What's your Magic Systems


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
My OCD is popping with no Humanly Edict.

And no, Random Bullshit Go! is not the third Edict. No it is not, I missed Spirit Edict.

So Power Word, Scribbles and Casting from HP.
The Humanly Edict does exist, its used by the MC.

Eldritch Magic isn't an Edict, its power exclusive to the each individual Edlritch God. Or you can simply call it Authority, like our Sun have the Authority over all lower life form in the universe.


Share your fun!
Jul 23, 2022
I don't have a magic system I'm actively writing (though I have made them before), but I do have something that can make this way easier for you. Use this to figure out what type of magic system you want to make and build around these basic things. This can serve as an actual foundation for you.



This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
The Humanly Edict does exist, its used by the MC.

Eldritch Magic isn't an Edict, its power exclusive to the each individual Edlritch God. Or you can simply call it Authority, like our Sun have the Authority over all lower life form in the universe.
I skipped Random Bullshit Go.

Casting from HP is Spirit Edict.

So four stuff.

1. Power Word.
2. Scribbles.
3. Casting from HP

Last but definitely the least,
4. Random Bullshit Go.


Da_Villainess™ (¬‿¬)ψ
Sep 6, 2022
I'm having trouble creating a magic system and the logic behind it, as a result, I was curious about what other people did to create and flesh out their magic system.
Maths is maths, and magic is magic. No need to be overly complicated about it.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
My worldbuilding logic is pretty simple... I don't build more than what I need, and I don't tell readers more than what they need to know.

Magic is a part of the worldbuilding and follows this same logic. I don't overthink it and am just fairly straightforward.

I just make it so that magic requires mana and some natural talent to be pulled off. Bigger and more complex spells require more mana and... That's my basis.

I also usually go with mana regenerates with time and make it so that some spells are impossible to exist (like revival) because it tends to lead to more interesting storytelling if magic can't solve all problems.

Anything else can be defined on a whim whenever I feel like I need more details for a given scene... At those moments, remember to note down the new detail and to not break this detail further down the line.

Your system can be as whimsical as you want, but remember to make it consistent within your whims.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
@Jemini It's your time to shine.

I don't think my magic system is a very suitable example for this. It's nested, inter-connected, and one of those things that can be described as "complex in it's simplicity." It would just be disheartening to newbie writers.

Well, I guess I can best sum it up by saying that I added a 2nd element to the casting of magic from what the majority does. Mana exists in my world, mana is like a fuel source that powers spells. But, there's also another ethereal energy called spirit energy. Spirit energy is an energy that is highly responsive to thought and will, and it's the basic building block structure of the rules that govern magic. However, this also means that the rules are malleable and can be changed by the shared beliefs and wills of the people of a particular world.

I have used this base system to craft several subordinate magic systems that exist within the same world, since the core aspect of the magic system is pretty much designed to spawn off other magic systems.

By the way, mana in my world is produced by the life activities of creatures known as Fae (elves, fairies, and all sorts of other such creatures.) The definition of "Fae" in my world is any creature that is created as a result of pure spirit energy. In other words, creatures that were dreamed up by other creatures living in the world. Spirit energy is effective enough that it can actually create an entire race just from other creatures imagining it. Then, the existence of fae creates mana, which when combined back with spirit energy can produce a very wide variety of magic spells.

(Also, voice incantations are not strictly necessary for spell casting. Rather, what you need is something to focus your spirit energy (AKA thoughts and will) on a particular outcome, and vocal incantations are a very effective and reliable method for doing exactly that.)

I also view both mana and spirit energy as flowing through the universe in a manner resembling the water cycle, which produces several chaotic outcomes and interactions. This is where what I said about my magic system being deeply complex comes from. Simply giving the magic system the ability to adapt to thought, and also to act like a natural force of nature when not controlled by thought, means that's already 2 different ways it can become INCREDIBLY complex. I've not even started going into the rules of any single one of the sub-systems that this master system has spawned off, because each and every one of those also have their own rules.
Aug 11, 2023
Magic comes from a Gemstone that is bestowed upon you when you visit a sacred spring/well. Some people don't get one at all. Everyone can do basic magic as everyone is born with their Soul Gemstone but to do advanced or specialized magic, you had to have received a Gemstone from the well.

It's sort of like a gift from the world or the gods, in a way.

Magic is cast silently.


New member
Aug 7, 2023
I'm having trouble creating a magic system and the logic behind it, as a result, I was curious about what other people did to create and flesh out their magic system.
Magic systems, huh...

I'm a new author on SH so I basically don't know the trend. But I write Progression Fantasy. Magic in my world building will come in phases so to speak. It is quite simple actually. My universe calls what you might call 'mana' in yours, 'essence' - the energy that permeates the world. As simple as that.

Essence comes in different elemental attributes. There's air, water, fire, earth, wood, metal, and pure (I added this one to make it more fantasy-esque). In other words, essence is the building block of the material plane. But that's not all. There's also the forces: light, darkness, sword force (also added this one to make it more fantasy-esque), and lightning. There are more, but these are the known ones so far.

If essence is the building block of the material plane, then the forces are universal principles. Hence, the term 'force'. These have to be absorbed by a 'sacred artist' (I know. It gives Cradle vibes, but it was so unique and I loved it...so I used it). So, the essence and forces have to be absorbed by a sacred...urgh (I know). When it's absorbed, the sacred artist then learns to wield it, to channel it. There isn't much complication beyond just imagination and willpower.

However, sacred artists from noble homes have sacred cycling t...okay, I'm saying too much. But you get the picture, right?

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Active member
Nov 5, 2020
I'll throw my hat into the ring too. So I'm not an accomplished author or anything, but I do have a story in the works that has a magic system, so I'll give you the cliff-notes for it.

There are many races in the world, and each race has a power unique to them that could be called magic, and is by some, but only one race has what most of us would envision as magic; Humanity. The description of humanity's power could be summarized as "weak and systematized reality bending." Only one in one hundred humans are born with a power strong enough to be useful, and they are quickly found and inducted into the Order of Spellweavers, where they are trained to use their power and put to work furthering humanity's interests.

Spellweavers alter the tapestry of reality to bring about the effects of their spells. They accomplish this through the use of items embedded with special patterns that guide their energies through specific patterns. These items can be virtually anything, a talisman, a marble, a tattoo, really any item that can be worked to hold the necessary patterns. Each have their pros and cons, which I'll skip for now. Technically they can use their power without a guide, but the results are completely unpredictable and usually endanger everyone around them as well as themselves.

The patterns used in the items follow a few specific rules, which can be easily compared to computer programs. Element + Form +manipulation component + effect. There are a few other options they can use, but you should be able to get the gist. The usual elements are taken from the classical four (fire, water, air, earth), with a few "related" elements as well as "combined" elements. Really almost any aspect of reality could be made into an element, so it's not too strict.

Examples of other race's powers include: Were-kind's limited shapeshifting, Vampirism's imperfect temporal stasis, and Dwarves' inherent mineral manipulation. There are other races as well, but I'll leave a few surprises for if I ever get far enough to publish.
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