Male Lead/OP/No Fanfic/Must be at least 50k+ words minimum


Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
As it says in the title. It must be 50k+ because people drop stuff too often for me to read anything below this amount. Isekai or regular Fantasy is preferred but LitRPG will suffice. I'm not particularly interested in smut because most of it is terribly written on SH (to me), but if someone makes a strong enough case for a specific work, I'll check it out. Also, DO NOT recommend He Who Fights With Monsters.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2020
What a politely worded request, I'm filled with the need to make plenty of recommendations to you.
Well, actually, I wanted to make a recommandation, but I'm worried about whether or not I can "make a strong enough case" or if it "will suffice", so I'm going to spare your very precious time. Wouldn't want you to feel unaccomodated after all


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2020

If you're looking for recommendations then I'm going to shamelessly promote Muahahahaha!


Resident Troll
May 10, 2020
As it says in the title. It must be 50k+ because people drop stuff too often for me to read anything below this amount. Isekai or regular Fantasy is preferred but LitRPG will suffice. I'm not particularly interested in smut because most of it is terribly written on SH (to me), but if someone makes a strong enough case for a specific work, I'll check it out. Also, DO NOT recommend He Who Fights With Monsters.
beware of chicken


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Hey this describes mine. But wait, what does OP stand for?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
Well if you are looking for something like that I can recommend my story.

It's over 100k words at the time of this post and it looks to be doing well as far as feedback and ratings go both on SH and RR. Currently it's ending the first "volume/major arc" in the story so I guess this is a good time to have a look if you want.

(Not sure if this is how you usually link stories, sorry still new to the site)

If you want a pitch I can give you one:

My story's premise is generic and it's supposed to be, it's about four heroes that are summoned to battle demon rifts. (Simple enough at least at first)

I hope what will make my story standout is it's approach to this simple premise. I designed the story line to look simple enough on the surface but I also inserted things in that will make it seem a little... off.

- There are eight gods but only four heroes are chosen
- The other heroes know what they are supposed to be doing in this world but the main protagonist has no idea
- The main protagonist has higher level cap then the rest of the heroes but again he doesn't know why

I also designed the story for the main protagonist NOT to be the only major force pushing the plot forward. The other heroes have their moment in the sun and all the other factions in the world also make their own plays in the background. There's a lot of individuals and factions with their own agendas and they are good, very good at what they do. The protagonist will face capable opponents and he will be tested. He will not succeed without the help of others, I don't believe in a one man army when it comes to the entire plot.

Lastly since this is getting a bit long for an elevator pitch, the main character is flawed as an individual, so this story is about character growth more than anything. It has many components such as war strategy, politics, interpersonal drama, stuff like that. Each Hero brings something to the table that will be essential to the success of the team.

Anyway if you are interested feel free to check it out, first time writing in first person POV so it's still a work in progress.

PS: what I mentioned above about all the factions and the other heroes is only partly in the story yet with only some of it being teased. The timeline is only 1 month into the world so... yeah.


Your Friendly Neighborhood IT Guy
May 6, 2020
As it says in the title. It must be 50k+ because people drop stuff too often for me to read anything below this amount. Isekai or regular Fantasy is preferred but LitRPG will suffice. I'm not particularly interested in smut because most of it is terribly written on SH (to me), but if someone makes a strong enough case for a specific work, I'll check it out. Also, DO NOT recommend He Who Fights With Monsters.
If it's fine for MC's companions to be more OP than him for some time, while he also is strong but his main strength is knowledge and execution, then you may check my summoner story. It's high fantasy without isekai or system. Although, it's mostly chill, so if you are looking for something very dark then I don't think it will be it, unfortunately. Even though it certainly isn't all laughs. Ah, and it's 100k+ rn and pretty much reaching the main arc now (on Patreon at least). Releases are slowed down due to last year of uni tho.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
Then I shall humbly recommend my xianxia story
It must be 50k+ because people drop stuff too often for me to read anything below this amount. Isekai or regular Fantasy is preferred but LitRPG will suffice.
43k, still ongoing. It's xianxia, but it's more like a mix up of genres, ranging from sci-fi to wuxia to xianxia to more ordinary fantasy in the setting.
I'm not particularly interested in smut because most of it is terribly written on SH (to me), but if someone makes a strong enough case for a specific work, I'll check it out.
Romance might happen sometime in the (far) future, but it's also possible that it will not happen. But smut will not happen.

Warnings: there are some very important details within the story that might turn you away. They are intentional and will not be corrected. Beware,
The story is very misanthropic in its themes, so many ideas regarding humankind, civilization and meaning of life and such will likely offend a more sensitive person. Those ideas aren't forced into the readers' face, however, and most of them are reflected in the world settings.
Mc is a speciest and a misanthrope. He discriminates against humans and considers them an inferior species.
Mc (as basically all cultivators) is an elitist, considers mortals to be far far beneath them and doesn't consider them to be human.
Mc is condescending and self-absorbed.
Mc is very, very submissive towards his dead wife, he practically idolises her. She will not (or might not) be making an appearance in the story for he time being, but will often be mentioned.
Mc's train of thought is a wreck that moves in random directions. The story is 1st pov, so the narrative might get hard to follow at times.
Mc is a former mass-murderer and an infamous demonic cultivator who was deeply involved in all kinds of morally disturbing acts. He also is not regretful nor remorseful for his past, in fact, he is proud of quite a few achievements.



Book Editor
Sep 12, 2020
As it says in the title. It must be 50k+ because people drop stuff too often for me to read anything below this amount. Isekai or regular Fantasy is preferred but LitRPG will suffice. I'm not particularly interested in smut because most of it is terribly written on SH (to me), but if someone makes a strong enough case for a specific work, I'll check it out. Also, DO NOT recommend He Who Fights With Monsters.
All my isekai and fantasy is smut. Necro and Dungeon are LitRPG. Dungeon is 50K long
Necro is 30K
If you feel like it, check either. Dungeon's first handful of chapters are just laying down plot and romance, real dungeon stuff starts at 20odd
Necro starts with action and tragedy, now it's in a smut mini arc, then will start adventure soon.


Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
What a politely worded request, I'm filled with the need to make plenty of recommendations to you.
Well, actually, I wanted to make a recommandation, but I'm worried about whether or not I can "make a strong enough case" or if it "will suffice", so I'm going to spare your very precious time. Wouldn't want you to feel unaccomodated after all
if you felt offended or perturbed by my post then remember this: their are more bedbugs on a single bed than human beings on Planet Earth. You know how small a bedbug is? Imagine that, and then correlate it with the amount of concern I have for your hurt feelings, (if you have any of course)
Last edited:


Resident Troll
May 10, 2020
if you felt offended or perturbed by my post then remember this: their are more bedbugs on a single bed than human beings on Planet Earth. You know how small a bedbug is? Imagine that, and correlate it with the amount of concern I have for your hurt feelings, (if you have any of course)
im offended by this reply