Marvel: Shang-chi, did you liked it?


Legendary Member
Nov 9, 2021
spoiler if anyone hasn't watched the movie.
I know most people liked this movie. Many for various reasons like vfx, story, casts, acting, etc.
But I didn't liked it that much, no it annoyed me instead. The whole thing was way too predictable, except for the surprise -Ben Kingsley and that headless dog, morris?.
I mean Shang chi wanted to protect the village that didn't even let his mom and dad inside. It made no sense for him to think that "The village is the last thing that our mother loved we need to protect it even if I have to kill my father",
And when they reached the village they instantly believed the people who didn't gave his dad even a chance to change, and live happily with his mother. She would be alive and they all would be living happily if he was allowed a chance. Well, seeing that they are so-called protectors and all they should at least know the human nature to change with circumstances. Also, I am 100% sure that Shang-chi wanted to kill his dad because he hated him for the training. lazy brat. Those villagers could be bullshitting for all he knew. And his dad really loved him and shang-chi should have tried to convince him or at least tried to investigate if what his dad saying is truth or not.
Okay, still bearable but I really like Mandrine's personality and nature, he was my favourite character in the movie. But they killed Mandrine for the sole reason of giving Shang-chi the rings or bracelets whatever those were. . It would be more interesting if he earned the rings instead of simply " uweh, papa died. oh well guess the rings are mine now.."
The movie was like.. what to say, annoying.
I just wanted to blow my frustration, if you read the whole thing thanks for listening to my rant.


Everyone dies someday, but I'm procrastinating
Nov 30, 2021
It made no sense.
The magic system had no consistency. The ten rings are kind of lame, and what is there power? they have weird levitation, but also a bunch of unrelated functions. For example, when they exploded in the dragons mouth, that was the first and last time we saw them do anything of the kind.
How are they controlled? Most of the time the MC needs to move to control them, but other times they react before that. It is very unclear, and therefore unsatisfying.
The magical forest was weird. It apparently was unrelated to everything, and just happened to be here in protecting the portal, without being directly related. Sometimes it attacks faster than cars, sometimes you can run away from it. Again, no consistency.
The dad-villain (I don't remember his name) is supposed to be thousand year old veteran who has conquered the world, but he does not act like it. He is no better at martial arts than his 20 year old son, he is no better at controlling the rings, he isn't smart or or particularly powerful (He gets defeated by almost everyone). He gets so utterly convinced by a voice in his head he does not pause to consider his action when a demon exits the place he was told his wife was trapped in.
On that note, why is the Dad hearing voices? there is no apparent connection between the demon and the ten rings, everything is just an insane amount of contrivances.
Marvel also has to stop with "Mysterious organization ruling from the shadow" plot line. Who are the real rulers of the world? Hydra, the ten rings, the eternal, the TVA, or someone else? And why should we care about anything in this world, since every single choice everyone makes is controlled by Kang? Our hero are not being admirable, they have no choice but to do heroic acts.
The character motivations were severely lacking, The amount of plot armor was insane. They kept trying to shove martial arts in a setting where guns would be a thousand times more effective, without bothering to justify anything.
The visuals were cool, but that is one of the only things working for this movie.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
it's background noise you put on the tv when your girlfriend's visiting and then put on mute when you start spooning 40 minutes in. as a marvel film, it's middle of the road. as an action film, it's subpar. the choreography is nothing to write home about, and I don't know what happened to the usual marvel budget but even the CGI-scape at the ending climax was lacking. how did they go from lifting a city in Ultron to having them fight in a Fallout empty wasteland as a finale?

the only thing I could note of was the bus fight scene, and even THAT was done better 30 years ago with Police Story by Jackie Chan. since twitter checkmarks tauts Shang Chi as this amazing new asian martial art film, need I remind you that whatever Shang Chi is trying to do has been done better more times than my fingers can count. how is it possible that you marketed your film as the marvel interpretation of the hong kong action film genre and still end up as Hollywood capeshit with no more than a little soy sauce zest of a taste to it? they threw 200 million dollary doos on it only to have okay choreography on par with the third matrix film and spent everything else making the usual plastecine marvel bling. in comparison, rumble in the Bronx, one of jackie chan's classics, costed 7.5 mil to make. adjusting for inflation, that's STILL barely 13 million dollars.

what I'm trying to get here is that Shang Chi is no more than another post Infinity War downfall addition to the marvel collection. you can already see the cracks seeping in at Ant Man and the Wasp & Black Panther. after the gigantic 2 parter finale to Marvel Phase 3, Phase 4 is just chugging along, desperately trying to make fans mediocrely pacified until they break Tom Holland out of cryogenic stasis and have him make another Spiderman film, which is all people are looking forward to watching from Marvel at this point, in all honesty. i would put Doctor Strange and the multiverse whatever but news of it was barely heard, so i figured it's probably a reserved key for Marvel to jingle whenever interest begin to wane.