Ungodly Amount of Power Debuffs on a Character


Apr 22, 2024
I am helping on writing a **normal** story with someone that has 10 arcs. (like 40-50 chapters each is the plan)

-1. academy (lame arc that is mandatory for world development)
-2. grindset
-the rest. misery and plot twist (should be fun)

unnr3321 is 13 chapters in the story. huzzah!

Now I don't know about that person, but I need ideas for MORE power limitations on the MC (for the plot, guys!). He already has a majorly debuff-inducing illness. (cant use magic or magic related skills. his immune system is trash.;; his weak strength was due to him being a shut-in for two years.)

basic info:
> power system (like manhwa)
> magic in the story
> constellations and incarnation stuff
> manhwa cliches
> lazy AF MC with awful luck and shit life outside the academy
Got any ideas to feed me? :blob_evil_two:
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2020
The constellations themselves could have agendas that either hinder or help the MC at inopportune moments? < 3


A bad apple...
Jul 21, 2023
Have his magic use linked to someone else (friends, lovers, family, random person who gets too close)*- the more he draws, the more it hurts them. Even if gets resolved, should give him a nice case of ptsd about using magic that surfaces at inopportune times.

*There was a series that did something similar, if you used magic it drew the power from a random person somewhere in the world, could be anyone, anywhere, didn't need any connection to you. That unfortunate would be exhausted, collapse, or die depending on the spell.
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Apr 22, 2024
Have his magic use linked to someone else- the more he draws, the more it hurts them. Even if gets resolved, should give him a nice case of ptsd about using magic that surfaces at inopportune times.
Sounds like an awesome idea. Would definitely deepen some bonds and add depth to the plot.
>I'll tell unr to look at this thread.
I was worried about how unr would make the MC an OP one when the MC's magic is debuffed asl. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2022
Are you one of those sadist author to smting, also you can also make it so that he feels excruciating pain in his body all the time, resulting in his family going broke trying to cure him or smting.


Apr 22, 2024
Are you one of those sadist author to smting, also you can also make it so that he feels excruciating pain in his body all the time, resulting in his family going broke trying to cure him or smting.
The story plan looks sadistic, LOL.
MC experiences mental torture AND physical torture all the time.

I think unr already implemented the excruciating pain part a bit, but it would be interesting and depressing if it were more.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2022
The story plan looks sadistic, LOL.
MC experiences mental torture AND physical torture all the time.

I think unr already implemented the excruciating pain part a bit, but it would be interesting and depressing if it were more.
Wait how about heart demons? Like due to insecurities from both his inability to use magic and inability to protect other resulting in him hearing voices causing him to not be able to fight properly or appear insane.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
But why is he suffering so much? what causes this suffering? what's the origin of this illness? Just because it happened will not sit well with any reader, you have to create a lot of reasons behind their constant torture, it has to be gradual too and just saying "well! he's actually mentally and physically tortured!" wont work, you have to show him going through pain, suffering, and despair through a long and intrincate story, and all of this suffering has to be connected to the overall plot, narrative, and progression to make it be engaging. Because if not, it's going to be a terribly bad story. It feels like you're inspired by other stories with similar "sickly" main characters, but they compensate by making the main character know everything.


Overworked One
Nov 16, 2021

A Guide to Mastering the Art of Torturing Your Main Character with Ungodly Amounts of Power Debuffs​

Ah, the delicious cruelty of writing a character who is not just down on their luck but practically buried under it. Seahorsepink1, you've come to the right place. We’re going to take your already beleaguered MC and turn them into a walking disaster with the kind of misfortunes that make Greek tragedies look like light comedies. Buckle up and prepare to rain down a storm of epic debuffs!

Step 1: Emotional and Psychological Torment​

Let’s start with the mind, the most fragile part of any human. Forget mere physical ailments; true despair comes from within.

  • Crippling Self-Doubt: Your MC constantly second-guesses every decision, leading to catastrophic results. They’re the person who orders salad but regrets not getting the burger, then ends up with food poisoning anyway.
  • Paralyzing Fear: The MC develops an irrational fear of something ubiquitous, like grass or the color blue. Imagine them crossing the academy's verdant grounds like a minefield.
  • Hallucinations: Just for fun, let’s have them see things that aren’t there. Is that a monster in the shadows or just their coat rack? Who cares—cue the panic attack!

Step 2: Social and Interpersonal Disasters​

Nothing says “debuff” like turning friends into foes.

  • Trust Issues: They’ve been backstabbed so many times their shadow is plotting against them. Now they’re as trusting as a conspiracy theorist at a government parade.
  • Inexplicable Hostility: People just don’t like them. Maybe it’s a curse, or perhaps they have a face that screams “punch me.” Either way, they’re about as popular as a skunk at a garden party.
  • Terrible Communication Skills: Every attempt at social interaction ends in misunderstandings, leaving them isolated. “I just wanted to borrow a pen” becomes “I challenged your honor and now we duel at dawn.”

Step 3: Physical Woes Galore​

Why stop at a weak immune system and frail physique? Let’s make every step a potential hazard.

  • Chronic Fatigue: They’re tired all the time. Like, can’t-get-out-of-bed level tired. The kind that makes sloths look hyperactive.
  • Pain Sensitivity: They feel pain more acutely than others. A paper cut? Feels like a sword wound. Stubbed toe? They’re down for the count.
  • Clumsiness: They trip over air. Navigating a flat, empty room without injury is a Herculean task.

Step 4: Financial and Material Ruin​

Money might not buy happiness, but the lack of it sure buys a lot of misery.

  • Poverty: Despite their best efforts, they’re always broke. Maybe they’re cursed to always be just one coin short, or their money mysteriously disappears.
  • Terrible Luck: Their lottery ticket blows away in the wind, only for a bird to poop on their head while they chase it. Murphy’s Law is their life’s motto.
  • Debilitating Debt: They owe everyone money, from shady loan sharks to the academy’s vending machine. Every earned cent goes to paying off interest.

Step 5: Magical and Supernatural Handicaps​

In a world brimming with magic, let’s make sure your MC can barely use it.

  • Magic Allergy: They’re allergic to magic. Every time they try to cast a spell, they break out in hives or start sneezing uncontrollably.
  • Constellation Curses: The stars have aligned to mess with them. Perhaps their constellation demands constant, nearly impossible tasks for a hint of power.
  • Mana Drain: Their mana leaks out like a sieve, leaving them with just enough magic to light a candle, maybe, if the stars are feeling generous.

Step 6: Daily Life Fiascos​

Even mundane tasks should be a nightmare.

  • Unreliable Technology: Every gadget they touch malfunctions spectacularly. Need to send a message? The crystal ball shatters. Trying to cook? The stove explodes.
  • Terrible Cooking Skills: Their culinary attempts are weapons-grade. They can ruin instant noodles. Even their toast is a fire hazard.
  • Awful Hygiene: For no fault of their own, they perpetually smell slightly off. Their soap turns into slime, and their shampoo transforms into tar.
By the time you’re done, your MC will be the poster child for “Life’s a Dumpster Fire.” But hey, what doesn’t kill them makes for a fantastic, if somewhat masochistic, read. Happy writing, and remember: If your character’s not crying, you’re not trying hard enough.


Apr 22, 2024

A Guide to Mastering the Art of Torturing Your Main Character with Ungodly Amounts of Power Debuffs​

Ah, the delicious cruelty of writing a character who is not just down on their luck but practically buried under it. Seahorsepink1, you've come to the right place. We’re going to take your already beleaguered MC and turn them into a walking disaster with the kind of misfortunes that make Greek tragedies look like light comedies. Buckle up and prepare to rain down a storm of epic debuffs!

Step 1: Emotional and Psychological Torment​

Let’s start with the mind, the most fragile part of any human. Forget mere physical ailments; true despair comes from within.

  • Crippling Self-Doubt: Your MC constantly second-guesses every decision, leading to catastrophic results. They’re the person who orders salad but regrets not getting the burger, then ends up with food poisoning anyway.
  • Paralyzing Fear: The MC develops an irrational fear of something ubiquitous, like grass or the color blue. Imagine them crossing the academy's verdant grounds like a minefield.
  • Hallucinations: Just for fun, let’s have them see things that aren’t there. Is that a monster in the shadows or just their coat rack? Who cares—cue the panic attack!

Step 2: Social and Interpersonal Disasters​

Nothing says “debuff” like turning friends into foes.

  • Trust Issues: They’ve been backstabbed so many times their shadow is plotting against them. Now they’re as trusting as a conspiracy theorist at a government parade.
  • Inexplicable Hostility: People just don’t like them. Maybe it’s a curse, or perhaps they have a face that screams “punch me.” Either way, they’re about as popular as a skunk at a garden party.
  • Terrible Communication Skills: Every attempt at social interaction ends in misunderstandings, leaving them isolated. “I just wanted to borrow a pen” becomes “I challenged your honor and now we duel at dawn.”

Step 3: Physical Woes Galore​

Why stop at a weak immune system and frail physique? Let’s make every step a potential hazard.

  • Chronic Fatigue: They’re tired all the time. Like, can’t-get-out-of-bed level tired. The kind that makes sloths look hyperactive.
  • Pain Sensitivity: They feel pain more acutely than others. A paper cut? Feels like a sword wound. Stubbed toe? They’re down for the count.
  • Clumsiness: They trip over air. Navigating a flat, empty room without injury is a Herculean task.

Step 4: Financial and Material Ruin​

Money might not buy happiness, but the lack of it sure buys a lot of misery.

  • Poverty: Despite their best efforts, they’re always broke. Maybe they’re cursed to always be just one coin short, or their money mysteriously disappears.
  • Terrible Luck: Their lottery ticket blows away in the wind, only for a bird to poop on their head while they chase it. Murphy’s Law is their life’s motto.
  • Debilitating Debt: They owe everyone money, from shady loan sharks to the academy’s vending machine. Every earned cent goes to paying off interest.

Step 5: Magical and Supernatural Handicaps​

In a world brimming with magic, let’s make sure your MC can barely use it.

  • Magic Allergy: They’re allergic to magic. Every time they try to cast a spell, they break out in hives or start sneezing uncontrollably.
  • Constellation Curses: The stars have aligned to mess with them. Perhaps their constellation demands constant, nearly impossible tasks for a hint of power.
  • Mana Drain: Their mana leaks out like a sieve, leaving them with just enough magic to light a candle, maybe, if the stars are feeling generous.

Step 6: Daily Life Fiascos​

Even mundane tasks should be a nightmare.

  • Unreliable Technology: Every gadget they touch malfunctions spectacularly. Need to send a message? The crystal ball shatters. Trying to cook? The stove explodes.
  • Terrible Cooking Skills: Their culinary attempts are weapons-grade. They can ruin instant noodles. Even their toast is a fire hazard.
  • Awful Hygiene: For no fault of their own, they perpetually smell slightly off. Their soap turns into slime, and their shampoo transforms into tar.
By the time you’re done, your MC will be the poster child for “Life’s a Dumpster Fire.” But hey, what doesn’t kill them makes for a fantastic, if somewhat masochistic, read. Happy writing, and remember: If your character’s not crying, you’re not trying hard enough.
Funny thing is, more than half of these are included in the plan. We just need to add more.


Overworked One
Nov 16, 2021
Funny thing is, more than half of these are included in the plan. We just need to add more.

Advanced Techniques for Torturing Your Main Character: The Ultimate Guide to Even More Debuffs​

Well, Seahorsepink1, you’re clearly a connoisseur of character suffering. If half of those delightful debuffs are already in your plan, it’s time to turn the sadism dial up to eleven. Here’s an advanced guide to adding even more layers of misery to your MC. Prepare for a debuff extravaganza that will leave your readers gasping in horrified delight.

Step 7: Existential and Philosophical Dread​

Let’s dive deep into the soul-crushing abyss of existential dread.

  • Identity Crisis: Your MC starts doubting their very existence. Are they even real, or just a figment of someone else’s imagination? Spoiler: It’s worse if they find out they are.
  • Loss of Purpose: Every goal they achieve feels hollow, leaving them adrift in a sea of meaningless success. Achieving their dreams only to find out those dreams suck is the cherry on this existential sundae.
  • Moral Quandaries: Every decision they make has a morally ambiguous consequence. Save the puppy? The orphanage burns down. Win-win scenarios are for lesser tales.

Step 8: Physical Transformation Nightmares​

Let’s play Frankenstein and mess with their physical form.

  • Uncontrollable Transformation: Randomly change into a hideous creature with no control over when or where it happens. Nothing says “awkward” like sprouting tentacles during a first date.
  • Aging Backwards: They’re Benjamin Button-ing it, rapidly regressing in age. Being a 5-year-old with an adult’s mind sounds fun until you can’t reach the cookie jar—or the doorknob.
  • Body Part Betrayal: Occasionally, their limbs act of their own accord, like Dr. Strangelove’s hand but worse. Imagine their arm punching their crush in the face out of nowhere.

Step 9: Cognitive and Perceptual Disasters​

Why should their senses escape the torment? Let's mess with how they perceive reality.

  • Selective Memory Loss: They can never remember crucial details like people’s names, faces, or the plot of their own story. Déjà vu becomes a daily nightmare.
  • Sensory Overload: All senses are dialed up to eleven. Light is blinding, sounds are deafening, and don’t even get them started on the horrors of taste and touch.
  • False Memories: Implant memories that never happened, creating paranoia and confusion. Did they really fight that dragon last Tuesday or just dream it?

Step 10: Environmental Hostility​

The world itself seems to have a personal vendetta against them.

  • Hostile Weather: They’re followed by a personal storm cloud, ensuring it’s always raining, snowing, or hailing on them, regardless of the actual weather.
  • Cursed Locations: Certain places physically repel them. Entering the academy library might as well be trying to walk through a brick wall.
  • Nature’s Fury: Animals and plants act aggressively towards them. Birds dive-bomb them, squirrels pelt them with nuts, and flowers sprout thorns in their presence.

Step 11: Time and Space Oddities​

Reality’s fabric itself should conspire against them.

  • Time Loops: Stuck in a time loop, forced to relive the same terrible day over and over. Maybe they even remember every single repetition, adding layers of mental anguish.
  • Spatial Distortion: Rooms and places randomly change layout, trapping them in an endless maze. The bathroom door could now lead to the dungeon’s deepest pit.
  • Dimensional Shifts: They occasionally slip into alternate dimensions where everything is just slightly off. Enjoying your soup? Surprise, in this dimension it’s a bowl of sentient worms.

Step 12: Cosmic and Supernatural Vengeance​

For the grand finale, let’s invoke some higher powers to torment them.

  • Divine Mockery: The gods take a personal interest in toying with them, sending omens and visions that lead to more suffering. Their prayers are answered, but always in the most ironic and unhelpful ways.
  • Cursed Relics: Every magical item they acquire comes with a crippling curse. That legendary sword? Cursed to make their hand burn. That invisibility cloak? It only works when they’re already unseen.
  • Soul Fragmentation: Their soul is split into pieces, each piece trapped in a different realm or object. They must retrieve each fragment to become whole, but each piece brings a new curse.
There you have it: a comprehensive, advanced guide to thoroughly and irrevocably ruining your main character’s life. Just remember, the more they suffer, the more your readers will be glued to the pages, eagerly awaiting their (hopefully brief) moments of respite. Happy writing, and may your MC’s misery know no bounds!


Apr 22, 2024
But why is he suffering so much? what causes this suffering? what's the origin of this illness? Just because it happened will not sit well with any reader, you have to create a lot of reasons behind their constant torture, it has to be gradual too and just saying "well! he's actually mentally and physically tortured!" wont work, you have to show him going through pain, suffering, and despair through a long and intrincate story, and all of this suffering has to be connected to the overall plot, narrative, and progression to make it be engaging. Because if not, it's going to be a terribly bad story. It feels like you're inspired by other stories with similar "sickly" main characters, but they compensate by making the main character know everything.
of course there's a proper plot for illness. (its a mysterious illness btw, so it's only slowly being uncovered.) and of course, we've hinted whhere his debuffs are coming from.


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
There's always the option of emotional torture plus (inevitable) betrayal by the person MC got tortured for, already established ailments or conditions worsening or mutating, (even) more abusive characters, adding more sicknesses/curses maybe even a few that look like they might be helpful while being anything but, or the classical asshole antagonists that make a sport out of torturing MC and/or everyone around them