SHF High-school Fanfic


| Azure tamer | Harbinger of chaos and soup
Dec 7, 2023
*gives you +1000 in intellegence*
*Genius Daikon noises* :blob_uwu: *so smart*
Cute~ Do some more~
:blob_melt: ehehe... Oke :blob_melt:
(._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) \ (•◡•) /
Nope~ You’re intelligence is simply beyond reality’s comprehension~
:blob_aww: :blob_melt: :blob_uwu: Her Stabbyness says this Daikon is very smart :blob_uwu: :blob_melt:
Oi! I'm being praised here! :blob_nom:


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
No, it's not worth it but pranking them is always an option

Edit: actually cursing them doesn't sound all that bad although not to the extreme
Maybe something more playful like getting hit in the face by a pie every time you tell a lie
Your pettiness is subpar, you are not a Fae. This is the final verdict.
A Fae goes above and beyond to mess someone's life up when they feel insulted.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2024
*Ugh.. what are they discussing about this time? Anyways... this apple... am I supposed to just eat it? I know eating unknown cosmic fruits is probably a terrible idea(how shocking...) but it's not like I could just leave it to rot...*

Oh well, I guess I shouldn't waste food...


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
*Ugh.. what are they discussing about this time? Anyways... this apple... am I supposed to just eat it? I know eating unknown cosmic fruits is probably a terrible idea(how shocking...) but it's not like I could just leave it to rot...*

Oh well, I guess I shouldn't waste food...
And just like that you turned into a puppet with strings and everything a puppet is known for, it's only temporary but suddenly losing control of your body scares the life out of you


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
Your pettiness is subpar, you are not a Fae. This is the final verdict.
A Fae goes above and beyond to mess someone's life up when they feel insulted.
I was just theory crafting on the idea, no need to be that serious honestly


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
Your pettiness is subpar, you are not a Fae. This is the final verdict.
Being petty doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your race though?
And also this was me asking if Angels and Fae are part of the same family tree and not if angels are actual fae if I'm making sense
A Fae goes above and beyond to mess someone's life up when they feel insulted.
Well cursing a mortal gets boring once they die, and even if the curse transfers over from generation to generation you're more likely than not bored from it repeating over and over


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
If you think about it, it's the perfect metaphor for existence. Especially if one has a pessimistic view, that nothing we do really matters on such an immense scale that we can't even imagine, in a time where our passage isn't even a blink of an eye. Just like North, South, East, and West, up or down have no meaning in space-time, and that even time doesn't exist, yet in our small world, they are defining and impactful things. This flight of fancy is to say that essentially what matters is perspective, ultimately tying back to what you say, that there is a universe within us.
Mhm, one of my MCs is aware of the existence of a hyper-advanced god-like civilization, so advanced that every technology, every secret has already been uncovered by them. Even useless and impractical questions like "can we calculate the future state of the universe on pieces of bond paper?", "can we create a ringworld supported by 4 massive elephants?", "can we use the topology of a donut to seal a being that can transcend dimensions endlessly and infinitely?" or "can the entirety of space-time rest upon the back of a turtle?", they know the answer to with absolute certainty, because they've tried it in practice, no matter how absurd. Solely for the purpose of having said they had done so.

Despite knowing that everything she will ever do has already been done by someone else, she still does it regardless. Because she's not Them. even if she was straight up invited to their civilization at one point. And now she's out to experience every life that has ever been lived... which, considering the scale of my universe, she won't be able to accomplish it even in an eternity.
I've spoken out of turn (not a new thing), thanks for correcting me.

But it remains the fact that I'm intrigued by a shared universe, including the "Droplets." It requires a lot of initial groundwork, but once rules and characters are established, it allows you to save time on the next story and creates a sense of connection between everything the author does. It's not so different from what Tolkien did. Should I create my own universe too? I know for sure I'd like to visit yours first.
Up to you :sweat_smile:, it's the whole reason I don't have any stories published. I spend too much time adding onto it.
Description is definitely important in this journey, but so are the viewer and the POV. It reminds me of that episode of Futurama where Fry wants to go to the Moon as if it's something incredible, while the rest of his group considers it trivial.
This is why I've taken interest in writing a story where the POV starts out in some ancient civilization, and time slowly progresses to the modern day, maybe even into the future. I've written the first chapter... but it's difficult to create an entire history... even if it's just the course of our real world with magic on top.

Certainly! I don't know how to do it, but I want to use any of your IDs. I would really like that. I have no expectations.
Hmm, I thought of who would be more newbie friendly to solo with, and I've come up with two IDs. So answer this...

Do you prefer Ishmael in a diving suit, or Ryoshu in a maid outfit? :blob_evil:
I'll throw in nun Rodya as well... she might be the best since you don't have to learn how to use evade.
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Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
A Fae goes above and beyond to mess someone's life up when they feel insulted.
That's not true! Reina is nice.... right? :sweat_smile:
She will draw you in with a wholesome, active relationship that lasts for several years. Plan out a bright and happy future with you. Get pregnant with (several) children. Then she spoils them with such enthusiasm that it leaves you both financially crippled. But that's okay, right? You're both happy. But then the marriage grows bitter and starts slowly breaking apart as you both grow distant and more interested in other partners. She's abusive, beats you up everyday, and cries and tells you she's sorry afterwards. Only to do it again. You, obviously, like it. This causes the children to grow afraid of you two and become bullied at school. You two, being terrible parents, completely ignore this as your children fall deeper and deeper into depression. She falls into depression too, she starts keeping the electronics on all day, leaves the windows open and constantly forgets to turn off the running water. You fall into debt. Then, only when you're completely stripped of all your material possessions, going off the deep end in both physical and mental health, does she enact her plan.

She disappears completely, for good. As if she never existed to begin with. You're left broken with a bunch of traumatized children. The baggage will stay with you for the rest of your life. You're left listless with no idea how to move forward, if such a future is even possible for you anymore.

Dw though it's just a little bit of trolling
Also, would this count as Fae activity? Does this mean Seymour is a fae? :blob_shock:


| Azure tamer | Harbinger of chaos and soup
Dec 7, 2023
But I can’t reach…? You’re still pinning me to the floor~
Oh... You're right :sweat_smile: whops~ hmm... Oke
*Without moving aside plops down*
Now hands are free but you're still pinned and can't escape :blob_evil: *very proud of her master plan Daikon noises*


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
Oh... You're right :sweat_smile: whops~ hmm... Oke
*Without moving aside plops down*
Now hands are free but you're still pinned and can't escape :blob_evil: *very proud of her master plan Daikon noises*
Foolish daikon~
*sits up partially*
*rolls over*
Now you’re pinned, ehehe~