The Insincere Post Ironic Unhelpful Feedback Thread


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Reading other threads made me want to do my own feedback thread. But if I earnestly tried I’d probably give up after like the first 2 stories. So here is a post-ironic and largely unhelpful feedback thread. I may or may not read your story, but either way I’ll still give advice.

Standard rules and things.

I’m only gonna read things posted by the original author
No downloads or anything
You can post something listed on a site other than SH, but I’ll be less likely to read it.
And most importantly don’t take the feedback to seriously


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
That was a pretty short story, but I can’t complain too much. The grammar and punctuation are good and it had a positive message.
Thank you for the helpful feedback, the story you have shown me moved me many times to tears, you forever changed my life, I couldn't thank you enough for the wonderful threat you have created.


Active member
Jun 7, 2023
Hello. I know this isn't a SH story (yet), but I've been looking for people to give me feedback on my draft for an isekai litRPG. Please let me know what you think, and I probably should apologize in advance if the formatting looks weird. I was gonna post this as a pdf.


Owl Who Reads · Hoot Hoot
Apr 8, 2023
Give it to me straight doc


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Hello. I know this isn't a SH story (yet), but I've been looking for people to give me feedback on my draft for an isekai litRPG. Please let me know what you think, and I probably should apologize in advance if the formatting looks weird. I was gonna post this as a pdf.

Okay first things first I think the synopsis is a bit too much focused on the traits of the main character. It still talks about the plot a bit but more plot description would be preferable. If you want to look at some really good synopsises (synopsi? Synopsizes?) I recommend looking at my anime list, anything in their top 100 should have a pretty good synopsis (make sure it says mal rewrite on the bottom). I hate being a degen weeb, but the synopsizes on IMDB are garbage, alternatively if you own a YA dystopian novel those usually have some pretty decent synoptics. Alternatively alternatively you could read some of the synopsisi that I’ve written, becomes I’m the greatest.

So the start of the story is generally pretty good about explaining things. The exception being the prologue, it introduces a lot of proper nouns, but doesn’t give them much description or definition. I didn’t read far enough to see if these characters and groups/objects pop up again the story, but even if they do I think giving them a good description in the prologue will help a lot.

Lastly, I think the story would benefit a lot if you added in a giant robot. Like a big gundam that shoots lasers out of its eyes, and has a big missile launcher. Like some armored core shit. Obviously you can’t add a giant robot without another giant robot for it to fight, so it’d be best to add a couple of them, half a dozen at least. I think in the prologue, you could make it so all the gods are giant robots. Like they’re robot gods, or that’s just what they appear to mortals as. Maybe they can even transform like Optimus prime or something.

Anyway I hope you post on SH soon. It seems like you already have quite a bit written.

Give it to me straight doc

Okay so the first I noticed reading was that the paragraphs in the story are very short. I think you have a lot of paragraphs that are similar enough to be combined into one. To me smaller paragraphs are preferable to a giant wall of text, but I still think it will flow nicer if you combine some.

The story goes by pretty fast, and doesn’t waste any time, which some readers might enjoy, but not really my thing. In the first chapter you have a pretty cool setting, a desolate, repugnant swamp, with a bunch of dead bodies. It’s a cool setting but I think it could use some more description, when I was reading I really wanted to get more of a picture of what the place looked like.

Last and most importantly the story is lacking something really important. The story could really use a cute comedic relief character. Someone to make sarcastic quips at the expense of the main character. I think maybe if you took one of the crows from the first chapter, and maybe made them like a magic talking animal that joins the mc on his journey, I think that’d work pretty well. It’s important that’s it’s something you can make into a marketable plushy.



Oct 5, 2022

To hell with facts! We need stories.
Source: Ken Kesey
Dec 24, 2023
I love feedback of all forms on my little story! Its smutty you've been warned.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021

I have only created the Synopsis and the glossary of the MC and FL. I'm... not happy with it. It's technically true and includes everything in a nutshell, but it doesn't have... Pizzazz.



Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022

To hell with facts! We need stories.
Source: Ken Kesey
Right off the bat the synopsis is very vague. It‘s similar to how they write plot synopsisi on IMDb, a few sentences that give more of a mood for the story rather than an explanation of the first (few) chapters.

The story uses decimal chapters. This is just subjective but I’m not a very big fan of that. I prefer longer chapters that contain scene breaks. I did see that there are some longer chapters with scene breaks. Another thing I noticed was that in first chapter, the parts have various different lengths, not bad in off itself just something I noticed.

Grammar, spelling and punctuation all seem pretty good. I feel like dialog paragraphs are used effectively, sometimes with SH stories I find that dialog is too short or too long read very fluid as a conversation, but didn’t really have that problem.

Finally I uploaded the story to a deep machine learning algorithm developed by NASA that will tell me exactly what the story needs. This was the results, so make of it what you will.

I love feedback of all forms on my little story! Its smutty you've been warned.

Okay so the synopsis is pretty good. I feel like it’s the perfect length for the site, and less wouldn’t be enough detail, and anymore would be too much to ask a browsing reader to go through. I’m sure it could be better, but I can’t really tell you how to do that.

One of my first problems is with the chat logs in the first chapter. I never written a chat log in a story, so I couldn’t tell you a better way to do it, but it just didn’t look too great too me. But I don’t expect to see chat messages much outside the first chapter so it’s probably not something to worry about.

I think as far as layout goes there are some paragraphs that can be combined together, and that the story would be more visually pleasing with a line break between dialog paragraphs.

This is completely personal opinion, but I don’t like 1.x chapters. The chapters each seem to be a pretty solid length so personally I would just do ‘chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3‘ and so on. And then I would do like ‘chapter 14 [End of part 1]‘ or something like that. Anyway time to consult the AI



Need motivation
Sep 11, 2021
I've been procrastinating on this story for a good... (checks calendar) one year oh god

Maybe your feedback will help kick my lazy brain back into Google docs...anyway here it is:



Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021

Do me dad!


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022

I have only created the Synopsis and the glossary of the MC and FL. I'm... not happy with it. It's technically true and includes everything in a nutshell, but it doesn't have... Pizzazz.

Okay, cover looks pretty good. Has the title, and isn’t an obvious ai generated headshot.

Synopsis is pretty good. It’s the right length. I think you might want to explain some of the terms like rules lawyer or munchkin. Even if it’s a litrpg story some readers may not recognize the phrases.

I’m sure you’ll add more with time, but right now the story is a little light on tags. You‘ll want to load up on as many tags as you can to maximize visibility if that’s something that concerns you, but as the story isn’t out yet I can imagine you’ll do this in time.

Since the story hasn’t been fully fleshed out yet I’m gonna give you some suggestions. I don’t really know much about litrpgs, but I think there’s something called a system. You should have a unique system.

I saw your story has the invisibility tag. I think this may be major problem for readers. I don’t know they are supposed to read it if they won’t be able to see it.


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022

So to start off with the synopsis, it isn't bad per se, but it doesn't give a lot of information. The title is very descriptive and offsets the need to have a very information-heavy synopsis, but the synopsis is still a bit vague and wastes a lot of space by going into excessive detail. What I like about the synopsis is that it is first person, like the rest of the story (or at least the bits that I've read.). A lot of first-person stories still have third-person synopsizes, so I think it's a neat little detail to make the story more unique.

As based as quoting Eisenhower is, it still is a bit jarring for that to be the first thing you see in chapter 1. Also with chapter 1 I'd go into a little more detail about the pov character & life before getting into the emotional bits. I think better understanding the relationship between the characters would make the rest of the chapter more impactful.

Finally, you have Life and you have Death, so maybe you could add like their secret love child Undeath, which the main character doesn't know about. And maybe later in the story Undeath shows up and goes all like 'your not my father, I don't have to listen to you'. Undeath should be a moody kid who hates his father, and only listens to MCR and Panic at the Disco. I think that would really add an interesting unexpected dynamic into the story.