred is not unreasonable and it is not playing the victim. People have the right to do what they want, including the right to be jerks to other people, but it is reasonable to expect blowback when you are deliberately insensitive or dismissive of what somebody tells you is their lived experience or how they would like to be treated.
Exactly. And keep in mind we are simply talking about pronouns lol. To respond in such a way against something as simple as pronouns, is ridiculous. (Maybe there's a conversation to be had about.bathrooms. idk, still not sure where I fit on that exactly, but pronouns... It's like we can never have grown up discussions, it always has to be dumb trivial nonsense that people get stuck on.) I mean we don't even use them that often, and they can be switched with the person's name. But I suspect, these people (and by these people I mean the crowd that loves to cry victim on this subject. "Oh they are forcing us to use words raaawwwr!" Lol) will just dead name someone even though they claim not to care about how people live their lives. Lack of decency and lack of respect imho


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
There is no social requirement for you to be decent to other people and not be an asshole. But getting upset when people don't show you the modicum of common decency and respect to refer to you as you wish to be referred is not unreasonable and it is not playing the victim. People have the right to do what they want, including the right to be jerks to other people, but it is reasonable to expect blowback when you are deliberately insensitive or dismissive of what somebody tells you is their lived experience or how they would like to be treated.
But it is a victim mentality. You see, for the most part, people will never be disrespectful to others. Regardless of what gender they're of. But at the same time, they're also not required to mold themselves according to who they're talking to. And about life experience, this is what I'm talking about victim mentality, everyone has had a tough life man, without any exceptions. Expecting others to be mindful of that just because is exactly wht I'm saying is wrong and shouldnt be expected. Since thats how the world works, thats the reality of things. You can talk about change like the other guy, but you have to ask, will it change for the better. Change can be anything, any country getting invaded is a change, but thats not a good one. Similarly, you can force people to change so that you can feel good about it, but it wont be 'growth'. Things will simply keep escalating. And more so, this is not even that huge a matter. Tell me, if people start using those specific pronouns, will things get better. No, you'll simply keep fanning the flames and will push the neutral people over to be against you.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Exactly. And keep in mind we are simply talking about pronouns lol. To respond in such a way against something as simple as pronouns, is ridiculous. (Maybe there's a conversation to be had about.bathrooms. idk, still not sure where I fit on that exactly, but pronouns... It's like we can never have grown up discussions, it always has to be dumb trivial nonsense that people get stuck on.) I mean we don't even use them that often, and they can be switched with the person's name. But I suspect, these people (and by these people I mean the crowd that loves to cry victim on this subject. "Oh they are forcing us to use words raaawwwr!" Lol) will just dead name someone even though they claim not to care about how people live their lives. Lack of decency and lack of respect imho
Yeah exactly, its just pronouns. Then why beg so much for it. Stop whining like an idiot. Its not just you who has had a tough life, everyone you'll meet has gone through tough times. But you dont see them bitching about it and asking you to cater to them and help their mental fortitude. Grow up, world is a harsh place. Dont expect everything to always go according to what you want.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
But it is a victim mentality.
I don't know how else to get across that asking people not to be assholes is not, in fact, a victim mentality. And for those people who that repulses or pushes in the other direction? They are, in fact, assholes, and I'm not sure there's much point in attempting rational discourse with them. There are definitely some ideological warriors on the far left attempting to push a very victim-y agenda, but 99% of the people who will correct your language when you address them incorrectly are simply operating under the assumption that you care what other people think of you. And if you don't care then, I guess, feel free to do you.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
I don't know how else to get across that asking people not to be assholes is not, in fact, a victim mentality. And for those people who that repulses or pushes in the other direction? They are, in fact, assholes, and I'm not sure there's much point in attempting rational discourse with them. There are definitely some ideological warriors on the far left attempting to push a very victim-y agenda, but 99% of the people who will correct your language when you address them incorrectly are simply operating under the assumption that you care what other people think of you. And if you don't care then, I guess, feel free to do you.
I think the main problem are those people. Those extreme ones create conflict, and it just drags in people who are genuinely decent. Tbh, I dont see much point in either changing or not changing the pronouns; I dont see how one or the other could make things better, besides just giving someone the self-satisfaction. But if someone close to me suffers from such, I can make an effort to do so. But the problem arises when people start taking it for granted, random strangers, and start turning this into law or a rule. Like calling it human decency to do so and calling someone names and lashing out on them like the other guy if you deny to do so. No, I wouldnt do that for any stranger, cuz I simply dont care about them beyond the point of normal decency. And in my dictionary, changing the way I speak for strangers does not come under that. Sure, I wont start insulting them or even be rude to them, hell, I'm a fairly polite guy and remain very respectful most of the times. So, if they ask me, I'll politely reject. But here's the issue, if the other party can take that rejection or not. This is what I've been meaning with the self-entitled part, they're so sensitive. This is where the problem starts. And tbh, it does nothing in solving the core problem, which is the acceptance between the communities. It just creates more clashes, and puts more distance.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
I don't know how else to get across that asking people not to be assholes is not, in fact, a victim mentality. And for those people who that repulses or pushes in the other direction? They are, in fact, assholes, and I'm not sure there's much point in attempting rational discourse with them. There are definitely some ideological warriors on the far left attempting to push a very victim-y agenda, but 99% of the people who will correct your language when you address them incorrectly are simply operating under the assumption that you care what other people think of you. And if you don't care then, I guess, feel free to do you.
I'm sorry for barging in without knowing the full picture, but I think one of the problems here is that people confuse the personal level and state level of changing address and so on. It's emotions that make them say such things. I think it's those passive people, they think that they are forced to do something, and they don't like it, because of various reasons. I mean, some of the gender things, looks like it came out straight out of fantasy books. And that's why people are confused by it. They mix actual real people which are the majority, with those screaming bunch that wants attention, they mix up those who just want to be accepted, with those who are actually acting in a detrimental way. And it's partially the fault of those who hop onto this LGBT train, without actually being a part of LGBT. Those people who think FOR the LGBT community, those who took down the voices of this community. The kind of people who will get offended instead of you. And I think most of the rage and bad feelings are directed at them rather than actual people. So I think on a personal level, there is much more acceptance, like how the majority of LGBT are good people as well. It's just the problem that both sides have very bad representatives, who basically usurped this role. But of course, I'm by no means know the full picture, and I can easily be wrong, especially because I don't live in an English speaking country. I just wanted to give my observation from the side.
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
But the problem arises when people start taking it for granted, random strangers, and start turning this into law or a rule. Like calling it human decency to do so and calling someone names and lashing out on them like the other guy if you deny to do so.
I think this is fair. It's fine for somebody to correct you if you address them incorrectly, whether it's pronouns or something else. This is no different than correcting you for calling them the wrong name (e.g. "Your name is Laura? I thought it was Lisa! I'm sorry... I'll be sure to remember that!"). You can either care or not care about getting it wrong. But, people who insist that you use language in a certain way as a moral imperative are almost always trying to control how you think by controlling how language is framed. Sometimes, this is done in a well-intentioned way, but the results are almost always bad. You simply cannot prescribe how people must behave and expect it to go over well. It is human decency to treat people with respect and treat them as they wish to be treated. It is not human decency to tell people how they must and must not behave if they are not causing unambiguous harm.


Exhausted Member
Aug 3, 2020
Yo! I'm sorry for barging in but I want to share my POV about it too.

I'm totally fine with LGBTQ+ people. I don't give a crap what you do, there's a friend of mine that's gay, but I'm totally fine with it, I still friend with him. everyone has the power to control their own life.

But hey don't force your opinion on ME! don't force me to accept you NORMAL!. You're not normal and you know it too, SO STOP PLAYING AS A VICTIM. I fucking hate people like James Charles case where they force someone straight into a gay. Yo bro! fuck you!. The majority of LGBTQ+ peoples always paint themselves as a victim to get some sympathy. DONT BE THAT GUY!.
If you think that's Impossible, look at Obama accepting gay people's rights. There would be a time where people accepted you, but fuck! don't do any radical thingies. And stop cursing at people who think you're strange, get into an argument with them or talk to them nicely. Convince them that you're also a human.

In my country some Queer prostitutes want the Government to accept them. But BRAH!....Over half of them had some criminal cases, like robbing from their client. Forcing someone straight to fuck them (Forced rape) or get make their clients pay an Overpriced price (Also a robbery).
"But hey? that's them? I'm not like that. I don't do that".But bro... we lived in a world where people saw you in a majority. Let's be real, for example, Muslim people who wear White Shirt always got a sharp stare from peoples. That's the cold truth you have to bear to live in this stupid world.

So what I want to say is simple, grab a mirror and see your reflection, do something rather than a rant and stop playing as a VICTIM. Stop making a thread/status/something in the Online to paint a picture that you're a victim. STOP POSITIONING YOURSELF AS A VICTIM


Jun 4, 2020
Do nothing. Say nothing. Be the absolute image of opinionless. Never talk about anything that could have opposition. Never oppose the group. Be a sheeple. And everything will be fine.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
You see, for the most part, people will never be disrespectful to others.
I'm sorry, but I feel like you are very sheltered if you believe this. Disrespect is all over the place, especially in America. It's exceptionally common for anyone working in customer service or retail to experience it daily.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
I'm sorry, but I feel like you are very sheltered if you believe this. Disrespect is all over the place, especially in America. It's exceptionally common for anyone working in customer service or retail to experience it daily.
Yes, and the 'for the most part' was for that. Tho the customer related jobs will experience such things the most. Still, strangers would rarely be disrespectful to you out of that. I dont know about america since I dont live there, but in my country, it doesnt happen often. Sure, fights happen, but can you use that argument in the current context. Regardless of the gender issue, people will be an asshole to you in a fight, thats the nature of it. But I'll once again use the same argument, unable to handle even that much and start whining is whats called being a snowflake. Becuz thats the real world.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
I dont know about america since I dont live there, but in my country, it doesnt happen often.
So... you're making a generalization out of your experiences in your country, and assuming all other experiences are invalid. Okay then. Have fun arguing from a bubble. P.S. complaining about people complaining isn't a very good starting point.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
So... you're making a generalization out of your experiences in your country, and assuming all other experiences are invalid. Okay then. Have fun arguing from a bubble. P.S. complaining about people complaining isn't a very good starting point.
Thats very much out of context mate. All in all, you're saying people are very disrespectful in america. Ok. But how does that join in on the pronoun issue. You think forcing them to change it will make them any less disrespectful. And FYI, mine wasnt a complain. Since their complaining effects me naught, why would I complain. That was simply a point I was making.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Thats very much out of context mate. All in all, you're saying people are very disrespectful in america. Ok. But how does that join in on the pronoun issue. You think forcing them to change it will make them any less disrespectful. And FYI, mine wasnt a complain. Since their complaining effects me naught, why would I complain. That was simply a point I was making.
The problem with your point, is you seem to think people who complain about disrespect are being overly sensitive, and completely ignoring the situations they live in. When people deal with disrespect all day, everyday, it's NORMAL for them to get pissed, and angry, especially when in situations where they aren't forced to keep quiet. Telling everyone to shut up because you think it's petty, is just ignoring and dismissing their problems. Which IS disrespectful, I'd point out. The very thing you insist you and others aren't.

Not everyone lives in a place where a cupful of water in the face is no big deal. Some are close to drowning because they are already neck deep in water, and they desperately want people to stop pouring water on them.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
The problem with your point, is you seem to think people who complain about disrespect are being overly sensitive, and completely ignoring the situations they live in. When people deal with disrespect all day, everyday, it's NORMAL for them to get pissed, and angry, especially when in situations where they aren't forced to keep quiet. Telling everyone to shut up because you think it's petty, is just ignoring and dismissing their problems. Which IS disrespectful, I'd point out. The very thing you insist you and others aren't.

Not everyone lives in a place where a cupful of water in the face is no big deal. Some are close to drowning because they are already neck deep in water, and they desperately want people to stop pouring water on them.
Well, thats how the world works mate. It aint a pretty picture. But we all get up in the morning and deal with it.
And sure, get angry all you want. Let out all your frustration online, will make your mind fresh and will make your day better. Its good for you.
No one tried to stop or shut anyone up. Thats where you're mistaken, and that's what I meant by the victim mentality and the overly sensitive part. Its the opposite of what you're saying. You are trying to make people shut up, or change how they speak. Sure, I dont know much about your situation so it'll be not right of me to comment on that. But if its as bad as you say, then why not change the place, change state, hell even country if u can afford it. And plz dont say that its the same everywhere, becuz thats for sure is not. And if u cant change ur place, then you'll just have to deal with it, what else can be said here. Because matter of the fact is, actions have consequences. You throw a stone in a lake, and the water will ripple. And you guy's have thrown in a big one. If I simply take my own example, I never had any problems with any trans person. They were just another person in my eyes. But with the comments here, like that guy who was raging before, then all the self-entitlement arguments 'its only a pronoun whats the big deal in changing it, its basic decency', etc, I'm sure it will make me have a biased opinion about irl trans people I meet from now on.
Also, pronoun shit changes nothing. If someone's an asshole to you, they'll remain an asshole but with just a different pronoun. Instead, you're simply mixing other people in who would've remained polite and respectful to you otherwise and making them against you too.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
pronoun shit changes nothing
Except it does. Not everyone who gets it wrong is doing so out of some deliberate attempt to be rude. The entire point of demanding people use different words is to make it clear they are being disrespectful, because if we just ignore it every time, people will think that's okay, and be confused when someone is upset.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Except it does. Not everyone who gets it wrong is doing so out of some deliberate attempt to be rude. The entire point of demanding people use different words is to make it clear they are being disrespectful, because if we just ignore it every time, people will think that's okay, and be confused when someone is upset.
Well, its clear there's no convincing each other. You stand by your point, I'll stand by mine. Which is, dont force shit on other people to make things easier for you.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
dont force shit on other people to make things easier for you.
Do you realize society and law are full of this? Basic things like: Don't drive on the wrong side of the road. Don't shout fire in a movie theater. Don't make loud noises in the middle of the night and wake up all your neighbors (nuisance laws). This whole pronoun thing isn't even close to being some new big oppression hoisted on unsuspecting innocents. It's just one more item in an already large list of things people do in society. Heck basic rules about what words may and may not be used are super common in various places, especially online.
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