New profile posts

Oh poop, views are pretty low. Pretty sure this could mean that the majority of my audience are in school, college or grad maybe?

Ooo! Gunna share my story and add any chapter updates on the Latest Chapter Discussion soon!
That is all. Cookie? :blob_cookie:
:blob_teary: I need just another reader to add my stories for a round number. Can someone here help? :blob_aww:
Do vampires have dentists?
Chubby duck. Fluffy duck. Angy duck. Tasty duck. Smoked duck. Dead duck. Anticlimactic duck. Flatearther duck. Blind duck. Waterphobic duck. Dunkin duck. Duck duck. Flucking duck. Bratty duck.
Do you ever dream of work or school than wake up and have to do it again.
Can you do a backflip while flying on your broom?