[Mafia] Pandemonic Night Banquet (Justice Prevails!)


Magic 8-ball they say
Dec 9, 2021
Well, his claim about being a "Norowareta" or whatever was pretty convincing.

Thinking about it, though, even if he is telling the truth, we should still vote him out. A one in two chance of him being evil is better than the one in six of anybody else.
He's being unnecessarily poetic.
All good points; if we do lynch you and you turn out to be good, Mellowha will be my #1 suspect. I was going to keep it shushed to protect myself, but since you came out and said it, I will say my impressions.

Mellowha immediately jumped on the Zirrboy bandwagon without any evidence other than my words it seems a bit... Weird. I know it sounds hypocritical, coming from the one who started it, but wouldn't it be the perfect way to deflect blame without any risk to oneself? It is sort of suspicious.
And here I thought my hint in roleplaying at d1 was enough to give some people an idea

And for your claim of me being weird to vote without evidence; I was just happy at that time to find an ally in this blind game, which leads me to believing you immediately. And It's because your claim on being an Omnyouji(don't mind the spelling) and since no one counterclaim you, it's more likely that what you spoke is the truth.


Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
No arguing with that it would seem.

But if there's nothing left to lose, I'll state my thoughts without reserve. Make the most of it.

Mellohwa is switching between bursts of bloodthirst and obedience to agreed PRs as she did in the last game.
She blamed her obliviousness and straightforward behavior on a language barrier then, but also strategically placed questions about game mechanics, so I don't buy all of it.
She's my greatest suspect.

Then comes Aaqil. He's been rather quiet and low profile, while still making sure he seemed interested in finding the culprits.
I've never seen them play or talk much outside of this game either, though.

And last is Amok. He just doesn't seem to care at all. This could mean a special role like mine, but I doubt a game of this size would have more than one. While outside those, the most common I found to behave like that were powerless guests.

Zone could be anything, but if they're evil I doubt the inactivity is going to last once the first evil falls.
What I could I did here. I genuinely don't have more.
And as prime suspect I don't really see accusation baiting to have much of an effect.

why did you claim instead of voting first and seeing where that goes? why be reckless?


here's the clincher, maybe if Zirr is really a neautral then you never got a wicked result, and instead this is all a charade cos u and ur bud, poss mellohwa, figured that fake-framing a green and fake-claiming a seer was great way to win this?

if Zirr is neuitral, should we trust u?
My role claim was passive investigation altering. It mentioned the name of the role he had, colored green.
With both of that matching his side of the story, I greatly doubt the claim just so happens to fit.
Baiting is a valid strategy, but this one is too easily refutable.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
@Amok well, you're not wrong. I never did really defend myself properly. Probably because... I don't really mind if you lynch me, honestly, as long as it lets you confirm everything I said, though I would prefer if Zirrboy went out first. That would also serve to prove me innocent.

I don't think it really matters though, since I'll most likely be killed tonight, anyway.

Also, do you really think there are two Mafia in a game with seven players? That seems like too much; I'm betting on there being just one, plus some sort of neutral role or the like.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
That first part was responding to old posts lol. Lemme read the rest.


Jan 4, 2021
What I could I did here. I genuinely don't have more.
And as prime suspect I don't really see accusation baiting to have much of an effect.

My role claim was passive investigation altering. It mentioned the name of the role he had, colored green.
With both of that matching his side of the story, I greatly doubt the claim just so happens to fit.
Baiting is a valid strategy, but this one is too easily refutable.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
Cause I pinged Oreo, then panicked once I realised that I had no idea who to vote, so in order to avoid the likely awkward conversation that would follow that, I just went with what was essentially the same as not deciding, :p :blob_cookie:
Social situations are hard! :blob_pat_sad:
Lol, I saw that. I guessed that was what had happened. You had pinged him because of the question I made of wether the role would be revealed on death right?
He's being unnecessarily poetic.

And here I thought my hint in roleplaying at d1 was enough to give some people an idea

And for your claim of me being weird to vote without evidence; I was just happy at that time to find an ally in this blind game, which leads me to believing you immediately. And It's because your claim on being an Omnyouji(don't mind the spelling) and since no one counterclaim you, it's more likely that what you spoke is the truth.

No clue what d1 is. Also, do people actually know what roles there are!? Is there some place with all the roles listed?

Lastly, I feel like Amok is making a mess of a simple situation. Throwing accusations around willy-nilly, saying confusion Ng things in order to sow chaos.... I dunno. Maybe that's just their personality. Still don't like it tho.


Magic 8-ball they say
Dec 9, 2021
No clue what d1 is. Also, do people actually know what roles there are!? Is there some place with all the roles listed?
D1 is...day1? I don't know. But my role does give me from my own faction. And onymjouji was one of it.

My current understanding of the game is:
4 town and the rest are either evil or neutral.

The other besides you, me, and jail, are probably Zone/Amok.

Aaqil, and Zirrboy is the most likely to be the evil or neutral.

I'll probably on death door by saying this.....


Magic 8-ball they say
Dec 9, 2021
D1 is...day1? I don't know. But my role does give me from my own faction. And onymjouji was one of it.

My current understanding of the game is:
4 town and the rest are either evil or neutral.

The other besides you, me, and jail, are probably Zone/Amok.

Aaqil, and Zirrboy is the most likely to be the evil or neutral.

I'll probably on death door by saying this.....
But I sus amok more than zone.

Blame it to Zone for being inactive


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
So, as I see it, this is the situation right now; Zirrboy is either a killer (unlikelier now) or a Norowareta, which is actually a Neutral role (?), meaning there's almost no way he's Good.

(Is that a good color for neutral?)

I'm not 100% clear myself, I don't think, but I would hope I can be trusted at least somewhat.

With Jailbreak dead (thinking about it, was the whole 'I'm a simple adventurer' thing referring to him being a simple Guest?), that leaves Mellowha, Zone, Aaquil and Amok.

Now, nothing much can be said on the ever-silent Zone (maybe his role doesn't let him speak?) but out of the rest, right now, Amok is definitely the most suspicious, throwing accusations and causing chaos.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
D1 is...day1? I don't know. But my role does give me from my own faction. And onymjouji was one of it.

My current understanding of the game is:
4 town and the rest are either evil or neutral.

The other besides you, me, and jail, are probably Zone/Amok.

Aaqil, and Zirrboy is the most likely to be the evil or neutral.

I'll probably on death door by saying this.....
Ah... interesting . That definitely clears you quite a bit in my books. And sorry about the d1 thing haha.


Magic 8-ball they say
Dec 9, 2021
i'm green. so if ur a neutral, and u don't help green find the killers, i'd rather vote you out because thats safer than hitting a green so for now my vote is aquil, but if you dont help the greens huint im happy to trust plus1 and push to elim u at the end. so help us or die basically. Good luck >.<
I'm itching to ask if you were a pr or just a guest.