SHF High-school Fanfic


Suffering in Final period
Apr 22, 2022
(⁠⁠⁠❀≧∇≦)˝∩˝ Sleep tight!~


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
guys guys I appreciate the code blocks but I come here to slack off and procrastinate, not question what kind of black magic someone programmed. I do that enough on weekdays (the someone in question is me)
Look up brain fuck (coding language) if you haven’t heard of it~
… am I in any clubs? If you don’t count the Student Fox Club (and since I don’t recall its usage in-story, I don’t), I believe I am a free spirit.
You can join the stabbing club~
I got in anyways~
:blob_reach: *huggles back* :blob_melt:

That reminds me that today I was dreaming that Nahrenne came back :blob_hmm_two: It was quite realistic. Had to do double check after waking up if it actually happened or was it a dream :sweating_profusely:
Where did she disappear to anyways~?
Ane-san, there's a full moon! Is the matter of plant wereism still valid or is it obsolete?
Danny can only be a daikon if I allow her to be~
I wonder how my Cute Symbiote is doing :blob_hmm_two:
I’m not cute!!!
And slightly better?
Yeah, she's been quite sick :blob_pat_sad: I miss being stabbed :blob_pat_sad: Severe Azure deficit
*stabs more*
*stabs even more*
No more Azure deficit!!!
Sneak peek at what I'm working on:

Water drops fall incessantly from the ceiling of the dark room, each echoing like a ticking clock in this forgotten prison where Danny lies.
She no longer knows how long he has been there - hours, days, millennia seem to blend into a timeless limbo.
The only vivid memory that remains is the supernatural sensation of having been stabbed and the face of your Stabbress, imprinted in her mind like a firebrand.

Suddenly, the metallic sound of a lock opening breaks the suffocating silence.

Danny's heart races.
"Could it be?" she whispers to herself in a faint voice, her desperate soul hanging on to hope.

"Danny, I heard you talking. You're daydreaming about her, aren't you? She's not coming back," says a voice.
Cold and relentless.
Not again…
Alright, good night everyone! :blob_reach: