SHF Apocalypse Fanfic


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019

@Simple_Russian_Boi talked that he had a yaoi FF about himself somewhere in internet. But is lost forever. Me and Nevafrost disappointed to not read it.
Point worth mentioning is, i prefer yuri though. And well, not that rare to see genderbend characters for stuff.
And, as i watched the video(^), it reminded of Russian "fanfic" and i had a epiphany about it.
Hence create the outline of my own version of a (yuri) fanfic about @Simple_Russian_Boi . And just like promised, "genderbent" Russian. :ROFLMAO:
But what would be a story about a SHF user, WITHOUT other SHF users ? A empty one. A untapped potential one.
And so, my epiphany state that brought me ton of imagination, made me invent a lot of fitting "apocalyptic" lore, that the numerous SHF users that i know.

Video. Fanfic idea.
My pov as [Tsuru]. [Russian] stopping an enemy soldier (the one with silver hair) from killing me.
It ends in wholesome-sad-tragedy as me the (nanomachine) robot, the futuristic next-gen weapon that can evolve. Carry bleeding-out Russian on my back (after beating the female agent that tried to stop the transport of "T-s-u-r-u" that took human form and slightly similar face like a little sis+enemy agent face).
(Russian) Slowly closing eyes, telling the journey was fun "right?". Tsuru not understanding "the concept of fun". Russian : you sure suck at joking like always. (Tsuru : *tears with stoic face*) Russian : ... (silence without response)

Snowing begin slowly. And a base can be seen in the distance.
End of movie.


~~~[Credits page at end of movie]~~~
Special credits to SHF users :

The inventor of T.S.U.R.U
Nickname : "Iamnotabot" (self-proclaimed).
Codename : Botty
Like : All of her inventions. Latest one : TSURU
Hobby : Inventing. And watching [REDACTED]
Contribution to mankind : Immeasurable from the on-going contribution list of TSURU (her last invention) and from previous inventions

The evil one eyed god that try to destroy earth.

The commander that stayed behind during the evacuation,
to activate the self-destruction sequence for the weapon-development base of T.S.U.R.U and all it's data.
Strength : Limit of humankind without reinforcement
IQ : Very high. 2nd only to "Botty"
Reflex : High

The arrogant vampire female commander that sent the enemy female agent. Not caring it succeed or not. Known to love to get women.
vampi (original) drawn by chyan

A magic researcher working on project [TSURU]. Bookish look. Always mumbling stuff. Low presence and easily ignored for some reason despite her beauty. Loner.
yogatari tobari (a.i. voice) drawn by fujifuji0330

The funny smoking blond squad leader in charge of the transport, that try to make everyone smile despite the worse situations.
Family member : A wife in base [REDACTED]

(Photo "Makeup prank by subordinates")

The sexy cantina lady (with a shotgun behind the counter)
Helped defend the base when they began to enter the interiors.
aketa mikoto (idolmaster and 1 more) drawn by 24riside

The new recruit fox-ear girl pilot.
Genius girl. Young. The favorite mascot of the base.
Vehicle : Air support helicopter.
Baited the enemy away in last ambush from enemy agent.

A mysterious man.
Wear a coat, hat, and round black glasses merchant.
Only appear at begin of the story to furnish the food ingredient to the base.
Always having a smoke cookie on their lips.
No talkative.
Strangely said this words in a whisper (while looking at the sky) : It looks like it gonna snow... (as they enter food truck before going away and correcting glasses' position on their nose)

The experimental high-iq monkey soldier that is friendly with everyone in the base. Dislike being called "monkey".
Prefer to be called his codename [W_B_M] = [Weaponized Bio-engineered Monkey]
Nickname : Wooly.
Lost communication when doing a solo counter-ambush of the enemy before final attack.

Image : Black and white photo of the child of Paul (probably the child between Paul and his wife)
The photo isn't in color for some reason. Most likely because Paul possessed a old style photo-taker that he trickered himself from scraps.
(died, bleeding on a rock, in the iron mine that the transport team ran into, to try to escape its pursuers. The abandoned iron mine exploded soon after Paul flashback scene)

A (mega op) lazy dragon in enemy camp.
Choce to continue sleeping after Envy propositioned herself for the task to interrupt the transport of T.S.U.R.U
original drawn by jingliang_j

The enemy council. The black and white forms are [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] in the enemy council.

"Muffin-nium" A subquantum-state "element" not present in the periodic table of elements of humankind before the first attack.
The reason of the war.
The strengthener and also fundamental food of enemy camp that venere the one-eye god (and possibly other alien races in space.)
Earth have lot of its ingredients in it's underground magma layer.
Humans that pray to cookie-GOD, and not muffins. were chosen to be exterminated because of this belief.
(Aaqil seems to be a fervent believer to cookie-god and possibly why he seems unaging and alive despite being a wandering merchant between the bases of humankind. Age : unknown. No data is found about him beside his merchant identity and older than any human alive currently)
Special mention of the Muffin-nium element : Constant chaos state (related to quantum state). Making it impossible to multiply it.
1 nanogram of it. If correctly used, can bring energy for a city for 1year.
Humanity can no longer discard it's use because of sever lack of other alternative for it's energy consumption.
Injection of Muffin-nium, is deadly. Mutations can occur if long contact with it.
windsong (reverse:1999)
Even Foxes Love Fruit and Cheese Muffins! | Itadakimasu Anime!

A pretty female soldier in Paul Squad.
Niece of Paul.
Hobby : Love to write.
Mention : Nice to interact with
fio germi (metal slug) drawn by kawatiw

@TremendousHuman 2.0
#################### is in fact another GOD ####################
######### Their scientist persona is just a human form manifestation, to have fun ###################################
############### Did so to spy both human side and the one-eye god Voidiris (weaker than her) ####################
#### Always craving for fun ###################################
########################## Almighty eyes #################################################################
######### Preferences : Japanese works ###################################
#################### Is the one that revealed to enemy the existence of TSURU (for fun and to see evolving in-battle compared to "safe environment tests") #################################################################
#################### (appear in epilogue scene aftercredits, alive, removing glasses -> ultra pretty with evil grin "Anata ga doko made ikeru ka tanoshimidesu Tsuru") ##################################################

venat (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by abc_(ffxivabc)

A fusion of technology, magic, and beliefs of humanity. No emotions. IQ/EQ unknown.
Form : Anything.
(Initial form : Liquid moving mass composed of nanomachines and some impossible to analyze elements. Books of old civilization would call this form "Slime")
Strength : Unknown. Growing. Fluctuation possible in negative despite growth.
Gender : Female (due to frequent contact with its creator and the female agent and enemy female agent). Personality : Neutral gender
Lifespan : Unknown (current age : 1week)

[Data log n°1 of its main creator name {|#|~|#0(" nickname "Iamnotabot", scientist code Botty : "I DID IT ! Finally ! Can't believe it did it ! You are probably my proudest work now and forever ! *alarm noise* wait wha- An enemy attack it shouldnt be ! The base is impossible to detect ! Unless.... Damnit. No time for thinking i should put TSURU in its container and do just like the evac drills we always did. It should be fine... Can't wait to see the future of TSURU. As the first self-evolving weapon of humanity, humanity stand a chance against "them". I hope you will make me proud Tsuru"
professor and female professor (girls' frontline neural cloud) drawn by meimushi

END Data log entry n°1. No more data log entry.]

Image of Tsuru taken from a working camera in the building where Agent Russian took position against the last attack from pursuers.
Blood seems to have accelerated the data acquisition of TSURU. Need further experimentation if ingestion of specific elements have different effects on TSURU. And if TSURU can read the data of other life-forms from their remains.
Tsuru Form version Mk.3 (human form) (Version Mk.1 is a child form with minimun speaking skills. Version Mk.2 is a human in pre-teen age)

To be continued.
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Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
New sub-entry in entry [Martyrs that helped to the deployment and survival of TSURU in early phase before being functional]
and entry [Event of the launch of TSURU] :

"Russian boi"
Ex-male Super-soldier that participated and survived the experiment of the injection of "Muffin-nium" in their blood.
Only known drawback on their body : Changing their gender to FEMALE
and can't become drunk anymore

Compared to other Better talented super-soldiers, code-name RUSSIAN remains a mystery
as to the reason of why they survived and not the others. Soldiers often use the joke of : "Its probably because of all this vodka in his russian blood". Which is fundamentally illogical as alcohol have 0 effect on muffin-nium. Nor is true that russians have vodka flowing in their blood.
But beside this detail, russian was indeed the only remain russian human in humanity (as their country suffered the first HIT and the long years of the war)
Re-creation of a "russian human" was voted in favor of, but theoretically impossible to do. As russian species and their bodies would need a gigantic number of "generations" to create from scratch, as direct changes to a LAMBDA human won't work. Too long timespan used and too many "human subjects" and materials would be needed, which humanity lack. Finally the probability of failure during implementation and possible pointless results, made the plan be stopped immediately despite the unanimous vote for it.
Other rumor(s) worth to ponder but unlikely : "Its probably because the dude was SO ugly, that GOD, the jackass that he is if he is still specatating us, trolled him"
"I was close to russian like others, and i heard him sometimes joke to us, that he feel he got a mission to do. When asked about it? He replied [To birth more russian maybe? muahahaha!] and we laughed with him because of how outrageously funny it was. But when i reminisce about it...Sometimes i ponder if he didnt joke about, with how serious he looked at that time, and the fact he was the one that protected Tsuru(Mk.0). I miss this mfer...."

Imagery provided by Tsuru Mk.3.0 about "RUSSIAN" when asked about what happened to transport team and everyone of the "[REDACTED] base"

As shown by video. Russian, augmented by Muffin-nium, showcase inhuman strength and reflex, that near rival the enemy most proudest agent of enemy commander [Envy].
Said-agent have a long history of killing lot of our strongest commandos in 1v1 easily and was taught to NEVER ENGAGE and RUN ON SIGHT if hidding is impossible. Only known info is : She is a harem member of [Envy] in her gigantic female harem.
Reflex : Normal (as it can be seen in video-data-2, RUSSIAN couldnt dodge nor block the thrown dagger that destroyed her gun, accelerating her demise in the enemy agent's hand)

Analyze of the whole video of incident [Transport-WeaponTSURU-SafeZoneAlphaBase259] : We can conclude that RUSSIAN has exerted the best choices and best actions for the survival of Weapon [TSURU]. That only 1% of soldiers would choose too. And reduced to 0% because of their lack of strength unlike RUSSIAN.
Her talking to [TSURU] to calm her nerves and because of loneliness and survivor guilt, made TSURU evolve in faster pace. Which is a important detail for the future development of TSURU.
Russian seemed close to Tsuru, especially as Tsuru surprised her with the ability to communicate in week1.

KIA. Post-humous title of : Defender of Humanity
Clone experimentation is in progress.



Agent codename [WhiteSilver]
Harem number n° [UNKNOWN] of [Envy]
Strength : Super-human and more (destroying RUSSIAN's GUN with thrown knife is not her full strength)
Reflex : Can dodge or even block bullets (if necessary), can hit a coin 30-50 meters away with near anything that can be thrown
Speed : Fast. Too fast to aim at, but still in the human eyes range to follow, depending if the person have perfect eyesight
Weapon : Anything. Prefer "melee range". Can use ranged weapons if necessary.
Known fact : Very pretty (known by the rare images before of her, and the video provided by TSURU). Logical as any [Envy] harem member is.

Her face, RUSSIAN face, Botty face, became the model faces used by TSURU to create her own. Some could say that she could easily pass as their family member depending on circumstances.


Worth nothing.

TSURU also demonstrate positive BUT ALSO negative traits of WhiteSilver / RUSSIAN / Botty.
Like strength, super-speed, reflex, emotionless to hyper-expressive, possessiveness, lust, silver-hair, beauty, strange humor with high probability of failure, high IQ/EQ and sometimes very low despite being "mechanical", affinity with some random people, clumsiness, laziness, effectiveness, love creation, love helping, love kissing/hugging, craving attention, loner, childish or sometimes mature, clumsy or dexterous, good advices, very on-point or sometimes weird explanations, problematic language-skills in general, love Russian anthem and songs for some reason, doesnt touch alcohol, greedy, etc... [List goes-on] [See data node (REDACTED) for further detail]
Possible hypothesis that as a "no-initial" form lifeform, and the fact they took data from 3 different entities. Its theorised that TSURU fundamentally can't stick to a trait for long. It can basically said, just like they always evolve in each second, that their state is always in a changing state, or [Chaos]. The chaos element in the muffin-nium further exacerbate this.
TSURU is fundamentally weird, and problematic but can be trusted during serious moments. As can be seen in event [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
Biggest flaw to date : Too kind. Very unlucky and luck (chaos state due to muffin-nium).
Their own solution adapted : Revolving to previous state of [No emotion] with medium-success. But lately back to normal because of interacting with normal people.

End of Base [REDACTED] data log number n°36 about TSURU "The self evolving weapon"
To be continued.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
New entry : Pixytokisaki
This "person" is known to follow the mysterious merchant @Aaqil around. Much to his annoyance (judged from his frowned eyebrows behind his glasses, filmed on multiple occasions on security camera) due to "Saki" greedily eating his own stash of cookies and not their own.
Possess fox-ear and is another rare "Fox" tribe just like @Stealthy_Enigma
Strength : UNKNOWN
Special mention : Do Not Touch Her Cookies (unless given permission) or her ears
Personality : Fun-loving. Shy. Joker. Greedy. Foodie. Cute.
elysia (honkai and 1 more) drawn by shizuka_xsi


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Helmet cam of RUSSIAN before suffering deadly wounds

Tsuru POV Assault number 2 on transport team

Enemy video
Whitesilver fighting another Harem member of [Envy]


Kaleidoscope of Harmonious Contradiction
Apr 20, 2021
Code Name: Kaleido
Known Aliases: [Kali, Kaleithe, Kaleithelieon], Glass Rose, Siriris Estelle Xiorra, Ari Lunari, Siri Solaris, Iris Darkshard, Proto-Níðhǫggr, [Unknown]

Created by an unknown third party under Project: Yggdrasil. Kaleido is believed to be the prototype of an experiment to embed the powers of Void Iris and Prince Azmiran Myrian into one being, Code Name: Níðhǫggr. It is unknown what degree of success they achieved in the creation of Proto-Níðhǫggr. The identity of Kaleido prior to the experiment remains unknown.

Agents of the third party have been captured infiltrating in an attempt to steal intel on the whereabouts of Kaleido. Interrogation revealed this was in order to recover an artifact they called the '0Δ1N Eye', but all captured agents died immediately when this information was revealed. This has led to the belief that they are no longer affiliated.

Kaleido is a known shapeshifter, seen taking the following forms:
Code name: The Twins - A young girl with either white hair and blue eyes and an identical girl with black hair and red eyes. They have been heard to refer to themselves as Siri and Ari, respectively.

Code Name: Odin - A mature woman with long black hair and one eye (purple, the other hidden beneath a strip of cloth). Seen wielding a spear. Self-identifies as 'Siriris'.

Code Name: Maw - Androgynous individual with short black hair and orange eyes. Self-identifies as 'Iris'.

Each form has been seen with wings and horns, as well as without, although the exact shape of these seems to vary. These forms have been confirmed by Kaleido to be Kaleido. Their may be more that have yet to be identified.

Kaleido's personality seems to vary depending on the form they take. It is unclear if this is an attempt at deception, or a reflection of a fractured nature. Regardless, there are traits that remain consistent: a fascination with magic (particularly, obscure applications, and self-sustaining magical constructs), and an urge to discuss philosophical matters whenever the subject arises. Kaleido has demonstrated a notable willingness to talk about themself as well, to share the results of their self-analysis. Unfortunately, they were interrupted before they could share anything significant.

Siri of 'The Twins' seems to be very 'happy-go-lucky', whereas Ari tends towards timidity.

'Odin' presents very aloof and somewhat refined.

'Maw' is sardonic, sarcastic, and a self-professed adrenaline junky.

Power: Moderate? Extremely High (at minimum)
Threat Level: Harmless Unknown (Extremely High?)
Kaleido's exact motivations are unknown. Their previous threat designation was based in the fact that Kaleido seems to be wholly uninterested in interfering with the outside world, preoccupied as they are with "playing around with magic, making random shit. Like dancing elemental fairies! Living spells!!" (according to Siri-Kaleido).

This changed after Kaleido obliterated a heavily defended surface base. The motivations behind this attack are unclear, as there were no survivors, but distant observers noted that the typically aloof Siriris-Kaleido appeared to be absolutely enraged (note, her appearance wasn't atypical; her eye was orange, her hair an ashy grey, and the typically covered eye was uncovered, revealing an iridescent eye of unknown material). No hostile action has been taken by Kaleido since. Operatives are advised to keep their distance, initiate no hostile action, and analyze for potential weaknesses that may be exploited in the event of a second attack.
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Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023

@Simple_Russian_Boi talked that he had a yaoi FF about himself somewhere in internet. But is lost forever. Me and Nevafrost disappointed to not read it.
Point worth mentioning is, i prefer yuri though. And well, not that rare to see genderbend characters for stuff.
And, as i watched the video(^), it reminded of Russian "fanfic" and i had a epiphany about it.
Hence create the outline of my own version of a (yuri) fanfic about @Simple_Russian_Boi . And just like promised, "genderbent" Russian. :ROFLMAO:
But what would be a story about a SHF user, WITHOUT other SHF users ? A empty one. A untapped potential one.
And so, my epiphany state that brought me ton of imagination, made me invent a lot of fitting "apocalyptic" lore, that the numerous SHF users that i know.

Video. Fanfic idea.
My pov as [Tsuru]. [Russian] stopping an enemy soldier (the one with silver hair) from killing me.
It ends in wholesome-sad-tragedy as me the (nanomachine) robot, the futuristic next-gen weapon that can evolve. Carry bleeding-out Russian on my back (after beating the female agent that tried to stop the transport of "T-s-u-r-u" that took human form and slightly similar face like a little sis+enemy agent face).
(Russian) Slowly closing eyes, telling the journey was fun "right?". Tsuru not understanding "the concept of fun". Russian : you sure suck at joking like always. (Tsuru : *tears with stoic face*) Russian : ... (silence without response)

Snowing begin slowly. And a base can be seen in the distance.
End of movie.


~~~[Credits page at end of movie]~~~
Special credits to SHF users :

The inventor of T.S.U.R.U
Nickname : "Iamnotabot" (self-proclaimed).
Codename : Botty
Like : All of her inventions. Latest one : TSURU
Hobby : Inventing. And watching [REDACTED]
Contribution to mankind : Immeasurable from the on-going contribution list of TSURU (her last invention) and from previous inventions

The evil one eyed god that try to destroy earth.

The commander that stayed behind during the evacuation,
to activate the self-destruction sequence for the weapon-development base of T.S.U.R.U and all it's data.
Strength : Limit of humankind without reinforcement
IQ : Very high. 2nd only to "Botty"
Reflex : High

The arrogant vampire female commander that sent the enemy female agent. Not caring it succeed or not. Known to love to get women.
vampi (original) drawn by chyan

A magic researcher working on project [TSURU]. Bookish look. Always mumbling stuff. Low presence and easily ignored for some reason despite her beauty. Loner.
yogatari tobari (a.i. voice) drawn by fujifuji0330

The funny smoking blond squad leader in charge of the transport, that try to make everyone smile despite the worse situations.
Family member : A wife in base [REDACTED]

(Photo "Makeup prank by subordinates")

The sexy cantina lady (with a shotgun behind the counter)
Helped defend the base when they began to enter the interiors.
aketa mikoto (idolmaster and 1 more) drawn by 24riside

The new recruit fox-ear girl pilot.
Genius girl. Young. The favorite mascot of the base.
Vehicle : Air support helicopter.
Baited the enemy away in last ambush from enemy agent.

A mysterious man.
Wear a coat, hat, and round black glasses merchant.
Only appear at begin of the story to furnish the food ingredient to the base.
Always having a smoke cookie on their lips.
No talkative.
Strangely said this words in a whisper (while looking at the sky) : It looks like it gonna snow... (as they enter food truck before going away and correcting glasses' position on their nose)

The experimental high-iq monkey soldier that is friendly with everyone in the base. Dislike being called "monkey".
Prefer to be called his codename [W_B_M] = [Weaponized Bio-engineered Monkey]
Nickname : Wooly.
Lost communication when doing a solo counter-ambush of the enemy before final attack.

Image : Black and white photo of the child of Paul (probably the child between Paul and his wife)
The photo isn't in color for some reason. Most likely because Paul possessed a old style photo-taker that he trickered himself from scraps.
(died, bleeding on a rock, in the iron mine that the transport team ran into, to try to escape its pursuers. The abandoned iron mine exploded soon after Paul flashback scene)

A (mega op) lazy dragon in enemy camp.
Choce to continue sleeping after Envy propositioned herself for the task to interrupt the transport of T.S.U.R.U
original drawn by jingliang_j

The enemy council. The black and white forms are [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] in the enemy council.

"Muffin-nium" A subquantum-state "element" not present in the periodic table of elements of humankind before the first attack.
The reason of the war.
The strengthener and also fundamental food of enemy camp that venere the one-eye god (and possibly other alien races in space.)
Earth have lot of its ingredients in it's underground magma layer.
Humans that pray to cookie-GOD, and not muffins. were chosen to be exterminated because of this belief.
(Aaqil seems to be a fervent believer to cookie-god and possibly why he seems unaging and alive despite being a wandering merchant between the bases of humankind. Age : unknown. No data is found about him beside his merchant identity and older than any human alive currently)
Special mention of the Muffin-nium element : Constant chaos state (related to quantum state). Making it impossible to multiply it.
1 nanogram of it. If correctly used, can bring energy for a city for 1year.
Humanity can no longer discard it's use because of sever lack of other alternative for it's energy consumption.
Injection of Muffin-nium, is deadly. Mutations can occur if long contact with it.
windsong (reverse:1999)
Even Foxes Love Fruit and Cheese Muffins! | Itadakimasu Anime!

A pretty female soldier in Paul Squad.
Niece of Paul.
Hobby : Love to write.
Mention : Nice to interact with
fio germi (metal slug) drawn by kawatiw

@TremendousHuman 2.0
#################### is in fact another GOD ####################
######### Their scientist persona is just a human form manifestation, to have fun ###################################
############### Did so to spy both human side and the one-eye god Voidiris (weaker than her) ####################
#### Always craving for fun ###################################
########################## Almighty eyes #################################################################
######### Preferences : Japanese works ###################################
#################### Is the one that revealed to enemy the existence of TSURU (for fun and to see evolving in-battle compared to "safe environment tests") #################################################################
#################### (appear in epilogue scene aftercredits, alive, removing glasses -> ultra pretty with evil grin "Anata ga doko made ikeru ka tanoshimidesu Tsuru") ##################################################

venat (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by abc_(ffxivabc)

A fusion of technology, magic, and beliefs of humanity. No emotions. IQ/EQ unknown.
Form : Anything.
(Initial form : Liquid moving mass composed of nanomachines and some impossible to analyze elements. Books of old civilization would call this form "Slime")
Strength : Unknown. Growing. Fluctuation possible in negative despite growth.
Gender : Female (due to frequent contact with its creator and the female agent and enemy female agent). Personality : Neutral gender
Lifespan : Unknown (current age : 1week)

[Data log n°1 of its main creator name {|#|~|#0(" nickname "Iamnotabot", scientist code Botty : "I DID IT ! Finally ! Can't believe it did it ! You are probably my proudest work now and forever ! *alarm noise* wait wha- An enemy attack it shouldnt be ! The base is impossible to detect ! Unless.... Damnit. No time for thinking i should put TSURU in its container and do just like the evac drills we always did. It should be fine... Can't wait to see the future of TSURU. As the first self-evolving weapon of humanity, humanity stand a chance against "them". I hope you will make me proud Tsuru"
professor and female professor (girls' frontline neural cloud) drawn by meimushi' frontline neural cloud) drawn by meimushi

END Data log entry n°1. No more data log entry.]

Image of Tsuru taken from a working camera in the building where Agent Russian took position against the last attack from pursuers.
Blood seems to have accelerated the data acquisition of TSURU. Need further experimentation if ingestion of specific elements have different effects on TSURU. And if TSURU can read the data of other life-forms from their remains.
Tsuru Form version Mk.3 (human form) (Version Mk.1 is a child form with minimun speaking skills. Version Mk.2 is a human in pre-teen age)

To be continued.
Me, after seeing that I was not on the list:



Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Code Name: Kaleido
Known Aliases: [Kali, Kaleithe, Kaleithelieon], Glass Rose, Siriris Estelle Xiorra, Ari Lunari, Siri Solaris, Iris Darkshard, Proto-Níðhǫggr, [Unknown]

Created by an unknown third party under Project: Yggdrasil. Kaleido is believed to be the prototype of an experiment to embed the powers of Void Iris and Prince Azmiran Myrian into one being, Code Name: Níðhǫggr. It is unknown what degree of success they achieved in the creation of Proto-Níðhǫggr. The identity of Kaleido prior to the experiment remains unknown.

Agents of the third party have been captured infiltrating in an attempt to steal intel on the whereabouts of Kaleido. Interrogation revealed this was in order to recover an artifact they called the '0Δ1N Eye', but all captured agents died immediately when this information was revealed. This has led to the belief that they are no longer affiliated.

Kaleido is a known shapeshifter, seen taking the following forms:
Code name: The Twins - A young girl with either white hair and blue eyes and an identical girl with black hair and red eyes. They have been heard to refer to themselves as Siri and Ari, respectively.

Code Name: Odin - A mature woman with long black hair and one eye (purple, the other hidden beneath a strip of cloth). Seen wielding a spear. Self-identifies as 'Siriris'.

Code Name: Maw - Androgynous individual with short black hair and orange eyes. Self-identifies as 'Iris'.

Each form has been seen with wings and horns, as well as without, although the exact shape of these seems to vary. These forms have been confirmed by Kaleido to be Kaleido. Their may be more that have yet to be identified.

Kaleido's personality seems to vary depending on the form they take. It is unclear if this is an attempt at deception, or a reflection of a fractured nature. Regardless, there are traits that remain consistent: a fascination with magic (particularly, obscure applications, and self-sustaining magical constructs), and an urge to discuss philosophical matters whenever the subject arises. Kaleido has demonstrated a notable willingness to talk about themself as well, to share the results of their self-analysis. Unfortunately, they were interrupted before they could share anything significant.

Siri of 'The Twins' seems to be very 'happy-go-lucky', whereas Ari tends towards timidity.

'Odin' presents very aloof and somewhat refined.

'Maw' is sardonic, sarcastic, and a self-professed adrenaline junky.

Power: Moderate? Extremely High (at minimum)
Threat Level: Harmless Unknown (Extremely High?)
Kaleido's exact motivations are unknown. Their previous threat designation was based in the fact that Kaleido seems to be wholly uninterested in interfering with the outside world, preoccupied as they are with "playing around with magic, making random shit. Like dancing elemental fairies! Living spells!!" (according to Siri-Kaleido).

This changed after Kaleido obliterated a heavily defended surface base. The motivations behind this attack are unclear, as there were no survivors, but distant observers noted that the typically aloof Siriris-Kaleido appeared to be absolutely enraged (note, her appearance wasn't atypical; her eye was orange, her hair an ashy grey, and the typically covered eye was uncovered, revealing an iridescent eye of unknown material). No hostile action has been taken by Kaleido since. Operatives are advised to keep their distance, initiate no hostile action, and analyze for potential weaknesses that may be exploited in the event of a second attack.
Twins form : Siri & Ari
enoshima junko and ikusaba mukuro (danganronpa and 1 more) drawn by chongzhen_085

(Recommend to add images to your text ^^b, website danbooru)

(This one used gelbooru for free search of more than 2 tags)


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Amazing, @Tsuru ! I'm really curious to see how this will continue!
Here is my character. If any adjustments are needed to fit him into the lore, just let me know.

Name: M.C.
Age: [REDACTED] (Appears older despite looking younger than his actual age)
Gender: Male

Personality: Helpful, exhibits exceptional care towards those he considers guests, showing great dedication to his masters.
Reticent, rarely engages in deep conversation, keeping dialogues superficial.

Occupation: Officially, a butler for Iamnotabot. Unofficially, a sniper assassin.

Skills and Abilities: Proficient sniper, can remain motionless for days while waiting for his target, with exceptional accuracy.
Highly skilled in combat, though limited by his old age, illness, and war injuries, he avoids direct confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Determined, once given an order to eliminate a target, he will stop at nothing to complete the mission, regardless of the time or difficulties involved.

Health Issues: Suffers from asthma and always carries a portable respirator.
Personal Interests: Loves matcha tea and always carries a hot thermos of tea in his briefcase, along with his sniper rifle.

Personal Quest: Searching for his missing daughter (M.I.A.) but [REDACTED]

Relationships: Considers TSURU, in her human form, as his kohai and sees his daughter in her.