The joy of giving


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
I will have the opportunity to go home for Easter. Long story short, during the training period in my new job, we still don't have to work on the holidays. I didn't want to go home empty-handed, so I asked my mom what she would like from the capitol. One can find almost anything here. She said she didn't want anything, but I didn't accept that. So, I decided to buy mom and dad a T-shirt each. Not a 10 lev knock-off, but something high-class. Something they could wear with a smile.

So, I went to the shop from which I bought my clothes when I came here on the 18th (All of my other clothes were old, some didn't even fit. I just didn't have space in my luggage for them. Honestly, I didn't want to look like a country bumpkin, either. For three years I saved up money, didn't allow myself new things. So, it was ok to buy an entire new wardrobe.) and looked around.

The shop assistant was really nice, even if she hoped I'd leave 250 Euro in her shop again. She found me the two T-shirts in record time, and even told me which bus I needed to take to get to the central bus station, when I told her I was going home.

So, in a way, I got the opportunity to buy presents for my parents, since after Easter, I would not be going home until New Year, or maybe even later than that. And the shop assistant made me the present of telling me how to get home.

It just makes me smile. I had such fears I wouldn't fit in the capital, since I didn't fit in the other towns I moved into. But the people here are nice.

Happy Saturday!


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
You know what's free that can be given to everyone and anyone anywhere, at any time?


Rated E for Everyone.