Moderation and Slurs

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
I've been trying to go on this forum more often recently after a few months of barely looking at it, but recently I've discovered one of the reasons I don't frequent here as much as other places--there's a lot of really toxic content on the forums.

You can use the search bar to quickly, in just seconds, find instances of people saying the N-word (both spellings), and just by searching key terms you can find instances of very vocal and racist arguments in multiple threads just in the past couple months. While you can't search it, users are also using the F-slur on a regular basis. I report them when I see them, but for the most part nothing is removed, and the members of the forum who post this stuff most frequently do not appear to receive any sort of warnings or infractions.

I know this place is supposed to be more hands-off than other web fiction sites, but it gets to a point where I am starting to feel a bit unwelcome in this community when this type of content persists with no changes for the whole year I've been on here. I imagine that many other members have felt the same and stayed away silently.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
I'm being nosey here. I did a quick search on what you're talking about and I wouldn't say "people" is the right word to use here. It is closer to the mark saying an identifiable pair regularly use that language.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
I'm being nosey here. I did a quick search on what you're talking about and I wouldn't say "people" is the right word to use here. It is closer to the mark saying an identifiable pair regularly use that language.

Well I'm not familiar enough with the whole community here to say anything like that for certain, but definitely some names come up a lot more often when you search certain terms that you know for sure will pop up with "controversial" threads (and of course searching actual slurs).


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2018
Were those really bad?
Maybe coz this's somewhat public


✪ Well-Known Hypocrite
Dec 24, 2018
You can use the search bar to quickly, in just seconds, find instances of people saying the N-word (both spellings),

While you can't search it, users are also using the F-slur on a regular basis.

I know this place is supposed to be more hands-off than other web fiction sites, but it gets to a point where I am starting to feel a bit unwelcome in this community when this type of content persists with no changes for the whole year I've been on here. I imagine that many other members have felt the same and stayed away silently.

I'm not around here much since I frequent NUF more often so I haven't run into that much, or maybe I didn't notice. But I would suggest contacting Tony if you think it is a wide issue.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I've been trying to go on this forum more often recently after a few months of barely looking at it, but recently I've discovered one of the reasons I don't frequent here as much as other places--there's a lot of really toxic content on the forums.

You can use the search bar to quickly, in just seconds, find instances of people saying the N-word (both spellings), and just by searching key terms you can find instances of very vocal and racist arguments in multiple threads just in the past couple months. While you can't search it, users are also using the F-slur on a regular basis. I report them when I see them, but for the most part nothing is removed, and the members of the forum who post this stuff most frequently do not appear to receive any sort of warnings or infractions.

I know this place is supposed to be more hands-off than other web fiction sites, but it gets to a point where I am starting to feel a bit unwelcome in this community when this type of content persists with no changes for the whole year I've been on here. I imagine that many other members have felt the same and stayed away silently.
Imagine being so weak words can hurt you.

Lol sorry just messin with you dude.

Anyway I dunno what arguements you've heard, but if the main reason you avoid the place is people using cuss words...well fuck you.

I mean that in the nicest possible way. But yeah. I mean I use these words mainly as...sentence enhancers. Rarely do I say, "go fuck yourself you stupid twat" but I will say things such as " well that's just fucking great, isnt it?" And the like. It's just how I speak. I do say nigga a lot, but I use it in the same way I use bro or dude. I interchange them.

For example if i see a post about a guy wanting Male impregnation recommendations i would say, "nigga what the FUCK"

Now you may have a problem with that. But that is, in fact YOUR problem. None of us have any obligation to censor ourselves for you, neither should we.

Mind you, if people are being toxic by just name calling people or accusing people of being sexist/racist/misogynistic/homo and /or transphobic without any know, being straight assholes...then yes I agree with you. That's bullshit and shouldnt be tolerated.

But personally I havent seen much of that here. Granted I dont actually browse the forums. I just see threads on SH, the newest threads, and only comment in those. I dont come to the forums and look through all the threads.

So if your problem is just foul language, fuck you bro. I, for one, ain't gonna censor myself for one random nigga online not liking the way I speak.

But if your problem is true toxicity in the forums, then preach, brother. Preach! I would support you 100%.
Jan 9, 2019
instances of very vocal and racist arguments in multiple threads
Can you link them... I tried searching to no avail... Could be people I placed in ignore tho :blob_hmm_two:

:blob_upset: Arg! Now I have lots of slurs in my search autocomplete! :blob_no:

I can't say for racism, but in terms of slurs people of different cultures or backgrounds have different sensibility towards slurs, hence the saying, " Swear like a docker"

My friend's dad uses the F-word in place of "very" as well as uses it in place of sighing and grunts, and he doesn't really mean anything by it. Tho I am not sure what context you are finding these slurs on the site.

And on the point of warnings or infractions, if this is anything like NUF, moderators weigh in if it is indeed a problem or infringement, and if it is mods give the user a private direct message. so if they do get a warning, we would not know about it.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
Can you link them... I tried searching to no avail... Could be people I placed in ignore tho :blob_hmm_two:

:blob_upset: Arg! Now I have lots of slurs in my search autocomplete! :blob_no:

I can't say for racism, but in terms of slurs people of different cultures or backgrounds have different sensibility towards slurs, hence the saying, " Swear like a docker"

My friend's dad uses the F-word in place of "very" as well as uses it in place of sighing and grunts, and he doesn't really mean anything by it. Tho I am not sure what context you are finding these slurs on the site.

And on the point of warnings or infractions, if this is anything like NUF, moderators weigh in if it is indeed a problem or infringement, and if it is mods give the user a private direct message. so if they do get a warning, we would not know about it.
Yeah examples would help in judging the situation.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Can you link them... I tried searching to no avail... Could be people I placed in ignore tho :blob_hmm_two:
I'd rather not link directly because I don't want this to become a "drama thread" or anything. That might be an inevitable pathway no matter what I try, though.

My friend's dad uses the F-word in place of "very" as well as uses it in place of sighing and grunts, and he doesn't really mean anything by it. Tho I am not sure what context you are finding these slurs on the site.
Oh, uh, wrong F-word. Fuck is not the one that I am sensitively self-censoring about.

The F-slur while not fine language is also a form of expression and shouldn't be forbidden.
It's actively hostile to an entire group of people. Sure, you can block the people who use it, but then half the threads on the site become illegible due to so many missing messages. I don't think it's an acceptable form of expression at all even though the rules do not explicitly mention it (they DO mention racism though).


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
*shrugs* There are other communities on other platforms where you may feel more welcome.
Also true. I mean I dont wanna tell people to fuck off somewhere else. But unless they become a moderator nothing is likely to change. Some places just wont fit with you, too. I dont mind toxicity among users, personally. It just means I get into arguments more. But other people may not like that, and that's fine, but it also means that site isnt suitable for them.

Then you get places wher the MODS are assholes too. Which is a whole other animal.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I'd rather not link directly because I don't want this to become a "drama thread" or anything. That might be an inevitable pathway no matter what I try, though.

Oh, uh, wrong F-word. Fuck is not the one that I am sensitively self-censoring about.

It's actively hostile to an entire group of people. Sure, you can block the people who use it, but then half the threads on the site become illegible due to so many missing messages. I don't think it's an acceptable form of expression at all even though the rules do not explicitly mention it (they DO mention racism though).
Hmm I dunno what word you dislike then if it's not the fuck one. It's also hard to judge whether you are being fair about the matter if we have no specific examples to look at. Well I dont think you're an unreasonable chap tho. I've no reason to think you are, at least. So I'll chalk it up to me just not being aware of what goes on deeper in the forums.
Jan 9, 2019
Oh, uh, wrong F-word. Fuck is not the one that I am sensitively self-censoring about.
:sweating_profusely: :blob_no: :blob_no: I feel so vanilla right now :blob_cringe:

I am milk, I am soft, gentle and tame....


Came dance with me and I will wash out the flavour of spicy food...


I don't know why this makes me so sad...


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Btw, why should I as a person who was never connected in any way towards racism(perhaps my own ancestors were slaves) or oppression of black people avoid 'n-word'? Just so that I won't be an asshole, because they don't like it when someone calls them like that(except for the people of their color apparently) alright. Then what about people who use slurs or curse words from my native language and don't give a damn because it's either 'memes' or memeable? The illustrious 'n-word' is pretty memeable from my perspective. I was never a slaver, nor was I oppressing anyone, the same goes for my ancestors. While the word fuck is used by literally anyone and the meaning of this word became depreciated(don't know if this is the right word). Basically, the meaning behind words like cuck, cuckold, and simp became blurred, because they were used everywhere. The same goes for fuck. In my opinion of course, and I may be wrong here.


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
I'd rather not link directly because I don't want this to become a "drama thread" or anything. That might be an inevitable pathway no matter what I try, though.

Oh, uh, wrong F-word. Fuck is not the one that I am sensitively self-censoring about.

It's actively hostile to an entire group of people. Sure, you can block the people who use it, but then half the threads on the site become illegible due to so many missing messages. I don't think it's an acceptable form of expression at all even though the rules do not explicitly mention it (they DO mention racism though).
*genuinely has no idea what the word is you're meaning*
*feels incredibly ignorant for not knowing it*



The Yuri Empress
Dec 25, 2018
We don't have any moderators here, that's why. We used to have one, but they went MIA. Tony (site owner) is just too busy to take care of this place.

We extremely need moderators.

Until then, stick them on ignore like most other people do. It makes it a much, much nicer place.
*genuinely has no idea what the word is you're meaning*
*feels incredibly ignorant for not knowing it*

Fag/faggot, if I'm right (saying it as a queer person myself)


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
We don't have any moderators here, that's why. We used to have one, but they went MIA. Tony (site owner) is just too busy to take care of this place.

We extremely need moderators.

Until then, stick them on ignore like most other people do. It makes it a much, much nicer place.

Fag/faggot, if I'm right (saying it as a queer person myself)
I thought that was a food.
And I thought the shorter one was a cigarette.



Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Yes, but they're also slurs used against queer people (especially queer men). This is true even in the UK. I'm surprised that you haven't heard them before?
I mean...none of my friends ever said it or meant a cigarette for the short version.
As for family, we don't really swear or say nasty things about people's sexual orientation.
The most swear-y my parents get is saying crap, sh?t or b?gger.
I only really say crap.



Matchmaker of Handsome Men
Mar 13, 2019
We don't have any moderators here, that's why. We used to have one, but they went MIA. Tony (site owner) is just too busy to take care of this place.

We extremely need moderators.

Until then, stick them on ignore like most other people do. It makes it a much, much nicer place.

Fag/faggot, if I'm right (saying it as a queer person myself)
I immediately thought of the same one and was genuinely surprised that people honestly thought it might be fuck. I thought the latter was already somewhat of a colloquialism in English and wouldn't faze anyone anymore.
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