Would a high fantasy magic world have similar capabilities to modern tech?


Futanari Enjoyer
Apr 30, 2021
Considering that Technology means "tools and machines that may be used to solve problems" then yes.
If you have people living longer than 100 years, then even yesser. If there are monsters in the world, then the yes becomes absolute.

Magic is, after all, a tool the characters use. In their world, it'd be natural and it would belong inside nature by all definitions of the word. Nothing can exist outside of nature. The unnatural simply does not exist. What can't be, simply will not. Period.

In-world, magic itself is not fantastic. We don't see the internet as fantastic. It's another tool we use for a bunch of stuff. Magic itself is technology optimized to kill. The fact a fire spell exists in your world tells the reader that magical development took place at some point. Instead of using a gun to delived kinetic energy and kill someone, a mage will shoot an arcane ball or something like that. Some technologies won't come up because for example they tame dragons or wyverns, so planes will never become a thing. Magic also implies lack of pollution and a bunch of other stuff that you can subvert and make poisonous for some reason you can think up if you want.

So yes, a high fantasy world should be advanced in this aspect, especially if civilization is older than 2000 years. The medieval period is a flawed base for fantasy for a tonne of reasons, and it's handwaved pretty badly in most fiction.