Tipping culture


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Are you sure it's a good term? I thought socialism is directed towards individual rather than corporation so it sounds like an oxymoron.
I'd say neoliberal: the government says it's a free market except they do insider trading
Socialism is where government controls the economy, capitalism is where individuals do.
No country is truly capitalistic in reality (it’s impossible to have an unregulated market without bloodshed or use of force).

Socialism isn’t all bad though, there is a requirement for some socialism for law and order. Police and military are socialist institutions, but even most capitalists wouldn’t complain.

I don’t see socialism as moral or amoral, similar to how I see capitalism, it’s who is in charge that makes the difference in socialism while in theory Capitalism is supposed to be a situation where someone’s merit gets them ahead (but all capitalistic societies end up in socialism one way or another).


Isekai express delivery
Feb 18, 2021
Did you mean that US is a place where corporation are owned by individuals that happen to have ties with the government?

If you say socialism, it means that the entities (schools, hospitals, factories, corporation) are public and I don't think it's what causes problems in US such as tipping.

More specifically, I think it's the fact that the influential individuals have personal share into the corporations and have interest in maximizing profits by ensuring the lowest level of rights for workers. But they own them secretely as individuals rather than government entities.

You consider socialism and capitalism by their level of control, but I think it's not the axis that define them because afaik their versions with higher level of control are communism and neoliberalism.

It's true that socialism takes away a minimum of individual freedom, like you don't really create your private firefighter company and sell subscription to your neighborhood and secretely set stuff on fire

I'm saying that because complaining about too much socialism in US is like a dehydrated man in a desert complaining there's too much water around. There's not much publicly managed entities in US compared to other countries, but if you refer to private corporations that earn legal high ground by secretely suck senators' dick, then it makes more sense than saying everything is the fault of publicly owned entities.


Professional Writer
Jun 2, 2020
Simple. To build up a relationship.

If I could do it myself, and you do it for me, and I tip you, You are more likely to want to X in the future. It's called random reinforcement and is a psychological tactic that is proven to produce better results. Set reinforcement, like what you Non-Mericans do, is basically why you are all so lazy, want 22 weeks vacation ever year, think health insurance is a right not a privilege, require 'Merica to be the world police, and are sad.
Just... sad.

If Ukraine just tipped its waitresses, Putin never would have tried anything.

Actually, we should do away with minimum wage entirely. Minimum wage CAUSES inflation.
It'd be a tough few years, but it's happened in other countries and wages actually don't go down, on average. Certain jobs drop through the floor, but most jobs actually increase as a result. So the overall net wage increase is better, while nonsense jobs that are worthless, but need to get done get priced according to the market.

Or do you honestly believe that someone flipping my burgers should be doing that as a CAREER for the rest of his life?
This is the stupidest thing I've seen someone say about minimum wage in awhile. You could literally buy a house while working minimum wage like 50 years ago. What changed? Most of the inflation we experience is due to something called fractional reserve banking. Basically, the banks are allowed to create money out of nothing. On top of that there has been a drastic increase in the cost of living and drop in wages due to immigration and an excess of labor. Why pay people more as inflation goes up, when you can hire someone from Mexico or India for half the price? Also guess what, your new replacement now needs a house, food, and other amenities, thus further Increasing the demand and therefore price. Increasing the minimum wage actually helps offset a lot of the problems we have, but the only way to solve the root cause would be banking reform and a total shutdown of immigration and massive amounts of deportation.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Did you mean that US is a place where corporation are owned by individuals that happen to have ties with the government?


Im saying that the US is a place where people vote in individuals who then make laws that regulate the economy to benefit specific corporations.

Socialism is defined as a public entity regulating economics, which is regulation of the means of production, exchange etc.

Those laws voted in by the politicians we elect benefit corporations (even if they say it’s for the people) by preventing small businesses from opening and competing under the guise of “fair labor.”

Thus corporate socialism.

Again, I am not advocating for ZERO socialism, nor am I advocating for ALL capitalism. Any system needs both to survive, it’s just with corruption it’ll always eventually get unbalanced