Solo leveling hot takes


The One who has the Eyes
Dec 10, 2021
Tried to get into it, but learned straight away its more about power fantasy than it is consistent and logical storytelling so I noped on out. I wasn't going to waste my time on it when I know I would only find more reasons to not like it if I kept reading.


Gamer / Astronaut / Idol / Author / Vampire
Apr 27, 2023
haven't seen the anime yet, only read the manwha, and imo it's as generic as generic can get, even for a power fantasy. It got carried by the art for sure.
I feel like it had a lot of potentially interesting characters that got completely overlooked by the author.

For instance, his sister's trauma after the school incident could have added depth to the story. It would have been great to see how she coped with it and eventually overcame the trauma. However, this entire issue was resolved off-screen. The same goes for the female member from the Ahjin guild; her joining made me excited because I was expecting some funny interactions with her and the main cast, but the author just forgot about her right after she got introduced. The heroine with the sensitive nose also had potential, but it never played a significant role in the story. I feel like her relationship with Jinwoo also developed entirely off-screen. The Chinese hunter, who got hyped up for soooo long, ended up being entirely useless. I feel like he was made just to make Jinwoo look better. The only character I genuinely liked was the one who became chairman after the original chairman's death. He was well-written and interesting, and my favorite character in the story. Btw sorry for not using their names; I really struggle with remembering Korean names lol

The only reason I kept reading was because it was kind of like pokémon to me, 'Who will his next shadow be!?' was my main motivation for continuing the story haha.